Declassified Susan Rice Email Proves Joe Biden Not Only Knew — But Aided in Plotting Against Flynn

(TCP News) The [pdf copy] >Susan Rice email < [pdf copy] is simply more conformation of what is already known – the Obama Administration targeted General Flynn.

  1. Barack Obama knew about, and participated in the targeting of General Michael Flynn.
  2. Joe Biden lied – he not only did have knowledge of the Flynn affair, he actively participated in it.

While the liberal Left is quick to dismiss this as just another “nothingburger,” it is anything but.

As noted, Obama and Biden both knew about and participated in this sham operation against General Flynn.  Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he knew nothing about Michael Flynn.  Sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton who knew nothing about 33,000 missing emails.

In a recent interview, Biden stated: “I knew nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn…,” then Biden stammers and backtracks saying he did know that there was an investigation.  But don’t take my word for it, watch and listen:
