Joe Biden Has a ‘Please Clap’ Moment That Would Make Jeb! Bush Blush

If you thought Jeb! Bush was low energy, you haven’t seen Joe Biden lately, and by lately, I mean anytime in the last few years. Now, Biden is one-upping the former Republican presidential candidate in a different area.

While attending a graduation ceremony for the U.S. Coast Guard, Biden had his “please clap” moment in a cringe-tastic display where he insulted the graduating class and then wondered allowed why they didn’t break out into applause at his brilliance.

For posterity, here’s Bush’s viral moment.

Yeah, that was cringe, but I think Biden has him beat. Here’s the current president attempting to make a joke about the Navy that apparently no one understood. In response,he calls them “dull” and then ponders why they didn’t clap while proclaiming “C’mon man, is the sun getting to you?”

Biden’s appearance as a cosplay of Skeletor should be enough to elicit a few laughs, but this joke was that bad, I guess. You’ve probably noticed that one of Biden’s tics is that when people don’t respond the way he wants, he insults and belittles them. It’s a defense mechanism that never comes across well. Here, after he chastises the class, he finally gets a few laughs from what sounds like officers near the front, but there’s never a real response.

Of course, maybe some of this has to do with the fact that military members aren’t necessarily keen on Biden and his party. With more and more woke garbage being shoved down their throats by the top brass at the direction of the administration and a foreign policy that promises to cause chaos, why would they be?

Past that, if you’ve got a really good memory you may recall that this isn’t Biden’s first time to insult military members while demanding applause. He did it back in 2016, calling the troops he was speaking to “dumb bastards” for not clapping at a quip about his wife and a military appointment.

Here’s the quote via a “fact-check” by Reuters which desperately tries to spin what he said.

Then he said, “I just want you to know that. Clap for that, you stupid bastards.” After the applause, Biden said to the audience, “Man, you are a dull bunch.  Must be slow here, man. I don’t know.”

Everything that’s old is new again for this administration, I suppose. To be fair, Biden probably doesn’t even remember that he had already made nearly the exact same comment half a decade earlier.

Even still, maybe Biden should take a breath and realize that military members do not exist to clap like seals for him every time he says something dumb.

He wasn’t just interested in Edison’s medicine.

Nikola Tesla invention from 100 years ago suddenly makes more sense today
The eccentric inventor is known for dabbling with electricity, but his Tesla valve is impressing scientists anew.

Inventor Nikola Tesla has long been recognized for a body of work that ranges from brilliant (AC electricity) to baffling (an “earthquake machine“?). Scientists have studied one of his lesser-known inventions  in new detail, and they think they may have found new uses for it in the modern world.

Tesla’s macrofluidic valve — often just called the Tesla valve — is a sort of odd-shaped conduit for fluids in which a main channel is interspersed with a series of diverting teardrop-shaped loops. The loops are oriented in such a way that fluids easily flow through in one direction, but when reversed, the flow is almost totally blocked.

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Judge Blocks Biden Administration From Doling Out Grants Based on Race, Gender.

A federal judge this week blocked President Joe Biden’s administration from giving out grants in a program aimed at prioritizing applicants due to their race and/or gender.

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, a George W. Bush nominee, said he believes plaintiff Philip Greer is likely to succeed as he granted a request for a temporary restraining order (TRO).

“Based on the record, Greer is ‘able and ready’ to apply; he has prepared an application on behalf of his restaurant and is otherwise eligible to receive an RRF grant, but for the allegedly unconstitutional prioritization scheme preventing his application from being processed,” O’Connor said in his 18-page decision.

If Greer’s lawsuit is ultimately won, then there’s a substantial likelihood that he could receive a portion of the funds from the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, a $28.6 billion pool created by the latest COVID-19 relief package, the judge added.

At issue is the fact the package directs the Biden administration to prioritize restaurants that are owned and controlled by women, veterans, and people deemed “socially and economically disadvantaged,” which includes those owned at least 51 percent by some Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations.

