Yeah, this is going to work out for the good. /sarc

Philadelphia Police Alter Low-Level Arrest Policies During Coronavirus Crisis

Philadelphia police will make significant modifications to the department’s protocol involving arrests, following guidance to mitigate the risk of spreading the coronavirus, officials announced on Tuesday.

Effective Tuesday, arrests for most non-violent offenses will only be made pursuant to an arrest warrant that will be served at a later date.

“This means that a person, who would ordinarily be arrested and processed at a detective division, will now be temporarily detained for the purpose of confirming identity, as well as completion of required paperwork,” police said in a statement. “At a later date, that person will be arrested pursuant to an arrest warrant.”……

If a police officer believes releasing an individual would pose a threat to public safety, the officer will notify a supervisor to review the circumstances and make an appropriate determination.

An internal memo from police commissioner Danielle Outlaw specifies that crimes including narcotics activity, theft, burglary, prostitution, stolen automobiles, vandalism and certain economic crimes will not necessarily result in detention, according to WHYY.

The department also will temporarily stop enforcing bench warrants to those who fail to show up to court, according to the memo.

DOJ abruptly drops once-heralded prosecution of Russian troll farm initiated by Mueller

{“The Democrats were bigger meddlers in the 2016 election than the Russians were.
The DNC and Hillary Clinton tampered with a Presidential election when the debate questions were provided to Hillary in advance of the National Presidential Debate, by CNN employee and former chair of the DNC, Donna Brazile. Trump still won the debate.

Conspiring to produce a hoax dossier with the deliberate intention of smearing Donald Trump by linking him with Russia to imply collusion.

The Obama administration used the Secret Service to arrange a meeting between former President Bill Clinton (his plane) and AG Loretta Lynch (her plane) on a isolated part of the tarmac at the airport in Phoenix, Arizona.
Just nine days later, after a year-long investigation, FBI Director James Comey suddenly announced that Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would not be facing any charges for illegally sending classified information over an illegal and unauthorized server.

The DNC was caught red-handed running a smear campaign against Bernie Sanders, and withheld badly needed campaign funding for Sanders campaign. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was force to resign in shame.”}

In a striking and unexpected abandonment of a once-heralded prosecution initiated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Justice Department moved Monday to drop charges against two Russian companies that were accused of funding a social media meme campaign to further their “strategic goal to sow discord in the U.S. political system, including the 2016 presidential election.”

Late Monday, with jury selection in the case set to begin in just two weeks, a federal judge granted the DOJ’s motion to kill the prosecution. The government acknowledged the Russian companies were never likely to actually face punishment anyway and cited possible national security risks with going forward to trial.

Concord Management and Consulting LLC and Concord Catering were among three companies and 13 individuals charged in February 2018 by Mueller. Their alleged criminal effort included social media postings and campaigns aimed at dividing American public opinion and sowing discord in the electorate, officials said, although no actual impact on voters was ever proven.

Of the 13 Russians and three Russian companies charged by Mueller in the social media disinformation effort, Concord was the sole defendant to enter an appearance in Washington’s federal court and contest and the allegations. Mueller’s 37-page indictment said the actions detailed by prosecutors dated back to 2014. (Mueller later brought separate charges against other entities related to a hack of Democrats’ emails in the summer of 2018.)


President Trump noted that no Russian collusion with his campaign was ever proven, and Republicans and even left-of-center commenators argued that Russian disinformation was mostly irrelevant, given that social media and other platforms are already rife with inaccuracies.

“Before a pandemic, there was a time when we were relentlessly told to fear Russian social media accounts,” mused journalist Aaron Mate on Monday. “Their juvenile memes not only elected Trump, but also ‘sowed chaos.’ When Mueller indicted 13 Russians over it, he was hailed as a hero. Well, DOJ just dropped the case.”

Did the Federal Reserve Just Purposely Try to Crash the Stock Market?

Unless the Federal Reserve is purposely attempting to spread panic on Wall Street, the decisions that the Fed just made don’t make any sense at all. Back on March 3rd, the Federal Reserve announced an unscheduled emergency interest rate cut for the very first time since 2008. Wall Street immediately interpreted that as a “panic move” and the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the session down 785 points. So Fed officials had to know what was going to happen once they announced an even bigger unscheduled emergency interest rate cut on Sunday. Predictably, stock futures hit “limit down” very rapidly, and now investors are bracing for a week of tremendous carnage.

