What that CNN clip of Don Lemon, Rick Wilson, and Wajahat Ali tells us about the election ahead

By now, nearly every citizen near a television or computer has seen the clip of Don Lemon, Rick Wilson, and Wajahat Ali mocking and degrading Trump and his supporters in a particularly poisonous way.  Andrea Widburg today points out what a gift this is to the Trump campaign, and the GOP has already released an ad using it.

Don Lemon is actually the stupidest man on television, as Mark Levin often remarks, so no one expects anything other than rank infantile behavior from him. He is a child in an adult body and fortunately has no children.

Rick Wilson bills himself as a Republican strategist, but he has long been a vicious anti-Trump hysteric. He is no Republican; if he were, he would embrace President Trump, who has implemented more conservative policies than Reagan did in his first three years. Like all the other NeverTrumps, he hates this president more than he believes in his own previously held conservative principles.

Thanks to President Donald Trump, we now all know who the phony conservatives were and are. Their objections to Trump are to him personally, the fact that he is not one of them. This club of self-appointed super-elite elites simply cannot abide a clever fox in their henhouse. They are a pathetic bunch of whiners, but not all of them are as cluelessly vicious as Rick Wilson. He’s a really big player; his most recent job was working for Evan McMullin’s presidential campaign. The most distressing thing, if you read his bio, is that he has adult kids! And we wonder how and why so many young people are so venomous and spiteful. Perhaps it is not just social media. Perhaps they are learning it at their parents’ knees……………

What we saw on that CNN clip of Lemon and Wilson isn’t shocking; the underlying attitudes are the norm on that network, as they are on MSNBC as well.  The big three networks are very nearly on the same page.  George Stephanopoulos, formerly of the Clinton War Room, couldn’t bear to allow Jay Sekulow to answer questions for reporters after the day’s impeachment trial in the Senate last Friday and ordered the video feed cut.  SNL and all of the late-night comics are even more brutal toward the president and his supporters.

This is who the Left is today: cruel, vicious, disrespectful of any opinions that differ from its own.  And because those are the only outlets the Left sees, leftists think this brand of personal attacks is not only acceptable, but necessary, their coin of the realm…………………