The Small Business Administration, which is deciding among applicants, announced that it would accept applications from all eligible applicants but only process those from a “priority group” in the first 21 days.

Greer argued that the policy actively excludes entire classes of Americans not mentioned in the “priority” group who are also suffering significant financial losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Cowardly Journalists Chuckle as Biden Jokes About Murdering Them:

Imagine if Donald Trump had jokingly threatened to murder journalists standing in front of him. They probably wouldn’t have laughed. Yet that’s what Joe Biden did on Tuesday and the assembled reporters just chuckled at the funny threat. While test driving an electric Ford F-150, ABC’s Cecilia Vega broke up the adoring queries about the car by actually asking, “Mr. President, can I ask you a quick question about Israel before you drive away since it’s so important?”

Biden, who was sitting in a truck at the time, sneered, “No, you can’t. Not unless you get in front of the car as I step on it. I’m only teasing.” The off-camera journalists awkwardly snickered in reply. Biden then drove off, having threatened the press and then not answered the serious question.

Just prior to a real question, the reporters acted as Democratic hacks, offered up sycophantic queries about the photo-op. They included, “How does it feel to be behind the wheel, sir?”  and “Mr. President, how fast were you going?” Biden was happy to answer those.

We don’t actually have to imagine how the networks would react if this were Trump. In July of 2017, the then-President tweeted a video of a wrestling video in which Trump grappled with a superimposed CNN logo. On the July 3, 2017 Today, Hallie Jackson warned, “A spokesperson for the cable network saying, ‘It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters’…”

Then-CNN political commentator Sally Kohn fretted, “Both sides have a problem with hateful crazies. The difference is the left denounces theirs. The right elects theirs president.” Journalists on the network declared Trump a “dangerous” madman who will get members of the press killed.

How will Cecilia Vega report this story? Wonder how the people at CNN feel now? They probably laughed along with the reporters Biden threatened today.

A ‘study’ using interviews of sixteen seasoned citizens and thirteen medicos and the researchers use it as a venue to merely regurgitate their previous anti-gun views.

And just to point out:
Read These Taxpayer Funded Antigun Research Projects
The Centers for Disease Control recently announced the projects funded by more than $7.8 million dollars to “Prevent Firearm-Related Violence and Injuries.”
Let’s take a look at some of the projects receiving CDC funding:
Dr. Ali Rowhani-Rahbar of the University of Washington will receive $1.5 million over three years for a project that “will identify the context, antecedents, and consequences of handgun carrying among adolescents who reside in rural communities in order to inform culturally appropriate and community-specific interventions.” “This project is intended to inform the development, adoption, and refinement of non-punitive prevention approaches to address factors that influence handgun carrying and reduce the burden of firearm-related injury among youth in rural communities.”

This project would seemingly build on Rowhani-Rahbar’s previous work on the topic through an NIH grant, and he has published dozens of articles and studies on firearms and firearms-related policies. He is the Co-Director of the Firearm Injury and Policy Research Program at Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center at the University of Washington.

Gun for young people are baaaaaad.
Guns for old people are baaaaaaad.
Guns are baaaaaaad!

Should There Be ‘Gun Retirement’ for the Elderly?

MONDAY, May 17, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Just as some elderly drivers need to give up their car keys, older gun owners may eventually face “firearm retirement.” And a preliminary study suggests they are open to the idea.

In focus-group interviews with older gun owners, researchers found that many had considered putting limits on their firearm access — though they usually hadn’t yet laid out plans for when and how.

It’s an important issue, given that 40% of older Americans live in a home with a gun, said lead researcher Laura Prater of Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center at the University of Washington in Seattle.

The concern, she said, is that a significant number of those seniors have or will develop dementia or major depression. If they have easy access to a firearm, they could harm themselves, accidentally or intentionally.

No one wants to wrest firearms from the hands of older adults who can use them safely, Prater said.

The point, she stressed, is that gun owners, family members and health care providers should talk about the future — including what should happen with household firearms once a person’s health makes access a hazard.