But this didn’t have to happen. Yes, we witnessed three of the worst trading days in U.S. stock market history last week, but on Friday the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 1,985 points. It was an absolutely epic rally, and if the Fed had not caused so much panic there may have been a good chance that the rally could have continued into next week.

In other words, U.S. stocks just had one of their best days ever, and there didn’t appear to be a need for any “emergency intervention” by the Fed.

If the Federal Reserve had just waited a couple of days until their normally monthly meeting, and if the Fed had just cut rates a quarter point, that would have likely been greeted by the markets with warm enthusiasm.

But instead, Fed officials decided to load up their bazooka and go for broke on Sunday. In addition to using up all of their “interest rate ammunition” in one epic volley, the Fed also officially restarted quantitative easing…

The Federal Reserve, saying “the coronavirus outbreak has harmed communities and disrupted economic activity in many countries, including the United States,” cut interest rates to essentially zero on Sunday and launched a massive $700 billion quantitative easing program to shelter the economy from the effects of the virus.

The new fed funds rate, used as a benchmark both for short-term lending for financial institutions and as a peg to many consume rates, will now be targeted at 0%-0.25% down from a target range of 1% to 1.25%.

These moves have “panic” written all over them, and investors immediately responded accordingly…


I’ll take ‘Because they have crap-for-brains’ for $500, Alex

Who can forget the wonderful moment on MSNBC when Brian Williams and a guest from the New York Times Editorial Board assured us that Michael Bloomberg’s $500 million campaign spending worked out to $1 million for each one of the 327 million people in the United States?

That was mind-numbingly stupid, but Bernie Sanders’ press secretary has equaled it, curiously with another 500 million mistake:

There are not 500 million Americans, let alone 500 million who go bankrupt each year, let alone 500 million who go bankrupt on account of medical expenses. It is hard to understand where Ms. Gray got her 500 million figure. The actual number of personal bankruptcies in the U.S., from any and all causes, is around 750,000 annually, so she was off by a factor of about 667 times.

What is concerning is that these liberals don’t just make math errors, they apparently have no idea of basic information like how many people live in the United States, and no common sense guide as to whether everyone in the country just went bankrupt on account of medical debts, or whether Michael Bloomberg could have spent an amount equal to 17 times the entire U.S. GDP, which is what it would take to give each American $1 million, on his presidential campaign.

The thought of these people actually wielding executive power is frightening.

De Blasio: Coronavirus ‘Is a Case for’ ‘Nationalization of Crucial Factories and Industries’

Leave it to the commie loving mayor to promote commie nationalization.

On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) stated that the coronavirus outbreak is a case for “a nationalization of crucial factories and industries that could produce the medical supplies to prepare this country for what we need.”……..

He added, “There should be a national approach to ensuring max — every factory that can make hand sanitizer should be on 24/7 shifts and the distribution should be go[ing] to the places that need it most.”


China is In Denial About Coronavirus—Here’s What You Should Know.

Before MSNBC personalities were calling it “racist” and “astoundingly gross” to note the origin of the new coronavirus, NBC News reported in January on what it called the “Wuhan coronavirus.”

In recent days, the Chinese government has sought to cast doubt on whether the virus in fact originated in the city of Wuhan after initially acknowledging that the disease emerged from Wuhan, known as “South China Seafood City.” ………..

1. What Chinese Officials Have Said in Denial

“Some in the media say this coronavirus is a China virus. This is extremely irresponsible and we firmly oppose that,” Zhao Lijian, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said March 4. “We are still tracing the origin of the virus and there is no conclusion yet.”

More than just dodging responsibility, the Chinese government reportedly has pushed propaganda that the United States started the virus.

The Washington Post reported last week that China’s communist government was promoting conspiracy theories online about U.S. involvement.

“In recent days, run-of-the-mill mockery of the White House has taken a darker turn as the Chinese internet became inundated by the theory, subtly stoked by the Chinese government, that the coronavirus originated in the United States,” the newspaper said. “The U.S. government, one version of the theory goes, has been covering up mounting cases, and perhaps thousands of deaths, by classifying them as regular flu.”

There have been false internet rumors in the United States about China as well, but there is a clear difference, said Dean Cheng, senior research fellow for Asian studies at The Heritage Foundation.

“The problem here is that this seems to be echoes of Soviet information warfare,” Cheng told The Daily Signal. “America has a free press, from CNN to Alex Jones, The New York Times, and the National Enquirer. China’s press is state run. So these rumors are not random charges.”

