Running Scared

I have a number of things to attend to but I do have something to “tide you over.” The collection of links below presents a convincing picture of Left-wing panic and the reasons for it:

Well-verified evidence that the elections in six states were corrupted by fake ballots, multiple-counting of votes, deliberate invalidation of votes for President Trump, and votes by non-citizens will present the Usurper Regime with a serious problem: It will have lost all pretense to a “right to govern.” However, it will also present Us the Patriots of America with an equally serious problem: What can we do about it?

It has already been noted that once a president has been inaugurated, there is only one non-electoral method for removing him from office: impeachment by the House of Representatives, followed by conviction by a two-thirds majority of the Senate. That remedy is unlikely to be applied. What, then, must we do?

I shall refrain from making any “insurrectionary” suggestions. But would such a suggestion really come as a surprise, Gentle Reader?