“We should be treating this like a normal conversation,” Prater said, “just like you plan for other things, like driving, retirement or finances.”

A big takeaway from the interviews was that gun owners accepted the concept of firearm “retirement.”

“Older adults want to be responsible gun owners,” Prater said.

“What they weren’t open to,” she added, “was someone else making the decision for them.”

That means planning is key — before, say, early-stage dementia advances. One place to start, Prater said, is with a “firearm inventory,” where the older adult and family members account for all firearms in the home.

Many owners, Prater noted, have multiple firearms, and family members or other caregivers are not always aware of them.

Some older adults might want a “transition period,” she said, starting with disposing of firearms that are not being used. (Local laws vary on how to do that, Prater noted.)

The current findings are based on interviews with 16 older gun owners, as well as 13 geriatrics specialists.

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They still haven’t published a single word of the regulation. And from what I can read, there is not timeframe or deadline for the proposed wording to be published. media blather blather bureaucrap something something

Biden Moves to Regulate Pistol Braces to Help Curb Gun Violence

The Biden administration is in the final stages of drafting a regulation on firearm accessories that can be used to make pistols more like rifles, part of the White House’s broader effort to tackle gun violence without involving Congress.

The White House received the Justice Department’s proposal to regulate stabilizing braces on Monday, according to the White House regulatory office’s website. The firearm accessory can make pistols more accurate and deadlier. It effectively transforms a pistol into a short-barreled rifle — without requiring a background check.

The proposal is one of two that President Joe Biden directed the Justice Department to write in early April, after mass shootings in Boulder, Colo., and Atlanta again called attention to sluggish action in Congress on gun violence. The Justice Department published the first proposal, to regulate unmarked firearms or so-called “ghost guns,” in early May.

Biden has largely blamed Congress for Washington’s inaction on the topic. But his directives so far stop short of some of his gun-related campaign proposals that can be achieved without the legislature, such as restructuring Justice Department resources to allow the agency to better enforce the nation’s current gun laws and addressing suicide by firearm. 60% of deaths from firearms in the U.S. are suicides, according to the latest statistics from the University of California, Davis.

The man who shot and killed 10 people in Boulder in March used a weapon with a stabilizing brace.

Previous Efforts

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the federal government’s primary gun regulator, proposed guidance on stabilizing braces late last year but rescinded it days later amid pressure from Republican lawmakers and the National Rifle Association.

Unofficial estimates suggest that there are between 10 and 40 million stabilizing braces and similar components in civilian hands in the U.S., according to the Congressional Research Service.

One Board Member’s Last-Ditch Effort to Save the NRA

Phillip Journey has spent his entire adult life advocating for gun rights. He has been a judge, a legislator, and an activist. He’s served as the president of the Kansas State Rifle Association. Now he’s a member of the NRA board, and he’s taking on one of the gun-rights movement’s highest-profile leaders: NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre.

And he’s appealing directly to NRA members for help.

He said members need to choose between two paths. Either stick with LaPierre’s leadership and try to fight the NRA’s dissolution in New York court or go with his plan to get a court-appointed NRA members’ committee to oversee leadership changes and reform the group.

“It’s a pretty easy choice,” Journey told The Reload. “The bottom line is the consequences have such a steep downside that we have to fix things. The future of the Second Amendment and the Republic itself is at stake.”

He is currently trying to raise $100,000 from NRA members by next Tuesday to appeal a federal judge’s decision last week to dismiss the gun group’s bankruptcy case. He’s joined by NRA board members Owen “Buz” Mills and Rocky Marshall. The board members want a judge to appoint a trustee to take over NRA operations and a committee of NRA members to decide on the group’s future.

“The goal is to restore trust in the leadership,” Journey said. “To have sound corporate governance. To stop the financial abuses. To create a set of rules that we can follow and operate efficiently. And to enforce those rules on everybody. A lot of times, they put rules in place and enforced them on everybody but Wayne.”

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I think we covered this back in the late 18th Century. I don’t care what the British think about rights. We told them where to go and how to get there concerning them, and we actually helped a lot of them on their travels in two wars before they finally got the idea through their thick heads.