The goal of the Chinese government is to define the virus as being as distant from government leaders and the Communist Party as possible, Cheng said.

Biden Virtual Town Hall: The Confused Ramblings of a Perpetually Confused Candidate.
Biden on what he’ll do about coronavirus if he wins: “But even I can’t do that for another two year, another year, between now and November. Or actually January.”

Joe Biden held a virtual town hall on the coronavirus, presumably to show that he is better equipped than President Trump to address a pandemic crisis. It didn’t go well.

In fact, it was an unmitigated disaster. A real one, not the TDS-fueled media rendition of doomsday fear-mongering that passes for coverage of the Trump administration’s coronavirus response.


Bernie Bros Warn of ‘Massive Exodus’ If Democrats Nominate Joe Biden

The circular firing squad never fails to amuse.

The Bernie Bros are vowing revenge.

As the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to crash and burn, the socialist’s most hard-core supporters are vowing they will never vote for Joe Biden at the ballot box — even if that means handing Trump a second term.

“We will never — NEVER boost or support Joe Biden or defend his abysmal record and terrible policy positions,” Henry Williams, executive director of The Gravel Institute, told The Post. “We will tell people, as we always have, to vote their conscience and to make decisions based on the interests of all the world’s oppressed people… I do expect a massive exodus from the Democratic Party.”

Democrats Bash Trump for Not Declaring Himself a Dictator

This idjit is in the same crap-for-brains party that for the past 3 years has been running around with their hair on fire, screaming ‘Trump is going to declare hisself God Emperor and Dictator for Life’, right?
This hypocrisy and lack of self awareness again indicates these are adult bodies containing the minds of 12 year old juveniles.

If you had “Democrats trash Trump for not being a dictator” on your 2020 bingo card, mark it now.

As the Wuhan virus pandemic continues, state and local government are taking actions within their communities. We are seeing school closures, large gatherings being banned, and even some full-scale quarantine zones. All of this is happening to try to slow the spread of the disease, which is still largely a mystery in regards to just how deadly it is in a country like the United States.

You’d think all of that happening would be praise worthy, as elected officials are use the proper channels to serve their citizens, but nah. Democrats are now bashing Trump for not declaring himself a dictator.

…..Man, we went from “Trump is a fascist dictator” to “Trump is bad for not being a dictator” in record time.

The fact is, the President doesn’t have the authority to tell local cities they have to ban gatherings. To even attempt to do so would set an incredibly dangerous precedent, with the executive essentially having the power to ban public congregation, one of the fundamental rights protected by the Constitution. Federalism does not cease to exist because a bunch of people want to panic over a virus. In fact, federalism continues to be the best way to manage all this. Local officials making decisions tailored to their constituents is far more efficient than some top down decree from the federal bureaucracy

Biden’s Coronavirus Advisor Told the Elderly to Avoid Flu Shots, Vaccines

Ezekiel Emanuel is Rahm Emanual’s older brother. So he wants to check out when he’s 75? That’s okay by me.

Former Vice President Joe Biden — the presumptive Democratic nominee — may not openly support full-on socialized medicine, but his choice of advisors on a new Public Health Advisory Committee is very suspicious. Biden announced the committee as part of his plan to fight the coronavirus, but one of his advisors, Ezekiel Emanuel, published an op-ed in The Atlantic saying he wants to die at age 75 because life simply isn’t worth living after that point. The op-ed isn’t just personal, either — it attempts to convince the reader that death may be preferable to living in advanced age.

In fact, Emanuel’s op-ed goes on to advise the elderly to refuse life-saving medical care — the exact kind of care needed to combat the coronavirus. Given the fact that the coronavirus poses the greatest risk for the elderly, Biden’s choice of Emanuel is troubling — if not downright terrifying.

“Here is a simple truth that many of us seem to resist: living too long is also a loss,” Emanuel writes. “It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining, a state that may not be worse than death but is nonetheless deprived. It robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work, society, the world. It transforms how people experience us, relate to us, and, most important, remember us. We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic.”…

Yes, Biden’s coronavirus advisor encouraged people over 75 to avoid flu shots. Joe Biden himself is 77. Yet Emanuel’s advocacy against basic health treatments extends further.

A big challenge is antibiotics for pneumonia or skin and urinary infections. Antibiotics are cheap and largely effective in curing infections. It is really hard for us to say no. Indeed, even people who are sure they don’t want life-extending treatments find it hard to refuse antibiotics. But, as Osler reminds us, unlike the decays associated with chronic conditions, death from these infections is quick and relatively painless. So, no to antibiotics.

