Doesn’t mean they won’t try for more gun control, they’re just keeping their mouths shut about it as their internal polling is showing it isn’t popular.

Hawkins: Leftists Silent as Americans Choose Guns over Gun Control

As millions of Americans have poured into gun stores and set background check records for seven straight months, the normally vocal gun grabbers on the left have gone silent.

Consider the example of Joe Biden, a man who spent months on the campaign trail promising universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, and even voiced support for government-mandate buybacks of certain firearms, yet did not mention gun control one time during his Democrat National Convention acceptance speech.

CNN published a transcript of the speech, and the absence of any gun control mention, much less a gun control push, is demonstrable. Continue reading “”

Trump Is Going to Kenosha, Liberals Are Having a Meltdown

There’s a reason that President Donald Trump is president and Hillary Clinton isn’t. Because he doesn’t run what he does through a PR adviser to determine whether his actions are popular or not, he actually has core policies and principles that he takes whether or not they are popular.

One of those is his decision to go to Kenosha. A White House spokesperson told reporters Saturday that Trump intends to visit Kenosha on Tuesday and will “meet with law enforcement and survey damage from recent riots.” It’s not clear yet if he will meet with the family of Jacob Blake.

That’s the right thing to do, to reassure not only the people there, but to send a signal out to everyone that he’s doing what he can, against great resistance from Democrats, to make the situation better and to give reassurance to the people that he cares not only about Kenosha but the other people affected by these riots.

Good for him. That’s why he has support on this issue, and Democrats don’t. Because Americans see him acting with actual honest outrage and concern about the riots. Meanwhile Democrats have failed to address them in Democratic cities and tried to paint them as peaceful.

Continue reading “”

Joe Biden Chickens Out, Decides Not to Go to Kenosha

Late last week it was reported that Joe Biden was going to leave his dungeon and travel to Wisconsin. This was supposed to be a moment of leadership in which he showed up to calm the seas of rioting that have been roiling following the likely justified shooting of Jacob Blake. It was also going serve as a kind of mental proof of life, indicating that Biden can actually get out on the campaign trail if needed.

Well, so much for that. Biden has decided to retreat and will instead make the much shorter trip over to Pennsylvania to deliver his remarks.

If Biden thinks Trump visiting the city he’s brought calm to with the National Guard is going to “backfire,” his advisors are letting him down. Kenosha was on fire until Gov. Evers’ hand was forced and he accepted help from the White House. Trump absolutely gets to own the success there and Biden going would have seemed a little ridiculous at this point.

Despite that, Democrats are not happy that Biden won’t be traveling to one of the key states from the 2016 election, at least according to the Politico reporter above. Apparently, they expect him to be an actual presidential candidate, something he’s clearly not capable of.

As an aside, I had to chuckle at this caveat put in the article.

However, before Trump made that call, Democratic Gov. Tony Evers had already sent some National Guard troops to the city and then increased the deployment.

Yes, Evers sent a woefully inadequate number which accomplished nothing until Trump came in with overwhelming force. The initial deployments were so bad that the city council sent a letter calling out the governor. Seeing Politico try to give Evers credit for his weakness is a bit rich.

Regardless, as I said, Biden simply can’t be the candidate the left wants him to be. He can’t barnstorm the campaign trail like Trump is getting ready to do. He can barely get out of his basement once a week at this point and he refuses to do any tough interviews. He’s had only two press conferences in the last four months. This man is a walking empty suit that Democrats hope they can just shove across the finish line.

I’ll end by saying that as a political matter, there’s just no way Biden is going to be able to turn the rioting around on Trump. People have eyes and they recognize that those committing the destruction are all Joe Biden voters. Sure, they might have originally been Bernie Bros, but they are all Democrats who want to remove Trump from office. Trying to paint Trump as responsible for Democrat politicians who refuse his help is not going to work.

Protesters stage sit-in at Portland Mayor Wheeler’s apartment complex

A group of protesters is sitting inside the lobby of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s apartment complex in the Pearl District, while others stand outside.

Independent journalists on scene estimated there were about 10 people inside the lobby of the building. One of those journalists, Garrison Davis, said some of the protesters wouldn’t leave until Mayor Wheeler came out and listened to their demands, which included:

  • Reduce the Portland Police Bureau budget.
  • Commit to never voting for police budget increases again.
  • Resign.

Born and raised in Britain, Sullivan is the quintessential leftist Brit, but he is spot on that the demoncraps have gone and done it to themselves.
This just goes to show that, on occasion, even idiots can have moments of clear thinking.

I don’t think I’m the only one, as even the Democrats seem now to realize. And this massive blindspot is not hard to understand.
When a political party finds itself so wedded to a new and potent ideology it cannot call out violence when it sees it, then it is walking straight into a trap.

When the discourse on the left has become one in which scholars and editors and Tweeters vie with one another to up the ante on how inherently evil America has always been, redescribe it as a slaveocracy, and endorse racist books that foment the most egregious stereotypes about “whiteness”, most ordinary people, who love their country and are mostly proud of its past, will rightly balk.