Harry: 1st Amendment ‘Bonkers’ So He’ll Have Real Trouble with 2nd

Fox News is reporting that Prince Harry ignited a media firestorm when he stated during a podcast interview that he thinks the First Amendment is “bonkers.”If that’s the case, he’s liable to cause a social and political earthquake if he ever takes a position on the Second Amendment.

Harry, also known as the Duke of Sussex, made the observation while appearing on an episode of “Armchair Expert,” the podcast hosted by Dax Shepard and Monica Padman.

Harry and wife, Meghan Markle, have set up housekeeping in Los Angeles. The Duke—not to be confused with American icon John Wayne—was holding forth on what he considers a media “feeding frenzy” when his every move is watched by the media, especially paparazzi. His mother, Princess Diana, died as the result of a car crash in which the driver of the car she was in was trying to elude photographers. That occurred in Paris in 1997.

Harry had been staying at the Beverly Hills mansion owned by actor/producer Tyler Perry. He told Shepard and Padman, “I don’t want to start sort of going down the First Amendment route because that’s a huge subject and one in which I don’t understand because I’ve only been here a short period of time,” Harry said. “But, you can find a loophole in anything. And you can capitalize or exploit what’s not said rather than uphold what is said.”

“I’ve got so much I want to say about the First Amendment as I sort of understand it, but it is bonkers,” he stated.

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Cathedral City (California) Homeowner Shoots Intruder in Self Defense

A suspect who was allegedly shot by an 85-year-old Cathedral City homeowner in self-defense remained hospitalized Monday, police reported.

The shooting occurred about 6:15 p.m. Sunday in the 38200 block of Chuperosa Lane, according to Cathedral City police Sgt. Albert Ruiz. Patrol officers responded to the house following a 911 call reporting a male intruder had entered the home and threatened the residents, he said.

The suspect, whose name was not released, allegedly “made threats against their lives,” spurring the 85-year-old homeowner to grab his gun and shoot the suspect once in the upper body, Ruiz said.

The homeowners, who were not hurt, did not know the man, police said.

First responders transported the suspect to Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs, where he was listed in stable condition in the intensive care unit.

Not that I’m against international trade, but I think maybe we now know part of the reason for the ammo shortage in the U.S.?

AMMO, Inc. Announces Fulfillment on a Seven Figure International Order

SCOTTSDALE, AZ, May 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMMO, Inc. (Nasdaq: POWW) (“AMMO” or the “Company”), a premier American ammunition and munition components manufacturer and technology leader, is pleased to announce a seven-figure international ammunition transaction representing revenue the Company will recognize in this quarter at an approximate 50% gross profit margin. The Company expects international transactions to grow to approximately $30 million this year, with this anticipated business included within the $190 million projected revenue previously provided.

“Our team and outside trading partners are continuing to see signs the international market is opening up in this COVID environment. Calls, indications of interest and purchase orders continue to rise,” said Fred Wagenhals, AMMO’s Chairman & CEO. Mr. Wagenhals expanded, further noting that “our team is reasonably projecting approximately $30 million in international business this year – which would be a welcome change from last year. We have and will continue to strategically enhance and increase our capacity so we remain positioned to capitalize on the overseas markets fully opening up again.”

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This 9-0 SCOTUS Ruling on Guns Shows Just How Extreme (and Dangerous) the Biden Administration Really Is

Did you hear that Joe Biden’s Department of Justice wanted the Supreme Court to rule that police could search Americans’ homes for firearms — and confiscate them — without a warrant?

In the case of Caniglia vs. Stromthis issue was in play. Had SCOTUS ruled that police could do that, your Second Amendment rights would have been in grave jeopardy.

In March, Biden’s DoJ filed a brief with the Supreme Court in this case. It said:

In its first amicus brief before the Supreme Court, the Department of Justice argued the actions taken by law enforcement to confiscate the petitioner’s firearms without a warrant were “reasonable.”

“The touchstone of the Fourth Amendment is reasonableness,” the DOJ’s brief stated. “For criminal investigations, this Court has generally incorporated the Warrant Clause into the Fourth Amendment’s overarching reasonableness requirement, but it has not generally done so for searches or seizures objectively premised on justifications other than the investigation of wrongdoing.”

In this case, the police officers’ actions were not reasonable.

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Fort Smith shooting leaves two people dead

FORT SMITH, Ark. — Police are investigating a shooting that took place at an apartment complex in the 3500 block of S. 74th Street in Fort Smith Saturday (May 15) morning.

Officers responded to gunshots call at around 7:23 a.m. Once on scene, they found two bodies. One body was found inside the apartment and one outside. The bodies have been identified as 87-year-old Lois Hicks and 26-year-old Zachary Arnold.

Hicks was shot multiple times inside of her apartment by Arnold who was armed with a semi-automatic rifle. Arnold continued to shoot his rifle at neighboring apartments. A resident at the apartments heard the gunshots and got a hunting rifle which he used to shoot and kill Arnold.

Neighbors who witnessed the shooting say Arnold was trying to persuade people to come outside of their apartment buildings.

“He was yelling and screaming, “You guys get out here, come out here, everyone get out of this building right now,” says Janey Peugh, a resident of the apartment complex.

Another resident, Amber Lane, says Lois Hicks and Arnold live in the same building. She says Hicks and another neighbor went outside to console Arnold, but when they saw the gun, they ran back inside their apartments.

“There were two older women, both had come out. One of them had ran back in, and the other one ran back in, but she didn’t close her door, then he walked in and did what he did,” says Lane.

Neighbors say Arnold could open fire on anyone in the apartment building, so they took cover while he continued to shoot into the residences. Some say they are grateful for the one neighbor who stepped in and put an end to the shooting.

“If he didn’t do that, who knows how much worse it could have gotten,” says Lane.

The investigation is still underway and more details will be released when appropriate and at the end of the investigation.

Dixie Property Management released the following statement:

“We are terribly saddened by the incident which happened this morning. We are working diligently with the police in any way we can. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families today.”.

Governor’s OK means South Carolina now allows open carry of guns

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Gov. Henry McMaster said Monday he signed into law a bill allowing people with concealed weapons permits from the state to carry their guns in the open.

McMaster posted on Twitter that he was keeping his promise to sign any bill that protects or expands gun rights.

The proposal allows so-called open carry of guns for people who undergo training and background checks so they can keep guns hidden under a jacket or other clothing or in their vehicle anywhere there isn’t a sign prohibiting it.

The law takes effect in 90 days. Thus, in mid-August, South Carolina will no longer be with California, Florida, Illinois and New York to prohibit any type of open carry.

The law eliminates a $50 permit fee to get a concealed weapons permit and lowers the number of bullets that someone must fire at a target in an accuracy test to get a permit from 50 to 25 shots. Requirements remain that a permit holder be 21 or over, take eight hours of training and pass a background check that includes fingerprinting.

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The Neanderthals Were Right

The Neanderthals were right. That’s the story this morning after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shared the news that Texas reported zero deaths from COVID for the first time since they began collecting data. This comes after Joe Biden called Texas, Mississippi, and other red states “Neanderthals” for daring to lift clearly ineffective business restrictions and mask mandates.

Now, to be clear, this doesn’t mean there won’t be more COVID deaths in Texas. Of course, there will be, as the virus is going to be with us for a very long time, if not forever in some capacity. But what this shows is that the things the “experts” have so harped on were never the silver bullet in fighting the coronavirus. Arbitrary lockdowns and nonsensical indoor and outdoor mask mandates were pervasive in many states that did far worse than places like Florida, which had little to no restrictions throughout the pandemic.

This should have been common sense for figures like Dr. Anthony Fauci, who to this day is still insisting children, yes children, need to wear masks into the fall next year. But they were never truly following the science. Rather, they were following politics, and politics demanded that federal authorities, from the president to bureaucrats, had a scapegoat for their failures. Continue reading “”

If this:
“…the young, given their relative resilience to severe disease and near-zero fatality rate from COVID-19…”
is true.
Why the push to give them the shots, or the actual need for it?
Just more questions.

The COVID-19 Test No One Is Talking About: Make Sure Your Children Have It Before They Are Vaccinated

We are already seeing colleges and universities requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for students to attend classes in the fall. The vaccine is being tested for children under 16, and there may be school districts that attempt to require it in the fall. All of this pressure to vaccinate the young, given their relative resilience to severe disease and near-zero fatality rate from COVID-19, is unprecedented. The health bureaucracy is not nearly as insistent about the flu vaccine, even though it often makes children much sicker and often carries higher fatality rates in children.

To encourage you to vaccinate your children, the experts from the CDC and NIH were on television this weekend recommending that children remain masked until vaccines are approved for their age cohort and they receive them. This advice is just bizarre given what the science says about children passing the virus to adults. It is so well known that Switzerland told its citizens last April that children under ten could resume regular contact with their grandparents. The health experts also know that immunity in exposed and recovered patients is robust. There was also preexisting immunity in some portion of the population based on exposure to other coronaviruses. Yet, the CDC and NIH have not clearly conveyed this to Americans.

Senator Ron Johnson went on Tucker Carlson Tonight and shared that his doctor recommended he not receive the vaccine at this point because he has successfully recovered from the virus. This medical advice is entirely reasonable based on the current science and is the purpose of the doctor-patient relationship. Johnson also stated that he was concerned about the push to vaccinate children without full FDA approval. The vaccines are still given under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) because of incomplete safety data for their use at any age.

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Pennsylvania has had state preemption over gun laws for many years. Yet, TPTB in Philadelphia continually pass city ordinances, get taken to court and lose.

Pro-Gun Groups Sue Philadelphia for Illegal “Ghost Gun” Ban

Harrisburg, PA – -( Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) along with four Philadelphians have filed a lawsuit seeking to invalidate Philadelphia’s illegal and unconstitutional prohibition on its residents and citizens from making and finishing firearms for their own private use.

Pennsylvania Courts have told Philadelphia no less than three times that they are not permitted to locally regulate firearms, as defined in PA Code Title 18, Section 6120. However, Philadelphia politicians either don’t listen or don’t care, instead of wasting taxpayer money on ineffectual and illegal legislation.

While Philadelphia is on track for a record number of homicides, the mayor and city council are wasting time and resources on illegal legislation instead of checking their soft-on-crime DA, Larry Krasner.

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Oklahoma: Multiple Pro-Gun Bills Signed or a Step Away from Signature

U.S.A. -( Numerous pro-gun measures have advanced through the Oklahoma Legislature and been signed into law.  Two others are also pending procedural votes before being sent to the desk of Governor Kevin Stitt, and your Senate needs to hear from you.  Those bills are all outlined below:

Pro-gun bills pending either concurrence or conference committee vote:

  • Senate Bill 644, sponsored by Sen. Paxton, authorizes municipal employees to carry a firearm at work.
  • Senate Bill 925, sponsored by Sen. Michael Bergstrom, cleans up current law to allow for the defensive display of a firearm against a potential threat.

Pro-gun bills that have been signed into law:

  • House Bill 1630 /Senate Bill 106, sponsored by Sen. Mark Allen, and Rep. David Hardin, allows for the use of an SDA license in place of a background check when purchasing a firearm.
  • Senate Bill 646, sponsored by Sen. Michael Bergstrom, will allow for an individual to carry a firearm in the designated bar area of a restaurant as long as that person is not consuming alcohol.
  • Senate Bill 672, sponsored by Sen. Casey Murdock, cleans upstate law to allow for the transportation of a long gun in a motor vehicle.
  • House Bill 2645, sponsored by Rep. Jon Echols, prevents cities from prohibiting carry in outdoor venues without providing a certain amount of security.

Thank you to those legislators who supported these pro-gun measures, and to Governor Stitt for signing them into law.