There is nothing more offensive and obscene than billionaires flying private jets to a remote Swiss village, dining on Wagyu filets and the world’s finest wines, while telling you to turn down your thermostat, stay within 20 miles of your home, and eat insects for dinner.

Kostas Moros

A lot of people foolishly believe that the gun control movement’s motivation is a misguided but good faith desire to stop criminal violence.

While that’s true of some people who have been personally affected by gun-related crime, for the party leaders and financiers of the left, it’s not really true. If stopping crime were the big concern, they wouldn’t embrace so many policies that quickly release violent criminals back into society.

Criminal violence isn’t the real target, the fact that broad gun ownership is a check on the erosion of other liberties is. What is happening in the UK and Brazil right now is much harder to do in the US. Millions being armed is a major deterrent to it.

Everything the modern American Democrat party does makes sense when you realize the goal is to turn us into docile and harmless western Europeans.

RFK, Jr.:
“How did the Democratic party choose a candidate that has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle? We know the answer. They did it by weaponizing the government agencies. They did it by abandoning democracy. They did it by suing the opposition and by disenfranchising American voters.”

Dan Bongino:
“When a lifelong Democrat, from an iconic Democrat family, who tried to run as a Democrat, and who’s running mate was a Democrat, warns you about the dangers of voting for the Democrat in this election, you should probably listen.”

Chris Martz
Ok, let’s take a walk here. . . 🚶‍♂️‍➡️

• June 27th: CNN hosts debate between Biden and Trump. The performance goes south for Biden. Everyone could see that he is in severe cognitive decline. There was no more hiding it from the American people.

• July 5th: Biden was interviewed by ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos to reassure Americans that he “just had a bad [debate] night,” and was mentally fit enough to continue his bid for reelection. That ended up increasing concerns since he beat around the bush and couldn’t string a sentence together half the time in that interview.

• In the days following that sequence of setbacks, White House staff, Democratic congressmen / women and the media suddenly changed tune, questioning the mental acuity of the presumptive DNC nominee. They began to see him more as a liability than a clear path to victory, as they could no longer piece together clips to gaslight the American electorate. The campaign to remove him had begun.

• July 13th: Trump narrowly avoids death at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania and we still don’t know what the shooter’s motives were and whether he had acted alone or there is more to the story. We still have unanswered Questions as to why the U.S. Secret Service failed to secure the rooftop, and why the Biden administration declined to provide Trump with additional USSS security detail.

• Yesterday: Given that the shooter had missed, and Biden was still in the race and a liability, a Democratic-organized coup removed Joe Biden from the 2024 Democratic ticket, most likely without his knowledge because he still hasn’t been seen anywhere since the 17th, and the signature on his letter was obviously a forgery. Does he even know he has been removed? Did they meet Jill’s price?

Forgive me for being suspicious, but this is not adding up. We need answers, and journalists haven’t lifted a finger. They’re more worried about what the [Harris] likes to wear and what pizza toppings she likes.

Remember the Bond movie reboot Casino Royale back in 2006?

Observation O’ The Day – Glenn Reynolds

Earlier today, Trump called for RFK to get Secret Service protection, and a friend messaged me: “Haha, when they do that, our crazy orange former president official becomes shadow chief executive. Making the common sense calls the Biden admin can’t quite manage.”

And later today, they did that, with Sec. Mayorkas announcing that RFK will get Secret Service protection. To which my friend comments: “Prediction: Here through Jan 20  will be the first six months of the second Trump admin.”

The dynamism is all on one side here.

Observation O’ The Day

If Joe Biden was that bad in front of tens of millions of people after a week off with 16 people preparing him…on a friendly network, with moderators who hate Trump, with every crutch he asked for…all rules favoring him…imagine how bad the Hur interview is they are desperately hiding…

Quote O’ The Day
The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society.
— Mark Skousen

Observation O’ The Day
However, as history teaches us, it sometimes does take downright force to ‘persuade’ those who want to exert control over others by using an authoritarian goobermint. Does that mean that that society isn’t civilized?

I also noticed it was a biased response, avoiding answering the actual question. This already is a major problem for society as the majority of these Ai systems are continuously giving biased social engineering responses in favor of a leftist political spectrum. (em mine)

To look a little deeper in the decision, Justice Alito’s concurrence is disturbing. He’s pretty much telling Congress to please pass a law banning them, which is strange coming from a justice well known for his pro-2nd amendment views. But even if he hadn’t signed onto the decision, it would still have been 5-4 majority.

I join the opinion of the Court because there is simply no other way to read the statutory language. There can be little doubt that the Congress that enacted 26 U. S. C. §5845(b) would not have seen any material difference between a machinegun and a semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock. But the statutory text is clear, and we must follow it.

The horrible shooting spree in Las Vegas in 2017 did not change the statutory text or its meaning. That event demonstrated that a semiautomatic rifle with a bump stock can have the same lethal effect as a machinegun, and it thus strengthened the case for amending §5845(b).

But an event that highlights the need to amend a law does not itself change the law’s meaning. There is a simple remedy for the disparate treatment of bump stocks and machineguns.

Congress can amend the law—and perhaps would have done so already if ATF had stuck with its earlier interpretation.

Now that the situation is clear, Congress can act.


cargill v atf