In another passage, Emanuel says he wants “no life-sustaining interventions” for himself. “I will die when whatever comes first takes me.”

Why advocate against flu shots, vaccines, antibiotics, and life-sustaining interventions?

You see, Ezekiel Emanuel is not a random doctor. He served as a top health care advisor to President Obama and was a central figure in the push for Obamacare. It is quite likely his end goal is some form of socialized medicine, and socialized medicine usually involves some form of health rationing.


Democrats DEMONCRAPS Want to Reverse Trump’s Travel Bans Despite Coronavirus Spread

House Democrats have introduced legislation that would undo President Trump’s travel bans from coronavirus stricken areas, despite the fact that the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has said that the impact of the crisis would be much worse had the travel bans on China and Iran not been in place.

Democrats want to strip the President of the authority to implement the bans, introducing a bill titled the “No Ban Act,” which would allow travellers from Wuhan and other infected areas to keep arriving in the US unimpeded.

“This bill imposes limitations on the President’s authority to suspend or restrict aliens from entering the United States and terminates certain presidential actions implementing such restrictions,” the bill  summary reads.

The legislation vaguely says that Trump should only be able to “issue a restriction when required to address a compelling government interest.”

The bill further declares that before any travel ban is imposed, the President would be mandated to “consult with Congress.”

Democratic Presidential contender Bernie Sanders also said this week that he would not impose any travel bans during the coronavirus crisis.

Joe Biden Blasts Trump’s Coronavirus Response, Then Plagiarizes Trump’s Plan

Well, plagiarism is one of his better known tactics as he’s done it twice before, so…..

On Thursday, Joe Biden slammed President Trump’s response to the coronavirus outbreak while speaking in Wilmington, Del., on Thursday afternoon. “The administration’s failure on testing is colossal and it’s a failure of leadership, planning, and execution,” Biden said. “This virus laid bare the severe shortcomings of the current administration.”

Biden went on to suggest things that should have been done. And if you thought they sounded familiar, you’re right, because immediately after blaming Trump for not doing enough, Biden suggested things that have, in fact, already been done.

Joe Biden said “no efforts should be spared” to get private labs and universities working to rapidly expand testing for coronavirus. Congratulations Joe, President Trump did this weeks ago when he ordered the FDA to allow hundreds of private labs and academic hospitals to rapidly begin testing for coronavirus.

Joe Biden also said that small businesses will need relief from the economic impact of the coronavirus. Congratulations, Joe, Trump literally called for $50 billion in liquidity to small business owners a day prior to Biden’s remarks and has asked Congress for even more relief.

The former vice president also said insurance companies should waive copays for coronavirus testing, which is a good idea. And guess what? Trump already did that, too, as well as getting commitments from providers to expand their coverage include treatment for the coronavirus in their plans.

Think Biden was done ripping off President Trump’s actions and presenting them as his own ideas? Nope. He added that we need to “accelerate” the development of a coronavirus vaccine. Hey, guess what happened in January while Democrats were all focused on impeachment? The Trump administration fast-tracked the development of a vaccine with the goal of clinical trials to begin within months.

Echoing what pretty much all experts have been advising for weeks now, Joe Biden also advised Americans not to go to work if they’re sick, to wash their hands (duh), and to avoid large public gatherings… which Trump advised Americans to do last month.

It takes a lot of gall to blast Trump’s response to the coronavirus and then call for the exact same courses of action Trump has taken and try to pass it off as your own plan. Plagiarism is hardly a new thing for Joe Biden, but this example truly takes the cake. Trump’s decisive actions in response to the outbreak saved lives, but Biden cares more about politicizing the issue and, I suppose, assuming credit for coming up with ideas that Trump already put in place.

This may be because Biden is trying to cover up the fact that he has a lousy record when it comes to public health crises. “In the past, Joe Biden has shown terrible judgment and incompetence in the face of public health issues,” Tim Murtaugh, the communications director for the Trump campaign said in a statement. “The Obama White House had to publicly apologize for and clean up after Biden when his irresponsible remarks caused panic during the swine flu outbreak in 2009. Just weeks ago, he was openly critical of President Trump’s early move to restrict travel from China to the United States in response to the coronavirus – a decision which medical experts agree helped impede the spread of the virus to this country.”

EXCLUSIVE: White House Officials Allege Speaker Pelosi Pushed To Include Hyde Amendment Loophole Into Coronavirus Stimulus Plan.

