Biden’s ATF nominee involved in “malicious prosecution” against political opposition

Let’s be honest. Steve Dettelbach is MUCH “cleaner” than David Chipman. So far, we helped shine a light on his political donations (below) in which he gave heavily to Biden and other dems in 2020, but finding more “controversial“ stuff is a little more tricky it seems. He’s not as blatant about his hatred to gun owners as Chipman was. Anyways, here’s our previous article about Dettelbach‘s donations for the 2020 campaign:

Now, we came across something that raises questions about his partisanship while he was a federal prosecutor. In fact, he was accused by the Justice Association of malicious prosecution against Republican donors. More on that below. It’s long, but we’ll highlight the stuff pertaining to Dettelbach. There‘s more out there on this btw. But just imagine this guy running the ATF and using that position to politically target the companies and businesses he’s tasked with regulating…..

This document serves to explain and describe the unjust, unethical and criminal behavior of certain federal employees in their effort to investigate and wrongfully prosecute Benjamin Suarez and Suarez Corporation Industries (SCI). The Obama administration, Obama Justice Department officials and other federal employees from 2010 and on diverse dates thereafter engaged in an unlawful concerted effort to bring false charges and against Benjamin Suarez and SCI; for the simple reason that Suarez lawfully exercised his First Amendment right to speak.

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It’s Not Just Joe Biden. The United States Has A Potemkin Government

Joe Biden is a symbol of the entire federal government: Its dangerous incompetence, corruption, and utter disrespect for the American people and the rule of law.

Joe Biden’s shameful performance at the White House Easter egg roll Sunday was another strong visual indicator that he is not really governing this country. And he’s not the only sham authority in this country — our nation is replete with them.

The term “Potemkin village” arose in Russia to describe empty buildings set up as propaganda, to give a false impression of industry and life. The fake villages were intended to hide the regime’s mass mismanagement and infliction of suffering upon its own people.

In 1949, The New York Times described Moscow as a “Potemkin village” because its apparent vitality and strength, artificially boosted to both provide the corrupt elites a comfortable place to live and foreign visitors a misleading portrayal of the nation, was “unrepresentative” of the typical Russian’s everyday life under Joseph Stalin.

The phrase was allegedly named after Grigori Potëmkin, an imperial Russian military official who reportedly first deployed the tactic. (Soviet “history” is untrustworthy, especially when it appears to blame-shift evil deeds onto monarchs and capitalists instead of national socialists.) According to CIA archives, the Soviet Communists widely deployed the deceptive tactic, of course.

The glorious Oxford English Dictionary gives examples of the term being used to describe everything from political situations to personal libraries. It dates the origin of the term to 1787, and today defines Potemkin as: “Sham, insubstantial; consisting of little or nothing behind an impressive facade.”

That is precisely what the U.S. federal government has been now for many years.

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So, now that the kidnapping plots have been exposed as an elaborate case of FBI entrapment, the public deserves to know how the governors were “briefed” on the sting operation. In an earlier column, I named a few government officials who need to account for their knowledge and/or participation in the scheme.

Ralph Northam should be on that list.

The Other Fednapping Plot
The same FBI operation that ginned up the phony kidnapping plot in Michigan also tried to coax a Virginia man to participate in a similar scheme against Governor Ralph Northam.

In the spring of 2020, President Donald Trump posted three tweets in a row aimed at Democratic governors continuing to impose draconian lockdowns amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” Trump tweeted on the morning of April 17, 2020. A few moments later, he tweeted “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” and “LIBERATE VIRGINIA!”

His tweets coincided with anti-lockdown rallies in several states, including a blockade around the Michigan Capitol building in Lansing a few days prior. As usual, the media expressed shock and horror at the innocuous tweets, insisting the president was encouraging violence against his political rivals.

“One shudders to contemplate what sorts of actions right-wing protesters might take if they interpret Trump’s call for them to ‘LIBERATE’ their states seriously,” perpetual drama queen Aaron Rupar wrote at Vox. Over at the Washington Post, Mary McCord, a former top official for Obama’s Justice Department who now serves as a legal advisor to the January 6 Select Committee, claimed Trump advocated “the overthrow of democracy” and “incited insurrection” with his tweets—a stunningly prescient observation considering how the events of January 6 would later be described.

“The president is fomenting domestic rebellion and spreading lies,” Washington Governor Jay Inslee tweeted on April 17, also foreshadowing terms subsequently applied to the Capitol protest.

