Don’t understand? Au contraire mon ami. They hold it in contempt.

Axios Founder: Most media publications don’t understand 50% of America.

The founder and CEO of Axios, Jim VandeHei, says that he’s concerned America will split in two over the lack of understanding of Trump supporters’ values.

Rudy Giuliani Holds a Press Conference in Philadelphia…

Earlier this afternoon Rudy Giuliani lead a press conference about claims of ‘voter fraud’ immediately after major news networks called the presidential race in favor of Democrat nominee and potemkin candidate Joe Biden.

Trump Releases Raw Video of ’60 Minutes’ Interview and It’s Everything You Thought It Would Be

Trump’s reasoning for the move has been that the media doesn’t represent him honestly, and he wanted to make sure the people could see the full footage and make their own judgments.

Watching back the video, it is obvious they made the right choice. Stahl came in loaded for bear and set up the interview by asking the President if he was “ready for some tough questions.” Trump responded with a shrug…..

………………….Many media outlets seem all too willing — nay, all too eager — to bury a truly salacious story because it would harm the candidate they secretly (or perhaps not very secretly) support. But both the Hunter Biden scandal and Obamagate are real stories, whether the legacy media likes it or not. It is utterly unfair and absolutely shameless for media outlets to bury these stories simply because they reflect poorly on the candidate those outlets secretly hope will win the election.

That may be the worst scandal of all.

Okay, here’s what the ATF decided was a Short Barreled Rifle (SBR), as opposed to an AR pistol with an arm brace.
No one really knows because the ATF isn’t saying how they decided this. Kind of like the Turks in the Constantinople song.

See the source image

See the source image

I don’t know how many of our readers are cognizant of the all the ins-and-outs of pistols and arm braces, but to me I can’t figure out how ATF rationally can call this an SBR without calling every other arm braced pistol/firearm a short barreled rifle, or – like the Mossberg Shockwaves – a short barreled shotgun. Of course, they have ping-ponged themselves a number of times on the subject already, so I shouldn’t be surprised they’ve apparently done it again.

Now does anyone still question about why I refer to them as: BUREAUCRAPS!

This afternoon and evening have been hilarious as the media lose their minds in a collective meltdown.
Trump is the master at exposing the media as the fools they are.

The Mainstream Media Throws a Fit After Trump Leaves Walter Reed

With the 150 million that have died from ‘gun violence’ the U.S. has been completely depopulated!
What are we then;
Ghosts? Unreal? Without body? Illusions only? Shadows without substance?

Wait, What? Biden Just Said Something Absolutely Crazy About COVID Deaths

A day after the Biden campaign announced a lid at 8:30 a.m. and took the whole day off, a well-rested Biden stumbled out of his basement to say something that should truly sound the alarm over the state of Biden’s mental faculties, in case it wasn’t loud enough before.

“It’s estimated that 200 million people will die probably by the time I finish this talk,” claimed the 77-year-old career politician.


I understand the Democrats want to blame the global pandemic that started in China on President Trump, but how exactly are 200 million people going to die, more than half of all Americans, within the few minutes that Biden concluded his speech? Did the Biden team get the candidate’s medication right this morning? Continue reading “”

There is no need of a question “?” mark. This is a ‘Freudian slip’ where Kamala lets out her real thoughts, thinking she is going to be the one in charge with SloJoe being nothing more than a figurehead.
If anyone still has any questions…………