Well, when it’s a tenet of your religion (Pelosi says she’s a Catholic, but she actually must worship Moloch) you do what you can to advance it.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to include a potential way to guarantee federal funding for abortion into the coronavirus economic stimulus plan, according to multiple senior White House officials.

Speaking to the Daily Caller, those officials alleged that while negotiating the stimulus with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi tried to lobby for “several” provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.

The Hyde Amendment blocks clinics that perform abortions from receiving federal funding, and Democrats have pushed the Trump administration to end it since he was elected in 2016

“A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented,” one White House official explained. “Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms.”

A second White House official referred to the provision as a “slush fund” and yet another questioned “what the Hyde Amendment and abortion have to do with protecting Americans from coronavirus?”

The Left’s Fantasy World Just Exploded.
Sanders did more for socialism than socialism did for Sanders.

A mirage just disappeared in Michigan — the mirage of a resurgent socialism in the U.S.

The notion that socialism was making a comeback took hold after Senator Bernie Sanders’s 2016 primary campaign. A self-described “democratic socialist” won 45 percent of the vote all told. In the years since then, young Democratic politicians who have also adopted that description have won elections and become media sensations, none more so than Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

They seemed to be the wave of the future. They certainly thought so themselves. When Joe Lieberman, the former Democratic senator and 2000 vice-presidential nominee, cast doubt on that prospect, Ocasio-Cortez snapped back: “New party. Who dis?” As Sanders racked up victories in the early contests of the 2020 primaries, the realignment on the left seemed at hand. America could see a socialist presidential nominee, and even a socialist president.

The idea that Sanders could win was far from crazy, given his dedicated fan base. But the larger story line of socialism’s coming triumph was based on one misreading of political events after another.

In the first place, socialism hadn’t spiked in popularity. In 2010, Gallup found that 36 percent of the public embraced the label. Eight years later — following Sanders’s first run for the presidency, and in the same year Ocasio-Cortez got elected — that number had climbed up all the way to 37 percent.

Left-wing Democrats misunderstood the reason Sanders did so well in 2016. It was because Hillary Clinton was the front-runner. Few Democratic heavyweights were willing to take her on, and he was an idealistic alternative. He did more for socialism than socialism did for him. A poll taken that January found that Sanders’s supporters were less likely than Clinton’s to want a higher minimum wage or bigger government.

Clinton’s defeat that November further fed the myth. Sanders’s supporters instantly concluded that “Bernie would have won.” Many Democrats wondered whether Clinton had erred by not taking a tougher line on Wall Street or offering populist ideas on trade………….

Islamic Scholar Who Said Coronavirus Was “Allah’s Punishment” Gets Coronavirus

And in the Silver Cloud Lining category.

An Islamic scholar who said the coronavirus was “Allah’s punishment” for China’s treatment of Muslims now has coronavirus.

How ironic.

Back in February, Hadi Al-Modarresi, who is based in Iran, said that the coronavirus outbreak was “undoubtedly an act of Allah that is divine punishment against the Chinese for their treatment, mockery, and disrespect towards Muslims and Islam,” reported MEMRI-TV.

“It is obvious that the spread of this virus is an act of Allah. How do we know this? The spread of the coronavirus began in China, an ancient and vast country, the population of which makes up one seventh of humanity,” said Al-Modarresi.

“More than a billion people live in that country. The authorities in that country are tyrannical and they laid siege to more than a million Muslims and placed them under house arrest. The journalists in that country began to mock the niqab of Muslim women and they forced Muslim men to eat pork and drink wine. Allah sent a disease upon them and this disease laid siege to 40 million [Chinese people]. The same niqab that they mocked has been forced upon them, both men and women, by Allah, by means of the state authorities and officials,” he added.

It is now being reported that Al-Modarresi has contracted coronavirus, meaning that Allah must obviously be punishing him for wrongdoing.

Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden.

Yale psychiatrist Bandy Lee has repeatedly called Trump mentally unfit for office, despite the fact that she has never even met him. This has been widely condemned as an ethical violation of her profession.

As concerns grow about Joe Biden’s mental health, Lee is now refusing to apply the same standard to the former Vice President.

As Professor Jacobson pointed out, watching Biden has become sad. It is obvious to anyone who watches clips of Biden campaigning, that he is not as sharp as he used to be.

Bandy Lee suddenly thinks diagnosing someone from afar is inappropriate.

