The painful symbolism of the 26,000 National Guard troops in D.C.

Those of you who are reading this post are the type of people who pay attention to things. That’s why you already know that 26,000 National Guard troops drawn from all over America and from Puerto Rico, have assembled in Washington, D.C., in advance of Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday. (That’s about three divisions worth of troops.) But have you given serious thought to what the troops’ presence means?

I’ve heard from some optimistic people who believe that the troops are the last phase in a Trumpian plan to reclaim America and maintain it as a true constitutional republic, rather than the socialist tyranny the Democrats seem to have planned. I’m a perennial pessimist, so I’m sorry to say that I don’t believe that the troops’ presence means anything good.

Instead, I’m inclined to agree with Tucker Carlson’s brilliant Monday night opening monologue regarding the deeper meaning behind a massive D.C. lockdown that makes it look like Baghdad, circa 2003. As Tucker noted, this troop build-up is five times the number of military personnel currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

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This is somehow a shocking revelation?

Republicans shouldn’t feel guilty about vocally opposing Biden’s COVID-19 relief efforts. Conservative opposition isn’t an obstruction of a commonsense emergency response but a rejection of an imposition of a liberal economic agenda on the United States through a back door.

Biden COVID-19 relief plan is a Trojan horse for a sweeping liberal agenda

President-elect Joe Biden just unveiled his proposal for a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. Democrats insist it is targeted to respond to the crisis and only full of “commonsense” measures and much-needed emergency spending.

Yet, even a cursory glance at the specifics of the package reveals that it’s a Trojan horse for a sweeping liberal agenda that Biden could never otherwise get passed.

Yes, the proposal does include billions for vaccine distribution, testing, school reopenings, and the like. But it also includes blatant partisan priorities, such as a federal $15 minimum wage.

Biden knows that this far-left, job-killing policy would never make it out of Congress in a straight up-down vote. The Democrat’s hope here is obviously that he can sneak a doubling of the federal minimum wage into an “emergency” package that lawmakers feel obligated to support. We should all hope this duplicity is unsuccessful.

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Montana House of Representatives Pass ‘Permitless Carry’ Bill

HELENA- The Montana House of Representatives voted 66-31 Thursday to pass House Bill 102 by Representative Seth Berglee (R-Joliet). House Bill 102 removes state barriers to individuals exercising their constitutional right to carry a firearm for self-defense. It allows individuals who are lawfully allowed to open carry a firearm to carry concealed in the same areas without a permit. Additionally, HB 102 ensures that young adults on our college campuses aren’t denied their fundamental right to self-defense.

“It is long past due that law-abiding Montanans’ right to self-defense is respected without state barriers,” Rep. Seth Berglee said Thursday. “This bill modernizes Montana’s antiquated permitted and permitless carry laws to better reflect the safe carrying of firearms in the 21st century.”

House Bill 102 now moves to the Montana Senate for consideration.

“House Bill 102 is a priority bill for House Leadership, and I want to thank Representative Berglee for carrying it,” said Speaker of the House Wylie Galt. “House Republicans will continue advancing bills this session that protect the rights and individual freedoms of Montanans from government intrusion.”

Well, actually it’s ‘We The People‘ are the key.

Manchin Key to Thwarting New Gun-Control Legislation, Second Amendment Groups Say.

As the Biden administration prepares to enter office, Second Amendment activists are looking to a Democrat in the hopes that he will serve as a bulwark against his own party’s efforts to tighten gun-control laws.

With Democrats set to take control of the presidency and both houses of Congress in just seven days, Second Amendment activists are raising the specter of sweeping legislative action, from an assault-weapons ban and universal background checks to a federal red-flag law that would allow police to seize guns from those perceived as a threat.

The activists are looking to the upper chamber’s most conservative Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin (W. Va.), as a key ally, pointing to his opposition to the sorts of procedural changes, such as ending the filibuster and court packing, that could allow Democrats to pass gun-control legislation with a simple majority.

“If [Manchin] caves on that, we lose everything. If he stands strong, then we can defeat everything,” said Erich Pratt, senior vice president of the Gun Owners of America.

