I agree, there are certain people that should not own firearms. My problem is with who decides who gets the power to decide who those people are. Pratt’s thought about no restrictions on what type of firearm is the same as mine. People should be held responsible for what they do not for what they own.

Quote O’ The Day

If Guns Are a Public Health Issue then liking guns is mental illness.

That’s the endgame. It’s obvious in the terminology. There can be no such thing as “gun violence,” because an inanimate object cannot be violent. It can be used in a violent manner but it cannot be violent in and of itself. Admit the use of the term and the discussion is lost.

Any restriction on firearm ownership that is based on the firearm and not the owner is unsupportable. I will grant that certain people should not be allowed to own firearms. I will not grant that those who may own them should be restricted in any way from owning whatever firearm they are inclined to own.—-Douglas Pratt