Less than six months later, Trump’s critics appeared vindicated when law enforcement authorities arrested several men for conspiring to kidnap and possibly kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer ahead of the 2020 presidential election, a plan now exposed as a case of FBI entrapment. A Michigan jury acquitted two defendants last week and could not reach a verdict on two other defendants in what the government considered one of the largest domestic terrorism investigations ever. (The Justice Department just announced it will retry Adam Fox and Barry Croft, Jr., who remain in jail.)

Defense attorneys successfully argued that multiple FBI agents and informants attempted to induce the men to commit the crimes and blasted the government in closing arguments.

“That’s unacceptable in America,” Fox’s attorney, Christopher Gibbons, told the jury on April 1. “That’s not how it works. They don’t make terrorists so we can arrest them.”

But the government not only attempted to manufacture “terrorists” in the Whitmer kidnapping hoax—the same FBI operation also tried to coax a man in Virginia to participate in the same sort of plot against Virginia Governor Ralph Northam. That scheme didn’t fully materialize, but the FBI’s attempt to pull off a similar stunt in Virginia reveals just how far agents were willing to go to bolster FBI Director Christopher Wray’s false warning that domestic extremists planned to “kill and assassinate” public officials.

In summer 2020, Dan Chappel, the main informant in the Whitmer fednapping who was compensated at least $60,000 by the FBI for his services, targeted a man named Frank Butler, a disabled veteran in his late 60s and an alleged militia member. Taking instructions from Jayson Chambers, one of his FBI handling agents, Chappel used the same playbook in Virginia.

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The story too tough to die

Arizona attorney general: Election fraud in Maricopa ‘raises questions’ about 2020.

A blockbuster review of Maricopa County’s mismanaged 2020 election by Arizona’s attorney general is raising new questions about the final vote in a state former President Donald Trump was expected to win but lost to Joe Biden by 10,457 ballots.

“We have reached the conclusion that the 2020 election in Maricopa County revealed serious vulnerabilities that must be addressed and raises questions about the 2020 election in Arizona,” said an “interim report” issued today by Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

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Yes, Democrats Really Do Want to Groom Your Children.

Of course the political left and the Democrat party want to sexually groom little kids. The evidence is everywhere and the reasons why are sick and political.

Is this not clear enough for you?

How about this?

Or this?

Or the debate we’re having right now…

THE LEFT: We don’t want to sexualize little kids behind the backs of parents. Stop saying that. It’s a lie!

FLORIDA: We’re going to outlaw sexualizing little kids behind the backs of parents.


What kind of country are we living in where we even have to pass a bill that outlaws sexualizing kids aged four to eight in the classroom?

What kind of country are we living in where Florida teachers are angry that they can’t discuss their personal lives with your little kids, much less discuss sex?

What kind of country are we living in where the Walt Disney Co., a company built on the idea of preserving the innocence of children and teaching them lessons about honesty, hard work, and true love, is now openly bragging about feeding the little kids sexual propaganda?

Of course, this is grooming.

What else would you call it?

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Transgendered in Kindergarten? What’s Really Behind the Insane New Sex Ed?

N is for Nonbinary and T is for Trans.

Did you know that?

If you were a Williamson Country, Tennessee, kindergartner and clicked on the book “The GayBCs” on the iPad given by your school for you to take home over the weekend, you would.

You’d also know the B is for Bi. (You can shout it out loud/ “I like boys and girls/ and that makes me proud.”)

C is—needless to say—for Coming Out and D is—what else—for Drag.

I won’t bother you with the noxious doggerel accompanying those—you can probably make it up for yourself. And no, it’s not a product of Disney, although, given recent developments, it almost seems as if it were. It was published in 2019 by Quirk Books with a recommended age range of 4 to 8.

According to GeekDad, this is “A great way to introduce 26 words to kids while teaching them to read.”

Teaching them to read? Do you teach the average 5-year-old reading with the word “nonbinary” (not to mention “I is for Intersex”)? Well, maybe if your kid is John Stuart Mill who is said to have learned Greek at age 3.

Actually, GeekDad inadvertently let the cat out of the bag. “The GayBCs” are educationally meaningless, in fact, an educational fraud. Hardly any children at that age are prepared to learn to read from them, with or without the traditional parental accompaniment.

It would most likely do the reverse, make the child so overwhelmed and baffled by what would have to be incomprehensible concepts for them, he or she (apologies for the old-fashioned pronouns) could be turned off reading altogether. It certainly wouldn’t help.

Even Mill undoubtedly wouldn’t have had the maturity to deal with bisexuality at the age of 4, a far more complicated emotional question than the largely intellectual challenge of learning a language.

But that emotional challenge is what is being put in front of the children of rich and Republican Williamson County and undoubtedly many other places across the country.

That material and more are readily available at online libraries. It is through one of those libraries that “The GayBCs” appeared on the kids’ iPads.

Also worth noting, if you are a third grader, you are required to spend 30 minutes nightly on your iPad.

So what really has been going on?

The obvious part is the so-called grooming, a term the left is always complaining about, but is real to a great extent. These teachers and educators are using their classrooms and materials, including the ubiquitous iPad, to encourage, even prepare, children to be LGBTQ+, whether they are or aren’t, or, more accurately, might someday become that way or not.

When you’ve even lost the leftist proggies at the Huffington Post……..

The Business Of Black Death And A $6 Million Mansion
Ferguson activist Darren Seals tried to warn the rest of America that the Black Lives Matter organization was not the sacred cow everyone believed it to be.

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It’s time to renovate the FBI. Tear it all down to the studs and rebuild. Fire everyone. Everyone must go because no one can be trusted. There are simply too many bad people acting in bad faith and peddling heinous political agendas for this institution to be trusted.
The once preeminent law enforcement and domestic intelligence agency that was the gold standard in professionalism and impartiality when it came to investigative endeavors has become the secret police for the Democratic Party.
This isn’t new. The hyper-politicization of the FBI and DOJ got a massive shot of steroids under the Obama administration. There is a deep state. There is corruption within the halls of the DOJ.
It all must go before trust can be rebuilt. Period.

How the FBI Got Whacked By Their Own Boomerang in the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Case

This is a massive scandal. I know I’m being generous here after the Russian collusion hoax, but whatever crumb of credibility the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice has now been lost. The Gretchen Whitmer circus has finally come down. It’s been exposed. This case was weaponized by Democrats for the 2020 election to attack Donald Trump over an alleged kidnapping plot against Whitmer over her COVID-19 protocols. Members of a militia group were supposedly involved.

What was seen as a slam-dunk case by the Feds turned out to be an embarrassing exposure of their entrapment games that netted them zero convictions in this case. Zilch. Two men were outright found not guilty by a federal jury. The rest were deadlocked. It’s over, and if the FBI wants to rehash all their embarrassing moments in this case—be our guest.

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Right out of nowhere
US Secret Service? NO CLUE.
The whole Department of Homeland Security? NO CLUE.
Nobody had a clue.
The Secret Service agents these guys had corrupted were absolute morons. Those agents thought nothing about getting a “free” apartment, just because their new buddy said he worked for DHS and his agency had some “spare” apartments in the building they could just use for free?
Federal rules are to report any attempts to be given gifts, but they kept their mouths shut. It’s easy to figure out why. Remember the news stories about the Secret Service agents drunken whoring on foreign trips during Obammy’s and Trump’s terms in office? ‘Second Verse- Same As The First’ It’s perfect for setting up a bachelor pad while telling your wife you got held over for a long shift or were traveling on a detail.
That’s why these guys never mentioned it and then they were compromised Likely they divulged sensitive ‘TTP’ -tactics, techniques and procedures – of Secret Service security. Not because they were blackmailed, but because why would you suspect a ‘fellow agent’?

So, what was the deal? The deal is that these guys were either advance party or were the actual team planning to whack somebody.
Like right out of a Tom Clancy or WEB Griffin novel.
It looks like this started after Trump ordered the hit on that Iranian General, Sulemanni. I think these guys are long term, deep cover Iranian assets. Likely Islamic Revolutionary Guard Qud’s Force. The best analogy being; this bunch of moslem terrorist fanatics is like a combination of the CIA and JSOC for the mullahs in Tehran. They were activated after Sulemanni got charbequed to figure out how to return the sentiment. And anybody who thinks for a moment that this was the only cell working the problem is an idiot.

Here’s what makes this scary
If it wasn’t for a US Postal Service inspector looking into a totally unrelated crime, none of this would have been discovered until ‘after’.

2 posed as agents, gave gifts to Secret Service officers

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal prosecutors on Wednesday charged two men they say were posing as federal agents, giving free apartments and other gifts to U.S. Secret Service agents, including one who worked on the first lady’s security detail.

The two men — Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 36 — were taken into custody as more than a dozen FBI agents charged into a luxury apartment building in Southeast Washington on Wednesday evening.

Prosecutors allege Taherzadeh and Ali had falsely claimed to work for the Department of Homeland Security and work on a special task force investigating gang and violence connected to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. They allege the two posed as law enforcement officers to integrate with actual federal agents.

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Barack Obama And Company Dishonestly Lecture UChicago Students On ‘Disinformation

Combating ‘disinformation’ is actually code for America’s elite recapturing the gate-keeping powers it lost during the advent of social media.

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to attend a fire prevention speech delivered by an arsonist? Or perhaps a child safety seminar led by a pedophile? Well, that’s exactly what it felt like Wednesday during the University of Chicago’s “Conference on Disinformation and Erosion of Democracy,” featuring some of the greatest promulgators of disinformation and illiberalism in American history.

Former President Barack Obama had the nerve to help open the event, although his administration famously spied on the Donald Trump campaign with a secret court warrant backed by the Hillary Clinton campaign-funded Christopher Steele dossier which, in an ironic twist, was the product of Russian disinformation. Democrats used this disinformation to repeatedly smear President Trump and undermine the integrity of the 2016 election.

Former chief advisor to the Obama administration David Axelrod moderated two of Wednesday’s discussions. To this day, Axelrod still has the gall to repeat the debunked Russian collusion hoax. He even repeated it Wednesday.

To make matters worse, The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum joined the stage to share her “expert knowledge” on Russian disinformation. When asked pointedly by my Chicago Thinker colleague Daniel Schmidt about whether she thought the media acted inappropriately by dismissing the Hunter Biden story, Applebaum condescendingly responded that she didn’t “find it to be interesting.”

What did she really mean? The Hunter Biden scandal (now even reluctantly acknowledged by the partisan New York Times) didn’t fit Applebaum’s narrative. So it was better left censored and unreported.

And just in case UChicago’s “disinformation” conference couldn’t get more laughably hypocritical, this Thursday and Friday will feature a swath of dishonest left-wing hacks like Brian StelterChristopher Krebs, and Amy Klobuchar. There will also be a few non-leftists deemed useful by leftists, like Jonah Goldberg and Adam Kinzinger.

The speaker lineup makes things clear: the conference seeking to combat “disinformation” does just the opposite. It celebrates some of America’s biggest liars as they spread more lies.

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Obama’s bloodless coup

Isn’t the Democrat Party the party of empathy, love and inclusion? Oh wait, that’s what they say, not exactly what they do.

No putsch here. Oh no, this Svengali is way too cool to actually show his fangs as he destroys his former vice-president, Joe Biden. Forgetting also that Joe Biden was the man who made him. Or perhaps, that’s it! Obama just can’t forgive Joe’s racist past and assumed white privilege.

But, have you ever watched any politician, or ex-president no less, more narcissist than Obama’s televised bloodless coup at the White House? Clearly the overthrow was devised, written, directed, and implemented by the former president. His sycophants couldn’t betray and abandon President Biden fast enough.

Obviously, the Democrats don’t believe that hapless Joe is destroying America fast enough. And clearly, with fangs unfurled, Obama has messaged that being a puppet master is not a proper second act for a past president of his Machiavellian genius. No more behind the scenes act for him.

Our First Lady, Jill Biden, is the spouse from the dark side. She allowed this circus side show to travel, succeed, and expose her husband’s weakness as he allowed the extreme left to accelerate America’s decline. Just where was she as her husband was deliberately humiliated, abandoned, and destroyed?

Joe Biden is a fairly mean girl himself. And one covered in lies and corruption. But Obama accomplished the impossible. He created sympathy for Biden.

And just who was the self-certified genius, with a double-digit IQ, who cooked up this nightmare? Watching the spectacle replayed on nighttime news, one was transported to high school. There was Obama — the true mean girl, and Harris — the tittering girl who only wanted the prom king.

While Ukraine suffers unspeakable horrors, and Putin plots his next geographic victim, as North Korea rattles its nuclear threats, as America’s inner cities continue to decline with crime on every level rising, along with overt virulent anti-Semitism, with inflation out of control, an invasion at the border, and an energy policy that is truly insane, we are governed by sadists, and sycophants too devoid of decency, humility, street sense, and vision to see the cause and effect of their destructive behavior.

The primaries are almost upon us and it is utterly mandatory that we select strong Republican candidates. The candidates that have the best chance of winning in November. It is more than time to accept a Republican who one agrees with some of the time, when one agrees with most Democrats none of the time.

Obama’s ugly display of contempt at the White House is uncharted territory. Who knows what the Democrats are plotting?

If our country doesn’t drastically change course in November, it will become unrecognizable.

Hunter’s Grand Jury Asks “Who Is The Big Guy”

Who is the Big Guy?

According to a new NY Post Hunter Biden exclusive :

A witness who testified before the Hunter Biden grand jury was asked to identify the “big guy” in the first son’s planned deal with a Chinese energy conglomerate — as calls ramped up to have President Biden included in a conspiracy probe.

The question arose after the witness was shown a piece of evidence while appearing in secret before the panel in Wilmington, Del., a source familiar with the proceedings told The Post.

A bombshell email exclusively reported by The Post in October 2020 showed that one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, James Gilliar, outlined the proposed percentage distribution of equity in a company created for a joint venture with CEFC China Energy Company.

While the source didn’t reveal what the answer was (if there was an answer) investigations of Hunter’s Chinese business strongly believe that Joe Biden is the “Big Guy.”

An email sent to Hunter Biden on May 13, 2017, explained a deal between a suspicious Chinese firm and Hunter’s Company, Rosemont Seneca Partners. This was later confirmed by Tony Bobulinski, who was involved in the deal (and ignored by the MSM).

Per a “provisional agreement” explained in the deal, 80 percent of the “equity,” or shares in the new company formed for the deal with China, would be split by people identified only by initials–“H” apparently referred to Hunter Biden, TB was Tony Bobulinski. Also listed  were “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” The Jim getting 10% is Joe Biden’s brother James, and “Big Guy” was Joe Biden, according to Tony Bobulinski.

Another confirmation of Hunter’s dealings is a report released by the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which told of “a vast web of corporate connections and financial transactions between and among the Biden family and Chinese nationals.”

When the scandal was first revealed, Joe Biden’s responded, “I am proud of my son.” Sure, I  bet that Al Capone’s father was proud of his son, and Vladimir Putin calls his mother every day.

Per the latest NY Post Hunter story:

[Former FBI agent Steve] Gray also said of Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associates, “The only reason they gave Hunter Biden the time of day is because of the influence and information they could gain from his family connections. They’re seeking leverage and intelligence.”

During a campaign appearance in Iowa in September 2019, Joe Biden said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

But about two months earlier, the New Yorker magazine published a profile of Hunter Biden based on a series of interviews in which he acknowledged talking once to his father about his job with Burisma.

“Dad said, ‘I hope you know what you are doing,’ and I said, ‘I do,’” he recalled.

Why does any of this matter? Hunter’s activities may have been illegal. However, nothing in any of the revelations about President Biden’s participation in Hunter’s business deals (and there are others) is illegal.
The issue is if he is proven without a doubt to be the “big guy, it means the man behind the Resolute Desk who has deep financial ties to the CCP Is leading America’s policy toward an economic and military threat to this country–a terrifying thought.

Hunter Biden Laptop Material Entered Into Congressional Record

It’s now an official matter of record.

Material from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop was entered into the Congressional Record on Tuesday at the request of Rep. Matt Gaetz.

The Florida Republican made the move during a hearing on oversight of the FBI’s Cyber Division after its assistant director, Bryan Vorndran, testified that he didn’t “have any information about the Hunter Biden laptop,” which the bureau seized from a Delaware repair shop in December 2019.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) initially blocked Gaetz’s request but relented a short time later……………..

Senators Release Receipts Showing Direct Payments From Foreign Oligarchs to Hunter Biden

Shortly after The New York Times quietly admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop is legitimate even though it was smeared as “disinformation” to protect then-candidate Joe Biden during the 2020 election, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin released bombshell receipts showing Hunter received payments from foreign oligarchs that further reveal “the extent to which President Biden might be — and almost certainly is — compromised.”

According to the documents obtained by the senators, energy company CEFC, “an arm of the Chinese Government,” paid Wells Fargo Clearing Services $100,000 and designated “further credit to Owasco,” Hunter’s firm.