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For Our Leftist Elites, the Double Standard’s Meant to Be Blatant. That’s the Point

I came to understand our political situation today by watching gorilla documentaries. Let me explain.

At day’s end, when I’m exhausted, I wind down by finally turning on the television. The last things I usually watch are nature films, on the diverse, fascinating, and mostly apolitical channel CuriosityStream. For a grand total of $12 per year (as of now), you get access to thousands of polished, beautifully produced documentaries on every subject from ancient history to contemporary science. It’s the best entertainment money I’ve ever spent.

Invariably, I look for animal films. First of all, I’m a sucker for God’s innocent creatures, especially the furry ones. But I take delight in all the evidence of direct, Divine design all through the animal kingdom — from speeding sharks to circling condors. I do wish CuriosityStream would air some programming from the Discovery Institute. Its scientists do much better explaining nature via design than Darwinists do with their “just so” stories and smuggled-in teleology. (“Evolution developed the eagle’s eye to make it a better hunter… .”)

The Pyramid Is the Point

One thing I notice among most higher mammals, especially primates: the almost universal preoccupation with hierarchy. In some species, only the highest status female gets to breed. Once she claims that position, usually by bullying other females, it goes mostly unchallenged. But much more prevalent are species where the status that matters is male. The dominant male collects a harem of she-gorillas or sea lionesses, and fathers all the group’s children. Lesser males steer well clear of females, and accept the scraps from hunts, lest they summon the alpha male’s wrath. Often the dominant males will go out of their way to humiliate their lesser brethren, just to remind them who’s boss.

And that’s how to understand what’s happening politically right now in America.

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They were talking about impeaching him before he was even sworn in, which tells you a lot about the seriousness of this. Whoopdie-Doo

If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell does not attempt to reconvene the Senate, it all but guarantees Trump won’t be tried in the Senate until after 1 p.m. on Jan. 20, an hour after he becomes an ex-president.

House impeaches Trump a second time, but conviction and removal are unlikely.

The House impeached President Trump for the second time Wednesday, charging him for behavior they believe caused the violent Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol that left five dead, dozens injured, and the historic building defaced and damaged.

Ten House Republicans joined all House Democrats to pass a single impeachment article accusing Trump of inciting an insurrection.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, must now decide when to send the article to the Senate, which is not scheduled to be in session until Jan. 19 and is unlikely to consider it until after Trump leaves office.

Trump’s term ends on Jan. 20 at 12 p.m.

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A few days ago, I told the Shootists’ Vice-Chairman to mark my words that on 21 January, we’d start to see a miraculous national recovery begin from the bug, just to make SloJoe look good.

Will COVID Numbers Now Shift for Biden’s Benefit?

How much of the past year was about the actual coronavirus rather than a political weapon to damage President Trump and remove him from office? The answer is obvious. We have had viral pandemics before, including a seasonal influenza, without mask mandates, social distancing, business closures, travel restrictions, and hysterical media coverage.

Much of the hair-on-fire reporting is over cases and deaths. As I have previously written, a positive test is not the same as a case, and a death with COVID is different than death from COVID.

What if these definitions suddenly change in the upcoming weeks, once Joe Biden is in the White House, creating the impression that getting rid of the Orange Man caused the case and fatality numbers to suddenly plummet, not because of anything Biden did, but simply because he isn’t Trump?

Rewriting history is a popular pastime for the left. Just ask George Orwell or observe current events including the social media purge and cancel culture. How might this play out with COVID?

Start with testing — the PCR test which is overly sensitive. From that bastion of right-wing conspiracy, the New York Times,

The PCR test amplifies genetic matter from the virus in cycles; the fewer cycles required, the greater the amount of virus, or viral load, in the sample. The greater the viral load, the more likely the patient is to be contagious.

This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients, although it could tell them how infectious the patients are.

In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.

In addition, a positive PCR test is not necessarily a case of COVID. There is a “case definition,” something the corporate media is willfully ignoring. According to the CDC, a case requires, “presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence.”  Notice the AND, meaning not simply a positive test.

The result is that case counts are wildly inflated and are being used to drive lockdowns, business and school closures, mask mandates, and other measures that may not be necessary or even helpful.