One of the most devastating lines in president Trump’s convention speech last night was this: “Tonight, I ask you a very simple question: How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?” 

The Trap The Democrats Walked Right Into
If law and order are what this election is about, they will lose it. 

It finally happened. We have lethal battles in the streets between the two tribes of our polarized politics. This week, a 17-year-old man, Kyle Rittenhouse, brought a rifle to Kenosha, Wisconsin, in order, it appears, to protect the businesses that were being burned down or ransacked by rioters after the police shooting of alleged rapist, Jacob Blake. In a series of skirmishes between Rittenhouse and BLM and Antifa activists on the streets of Kenosha, three men pursuing Rittenhouse were shot and two killed by the vigilante in what appears to be some kind of self-defense.

I’m doing my best to convey the gist of what happened — and there’s an excellent, detailed report of the incident from the NYT — without justifying any of it. No excuse for vigilantism; no excuse for looting, rioting and arson. Continue reading “”

Can the demoncraps do anything more to admit that they know SloJoe doesn’t have what it takes? Everyone demand the live debates just for the entertainment value.

Kamala Harris, Not Feeble Basement-Dwelling Joe Biden, Will Travel to DC to Deliver Counter to President Trump’s Convention Speech

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) will deliver a speech Thursday to counter President Trump’s remarks at the Republican National Convention formally accepting the GOP presidential nomination.

Harris, the Democratic Party’s vice presidential nominee, will speak in Washington, D.C., “on President Trump’s failures to contain COVID-19 and protect working families from the economic fallout” and the “Biden-Harris plan to contain COVID-19 and build a different path forward in America,” former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign said in a press release.

Trump is planning to give his speech Thursday from the White House lawn, and Harris’s remarks will serve as the Democratic Party’s main counter to his appearance. Continue reading “”


Now we are engaged in a great civil war of ideas, or should be. Our constitutional order is under attack by the neo-Marxist scoundrels of Black Lives Matter and the woke mob along with their allies inside the Democratic Party, the party’s media adjunct, and big business. And now along comes Yoram Hazony to explain what it’s all about in his Quillette essay “The challenge of Marxism.”

In the podcast below, Quillette also features Hazony discussing the vulnerability of liberal institutions like the New York Times to capture by the hard Left, as discussed in his essay. Hazony’s dire account of the present discontents may be too respectful of Marxist theory and oblivious to the true meaning of equality, but Hazony is doing intellectual work that is necessary for our defense. Indeed, he has a good handle on the weakness of liberalism in the face of Marxist attack. I wonder if his anticipation of a liberal opposition or resistance to the neo-Marxist assault may be overoptimistic for this reason.

Quotable quote: “With the Marxist conquest of liberal institutions, we have entered a new phase in American history (and, consequently, in the history of all democratic nations). We have entered the phase in which Marxists, having conquered the universities, the media, and major corporations, will seek to apply this model to the conquest of the political arena as a whole.”


The ad bombardment is expected to take aim at eight key states: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Texas.
So, if you’re there, get ready up for a gun-demonizing onslaught designed to “change your mind.” And know where it comes from: a man with a lot of money who couldn’t buy popularity to get the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, but is, nevertheless, intent on pulling strings.

Bloomberg Wants to Buy Your Right to Bear Arms

Michael Bloomberg failed to win much Democratic support in his expensive quest (spending an estimated $1 billion of his personal fortune) to secure the 2020 nomination for president, but the former New York City mayor is continuing to push his unrelenting gun-control agenda with lots of money.

He has plenty of it, and has no problem using it in an attempt to buy peoples’ freedom.

On Monday, Bloomberg confirmed that he is going to spend $60 million of his own money—a drop in the pan for a man worth in surplus of $50 billion by some estimates, but unfathomable funds to us commoners—to aid Democrat candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives across the country who would vote to restrict our right to keep and bear arms.

The $60 million is being poured into digital and television ads. It will also include a dump of funds to the House Majority PAC, connected to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has already gushed that the Bloomberg injection “was pivotal to our success two years ago.” Continue reading “”

Cue the meme:

Joe Biden faces new plagiarism claim over DNC acceptance speech

That’s sloppy, Joe.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden reprised his penchant for borrowing lines from other people’s work this week — apparently relying a bit too heavily on the words of a deceased Canuck party leader during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, reports said.

Biden concluded his Thursday night speech by saying: “For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than dark.”

But Canadian media quickly noted that the former veep’s words were uncannily similar to those of Jack Layton, the leader of Canada’s left-wing New Democratic Party, who issued a poignant open letter to his fellow citizens as he lay dying in 2011.

“My friends,” Layton wrote, “Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.”

Biden’s word play — delivered two days before the nine-year anniversary of Layton’s death — gave some in the Great White North a serious case of déjà vu. Continue reading “”

Biden supporters can’t think of a single thing he’s proposed

Students hate Kamala Harris quote..when they think it’s Trump’s

Horse, Trojan, One each.