“There’s no middle man in this transaction. This is $100,000 from what is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese government direct to Hunter Biden,” Grassley said on the Senate floor on Monday. “To the liberal media and my Democratic colleagues: Is this official bank document Russian disinformation?”……………

I think they already know the answer (Biden family corruption)

GOP senators want answers on DOJ decision to kill program to catch Chinese spies

Several Republican senators are challenging Attorney General Merrick Garland for his Justice Department’s decision to end a program to thwart Chinese spies and asking how the Biden administration will now combat China’s espionage on U.S. soil.

Led by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the lawmakers penned a letter to Garland last week inquiring about the recent termination of the so-called China Initiative, which was launched by the Trump administration in 2018 to preserve America’s technological edge. The program was specifically designed to identify and prosecute those engaged in hacking, stealing trade secrets, and conducting economic espionage for the Chinese government inside the U.S.

“On Feb. 23, 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced it was effectively ending the China Initiative and implementing a new ‘Strategy for Countering Nation-State Threats,’ which will subsume the China Initiative’s work in addition to efforts related to countries such as Russia, Iran, and North Korea,” the lawmakers wrote Thursday.

In a speech announcing the termination of the China Initiative, Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division said that while China “stands apart” as a “brazen” espionage threat, a “broader approach” is needed to confront threats from a “variety” of countries. Olsen called this effort a “strategy for countering nation-state threats.”

Republican senators expressed concern that the new approach is ill-defined and therefore may not be effective at specifically combating nefarious activities conducted by the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

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The coming federal weaponization of banking

The largest shake-up in finance since the formation of the Federal Reserve is nearly here. The establishment of a government-backed cryptocurrency is a threat to the freedom of commerce and would give Washington the ability to weaponize banking against political dissent, or even block Americans from accessing their own money altogether.

A digital version of the dollar has been in the works for over a year now. Earlier this month, President Biden signed an executive order both curtailing existing cryptocurrencies and laying the groundwork for a federal digital currency. Crypto regulations have been a favorite topic of Democrats on Capitol Hill and regulators in the federal bureaucracy. Biden deployed numerous excuses, including the risks of money laundering and the carbon emissions needed to produce crypto, to justify cracking down on these currencies. But the kicker of the statement is the regulatory groundwork for the coming “digital dollar.” The United States will be the second major power to foster such a move, after China, where efforts to create a digital currency as part of its social credit system are a sign of what might be coming here soon.

Physical currency likely will be phased out entirely over time, in favor of a digital format controlled by the Federal Reserve. The ubiquity of cell phones and scannable codes will make integration of a digital currency, under some form of the blockchain, relatively easy to implement. This soft-nationalization of the banking sector would leave the United States in uncharted waters. Nearly every transaction, from political donations to purchases as seemingly insignificant as a pack of gum, would be visible to the government and subject to scrutiny. Government regulations could block or track certain transactions with no trial or public recourse. Even worse, if you were placed on a list by a federal bureaucrat — not a judge — your access to banking and credit cards potentially could be shut off without a warrant or trial.

There is a chilling irony that the open-source technology intended to evade government control instead could be used for it. The use of the Homeland Security apparatus after 9/11 could be used as a domestic cudgel, and watchlists and flagging systems similar to those against international terrorists could be used against American citizens. If your political views are deemed “extremist,” your ability to purchase firearms or plane tickets could be blocked automatically. Taken to a further extent, the precedent would allow for the federal government (or states or localities in certain circumstances) to restrict purchases of tobacco or fatty foods — or to block people who haven’t been jabbed or boosted against COVID-19 (or the latest virus) from dining out in cities with vaccine mandates in place.

At the same time, a centralized digital currency would allow the Federal Reserve to create trillions of dollars with the click of a button, causing inflation to further spiral out of control. Much of this pseudo-printing would be a major boon to Washington. The federal government could distribute social spending in an instant. The existing bureaucracy can expand the government dole with relative alacrity. Federal “equity” programs could be dependent on this connection between D.C. and your coming digital wallet.

Think that this all sounds far-fetched? Just look at what’s happening in China. Beijing’s social credit system punishes malcontents with restrictions on internet use and travel. Closer to home, Canada used its Emergency Acts to effectively shut out supporters of the Freedom Convoy from polite society, and supporters of the protest had their bank accounts frozen. Single moms making minimum wage lost access to their money for donating as little as $50 to the truckers. The Canadian government shut down more than 200 bank accounts and more than 250 cryptocurrency addresses, and threatened to suspend protesters’ insurance coverage. The message from the government to the truckers and their supporters was clear: Your opinions are not acceptable to the Justin Trudeau government.