What if the definitions conveniently change in the upcoming weeks?

As reported by Zero Hedge last week, “The FDA today joined The WHO and Dr. [Anthony] Fauci in admitting there is a notable risk of false results from the standard PCR test used to define whether an individual is a COVID case or not.”

Did Dr. Fauci just realize this? After decades working in public health and infectious diseases, test sensitivity is something he understands only too well. If he knew, did he say or do anything?

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How concerned investors should be about Biden’s tax proposals.

Stocks and taxes: What’s going to happen?

The Democrats’ control of Congress is shining a new spotlight on Biden’s tax proposals, particularly those that would affect stocks and bonds.
While Biden has repeatedly said he would not raise taxes on Americans earning less than $400,000 a year, he has proposed:

1) raising the marginal income tax rate from 37% to 39.6% for those making more than $400,000;

2) raising corporate taxes from 21% to 28%, and a 15% minimum book tax;

3) taxing long-term capital gains and qualified dividends at the ordinary income tax rate of 39.6 percent on income above $1 million.

Biden’s other proposals also have the potential to affect holders of stocks and bonds.

For example, he has proposed that those making over $400,000 should be subject to an additional 12.4% Social Security payroll tax, split evenly between employers and employees.

He has also proposed a change in 401(k) plans, from the current system that allows all savers to take up to $19,500 in income-tax deductions each year to a flat refundable tax credit that would give low-income earners a bigger tax break up front, and higher income earners a smaller tax break.

What effect will these proposals have on stocks? Will some sectors be more affected than others?

Savita Subramanian at Bank of America Securities estimates that the Biden tax plan would reduce S&P 500 earnings by 7% under the current plan, mostly stemming from higher corporate taxes. Growth-oriented sectors would be hit the hardest:

S&P 500: tax hit (estimated S&P 500 earnings impact based on Biden’s proposals )

  •  Technology                     down 9.2%
  • Health care                     down 8.4%
  • Communication services  down 8.2%
  • Consumer discretionary   down 7.5%
  • Financials                         down 6.5%

Source: BofA Securities

What effect would these taxes have on stock market behavior? It’s complicated, but Dan Wiener, who runs the Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors and is chairman of Adviser Investment Management, says the impact on investors from a capital gains hike may be more limited than many think. “The people who will be most concerned are high-end active traders and some hedge funds,” he said. “Much of the stock is with pension funds who have no tax liability; 401(k) and IRA accounts are not taxed until the money is taken out.”

Raising taxes on the wealthy will also revive the old debate that hiking taxes would not necessarily provide a dramatic increase in revenues.

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Rashida Tlaib’s New Office Neighbor to Fly Israeli Flag.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D., Mich.) new neighbor in her congressional office building intends to fly an Israeli flag as a statement against Tlaib’s anti-Israel stance.

Freshman Rep. Kat Cammack (R., Fla.), who has been given the office next to Tlaib’s for the 117th Congress, says she hopes Israel’s flag will send a message to Tlaib, a frequent critic of Israel who has a history of anti-Semitic comments.

“[Tlaib] has some very strong opinions about Israel, and I have some very strong opinions about Israel, so I have made a pledge that I’m going to be planting the flag of Israel outside my door right next to the American flag,” Cammack told a Gainesville, Fla., ABC affiliate. “I think it’ll be very helpful as she walks past it every day.”

Tlaib did not respond to a request for comment before press time.

Gators for Israel, a Jewish student advocacy group, will provide the flag for display, Cammack said.

Cammack became the representative for Florida’s Third Congressional District following the retirement of her former boss, Rep. Ted Yoho (R., Fla.), for whom she served for six years as deputy chief of staff. Cammack’s support for Israel and Israeli sovereignty was a major plank of her campaign platform.


Welcome to Banana Republic, USA.

Out of all the crazy, strange, and unbelievable news items Insanity Wrap has brought you over the previous 119 editions of this column, “guns drawn in the Capitol” is the craziest, the strangest, and the most unbelievable — all in one item of just five words.

It’s difficult to be glib about the news after a day like yesterday, so today’s Insanity Wrap will be less of a wrap-up and more of a lament.

Four people are dead.