Nancy LeTourneau writes at the Washington Monthly:

Brandy X. Lee, one of the mental health professionals who has been very vocal about Trump’s unfitness for office, explained why a declination to diagnose Biden is in keeping with professional standards.

I do not diagnose without examination and do not speak about public figures in general, unless there is evidence of such profound danger to public health and well-being because of serious signs of mental instability in a public servant, that it would be a public disservice not to share the knowledge and training that I have. Biden has not risen to this threshold…

I never spoke up about a president or a presidential candidate either before or after Donald Trump, and neither have thousands of mental health professionals who have come forth with similar concerns in ways that are unprecedented in U.S. history, for any president of any party. I only speak up when there is a medical need of such great magnitude as to risk the survival of the human species. This is definitively Donald Trump, not Biden. Nor is it Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, or any other false equivalences people wish to create for political purposes.

As recently as three days ago, Lee was repeating her claims about Trump.

Igor Derysh wrote at Salon:

Yale psychiatrist: Trump is “putting lives at risk” with coronavirus; Pence is “enabling” him

President Trump’s preoccupation with his own image amid the spread of the coronavirus is “putting lives at risk” and Vice President Pence is only “enabling” him, Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee told Salon in an interview this week.

Lee is a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine who also teaches at Yale Law School and has spent the last three years urging Congress to respond more forcefully to the dangers posed by what she sees as the president’s deteriorating mental health. Lee, who consults widely with state and foreign governments on public health approaches to violence prevention, urged the House Judiciary Committee to include a panel of mental health experts during Trump’s impeachment and called for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to request an involuntary 72-hour psychiatric hold of the president.

It becomes increasingly clear that Lee is using her position to influence politics for purely partisan reasons.

How does the Yale administration justify this?


Tlaib Pictured in T-Shirt That Erases Israel Off the Map

The anti-semitism isn’t surprising, but the open display is. Such confidence indicates an arrogance often seen in thick headed radicals but not politicians who normally don’t want to do anything that might negatively influence a voter.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) was recently pictured sporting a t-shirt that portrays the modern state of Israel as belonging entirely to Palestine.

Tlaib, one of Congress’s leading critics of Israel, was pictured in the t-shirt while promoting a recently published book by Linda Sarsour, another outspoken critic of the Jewish state who serves as a surrogate for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign.

The shirt portrays present-day Israel as a Palestinian state. Shirts of this nature have been a mainstay of pro-Palestinian activists who reject a two-state solution and argue that the world’s only Jewish state should not exist.

“Stand in solidarity with Palestine by wearing this beautiful Palestinian tee-shirt,” reads one online advertisement for the shirt worn by Tlaib. “An outlined map of Palestine is filled with red, white, and green Arabic letters that look stunning from a distance and spell the word Palestine up close. A patterned shemagh wraps around the neck of the Palestinian state like the brave soldiers whose boots stand on the dusty ground.”

Tlaib did not respond to a request for comment.

Tlaib has been repeatedly criticized by the pro-Israel and Jewish communities for comments they say are anti-Semitic. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which combats anti-Semitic incitement, condemned Tlaib in late January for tweeting an inaccurate story claiming Israeli Jews murdered a Palestinian child. The ADL cited her for promoting a “blood libel” that was “steeped in centuries-old accusations used to demonize Jews.”

Tlaib’s associations with many organizations and causes that single Israel out for undue criticism have also generated deep divides between the congresswoman and the pro-Israel community. They include groups that support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which critics call anti-Semitic for its promotion of economic boycotts against Jewish-owned businesses.

Angry Joe Biden Tells Detroit Worker ‘You’re Full Of Sh**’

Classic symptoms of mental decline:
Easily irritated
Becomes aggressively defensive towards any contradiction
Disjointed, profane, insulting speech

Way to win over voters there SloJoe.

“The Second Amendment right now if you yell ‘fire,’ that’s not free speech,” Biden said. “From the very beginning, I have a shotgun, a twin gauge, a 12-gauge, my sons hunt. Guess what? I’m not taking your gun away at all. Do you need 100 rounds?”

The worker in a hardhat mumbles something and Biden responds, “I DID NOT SAY THAT!”

“(It was in) a viral video? Just like the other ones they’re putting out. They’re lies … Take your AR14s…” Biden shouts at him.

At one point, Biden points his finger in the man’s face and he complains, “You’re pushing up on me.” A pal puts his arm around the worker, calming the situation while he and Biden continue to argue heatedly.

Eventually, Biden’s people and other workers push him through to shake more hands.