Such harsh means will be a valuable precedent for governments worldwide — for the simple fact that they work. And the establishment of inter-linked government cryptocurrencies, which make every transaction traceable and punishable, will only make such tyrannical measures easier to implement.

The Biden administration has less than three years left to put in place the most formidable central banking operation in a century, at the expense of personal liberty. For now, these changes may not seem threatening. After all, you have nothing to hide. But the implementation of such sweeping government powers over personal banking, with corporate acceptance, will be utilized by upcoming Republican or Democratic presidents in support of their own causes — at the expense of yours.

If you don’t want your $20 Freedom Convoy or Black Lives Matter donation auto-flagging you as a domestic terrorist, speak up now or forever lose your ability to do so. Once the genie is out of the bottle, you will not be able to put it back in.

Of course they did, but since they’re on the proggie demoncrap side of the equation, nothing will happen.

Also remember rule #1. The media is not your friend and submitting to be interviewed is the most stupid thing you can do, since they will selectively edit your words to fit the narrative they want.

Did NBC News & Pennsylvania AG’s Office Commit Multiple Felonies?

Did NBC News and Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office break both federal, state, and local laws during their recent NBC Nightly News story on JSD Supply?

Many people in the gun community are asking if any laws were broken after the story ran on the NBC Nightly News. When the hit piece was filmed, the news organization and the Pennsylvania AG’s office appeared to have broken multiple laws to produce their sensationalized hit piece on Americans building guns at home.

Now gun rights advocates are demanding answers.

NBC News did a hidden camera investigation at an Eagle Shows gun show in Oaks, Pennsylvania. Eagle Shows is owned by Jordan Vinroe, who also owns JSD Supply. JSD Supply is one of the country’s largest 80% firearms retailers. Last fall, JSD Supply was banned from the gun shows due to pressure from the AG’s office and others. Vinroe turned around and purchased Eagle Shows and not only let sellers of unfinished firearms back into the show, but he also started holding classes where buyers could learn how to finish their products into fully working Firearms.

An Amateur Hit Job on “Ghost Guns”

Vaughn Hillyard Screengrab JSD Supply and Eagle Shows on NBC News Video March 2022
Vaughn Hillyard Screengrab JSD Supply and Eagle Shows report by NBC News Video March 2022

The NBC reporter, Vaughn Hillyard, entered the Oaks Gun Show with a hidden camera and purchased two P80 kits from JSD Supply. After buying the kits, the NBC news crew ambushed JSD Supply’s Jordan Vinroe outside the show. Ambush interviews are used to catch people off guard and get interviews with subjects you believe wouldn’t grant one through normal channels.

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So, to unpack this in retrospect, these former intel heads admitted they did not “have evidence of Russian involvement,” but all were in total agreement because of their suspicions from afar? And like seagulls at the beach, most of the press ate it up………

We heard a lot about collusion during the Trump era, but the real collusion happened between broadcast, print and social media all working together to either squash or dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Hunter Biden, now one of the most successful first-time artists in the history of art, apparently is the third rail of journalism. Because, despite the New York Times report verifying his laptop and his damning emails, CBS Evening News, ABC’s World News Tonight, NBC’s Nightly News and CNN committed zero seconds to it on the air in the past week, according to the Media Research Center.

Ask yourself this: What if Donald Trump Jr. were under investigation by the IRS and the FBI for the same reasons. Would we also see this kind of muted coverage?   We all know the answer to that question.

Hunter Biden, the protected third rail of journalism

Seventeen months after the New York Post broke its exclusive bombshell regarding emails from Hunter Biden‘s abandoned laptop, the New York Times – widely considered the nation’s “newspaper of record” – finally got around to confirming the story’s authenticity.

But even when the Times finally admitted there were emails showing Joe Biden‘s son involved in seemingly shady deals and influence-peddling of the family name for profit, it still did its best to bury the lede.

“Hunter Biden Paid Tax Bill, but Broad Federal Investigation Continues,” the Times recent headline reads before this sub-headline: “The Justice Department inquiry into the business dealings of the president’s son has remained active, with a grand jury seeking information about payments from around the world.”

The reader needs to go (checks notes) 24 paragraphs down before reading anything about verifying the contents of the laptop.

“People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity. Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation,” explains the story with three bylines.

The “revelation” is certainly an about-face from the way the Times and other major news outlets first reported on the Post exclusive that came shortly before the 2020 presidential election. Headlines included:

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