The Inadvertently Revealing Democratic Convention
A party that sees itself as a force for change nominates the embodiment of business-as-usual.

You may not particularly like Joe Biden or the Democrats, but by a lot of measures, the first major-party convention held during the coronavirus pandemic worked. Technical snafus were relatively rare. Most of the speakers adjusted to the lack of an audience, keeping their remarks shorter than usual and deemphasizing the applause lines. There were a few fun moments, like Rhode Island’s prominent calamari platter, and a genuinely stirring moment when Braydon Harrington demonstrated his determination to overcome his stutter.

But the convention also inadvertently showcased the gap between what the Democratic Party likes to believe it is and what it actually is.

When Democrats get nostalgic about their past presidents, it is almost always for the younger, bold ones who represented a generational change, such as John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Democrats like to think of themselves as the daring party, the vanguard of a vast new revolution, one that is ready to transform the country today with a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a new, diverse self-image for America. Democrats see themselves as woke, but in keeping with America’s traditions; innovative, but reliable; inclusive, but never divisive . . .

. . . and they’re nominating Joe Biden, one of the oldest members of the Washington establishment they could find, whose specialty is the usual everything-but-the-kitchen-sink spending bills put together by slapping backs behind closed doors on Capitol Hill and making sure every little interest group gets its carve-out.

This is the party that likes to see itself as a force for change, nominating just about the most business-as-usual figure imaginable. Continue reading “”

The ‘cure’ can not be worse than the disease.

Coronavirus: Joe Biden Says He’s Willing to Shut Down Country Again

Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden revealed Friday that he would re-lock down the United States if scientists recommended the extreme measure to stop the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.

“I would shut it down; I would listen to the scientists,” Biden replied when asked by ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir if he would shut down the country if experts proposed the measure.

“I will be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus,” Biden, flanked by running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said. “That is the fundamental flaw of this administration’s thinking to begin with. In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing, and people employed, you have to fix the virus, you have to deal with the virus.” Continue reading “”

The fed politicians know they have a cushy seat on the .gov gravy train and they want to keep the train running as long as possible.

The real conspiracy is the Democrat establishment’s scheme to force you to pay to keep the teetering institutions it controls, like the post office and academia, on life support so that necessary change – which will disrupt those feeding at the institutional troughs – can be staved off for a few more decades. Democrats are the party of the status quo, the bloated, inefficient, parasitical status quo. They hate Trump, and you, precisely because Trump, and you, insist on upsetting their cushy arrangements.

The Post Office Conspiracy Is First Class Stupidity.

If you believe the mainstream media, Donald Trump is involved in a nefarious scheme to somehow make the USPS into something inefficient and incompetent, which comes close on the heels of his plot to make the sun start setting in the West. If that’s his plan, he already pulled it off decades before he first hit the cover of the New York Post. We conservatives think the president has done a lot of great stuff since humiliating Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit in 2016, but not even the most hardcore Trump Train engineer would go as far as Trump’s frothy pie-holed critics and credit the president with the mastery of time and space………….

The specifics of the alleged plot, to the extent you can identify them, are puzzling and elusive. What exactly is Trump going to do again? Is he going to order the mailmen to toss ballots in the shredder? Seems like it would be hard to pull off that flex with all those crack journalists out there. We are also told that he is rounding-up blue mailboxes from America’s street corners, and that this has been going on for a couple of decades is only further proof of his evil plan, somehow. Continue reading “”

‘A Star Is Born’: GOP Candidate’s Ad Trounces Michelle Obama DNC Speech In Digital Metrics.

As noted by The Daily Wire on Monday, Republican strategist and congressional GOP candidate Kimberly Klacik released a hard-hitting ad slamming Democrats for their apparent fake concern for black lives, highlighting the devastation in Democrat-run cities, particularly Baltimore. ………..

1, Yeah it’s political. Right in the middle of the demoncrap’s convention? That, right there, is world class trolling .

2, Even though the populace never took to them, I liked her dollars, and, hate to say it, but I liked them better than the lousy brass washed copper slug of a Sacajawea dollar.

Trump honors 100th anniversary of 19th Amendment by announcing pardon for Susan B. Anthony

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump paid tribute Tuesday to the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment by announcing he would grant a pardon to suffragist Susan B. Anthony.

Anthony, one of the leading figures in the movement to secure voting rights for women, was arrested for voting in Rochester, New York, in 1872, violating the laws that said only men could vote. She was convicted the following year.

“She was never pardoned,” Trump said during a ceremony at the White House. “She got a pardon for a lot of other women. And she didn’t put her name on the list.”

With first lady Melania Trump at his side, Trump signed a proclamation commemorating the 100th anniversary of the amendment, which was ratified on Aug. 18, 1920, giving women the right to vote.


Contemporary politics:


Saudi Arabia, Israel peace deal could be next

President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien said Sunday that Saudi Arabia may be the next country to form a peace agreement with Israel, following the agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel signed last week, known as the Abraham Accord.

In an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd, O’Brien responded to questions about whether Saudi Arabia might be the next to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel.