Today’s Campaign Update, Part II
(Because The Campaign Never Ends)

Don’t count on hearing from Hunter Biden or the fake whistleblower, folks. – Adam Schiff, in his closing arguments Friday night, pounded the final nail into the coffin on the question of whether any witnesses will ultimately be called in this national disgrace of a Senate trial against President Donald Trump.

In the  midst of repeating himself for about the 256th time over the past three days, ol’ Bugeyes made the mistake of tossing in something new, referring to a completely false CBS News report, citing only a “Trump confidant” – which could mean the Mooch – alleging that GOP senators were warned “Vote against the president and your head will be on a pike.” Many witnesses present in the Senate chamber said that audible gasps could be heard throughout the room, including from some of Pencil Neck’s own House colleagues:

More to the point, Schiff’s reference to an obvious piece of despicable fake news pissed off some of the key GOP RINOs he had supposedly been trying to influence to vote in favor of calling witnesses during this trial, including Lisa Murkowski…:

…and Susan Collins:

Now, Collins and Murkowski are perpetually malleable as they tirelessly do their best to remain “open-minded” to siding with Democrats on an array of issues, but Schiff just handed them an ironclad reason to hold firm with their own Party for once. Now, when they go home to face their constituents and are asked why they voted not to call witnesses, they can simply recite Pencil Neck’s outright lying and utter lack of good faith as their justification.

Of course, the reality is that the Democrats in the Senate have been bluffing about calling witnesses all along. Doing so would prolong this disgrace for many weeks, given that any subpoenas would inevitably be challenged in federal court, and nobody wants that, not even Chuck Schumer’s imaginary, chair-stealing friend.

The senators involved in the presidential primaries – The Commie, Lieawatha, Amy Klobuchar and some guy from Colorado named Bennett – most certainly don’t want to spend several months tied up in the Senate chamber in what they all know to be a sham impeachment trial. So there was never really going to be any “deal” on calling witnesses to begin with, something Schumer basically admitted in a rare moment of candor on Thursday.

For Schumer and his Democrat senate caucus, this sham trial has been far more about establishing narratives for the Fall general election campaigns against vulnerable GOP senators than it has been about actually winning any votes or calling any witnesses. That has been clear from the start.

Given all of this, here’s the timetable we should anticipate as this impeachment scam winds down:

  • Starting today, the Trump defense team will present a very detailed rebuttal case;
  • That rebuttal case will not consume the defense’s entire 24 hours of floor time – expect Trump’s team to wrap up either Monday evening or early afternoon on Tuesday, much to the relief of the exhausted senators;
  • The defense will file a motion to dismiss immediately following its closing arguments;
  • The Democrat House Managers will file an alternative motion to call additional witnesses;
  • At least 52 GOP senators, and possibly all 53 of them, will vote to dismiss without calling any witnesses. Democrats Doug Jones of Alabama and/or Joe Manchin of West Virginia will likely join them;

The entire disgusting and disgraceful process will be blessedly over by COB on Thursday.

And then the Democrats – with the full support of the nation’s corrupt news media – will move onto the next scam in their never-ending coup d’etat.

They will never stop, until the voters stop them.

That is all.