Observation O’ The Day

I don’t think a surge in gun ownership and a political shift away from gun-control was what George Soros had in mind when he urged the Philly District Attorney to release criminals back on the street. Things don’t always go as planned. By the way, there is an impeachment effort to remove the Philly District Attorney, the same attorney that Soros funded. –Rob Morse

Philadelphia gun permit applications continue to increase amid crime wave
Data shows permit applications increased 539% from 2020 to 2021.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — Gun shop owners continue to see an increase in gun sales, particularly when it comes to new gun owners and people applying for gun permits for the first time.
Sebastian Stelmach is the co-owner of Double Tap Shooting Range and Gun Store in Philadelphia’s Holmesburg neighborhood.

Stelmach says they saw a huge increase in sales of guns and ammunition during the pandemic.

“Ever since then, it’s been going up with more gun sales, new shooters, you name it,” said Stelmach.

He says his customers, including new ones, say they are motivated to buy guns out of concern for their personal protection.

“There’s been a big increase in violence throughout the city — so a lot of robberies, carjackings going on. The first thing they ask is, ‘I need a weapon for protection.’ Honestly, it’s been a lot of women, single moms,” said Stelmach.

The Action News Data Journalism team looked at the numbers and found the Philadelphia Police Department’s gun permit unit saw nearly six and a half times as many gun permit applications received in 2021 as in 2020 — a 539% increase.So far this year, they have already seen more applications than all of 2020 and are on pace to exceed last year’s number.

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Observation O’ The Day
You might conclude rational thinking is outside the area of expertise of anti-gun people. The evidence does support that hypothesis.
Another hypothesis, also supported by the same data, is that they are liars who will say whatever they think will work to achieve then objectives and at least one of their objectives is to disarm their intended victims. That would be us.
—Joe Huffman

Biden Supports Gun Rights – Just Not for Americans


This is the same Joe Biden, after all, who orchestrated a catastrophically mismanaged surrender of Afghanistan to ragtag nomads with small arms.  Moreover, one would think that a man who came of political age during the Vietnam War would possess a better working understanding of the value of small arms in fighting off a far superior military.  Then there’s the American Revolution itself, in which patriots with small arms defeated the world’s most powerful military.

But here’s the most bizarre aspect of all.

The White House concedes that Biden personally interrupted delivery of 28 Polish MiG-29 fighter jets repeatedly requested by Ukraine in its desperate fight for survival.  According to his logic, supplying Ukrainians with deadly small arms, antitank weaponry and other deadly devices are far more effective against the Russian military than advanced fighter aircraft.   As reported by Politico, the Biden Administration determined that, “the warplanes wouldn’t materially improve Ukraine’s chances.”………



As a direct result of having an ersatz president without any semblance of worthwhile goals or inspired vision, daily life in America is now close to an unmitigated disaster. Absent America’s clear leadership on the world stage, uncertainty and potential catastrophe loom everywhere, around every corner because foreign adversaries are emboldened by our weakness. We are living through the debacle of not having a real president, someone with a clear plan to better the country.

Biden, the Ersatz President

The United States does not have a real president right now. There is an individual named Joe Biden who shows up occasionally and sits in the Oval Office, but in no way can he be considered to be “President” in the traditional understanding of that term. Biden is an ersatz president.

An American president is essentially the CEO of the federal government. He or she sets the overall strategy and direction of the country, outlines and articulates its major objectives and manages the subordinate elements that create the actual policy in order to achieve the big-picture goals laid out by the president. Like any CEO, that person likely doesn’t personally have the specific technical knowledge and expertise on a micro level in a given subject area that his/her subordinates have (nor should a CEO or president get bogged down in that kind of attention-diverting minutia), but the CEO must have an overriding vision of their company’s intended direction and be able to see how the various component parts work together in the proper proportion and timing needed to achieve the stated goals. That holds true as well for the President of the United States.

Donald J. Trump was the prototypically ideal president in terms of setting clear achievement objectives for the country (securing the southern border, becoming energy independent, rebuilding our military, renegotiating advantageous international trade agreements, stopping China from taking unfair advantage of America in trade matters, getting NATO to pay more of its share of its defense needs, etc.) and putting in place the laser-focused personnel required to execute the plan.  This was classic large-scale business-style vision and management at its best.

Putting aside the unfounded, irrational personal animosity that his political opponents felt for him for having defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 and for being direct, rough-edged and unapologetic in his dealings with the liberal media, recalcitrant foreign adversaries and feckless erstwhile “allies,” President Trump’s clear-eyed ambitions for the country led to a very targeted effort with unrelenting emphasis on the ultimate goal.

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Observation O’ The Day

Post image

The largest study of modern society and firearms is in progress here in the U.S. It’s called ‘constitutional’, or ‘permitless’ carry.
So far it’s a grand success. The data seen provides such a conclusion, and really, no further study is needed.
To put it simply, self defense with firearms in the hands of common people works (for everyone but government and criminals, that is)
But since that doesn’t fit the narrative, it can’t be correct.

Observation O’ The Day

Russia’s Ukraine invasion a wake-up call to AOC and ‘Squad.’

Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson rebuked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, for promoting radical left policies and discussed the geopolitical implications of Russia’s invasion Thursday on “Jesse Watters Primetime.”

VICTOR DAVIS HANSONIf the United States is [energy independent] … then we don’t beg people in the Middle East or Russia to help us. If the oil price [is] moderate, the economies in the West thrive, and Vladimir Putin doesn’t have financial reserves that can subsidize as an invasion.

Just think of the lead-up to [the invasion]. In January, we had these hackers from Russia [going] … after the Colonial Pipeline in the United States. They took out a million barrels a day, and that was after we had been cutting back. …  [Then] we had the Senate Democrats who [sic] wrote a veto to sanction the Nord Stream Pipeline. Energy is a subtext of all of the preliminaries up to this.

And I think in retrospect, we’re going to grow up. We’re going to look back at AOC’s insane efforts and people in the Squad in the hard left to shut down voluntarily almost 3 million barrels a day of oil production. … [T]hat results in … real deaths — people die when you do that, and they have to realize that — it’s crazy. 

We’re going to have to take a hard look at NATO, because the idea that for years, no one listened. As we told the Germans, we begged the Germans. We pleaded with the Germans, “Do not cut a deal with Putin, do not get reliant on Putin energy. Why don’t you import liquefied natural gas from the United States or [Israel’s] pipeline, anything other than Russia?” And we were completely ignored. I think that’s going to be reexamined. 

The West has been caught sleeping and … an opportunistic dictator … saw a chance and … took it just like he did in 2014. 

Observation O’ The Day

“The very first and most important thing to remember is that many things can be true at once and not be mutually exclusive. In no particular order:

It is absolutely wrong for Russia to invade Ukraine.

There is a long history of Russian oppression of Ukraine under the Soviet Union, not the least of which was Stalin’s genocide of Ukrainians through and engineered famine called the Holodomor.  Consequently, there is lots of bad blood between the Ukrainian people and Russia.

There are regions of Ukraine that are ethically and linguistically majority Russian that want independence from Ukraine.  That is a matter for international peace negotiation, not justification for Russian invasion.

Members of the Ukrainian government and national oil company did bribe Hunter Biden with a make work job for $50,000 per month.

That occurred under the previous Ukrainian administration.  The current president of Ukraine is new and took office in May of 2019 after Hunter left Burisma, and the current president has worked to clean up the corruption of the previous administration.

Despite the immoral act of Russia invading Ukraine, the US should not get involved militarily.  Our military just suffered a defeat in Afghanistan after 20 years if war.  We are demoralized and need to sit this one out.  Not to mention the risk of fighting an enemy that has nuclear weapons.

The entire Russian collusion/Trump is a Putin Puppet thing was a fabrication of the Hillary Clinton campaign to undermine Trump, justify spying on his campaign, and ultimately explain why she lost an election she thought she was entitled to win.

Many Democrats bought that bullshit fully as dogma and it has metastasized into “the GOP are Russian assets” or some equivalent thereof.

Trump’s policies, including US energy independence, were effective in holding back Russia while Obama and Biden’s policies resulted in Russian aggression towards their neighbors on both their administrations.

I fully believe that the only reason people on the Left are supporting Ukraine is that they have been reflexively trained to associate Russia with Trump and they hate Trump that much so ergo they hate Russia.

In a just and sane world everyone involved in spreading the fake Russian collusion story for four years should be forced to face the ditch for the damage that story did to this country.

Just because current Democrats have accidentally landed on the right answer of “Russia should not invade Ukraine” doesn’t mean they landed on it for the right reason or that their moral compass is properly functioning.

The Democrats who had landed on “Russia should not invade Ukraine” are about to destroy any good will or credibility they have as they are starting to use Ukraine as a cudgel to bash Americans.

You can be a patriotic American who cheers on Ukrainians defending themselves from Russia and not wanted to Americans to be sent to Ukraine to fight.”–J.K.

Observation O’ The Day

Never forget that while Russia was preparing for war, our intelligence and investigative services were concentrated in the “real” threat to the US: Parents standing up for their kids at school board meetings, anybody who is white, straight and not voting Democrat, and any POC who dared step outside the Liberal Plantation. —Miguel G.

Observation O’ The Day

President’s Day: A Liberal Homogenized Celebration Of Nothing.

While officially a celebration of Washington’s birthday, after the bill took effect in 1971, it morphed into President’s Day, tearing down an American hero and replacing it with a meaningless day off work (for some). It became a bogus holiday…Suggesting President’s Day is a bogus holiday isn’t about putting down a particular president. It’s tossing out wokeism and teaching an understanding of the country’s greatness.

Of course, that is if we did have a ‘real’ President and not a senile bigot of a moron occupying that space.

If We Had a Real President, Here’s How He (or She) Would React to Trudeau’s War on Canadians’ Freedom.

“He would address Trudeau directly, and remind him that freedom of assembly and freedom of speech are cornerstones of any free society. He would detail how dangerous a precedent the Canadian prime minister is setting by freezing the truckers’ bank accounts and would note that such tyrannical measures could just as easily be used against Trudeau and his allies if the opposition were ever to come to power.”

Observation O’ The Day

Biden’s America is a place where crooked officials do crooked stuff and their underlings offer lame excuses secure in the knowledge that the crooked press won’t ask awkward questions.

Apparently DOE thinks the laws are for little people, not them, since they have such important work to do, or something. It’s more arrogance coming from the Biden administration. Admitting that answering questions about the secretary’s ethics behavior is a low priority is a bad look for any office. Taxpayers deserve answers.

Department of Energy: There is no time to respond to questions of Granholm’s ethics violations because… global warming.

There is simply no time for answering questions about the ethics violations lodged against Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm. The reason given by her spokeswoman is that the department is preoccupied with rising temperatures and “extreme weather events.” Yes, really.

We’ve heard some pretty silly claims about global warming from the loony left in recent years. Along with racism, global warming is blamed for just about everything. The fossil fuel industry is under attack by environmental extremists and the United States is no longer energy independent. Yet, Secretary Granholm has some ‘splaining to do and her office appears to be less than cooperative. Remember on their very first day in office Press Secretary Jen Psaki held a press conference at the White House to show how open they would be to the press? Biden promised the most transparent administration ever, though his administration has turned out to be one of the least transparent in recent history. Psaki said that Biden would “bring transparency and truth back to the government to share the truth, even when it’s hard to hear.” Good time, good times.

Last week Granholm was at the center of a growing storm of ethics complaints about her personal financial transactions. When the Washington Free Beacon reached out to her office for comment, a spokesperson said there isn’t time to handle such frivolous matters. They are completely bogged down with the whole global warming crisis. I’d like to say this person was joking, but, sadly, no. Welcome to Biden’s America.