So many of us told you something like this was inevitable after Antifa/BLM was allowed for months to get away with their anarcho-communist brand of street thuggery.

Not that you, gentle reader, needed to be told.

Still, the timing and location came as a shock.

It remains to be seen whether yesterday’s deadly riot represents a one-off venting of political frustration or a sea-change in that the Right will from now on operate more like the Left does.

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Republican and Conservative Leaders Condemn Capitol Hill Violence

Contrast with leftist justification for Antifa/BLM violence all summer.

One thing that stands out at this early stage about the violence on Capitol Hill is that the right—from Republican Congressmen to prominent media personalities—is calling with one voice for the violence to stop.

The contrast between the right’s immediate calls for an end to the violence and the months-long Democrat, media, and leftist sugar-coating (remember the antifa “summer of love”?), down-playing (mostly peaceful arson), and refusing to condemn antifa and BLM violence as it swept the nation’s cities in 2020 is stark.

President Trump issues a strong request that the violence stop. He reminds the rioters, if they turn out to be Trump supporters, that “WE are the Party of Law & Order.”

Woman Shot Climbing Through Doorway inside Capitol Dies From Gunshot Wound

A young woman was shot while climbing through a doorway window in Washington DC today. It appears from the video, a woman attempted to climb through a side-door window; she was shot from inside the hallway and fell back into a small group behind her.

In the image below she is wearing a red and white backpack, climbing through a broken window next to a doorway when a shot is heard. She falls directly backward as people, including two uniformed police officers, attempt to render aid.

There were two uniformed police officers directly behind her who seemed surprised at the gunfire. [Twitter Video Here] Reports are now surfacing that the young lady died in the hospital following a single gunshot to the neck.

Sen. Gohmert Says Republicans Need To Match Antifa, BLM Violence

Some one in office finally said it.

If the bottom line is, the court is saying, ‘We’re not going to touch this. You have no remedy’ — basically, in effect, the ruling would be that you gotta go the streets and be as violent as Antifa and BLM,” Gohmert told Newsmax in a Friday night interview.

Hilariously, Bloomberg describes Antifa as “a loosely-aligned movement that opposes fascism.”

On Thursday, Kernodle ruled that Gohmert hadn’t sufficiently argued that he suffered an injury by any action by Pence, and therefore had no legal standing to sue. The judge didn’t consider the merits of the case in his decision.

Congressman Gohmert’s alleged injury requires a series of hypothetical — but by no means certain — events,” wrote Kernodle – a 2018 Trump appointee, adding “Plaintiffs presuppose what the Vice President will do on January 6” and “which electoral votes the Vice President will count or reject from contested states.”


Gohmert filed a notice of appeal late Friday, which was promptly dismissed Saturday morning

There is a reason I refer to them as demoncraps

Why Working With Democrats On Guns Is Impossible

Right now, political division is extremely high. I don’t want to say it’s at an all-time high because, well, there was that little tiff back in the 1860s that suggests it might have been a tad worse back then. I mean, 620,000 American lives lost is a bit worse than the rioting we’ve seen in the last few years.

Yet, anyone with eyes can see that it’s still pretty bad.

Many are issuing calls for unity, for us coming together and working with one another. Of course, this comes after four years of #resistance and all that, but whatever.

The problem is, when you don’t really understand why some divisions exist, it’s easy to make light of the issues. Take this one, for example.

If your dog won’t stop chewing on the furniture and you work with it to chew its toys are you suddenly on the level of your dog for still allowing the chewing?? Of course not! This is literally how simple and idiotic the arguments that happen on Capitol Hill are. Let’s take gun rights for example:

Democrats don’t want to see people get killed. Republicans don’t want people’s rights infringed on. So suddenly, any Republican who supports any kind of gun legislation wants to take everyone’s guns and any Democrat who wants to compromise is a murder-permitting disgrace.

This also works the other way though too. This means that Democrats now must signal that they are okay with taking guns and that Republicans must signal that they don’t support gun laws. Which, of course, further contributes to the polarization because now each side has a reason to fear that extreme because it’s real now.

Not only that but, if anyone on our side is working with the other side, they must have switched viewpoints because there’s only two and they’re so different. Get the picture?

