Coffee a ‘miracle’ drink with many health benefits, experts say.

NEW YORK, July 9 (UPI) — Consider coffee a “mini-Mediterranean diet,” experts told UPI.

The health benefits of the beverage millions of people drink to start their day far outweigh the potential risks, much like the popular diet that limits red meat and fat intake, the experts say.

“The Mediterranean diet is, primarily, a plant-based diet, and coffee is a plant-based drink,” Stephen Safe, a researcher with expertise in cancer prevention, said in a phone interview.

“If you compare the benefits of coffee to those of the Mediterranean diet, you could hardly tell the difference between them,” said Safe, a distinguished professor of biochemistry and biophysics at Texas A&M University in College Station.

In a review of peer-reviewed studies of the beverage, Safe and his colleagues found that coffee consumption can help reduce a person’s risk for certain types of cancers, as well as Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson‘s disease and dementia.

“Drinking coffee has also been shown to help people live longer,” Safe said.

“I’m a big proponent, and I drink a lot of it,” he said, adding that he consumes “five or six double espressos” every day.

Safe describes coffee as a “miracle” drink, much like “aspirin is a miracle drug.”

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 Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine Is Making You Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life.

Modern medicine is lying to you. Discover the true science behind chronic diseases—and implement an actionable plan to take control of your health and longevity once and for all.

For the first time in history, chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity plague our population on a global scale. From a seasoned physician, this paradigm-shifting book comprehensively explains the linked cause and exposes the misconceptions prevalent in modern medicine.

In Lies I Taught in Medical School, Robert Lufkin, MD, explains that metabolic dysfunction is the common underlying cause of most chronic diseases that has been overlooked for decades, providing the tools needed to address these diseases in ourselves. He draws on expansive, peer-reviewed evidence, proving that standard medical recommendations are killing us.

Over the course of 12 illustrated chapters, Lies I Taught in Medical School chronicles how Dr. Lufkin corrected four chronic diseases in himself and expertly supplies the strategies needed to:

  • Identify chronic disease risk factors, such as inflammation and insulin resistance
  • Boost mental health via nutrition and lifestyle
  • Improve diet and metabolism
  • Attend to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular and other common chronic diseases
  • Get off unnecessary medications, including many diabetes and hypertension drugs

What’s more, Dr. Lufkin offers practical advice to show how lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management can target the fundamental cause of chronic diseases. Lies I Taught in Medical School is a revolutionary and holistic guide that will help you take control of your health—before it’s too late.

Army Admits Link Between COVID Vaccine and Soldier’s Heart Condition.

Investigative reporter Catherine Herridge is back. She’s on her own without any strings attached to biased MSM networks.

Herridge’s first report focuses on the military’s mandatory COVID vaccine, which led to at least one soldier’s heart condition.

Army Specialist Karoline Stancik suffered a heart attack right after she had the Moderna vaccine. She had pacemaker surgery earlier this month.

Stancik has had to take 27 medications a day since the first heart attack.

“I was left behind and trampled,” Stancik told Herridge.

Stancik never had a heart condition before the vaccine, noting that she could run 10 miles at one time and play basketball. Now she has trouble just standing up.

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It has always been a genetic ‘treatment’

BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has delivered a seismic decision that could reshape public health policy across the nation.

In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court has declared that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not qualify as vaccines under traditional medical definitions.

The case revolved around the LAUSD’s COVID-19 vaccination policy, which required all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by a specified deadline.

The plaintiffs argued that the district’s vaccine mandate infringed upon their fundamental right to refuse medical treatment, as the mRNA injections do not prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely mitigate symptoms for the recipient.
The court’s opinion, penned by Circuit Judge R. Nelson and supported by Judge Collins, asserts that the mRNA shots, marketed as vaccines, do not effectively prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but merely reduce symptoms in those who contract the virus. This crucial distinction undermines the foundational premise of the vaccine mandates enforced by various governmental and educational institutions.
Judge Nelson pointed out that the mandate was inconsistent with the Supreme Court’s century-old ruling in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, a case that upheld the state’s right to enforce smallpox vaccinations due to their proven effectiveness in preventing disease spread. In contrast, the mRNA COVID-19 shots do not offer such public health benefits, thus failing the criteria established by Jacobson.

The ruling points out that traditional vaccines are designed to provide immunity and prevent transmission, which is not conclusively proven in the case of mRNA COVID-19 shots.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had modified the definition of “vaccine” to include the mRNA shots.

So, look at what the CDC did. Here’s the definition the CDC used on 26 August 2021:

  • Vaccine– “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.”
  • Vaccination– “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

Rather than admit the COVID-19 vaccine is not working as advertised, the CDC took a page out of Orwell’s 1984 and opted for new spin language.

Here is the new definition:

  • Vaccine– “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”

It can be recalled that Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, admitted in an EU hearing that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.

Judge Collins, in a concurring opinion, highlighted that compulsory medical treatments for individual health benefits infringe upon the fundamental right to refuse such treatments. This perspective aligns with the constitutional principles protecting personal liberty against unwarranted governmental intrusions.

You can read the full ruling below:

COVID vaccines responsible for rise in excess deaths, study reveals

A new study suggests that COVID vaccines might be partly responsible for a rise in “unprecedented” excess deaths in Western countries over the past three years, NY Post reported.

The researchers expressed serious concerns and urged government leaders and policymakers to thoroughly investigate the underlying reasons for this ongoing high mortality, according to their study published in BMJ Public Health.

Researchers urge investigation into high mortality as study links COVID vaccines responsible for rise in excess deaths

Scientists from the Netherlands’ Vrije Universiteit analyzed death rates from 47 Western countries. They found that excess mortality has stayed high since 2020, despite widespread vaccination and other measures to control the virus.

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Fauci Squirms During GOP Grilling Over COVID, Pandemic Response

Update (1530ET): Former NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci was grilled by Republicans during Monday testimony in front of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, where he repeatedly denied Republican allegations that he sought to cover up the COVID-19 lab-leak theory – calling the accusation “absolutely false and simply preposterous.”

In his opening statement, Fauci denied trying to silence officials and scientists who thought the virus was created in, or at least escaped from, the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

“The accusation being circulated that I influenced these scientists to change their minds by bribing them with millions of dollars in grant money is absolutely false and simply preposterous. I had no input into the content of the published paper,” said Fauci. “The second issue is a false accusation that I tried to cover up the possibility that the virus originated from a lab. In fact, the truth is exactly the opposite.”

Following his opening statement Fauci was grilled over the government’s response to the pandemic – defending the CDC over mask mandates, lockdowns, and other public policy – while Democrats on the panel repeatedly bent over backwards to defend him.

Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) got into a heated exchange Fauci over the measures – at one point forcing the former NIAID director to admit that the Covid-19 vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.

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REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he ‘made up’ covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

Bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he made up the six foot social distancing rule and other measures to ‘protect’ Americans from covid.

Republicans put out the full transcript of their sit down interview with Fauci from January just days before his highly-anticipated public testimony on Monday.

They plan to grill him about covid restrictions he put in place, that he admitted didn’t do much to ‘slow the spread’ of the virus.

Kids’ learning loss and social setbacks have been well documented, with one National Institute of Health (NIH) study calling the impact of mask use on students’ literacy and learning ‘very negative.’

And the impacts from social distancing caused ‘depression, generalized anxiety, acute stress, and intrusive thoughts,’ another NIH study found.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, claimed the six foot social distancing rule ‘sort of just appeared’ and said that he ‘might have’ reviewed studied on masking kids but ‘that’s still up in the air’

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We were right! The ONS lied about covid vaccine safety.

IN 2021 when the Office for National Statistics (ONS) started releasing its vaccine by mortality status reports we revealed that there were large spikes in the non-covid death rates in the ‘unvaccinated’. These spikes in mortality coincided with the first main vaccine rollout and did so for each age group (see this report, for example).
Here is the chart for non-covid mortality rates in weeks 1-38 of 2021 for the 60-69 age groups:

The charts for the other age groups looked much the same.

We asserted that these obvious anomalies were a result of the standard ONS procedure of categorising anyone within 20 days of their first dose as ‘unvaccinated’. However, in our own discussions with the ONS they maintained that, although that method was used for their efficacy calculations, it was not used when it came to mortality. They clearly said that a person dying any time after vaccination was correctly categorised as a vaccinated death in the mortality data they regularly released to the public and which formed the basis of a massive public communication campaign encouraging vaccination.

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New Research Reveals That Wearing Face Masks Did Not Reduce Risk of COVID Infection After First Omicron Wave.

A new study indicates that face masks did not significantly lower Covid-19 infection risk after the initial Omicron wave, highlighting the need for adaptable strategies and further research as risk factors evolve.

New findings from the University of East Anglia suggest that wearing face masks did not reduce the risk of Covid infection after the initial rise of the Omicron variant. An analysis of official data indicated that the risk factors for infection changed notably when the dominant Covid variant in the UK shifted from Delta to Omicron in December 2021.

These included wearing a mask, a history of foreign travel, household size, whether people were working or retired, and contact with children or over-70s.

Lead author Professor Paul Hunter, of Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia (UEA), said: “Early in the pandemic there were many studies published looking at risk factors for catching Covid, but far fewer studies after the first year or so. Our research shows that there were changes in some risk factors around the time that the Omicron BA.2 variant became dominant.”

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Former NIH Director Admits Government Was Top Source Of Covid Misinformation

Four years ago, U.S. state, local, and federal goverments pushed “social-distancing” policies separating Americans six feet away from other people everywhere they went. Now former National Institute of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins has admitted no “science or evidence” ever backed these heavy-handed, comprehensive restrictions — another key proof the left’s war on so-called “disinformation” is so dangerous.

A memo National Review obtained, from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, details Collins’ closed-door testimony earlier this year. It reveals that Collins had not seen evidence on March 22, 2020, to support the widely obeyed federal policy when the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) instituted six-foot social distancing rules.

“Do you recall science or evidence that supported the six-foot distance?” Collins was asked.

“I do not,” Collins said. “I did not see evidence, but I’m not sure I would have been shown evidence at that point.”

“Have you seen any evidence since then supporting six feet?”

“No,” Collins responded.

So Collins admits the federal government lacked any scientific basis for this massive social policy it pushed on Americans, including by colluding with Big Tech to shut down public debate about Covid-19 responses. Such debate could have revealed that many Covid policies weren’t backed by good research. Instead, numerous federal officials pressed Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to shut down skepticism and contrary information it falsely labeled “misinformation” and “disinformation,” including articles from The Federalist.

This censorship effort effectively secured an information monopoly for federal agencies, including the CDC and NIH, to spread false information. As the lawsuit Murthy v. Missouri and other investigations later revealed, these government officials then used their information monopoly gained through accusing others of “misinformation” to spread actual misinformation, including that “social distancing” was scientifically proven necessary to “save lives.”

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We now know the likely truth about COVID, and how scientists lied.

COVID-19, which killed 1.1 million Americans and destroyed the lives and livelihoods of millions more, is a manmade virus that escaped from a Chinese lab partly funded by the US government.

Even today, you’re not supposed to say that — even though it’s the only plausible scenario.

No, “fact checkers” will rush in to claim that eminent scientists deny this. Which is because those scientists have too much invested — in money, in time, in their own beliefs — to admit the truth.

NIH Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak
NIH deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted that US taxpayers funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China before the COVID-19 pandemic started.Jack Gruber / USA TODAY NETWORK

But as Congress continues to probe, that truth is coming out, little by little, and the lies are being exposed:

China tried to deflect blame immediately by saying the virus supposedly began in a “wet market” of animal meat in Wuhan.

Dr. Anthony Fauci repeatedly argued it “evolved in nature and then jumped species” in the spring of 2020.

Since then, both long investigations and government reports have concluded that the virus is manmade. Fauci grudgingly admitted it “could be” true.

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Now they tell us?

Blood from the vaxxed may not be safe for transfusions, say researchers.

JUST when TCW readers might have thought they had heard enough about the covid jab harms, a major review has called for the vaccination campaign to be suspended pending studies of the risks to blood transfusion and organ transplant recipients.

A team of researchers in Japan say that, based on the volume of evidence that has come to light about post-vaccination harms, medical professionals worldwide should be alerted to potential dangers in using blood derived from people who have had the jab, as well as from those suffering persistent symptoms from covid itself (‘long covid’). They say methods to identify and remove the contaminants are urgently needed, and propose a range of specific tests and regulations to deal with the risks.

The lead author of the 20-page report, posted on March 15, is Jun Ueda, associate professor in the department of advanced medical science, Asahikawa Medical University. The highly referenced paper is a preprint, not yet peer-reviewed.

In it, the researchers say that intensive studies of the covid virus itself have shown its key mechanism of harm to be the way its spike protein binds to blood vessel walls, triggering blood clots.

‘However, it has been reported from various countries around the world that genetic vaccines such as mRNA vaccines encoding spike proteins have also caused a wide variety of diseases in all organs and systems, including the nervous system, in addition to thrombosis and resulting cardiovascular disorders.’ This is because the gene products go beyond the site of the jab to organs and tissues throughout the body.

Contrary to initial expectations, the genes and proteins are now known to persist in the blood for prolonged periods, and post-vaccination syndrome, or ‘spikeopathy’, has become a major global problem, the researchers say. The jabs should have been regarded as biomedicine, but because they were classified as vaccines, huge numbers of people were inoculated and many areas of medicine are beginning to become involved with the consequences. ‘This has never happened before in the history of biomedicine, and consequently it is highly suspected that blood products for transfusion have been affected.’

A search of the medical literature on diseases related to blood and blood vessels, combined with the key words ‘Covid-19 vaccine’ and ‘side effects’, yielded several hundred articles. In addition to abnormally shaped red blood cells, microscopic examination has shown grossly abnormal materials floating in the blood of some mRNA-vaccinated individuals.

The spike protein can cause amyloidosis (a rare disease in which a protein called amyloid builds up in organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, nervous system and digestive tract). It can also cause prolonged immune dysfunction, increasing infection risk, and can cross the blood-brain barrier, with the potential to affect brain function.

‘Thus, there is no longer any doubt that the spike protein used as an antigen in genetic vaccines is itself toxic . . . From the perspective of traditional containment of infectious diseases, greater caution is required in the collection of blood from genetic vaccine recipients and the subsequent handling of blood products, as well as during solid organ transplantation and even surgical procedures.’

The review says that because blood contamination affects so many areas of health care, blood donors should be interviewed so that records can be kept of when and how many genetic jabs they have received. Since it is not known how long the jab products persist in the body, their blood should be used with extreme caution.

The paper sets out a range of tests needed to confirm the safety of blood products from gene vaccine recipients, and to check for contamination with spike protein or the modified genes used in the jabs. It says guidelines are needed on how to handle blood found to contain the contaminants.

‘If the blood product is found to contain the spike protein or a modified gene derived from the genetic vaccine, it is essential to remove them,’ the researchers say. But since there is currently no reliable way to do so, ‘we suggest that all such blood products be discarded until a definitive solution is found’.

Medical facilities unable to take such a step immediately should explain the possibility of contamination with spike protein or other foreign substances to prospective patients, and include this warning on the consent form.

The most important initial action is to make the relevant medical personnel aware of the situation, the review states. ‘Unless accurate tests are established, no conclusions can be drawn about the risk or safety of blood transfusions using blood products from gene vaccine recipients.

‘Thorough and continuous investigation is therefore necessary. To accomplish this, all potential donors should be registered, traceability of blood products should be ensured, and rigorous recipient outcome studies and meta-analyses should be maintained.’

What Mr. McKernan and his team have found contradicts the latest arguments from fact-checkers.

Following his discovery of DNA contamination in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, genomic researcher Kevin McKernan has recently found that the DNA in these vaccines can potentially integrate into human DNA.

The COVID-19 vaccine spike sequence was detected in two types of chromosomes in cancer cell lines following exposure to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Mr. McKernan’s findings, which he presents on his Substack blog, haven’t been peer-reviewed.

These are expected to be “rare events,” but they can happen, Mr. McKernan told The Epoch Times.

DNA Integration

Since the introduction of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, some members of the public have been concerned that the vaccines may modify human DNA by combining their sequences with the human genome.

Fact-checkers” refuted this, saying mRNA cannot be changed into DNA. Yet Mr. McKernan’s earlier work shows that DNA in the vaccine vials may be capable of changing human DNA.

Ulrike Kämmerer, a professor of human biology at the University Hospital of Würzburg in Germany, conducted earlier stages of this research.

Exposing breast and ovarian human cancer cells to Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, Ms. Kämmerer found that about half of the cells expressed the COVID-19 spike protein on their cellular surface, indicating that they had absorbed the vaccines.

Mr. McKernan then performed gene sequencing and found that these cells and their descendant cells contained vaccine DNA.

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