Well, maybe it is, along with all this other stuff

It’s not the vaccine, stupid

Why do so many Americans resist being vaccinated against COVID?  Or is that what they are actually resisting?

When I was a child, I was vaccinated against a number of deadly diseases.  As an adult, I had my own child vaccinated.  On the whole, vaccinations have saved countless lives and prevented epidemics that would otherwise have ravaged our nation and others.

Yet today, with a pandemic that has gripped the entire world with fears of a plague of (what they call) biblical proportions, there is more resistance to vaccination than ever before.  In reaction, there are calls for “vaccine mandates,” which would effectively force injections upon the population in vast numbers.  Why do so many people adamantly refuse to “take the shot”?

There is a reason.  Millions of Americans no longer trust their government.   The political left dismisses this distrust with its usual accusations of conservative ignorance, extremism, and racism, but those words, overused for many years, no longer coerce most Americans.

I know people who took the vaccine because their personal physicians, whom they trust, recommended it.  They were hesitant to accept that advice, but because of additional factors such as advanced age and complicated health issues, they finally gave in, fearing that for them, an infection might mean a death sentence.

However, when a bureaucrat demands that you be injected with a substance hidden behind walls of government censorship and secrecy, those with low risk factors are correct to be suspicious.  When that distrusted government starts making threats, it only further increases the suspicion.

To this day, there is no official, plausible statement regarding the origin of the China Virus.  (Even calling it by that name is deemed racist.)  There is a case to be made as follows:  the virus was engineered in a Chinese bioweapons research and development facility in the city of Wuhan.  It was released, either deliberately or through culpable negligence.  It then spread worldwide, due to the premeditated deception and travel policies of the Chinese government.

If this case is factual (the evidence for it is impressive), then China has committed an overt act of war and killed millions of people in the process.  Worse yet, it indicates a complete willingness of the Chinese communist government, in the near future, to recklessly inflict millions more deaths in the pursuit of its imperial designs.  We can expect more, and worse, from them.

What if that case is not factual?  If not, then one would expect complete and total transparency, from the Chinese, from the World Health Organization, and from the United States government.  None of them has been forthcoming.  Quite to the contrary, there has been continual reversal and self-contradiction in the official U.S. and WHO declarations.  The facts are shrouded in secrecy.  The Chinese government audaciously rejects any form of inspection and, indeed, punishes those of its people who speak out.

Combine these facts with other, unrelated reasons for which Americans distrust their government.  For example, why do Democrats so stubbornly resist audits of the 2020 elections if they have nothing to hide?  Why doesn’t Joe Biden take the cognitive abilities test that Democrats insisted President Trump take?  (Trump passed with flying colors.)  Why are there no significant prosecutions of leftist demonstrators who burned large areas of cities, but people who defended their property are punished?  These are trust issues of major importance, yet the government turns a deaf ear.  Officials demand that we comply with their capricious regulations, and then themselves disobey those orders without consequence, as if they regard themselves not as our public servants, but as our masters and overlords.

Now those same government officials who do all that are approaching us with a needle and asking us to allow them to inject who-knows-what into our bodies, with absolutely zero credible studies about the long-term effects.

Utterly lacking in self-awareness, they wonder why we would even question them.

1, Interesting to see they didn’t mention that the controversy comes from Chipman’s involvement at the Branch Davidian siege

2, “If confirmed, David Chipman would be the most qualified director the ATF has ever seen, an agency that’s purpose is to enforce existing gun laws.”–Shannon Watts.
She’s more on the nose than she realizes. This is an admission that the ATF exists for no other purpose than to stomp over peoples civil liberties. If that’s the metric by which she’s using to infer his qualifications, he’s definitely a good choice.

NRA and Republicans out to hobble Biden’s choice for top gun law role

David Chipman’s nomination to lead the ATF could be in trouble – which would be a serious blow to gun control advocates

The nomination of David Chipman to lead the principal agency that enforces federal gun laws is stalling as Republicans and the National Rifle Association (NRA) seek a major symbolic victory on the ever contentious issue of gun rights.

This week Merrick Garland, the attorney general, urged the US Senate to confirm Joe Biden’s pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) where he will play a crucial role in the struggle against gun violence.

The intervention was the latest warning sign that the nomination of Chipman might be in trouble – which would be a serious blow to gun control advocates

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“….from our sources from deep within the Bureau.”

It appears that some personnel in the ATF don’t like what they see going on behind closed doors and are taking steps to get it out in the open.

CAUGHT: Biden’s ‘AFT’ Secretly Changing Rules To Revoke Firearms Licenses

A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) leak shows that the organization is changing its secret rules regarding guns sellers to make it easier for the government to strip firearms dealers of their federal firearms license (FFL).

In 2020, Gun Owners of America (GOA) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the ATF. The gun-rights group asked the agency to provide a copy of ATF O 5370, entitled “Federal Firearms Administrative Action Policy and Procedures.” This document lays out the administrative remedies for violations found during an ATF inspection of a licensed firearms dealer.

The ATF has long tried to prevent the document from seeing the light of day.

After much stalling, the ATF begrudgingly turned over the heavily redacted version of the document to GOA. Still, the federal agency redacted almost all of the valuable information the FOIA request. Some of the missing information includes what violations could cause the dealer to lose their FFL.

ATF Response ATF O 5370 Federal Firearms Administrative Action Policy and Procedures 1D – Redacted

The ATF did not know when it turned over the document to GOA that AmmoLand News had already obtained an unredacted copy of the secret document from our sources from deep within the Bureau.

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We may as well try to close the loop on our efforts to understand the issue between Senator Rand Paul and the fallacious Dr. Fauci. Neil Cavuto gave Fauci the opportunity to respond to Josh Rogin’s Washington Post column taking up the issue (I excerpted it here) on his FOX News show yesterday.

Cavuto is a friendly interlocutor for Fauci. On Tuesday he judged Fauci “a good man, a good doctor.” He declared that “[Fauci] has been vilified to the point that you’d think he was Lex Luthor, and I don’t know how productive that is.”

Cavuto failed to press Fauci on any of the several subjects he covered in the course of the 16-minute segment. FOX News has posted the 16-minute video clip of the segment here. On the question of gain-of-function research, I find the evasiveness of Fauci’s response and the appeal to the character of everyone involved telling, but you be the judge. The clip below comes at 11:00 of the Cavuto segment.


FBI Attempts to Do Damage Control After Initiating Whitmer Kidnapping Plot

The FBI is attempting to do damage control after it was revealed the law enforcement bureau initiated and carried out a significant portion of the kidnapping plot against Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer last year.

“Partnerships are key to disrupting violent plots. With the terror threat growing more insular, awareness and reporting are crucial,” the FBI posted on a their website this week. “This is especially true for domestic terrorism—defined as violent, criminal acts committed by individuals or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. Because the FBI’s mission includes protecting the free speech rights of Americans, we need a clear reason to act or investigate. A person’s beliefs can never be the sole reason to open an investigation.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray is also weighing in and attempting to reassure Americans the FBI respects their rights.

“The FBI holds sacred the rights of individuals to peacefully exercise their First Amendment freedoms,” he said.

The FBI’s heavy involvement in the plot raises serious questions about how the agency conducts operations, for what purpose and to what extent agents were involved in the January 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.

Just may be me, but I think they don’t see that as a ‘bug’ but a ‘feature’.

Bloomberg’s ‘The Trace’: The ATF Can’t Handle Regulating Pistol Braces as NFA Items

Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop shop, The Trace, is trumpeting the fact that if the Biden administration’s pistol brace proposed regulatory rule ever becomes ATF policy after the public comment period and process is complete, the federal firearms regulatory agency won’t be able to keep up with the demand to register the millions of braces that are owned by people who never signed up for the expense and bureaucracy of NFA regulation when they bought them.

The Trace, of course, frames this as due to a chronic lack of resources — read: federal tax dollars — going to the ATF. In their wold view, we can’t possibly devote enough money to the job of regulating civilian firearms. And the fact that the ATF never seems to have enough money is all part of a deep dark conspiracy by the gun industry and their minions in D.C. to hamstring the regulator.

But Mike’s minions build their prediction of NFA gridlock on one very big assumption. They’re expecting that the millions of owners of brace-equipped pistols will 1) hear about the regulatory change, and 2) choose to comply with it. Registration will include paying a mandatory $200 tax for each brace, an amount that’s more than most of them paid for them in the first place.

Judging by compliance rates for registration schemes enacted in places like New York and California (compliance that would have cost gun owners there nothing), good luck with that.

The rules, which were proposed in June, would bring stabilizing braces under the purview of the National Firearms Act, an 87-year-old law that imposes tight restrictions on machine guns, silencers, rifles with short barrels, and other weapons deemed by Congress to pose an acute threat to public safety.

If the rules come into force, gun owners seeking to attach a stabilizing brace to their pistol would have to obtain approval from the ATF’s NFA Division. That process can stretch more than a year and entails filing an application, undergoing extensive vetting, paying a $200 tax, and registering the weapon with the federal government. Violations can result in a 10-year prison term. 

Mark Jones, a former ATF special agent who held various supervisory positions before retiring in 2011, said the rule change could trigger an avalanche of NFA applications for a division that is underprepared.

“ATF’s been so poorly funded and resourced over the decades that it doesn’t have the people it needs,” Jones said. “If they just snapped their fingers and said, ‘Tomorrow all of you have to register these weapons or you’re felons,’ it would fail in a huge way.”

— Jennifer Mascia in Alain Stephens in Biden’s Pistol Brace Rule Would Put Pressure on an Already Strained ATF Division

Gun and ammo sales started going through the roof in mid 2020 and are just in the last month beginning to look like they’re slowing…a little.

Hrmmmm, summer 2020? Where we had riots and building being in looted and burned while the media called it “mostly peaceful protests.”?

The bug was the excuse given by goobermint to release thousands of prisoners back into the populace ?

Police come under attack, were defunded by city goobermintss and a significant number of officers decided to take early retirement and leave the city’s residents to their own devices ?

You can’t turn on the news and not hear about weekends in major metro cities where 50 or more people are shot.

A lot of eyes have been opened.  When the police have been defunded and the ‘woke’ prosecutors refuse to prosecute for reasons of “equity,”  it becomes crystal clear that nobody is coming to save you and you better be ready to protect yourself.

But Chipman has nothing but contempt for law abiding Americans who want to be able to defend themselves. Of course he’s like that, he’s a career bureaucrap at the ATF and they simply hate law abiding American gun owners.

Anthony Fauci Is Immune to Answering Questions

Are you tired of Anthony Fauci yet?
Here he is yesterday, giving Rand Paul the runaround again:

Stephen “Not the Trump Guy” Miller goes into Fauci’s rhetorical tricks on his latest podcast. Fauci plays these little games whenever he testifies about this stuff. When he gets a question he doesn’t want to answer, he pretends not to know what his interlocutor is talking about, he parses and nitpicks the technical language, he blusters, and other cheap obfuscatory tricks. Subterfuge. He is shady as hell.

I agree with Miller that Paul is making a mistake by going straight at Fauci so aggressively, because Fauci just puts up his defenses. He makes himself out to be some sort of victim, with the eager help of the media. That’s not the right approach. You need to let Fauci feel comfortable, so he drops his “aggrieved scientist” act and keeps talking until he accidentally says something true.

Not that the partisans on either side care, because they just want “their team” to win, but some of us actually want to know how and why this has been happening to us for the past 18 months. We want Fauci to stop playing these games and just tell the truth.

And if Rand Paul doesn’t know what he’s talking about, if he’s got the definition of gain of function wrong… then what is gain of function? Paul read out the definition during that hearing. If that’s not the correct definition, what is?

Are any journalists going to ask Fauci for his definition of gain of function? If not, why not?

Ha ha, just kidding. There are very few journalists left, and the real ones are ever allowed anywhere near Saint Anthony.

And how’s this for a pullquote:

This is, of course, a lie. Fauci is first and foremost a politician, and politicians lie. He lied to us about masks because he thought we couldn’t handle the truth. He lied to us about herd immunity because he thought we couldn’t handle the truth. And now it sure sounds like he’s lying about gain of function research. He doesn’t act like a guy who’s being honest.

I don’t trust Anthony Fauci anymore, and I don’t trust anybody who expects me to trust him. I want nothing to do with the weird little cult these freaks have built around him. They have the right to their religious beliefs, but it’s not science.


Deceitful, corrupt, bureaucraps…but I repeat myself

It Sure Looks Like the FBI Basically Orchestrated the Gretchen Whitmer ‘Kidnapping’ Plot.

In news that’s flying below the radar a bit, more evidence of just how corrupt and compromised the FBI has become emerged today.

You may recall the much-ballyhooed plot to supposedly kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last year. Arrests were made in October of 2020, with the claim being that the FBI had stopped the kidnapping plot as well as a plan to overthrow the government. After it came out in the weeks following the bust that one of the participants was anti-Trump and a Black Lives Matter supporter, the story quickly died down.

All of this was intertwined at the time with the politics of Whitmer’s controversial COVID policies. Earlier in the same year, there had been demonstrations at the state’s capital that drew lots of press attention and condemnation. The insinuation pushed by the media was that those demonstrations had provoked the kidnapping plot.

But now, a big curveball is being thrown into the mix regarding what actually happened. Apparently, the FBI didn’t just have informants within the group where the arrests were made. Rather, FBI operatives played a key role in the planning of the entire ordeal and were also seemingly instrumental in birthing the plot.

Would there have been a Whitmer kidnapping plot without the FBI taking such an active role and egging people on to join in? That’s a question that’s tough to answer without more information, but it certainly shows a level of questionable behavior on the part of the FBI, with agents and superiors going much further than just gathering evidence. As to whether this qualifies as entrapment, I recognize that’s a complicated legal question and won’t attempt to opine on the matter, but man, does this entire thing feel dirty.

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When your nominee has even lost senate demoncrap support………

Biden’s ATF pick has ‘a lot of issues’ says No. 2 Senate Dem leader
Majority Whip Dick Durbin said Monday that the whip count “is not where we want it yet, but there’s always a chance.”

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said Monday that “there are a lot of issues” with President Joe Biden’s pick to oversee the nation’s firearm regulations.

The Senate has yet to move forward on David Chipman’s nomination to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. A handful of moderate Democrats, including Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.), have yet to say whether they’ll support his nomination.

Durbin acknowledged Monday that the whip count “is not where we want it yet, but there’s always a chance.”

With Senate Republicans likely to unanimously oppose Chipman’s nomination, Democrats can’t afford to lose a single vote in their 50-member caucus. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has described Chipman as an “anti-gun extremist,” while moderate Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said he’s made statements that “demean law-abiding gun owners.”

Chipman is currently a senior policy adviser to Giffords, a gun control group. Prior to his time at Giffords, Chipman spent more than 20 years at the ATF.

Last month, the Senate Judiciary Committee deadlocked on Chipman’s nomination. The split committee vote forces the Senate to hold a vote to discharge him before they can move his nomination forward. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has yet to announce the floor vote.

The Senate has only confirmed one nominee — B. Todd Jones in 2013 — to become ATF director.

“Members understand this is a highly controversial position,” Durbin said Monday. “It has been left vacant because Republicans and Democrats couldn’t find someone to fill the slot so it’s no wonder that we’re having some difficulty with it.”

DHS/FBI: Owning guns and being familiar with them is a sign of “extremism”

Wow. And they want family/friends to report people. Surely this won’t be abused for political retaliation against people and harassment against pro-rights folks. No, never…..



Note that the linked file in their tweet is from 2019, but the current administration is positioning itself to use it on American citizens that don’t agree with their politics and ideologies

It’s pretty sad that we are at this point in our country’s history. Owning firearms and weapons for legal personal use (including defense and sport) is in our blood. Doesn’t matter what your politics are, it is not “extremism“ to spend your own money on what you want and buy legal products such as firearms/knives/etc. Perhaps the anti-rights extremists need to look in the mirror and realize that they are the minority and not the majority, which makes them the “extremists”.

Hey, wait a second……I know someone who fits THIS description:


President Joe Biden’s nominee to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has purged thousands of tweets from his Twitter profile, while still permitting communications on Facebook, raising flags over his prior hearing response that he made his account private due to “violent threats” that were forwarded to the Department of Justice.

In writing to Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton, David Chipman said he “decided to set my Twitter account to private because of violent threats I had received in the past and anticipated receiving once my nomination was made public. I notified officials at the Department of Justice that I intended to make my account private.”

In addition, it appears Chipman has deleted the vast majority of his tweets. Whereas there were 1,815 tweets in October 2016, there are now a mere 115 as of Wednesday. It is unclear why his Facebook posts remain public and why he can be freely messaged if Chipman is legitimately worried about being threatened through social media. Surely, those threatening the ATF nominee would be smart enough to use other platforms. The contradiction was flagged by American Accountability Foundation.

Yeah, sure David, you did it because of “threats”…..

Now, for a minute, imagine this guy leading a federal agency and using it to target people based on owning guns and ”wrong think”, both of which can be potentially classified as “extremist” depending on opinion. Can you see where this is going?


TPTB saw him as threat to their cushy seats on the .gov gravy train, so he had to go, by any means necessary

The Ruling Class Poses the Very Authoritarian Dangers It Claimed Trump Did.

President Donald Trump’s greatest sin was threatening the power and privilege of the Ruling Class.

For that, it will never stop seeking to bludgeon him, those seeking to carry his mantle, or their tens of millions of supporters—those icky, intransigent, irredeemables, judged as such because they refuse to submit.

In so doing, it has shown that it presents the very authoritarian threat it claimed he did.

The Ruling Class raved that Trump was a tyrant, madman, and traitor in part because it believed it needed to delegitimize him to neutralize a threat to the racket it has had going at the expense of the American people for too long, but also in part because he really broke them.

One need not play armchair psychiatrist to see both elements at play in the latest revelation, in an endless stream of them, of the opinion of Trump held by one of his senior-most military officials.

That the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—a man who proved the point that Wokeness has infected our national security apparatus when he recently divulged that he considered understanding “white rage” to be part of his job description—harbored fever dreams of Trump as Hitler, says far more about him, and his ilk, than it does about Trump.

Needless to say, such comments are neither made in good faith—coming from someone who had publicly opposed the president previously—nor do they seem to be rooted in any sort of rigorous, fact-based argument.

But let’s for a moment entertain them. For starters, were Trump everything his political adversaries accused him of being, he would have sought to exploit the coronavirus tragedy to usurp maximum power, ruling by fiat, controlling speech under the guise of health and public safety, seeking to manipulate 2020 election laws to maximize his odds of victory, and so on.

Instead, even as pressure mounted to act unilaterally in response to the coronavirus, Trump largely respected federalism—redounding to the benefit of the millions who lived in the few states that remained relatively free during the pendency of the crisis—and dramatically reduced regulations to enable a vaccine to get to market in record time.

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Exclusive: House Judiciary Committee Republicans Demand Answers From ATF on Pistol Brace Ban

House Republicans are turning up the heat on the ATF over its proposal to ban and register millions of pistol braces.

All 19 Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee signed a letter to the agency on Friday asking a series of questions about the proposal, according to a copy obtained by The Reload. The group is demanding to know how the proposal was conceived, who wrote it, and if outside agencies worked on it. The lawmakers are giving the ATF until the end of the month to answer those questions.

“ATF’s regulatory notice is deeply flawed, beyond the scope of its authority, contrary to years of previous ATF opinions, and harmful to millions of law-abiding American firearm owners,” the members said in the letter.

The letter is part of the all-out push by Republicans and the gun-rights movement to stop the ban that would affect guns equipped with shorter barrels and specialized braces in place of stocks, including popular AR-15 variants.

It comes after nearly the entire Republican Senate caucus sent a letter to the Department of Justice and ATF demanding the pistol brace ban be withdrawn. In recent weeks, Americans have flooded the Federal Register with more than 100,000 public comments opposing the wide-ranging regulation. Critics warn it would turn owners of the devices, which the Congressional Research Service has estimated number at least 10 million, into federal felons if they don’t register them with the ATF.

The letter by Republicans on the Judiciary Committee accused the Biden Administration of trying to expand ATF’s power beyond what Congress has authorized.

“Congress has not criminalized the use of a pistol arm-stabilizing brace under the GCA or allowed for its regulation under the NFA,” they said. “Through its proposed rule, ATF seeks to subject stabilizing braces to GCA criminal penalties and NFA regulation without Congressional prohibition of the underlying activity.”

The Republicans argued the standards laid out by the ATF to determine whether or not a pistol brace is legal are “arbitrary and capricious.” They also slammed the agency for contradicting previous determinations it had made on the legality of many braces. They go on to request a series of clarifications on the new standards.

The members question what a “non-operational accessory” is, the logic behind the weight measure the agency proposes, why the lack of a sight counts against a braced gun, and what “objective criteria” the ATF plans to use to measure the value of the rear surface area of a brace.

Ultimately, the Republicans said the ATF should withdraw the proposal.

“ATF’s regulation would amount to an unconstitutional infringement of fundamental Second Amendment rights,” they said. “We strongly urge ATF to abandon its proposed rule.”

This is what your money gets you when you pay for a FOID or concealed carry license in Illinois

We exposed the financial misuse (or lack of use) of funds meant to facilitate FOID cards and concealed carry licenses in Illinois back in late 2019. It ended up becoming a federal lawsuit. Well, not too much has changed in July of 2021. Check out this article from Guns Save Life and look at the massive errors happening when cards (both FOID and concealed carry) are being sent out to people LOFL.

Maxim Defense Weighs in on the Brace Issue & What YOU Can Do About It

Minnesota-based Maxim Defense is urging the public to get involved in the fight to save pistol stabilizing braces, an act that can be as simple as commenting on a website.

Based in St. Cloud, Maxim entered the gun industry as a bit of a maverick company, specializing originally in accessories before moving into all-up firearms such as the PDX pistol. Among their most popular products has been their series of SCW, PDW, and CQB stabilizing braces, making them well-positioned to weigh in on the looming issue surrounding the planned ATF rule that would, in all likelihood, outlaw most pistol/brace combinations without a tax stamp.

While visiting the Maxim last month, we talked with Dave Larson, the company’s CMO, about the brace question.

“It’s so important for us to fight for our rights, to fight for regulations that we all believe in that don’t impede upon our Second Amendment,” said Larson, urging gun owners to comment on the proposed rule. “We don’t have a tremendous amount of time to comment on this.”

Larson said even the ATF has said there is a market and purpose to stabilizing braces.

“It helps people go out and have sporting fun, it helps people for home defense, and not only that, but the school resource officers who have to carry their own purchased firearm are purchasing the pistol braces because it allows them to not have to go through a tax stamp and all the SBR regulations to actually be able to do their own job,” said Larson.

As of Wednesday, there were 112,000 comments posted on the proposed rulemaking, which has been viewed 287,000 times. It is estimated by the ATF that “only” 1 million Americans would be impacted by the proposed rule. Meanwhile, the Congressional Research Service said the true number could be as high as 40 million.

Link is to the full report in PDF format

American Accountability Foundation report on ATF Director nominee David Chipman

The Scaremongering Over “Unlicensed Dealers”

Up until President Joe Biden started talking about unlicensed dealers while announcing his efforts to reduce the violent crime surge plaguing our nation, most people had never heard the term. Now, it seems that tons of overnight experts have stepped up to try and discuss just how awful these unlicensed dealers are.

It’s downright terrifying, to hear these people talk.

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David Chipman: Feds should be able to confiscate guns from people who use “hate speech” online

From an interview by BBC in 2019. As we all know, “hate speech” is turning into whatever the far-left politicians and activists say it is. Can you imagine this guy leading the ATF and having an ATF task force that just looked for “wrong think” talk online and if you said something that offended them they’d act on it and take your guns?”


I wonder if opposing critical race theory would be considered “hate speech”? David’s wife, Tara, is pretty outspoken on Twitter about her beliefs (thread on her and David here. She’s former brass at the ATF and just retired last week after some stuff came out).

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