Gun Control Spokesman Insults New Gun Owners

David Chipman was once a respected special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. That was before he decided to peddle gun control.

Now, he’s reduced to name calling and holding his breath until he turns blue. It’s all because America’s ignoring his Chicken Little “the sky is falling” admonitions of those who dare to not believe the gun control ideas he’s selling.

Sorry, Mr. Chipman. During the past month hundreds of thousands of Americans went from indifferently listening to the gun control agenda to buying guns – to the tune of at least 2.3 million of them last month. Still, that doesn’t excuse his insults, slurs and mudslinging. The spate in gun purchases pulled back the veil and revealed gun control zealots for who they really are. They aren’t for gun safety. They’re not for the “common-sense” laws they crowed about to adoring and accommodating media. They are really about denying law-abiding Americans their fundamental civil liberties. They don’t want Americans to provide for their own safety, but would rather they live on the spoon-fed, fear-filled lies doled out by gun control groups in measured proportions, just enough to keep people kowtowed and doubting their own abilities to exercise safe and responsible firearms ownership.

Chipman, who is a Senior Policy Advisor for Giffords: Courage to Fight Gun Violence, is spending more time than ever not fighting gun violence, but gun ownership. When the surge started in gun sales at the outset of the COVD-19 health crisis, Chipman dismissed the buyers as fearful and preparing “for end times scenarios and zombie apocalypses.”

Guns For Me. Thee? Nah.

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