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Observation O’ The Day

Hamburglar shows truth of mass shoplifting — it’s not about poor, it’s about money-making thieves.

“If shoplifting is a crime of poverty, now an article of progressive faith, how come shoplifters tend to hit the high-end shelves? . . . And why is it that the craft beer is carted off, but rarely the low-end brews? Easy. Because the bodegas that are fencing the goods aren’t interested in canned meat, off-brand ice cream or skunky beer. They want the good stuff. And now things have gotten so bad that even Al Sharpton is torqued.

Ukraine gave up nukes 30 years ago. Today there are regrets.

“We gave away the capability for nothing,” said Andriy Zahorodniuk, a former defense minister of Ukraine. Referring to the security assurances Ukraine won in exchange for its nuclear arms, he added: “Now, every time somebody offers us to sign a strip of paper, the response is, ‘Thank you very much. We already had one of those some time ago.’”


Observation O’ The Day
“What is the likelihood that a consequence of Joe Biden’s presidency is that many technologically advanced nations are going to obtain nuclear weapons. I look forward to the same folks who were surprised at how quickly Afghanistan fell expressing surprise at this new development.”–Chuck Finley

Yep. As the Pax Americana ends, that’s the rational thing to do.

Observation O’ The Day

“We need to be able to own assault weapons so when the government tries to commit genocide upon its people they will be met with force. Every authoritative government in history has killed unarmed citizens en masse” -@chryyan

Quote O’ The Day

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms has been recognized by the General Government; but the best security of that right after all is, the military spirit, that taste for martial exercises, which has always distinguished the free citizens of these States….Such men form the best barrier to the liberties of America” — Gazette of the United States, October 14, 1789.

Observation O’ The Day

Those words clearly indicate that even at that early point in our nation’s history, the right was ‘recognized’ and thus was a preexisting right, not a right given to the people by the goobermint. Of course, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that in the U.S. v Cruickshank case in 1876-“This is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.“. And the latter part makes clear that while the populace has that right, the will to use it when necessary is just as important.

That is all…………….

Comment O’ The Day

“As Rush was fond of saying, we have some of the stupidest smart people in positions of power in this country (and frankly around the world).
Our Elite: supremely confident that they are the most intelligent people ever to have existed, and that no one should question their decisions or pronouncements, yet proving every day that they are literally dumb as rocks. Over-credentialed, and under-introspective.”

Observation O’ The Day

Confirmed — The Supreme Court’s Lib Justices Are Paste-Eaters.

“Well, now we know why the Democrats are so eager to pack the Supreme Court with more liberal judges. They’re going to need at least three more lefties on the Court just to get the collective IQ of the lib justices into triple digits.”

Observation O’ The Day.

prohibit the sale and possession of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

High-capacity magazines allow the shooter to continue firing repeatedly without needing to reload. The time it takes to change one during a mass shooting event could be life-saving, Bayer said
Investigators found 30 spent casings and three magazines at the scene.

Hrrmmm. 30 fired rounds…….3 empty magazines.
3rd grade level arithmetic something something

Democrats introduce gun safety bills in wake of Oxford shooting, push for more than ‘thoughts and prayers’

LANSING, MI — A Democratic Senator who represents the district that includes Oxford, Michigan, is pushing a series of new gun control bills that would limit the sale of gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds……….

Senate Bills 785 and 786 and House Bills 5627 and 5628 would prohibit the sale and possession of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The bill would make selling or owning high-capacity magazines a misdemeanor…………

Democrats gave no indication Thursday that there’s any interest in the measures from Republican colleagues. With Republicans in control of the state House and Senate, the bills are unlikely to advance without bipartisan support…………..

Democrats gave no indication Thursday that there’s any interest in the measures from Republican colleagues. With Republicans in control of the state House and Senate, the bills are unlikely to advance without bipartisan support.