Sure, if you look at it through a microscope, it appears that way.

When you understand the subject in totality, though, not so much.

See, when we say that anti-gunners want to take away our gun rights, it’s not based on fearmongering or a misunderstanding of their position, but a firm understanding of history. Continue reading “”

The Left Redefines Resistance as ‘Sedition’
Remember when dissent was patriotic?

It was inevitable that the Democrats would overreact to legal challenges by President Trump and other Republicans to corrupt election practices in swing states, but some responses have been unhinged even by their standards. One recurring refrain is particularly disturbing — that lawyers, members of Congress, and state attorneys general who supported post-election litigation are guilty of sedition.

At least one Democratic congressman insists that attorneys representing the president in such challenges should be disbarred and that House members who supported Texas v. Pennsylvania in the Supreme Court shouldn’t be seated in Congress. One of the defendants in that ill-fated lawsuit described it as a “seditious abuse of the judicial process.”

This dangerous view of dissent has a long, sordid history among progressives. Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, for example, was the driving force behind the notorious Sedition Act of 1918, passed by his fellow Democrats at a time when they controlled both houses of Congress. This anti-democratic outrage made it a felony crime to criticize the government and, by extension, Wilson himself. A violation of the Sedition Act was punishable by a fine of as much as $10,000 and imprisonment for as long as 20 years. More than 2,000 American citizens were arrested and prosecuted pursuant to the Sedition Act. This crime against democracy was at length repealed by the Republicans after the GOP won majorities in both houses of Congress in the 1918 midterm elections. Continue reading “”

Trump Is Considering Giving an Order That Should Terrify Joe Biden

I could write this article in just two words: Do it.

A new report is out saying that President Trump is currently considering the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. This comes after the revelation of at least four investigations involving the former VP’s son. Money laundering appears to be one of the chief concerns, though there are also other corruption issues at play. Joe Biden himself could also be fingered, given some of the past evidence we’ve seen that his knowledge of what went on is far deeper than he’s admitted (see: New Hunter Biden Email Further Implicates Joe Biden). Continue reading “”

All indications appear so.

Is the whole government in on this fraudulent election?

Every once in a while, most of us wind up in situations where we are completely baffled. It may be a simple situation, such as having looked literally everywhere for our reading glasses, and not having found them. Did they violate the laws of physics and just vanish? One knows that that cannot be true, and yet, as the old saying goes, once one has ruled out every logical possibility, only the illogical remains, no matter how unlikely it is.

Another situation is the one we are in now. Any informed person, with a modicum of sense, can see that the presidential election results, at best, are not to be trusted and at worst are rampantly fraudulent. Yet it seems that court after court, and investigative agencies one after the other, are turning a blind eye. Are they violating the laws of physics?

It turns out that the reading glasses did not disappear; they were in place, but pushed up, on one’s forehead all along. There was a logical explanation after all.

And sadly, it turns out that the courts and government agencies were not turning a blind eye. They have been, all along, part of the fraud. No matter how unlikely that seems, it is the only answer remaining.

In other words, we lost this battle a long time ago. As soon as Trump was elected president in 2016, the dark state realized that it had blundered. Its members had underestimated the degree of fraud it would need to defeat him. This time, they removed all possibility of failure, and even then, they needed vastly more fraud than even they had anticipated. Stuffing the ballot boxes was not enough; they had to call time out, for a few hours, so they could print yet more ballots. Indeed, they printed so many more that the sheer number of them made it obvious that they were cheating.

One might think they overplayed their hand, that they had used a sledgehammer to swat a mosquito. In doing so, they removed all reasonable doubt — the election was clearly rigged. But the dark state was so desperate that its operatives cared nothing for how it seems to the informed observer. Nothing. They just had to make absolutely sure that there would be no way that Donald Trump would be declared the winner.

The culprits were not merely the usual suspects — the Adam Schiffs and Eric Swallwells and their ilk. As profoundly and obviously corrupt as they are, they are weak. They could not have pulled this off without some heavyweight criminals in high places, including the courts, the premier law enforcement agencies, the intelligence bureaus, and the private sector communications companies.

It is certain that President Trump has been a wrecking ball against the dark state. He came at it with courage, resolve, and a level of acumen that the left had dangerously underestimated. The 2020 election was, as the establishment saw it, the last and final chance to remove the threat he poses to their power. Had the election been honest, Trump would have won so overwhelmingly that the Democrat Party, for one, would have become a thing of the past. Trillions of dollars were at stake worldwide, including in China. People go to war for that kind of money and that level of power.

It is unsurprising, then, that there was nothing, literally nothing, from which the dark state would refrain, in its attack — not even if it destroys the republic. This was the final banzai charge. It was do or die.

There is only one remaining backstop that can defeat the dark state. It is we, the people, the heirs of 1776. In that year, the Founders declared their concerns not only for themselves, but for their as yet unborn “posterity.” They cared about us. Will we care as much for our descendants?


Biden, Harris Use Sandy Hook to Call for ‘Gun Reforms,’ Meaning Control

Using the anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Monday called for “gun reforms” to honor the victims of the 2012 shooting that left 20 youngsters and six adults dead.

It’s what Second Amendment activists call “camo speak” for more gun control. Anti-gun Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal chimed in, according to Fox News, declaring the Sandy Hook victims should be honored with “positive action” and he expects the incoming Biden administration will “redouble the efforts against gun violence.”

Biden’s legitimacy as the next president got a boost from Republican Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, who congratulated the former vice president by declaring the Electoral College “has spoken.” The Drudge Report blared this headline: “Season Finale: McConnell Finishes Trump.”

Biden and Harris insist they want “common sense” gun “reforms,” according to the Associated Press. It all translates to the same thing, according to grassroots gun rights activists: More restrictions on law-abiding citizens that will ultimately not prevent a single violent crime involving a firearm.

Sandy Hook was the work of a single mentally-deranged individual, Adam Lanza. Prior to the shooting, Lanza murdered his mother, took her guns from a safe and headed to the school in her car. While a Connecticut news organ, The Day, editorialized for additional gun controls, a reader who signed in as Keith J. Robbins reacted.

“The Day again gives lip service to the mental health issue, the actual reason for all the incidents mentioned was a failure by the liberal mental health system,” Robbins wrote. “Newtown happened because a parent enabled a child to commit murder, she paid the ultimate price for her failure. The child should have been institutionalized, as has been documented multiple times…The Day fails to address the continued carnage in Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and we are beginning to see it in New York, those communities have extensive gun laws and continue to be run by democrats. As we see emboldened criminals, because of a lax if non-existence criminal justice system, the Second Amendment becomes more prevalent for law abiding citizens.”

The Day wants to extend the background check period from three to ten days. It wants so-called “universal background checks” for all gun transfers, except between family members—a mandate that would not have prevented Sandy Hook, since Lanza killed his mother and used her guns—and a ban on so-called “assault rifles” and original capacity magazines.

The Day editorial claims these are “some sensible reforms that are popular with the American public, including many gun owners.”

The only thing that could derail Biden’s gun control schemes would be a Republican victory in the two Senate races slated Jan. 5 in Georgia. If incumbent Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler retain their seats, the GOP will remain in control of the Senate and provide a barrier.

Eating Our Own: The Fine (Not So) Young Cannibals of the Gun Industry

Whether through articles or posts on social media the gun industry has an unfortunate tendency to readily and joyously eat its own. Toss a proverbial hot topic into the ring and suddenly it’s lions versus Christians with the lone Christian being represented by some poor guy who was “just saying.”

It’s a topic worth addressing even though it will cause more even kvetching and whining in the comment section (commonly-shared saying among writers: never read the comment section). Addressing this topic at all is likely to be called “whining”, “playing the victim card”, or – my personal favorite – “virtue signaling.”

There’s also the opposite end of the spectrum. There we have those who loudly proclaim we as an industry are being divided by the use of “divisive” speech. This often involves the originator of the discussion having asked a question or somehow challenged the status quo. You don’t dare rock the boat, because that makes you “part of the problem.”

What follows are my two cents. They’re sentiments I like to believe are shared by most of us here at TTAG. If my bluntness about this state of affairs offends you, sorry, but I’m not sorry. Continue reading “”