She’s Completely Lost It: Now Pelosi Is Claiming ‘There Was No Acquittal’

I think her doctors need to reevaluate her Alzheimers medication as it seems to have stopped working.

If you were wondering how Nancy Pelosi has been handling the events of the past few months, it’s safe to say she’s not taking it well. She’s been keeping a low profile after making a spectacle of herself at the 2020 State of the Union address, but over the weekend she gave an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that must be seen to be believed. If reality won’t do what Nancy wants, she’ll just deny it’s happening to her.

She thought the footage you’re about to see was so important that she shared it herself. After babbling for a bit to Amanpour about why she tore up Trump’s speech at the SOTU, Nancy got even crazier:

Denial is the first stage of grief, and Nancy has been stuck there for over three years. Despite all her sputtering, Trump was indeed acquitted. She doesn’t have to like it, she doesn’t have to think it’s fair, but it happened. She has no control over the United States Senate, and they don’t answer to her. They voted. It’s over. The End.

As for Trump being “impeached forever,” so is Bill Clinton. If Trump isn’t vindicated, neither is Slick Willie. And if the Dems had their way, Bill would be back in the White House right now!

I don’t see how blatantly lying about Trump’s impeachment is going to help the Dems in November, but then, I never understood why they impeached him in the first place. Is there anybody who voted for him in 2016 who isn’t going to vote for him now that he’s been impeached? Is there anybody who didn’t vote for him in 2016 who would vote for him whether he was impeached or not? What did any of this accomplish? How did all this wasted time and money help anybody? What was the point?