Well, he’s a anti-gun (for the people) political hack, so nothing surprising here.

AG Garland ignores the importance of arms when congratulating newest citizens

The readers of Bearing Arms are no stranger to the fact that our Department of Justice (DOJ), as well as many of the three lettered agencies that fall under the supervision thereof, has become a machine to crush political opposition and push a radical progressive agenda. Just by trending what the DOJ prosecutes versus what they don’t, or what areas they focus on in their speeches and summits, people can figure out the DOJ under the Biden-Harris administration plays favorites on who/what gets prosecuted. Merrick Garland, who failed to meet the proper standards to sit on the High Court, congratulated the United States’s newest citizens the other day, and in doing so, he exposed some of his own personal history as well as neglected one of the most important civil liberties we have.

In the preamble of the Constitution, those Americans enumerated those hopes: to form a more perfect union; establish justice; ensure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; promote the general welfare …

And importantly – in their words – “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Like them, each of you has now made a commitment not only to this nation and your fellow Americans, but to the generations of Americans who will come after you.…

I come from a family of immigrants who fled religious persecution early in the 20th Century and sought refuge here in the United States. Some of my family entered right here, at Ellis Island. My grandmother was one of five children born in what is now Belarus. Three made it to the United States, including my grandmother who came through the Port of Baltimore. Two did not make it. Those two were killed in the Holocaust. If not for America, there is little doubt that the same would have happened to my grandmother. But this country took her in. And under the protection of our laws, she was able to live without fear of persecution.

I am also married to the daughter of an immigrant who came through the Port of New York in 1938. Shortly after Hitler’s army entered Austria that year, my wife’s mother escaped to the United States. Under the protection of our laws, she too, was able to live without fear of persecution.

That protection is what distinguishes America from so many other countries. The protection of law – the Rule of Law – is the foundation of our system of government. The Rule of Law means that the same laws apply to all of us, regardless of whether we are this country’s newest citizens or whether our [families] have been here for generations.

The Rule of Law means that the law treats each of us alike: there is not one rule for friends, another for foes; one rule for the powerful, another for the powerless; a rule for the rich, another for the poor; or different rules, depending upon one’s race or ethnicity or country of origin. The Rule of Law means that we are all protected in the exercise of our civil rights; in our freedom to worship and think as we please; and in the peaceful expression of our opinions, our beliefs, and our ideas.

Garland’s full remarks are worth a read. If our eyes were shut and we heard some of (not all) these words come from the mouth of a Regan or Trump, the rhetoric could be believable. However, these “encouraging” words are hissed out from the current Attorney General who’s complicit to allow the Second Amendment rights of the people be infringed.

Given Garland’s sharing of his personal and family’s history, and that of his wife’s, one would think that he’d be all too knowing that the atrocity of the Holocaust was able to occur in part because of a disarmed citizenry. Do we know for a fact that had the people been armed at that time that the Holocaust would have been averted? No, we don’t. But I’m willing to wage many would have rather tested the odds by fighting it out as an armed populace, instead of being led to slaughter. Regardless, we won’t ever know.

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Rare Ghost Gun Found on Michigan Gun Disposal List, But that is Not All

U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- Michigan law requires police and sheriff departments to turn confiscated firearms over to the state police. The state publishes a list of firearms each month that have not been claimed.

From the michigan.gov website:

The information below identifies firearm(s) confiscated by a Michigan law enforcement agency and turned over to the Michigan State Police (MSP) pursuant to MCL 28.434 and MCL 750.239.

List of Weapons to be Destroyed:

List of weapons to be destroyed October 2022 (public notice date 9-1-2022)(embeded below).  

If you are claiming ownership of any firearm(s) listed, please write or call within thirty (30) days of the date of public notice. In addition to your ownership claim, you must be authorized to possess firearms.

If no valid ownership claim is received by MSP within thirty (30) days of the date of public notice, the firearm(s) listed above will be destroyed.

Firearm(s) listed above are not for sale.

The firearms are listed for 30 days so owners can identify them and apply to have them returned.

If no one claims the firearms, they are destroyed. Michigan law does not require they be destroyed. The destruction of firearms has become a wasteful tradition.

Michigan police destroy about half a million dollars worth of firearms yearly for political purposes.

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NYT Poll Finds More Voters Agree with GOP on Gun Policy

A New York Times/Siena College poll conducted September 6 to 14, 2022, finds more voters agree with the Republican Party on gun policy.

The poll questioned nearly Nearly 1,400 registered voters.

When asked, “Who do you agree with more on gun policy?” voters responded 47 percent to 43 percent, in favor of Republicans over Democrats

Voters were also asked, “Who do you agree with more on crime and policing?” They responded 47 percent to 37 percent in favor of Republicans over Democrats.

The NYT/Siena College poll also asked voters whether they support “A ban on semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity magazines.” Forty-nine percent of voters said they do not support such a ban, while 46 percent said they did.

When responses were broken down among voting patterns, 74 percent of Biden voters supported banning semiautomatic weapons and “high capacity” magazines. An identical percentage of Trump voters opposed banning semiautomatic weapons and “high capacity” magazines.

When ages were taken into account, 54 percent of the youngest voters–ages 18-29–opposed a ban on semiautomatic weapons and “high capacity” magazines, while 41 percent of the youngest voters supported it.


New Software Negates Latest “Ghost Gun” Rules

A new software program (protected under the First Amendment) is protecting the Second Amendment. The software allows a 3D printer to create a “jig,” a simple but necessary piece of plastic that is used in assembling a firearm at home.

After the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) issued its latest infringement on the Second Amendment, software developers quickly created open source (free to the world) software to allow owners of 3D printers to print out their own jig. In essence this is an end-run around the latest ATF transgression of precious rights.

The continuing flow of misinformation from the ATF sets up the straw man to justify its latest violation of the Second Amendment:

To help keep guns from being sold to convicted felons and other prohibited purchasers, the rule makes clear that retailers must run background checks before selling kits that contain the parts necessary for someone to readily make a gun.

To help law enforcement trace guns used in a crime, the rule modernizes the definition of frame or receiver, clarifying what must be marked with a serial number – including in easy-to-build firearm kits.

To help reduce the number of unmarked and hard-to-trace “ghost guns,” the rule establishes requirements for federally licensed firearms dealers and gunsmiths to have a serial number added to 3D printed guns or other un-serialized firearms they take into inventory.

It admitted that its latest transgression generated a lot of pushback from gun owners:

On May 7, 2021, the Department of Justice issued a notice of proposed rulemaking, and during the 90-day open comment period, the ATF received more than 290,000 comments, the highest number of comments submitted to a proposed rule in ATF’s history.

Here’s the loophole in the new regulation that software developers are exploiting: if the jig isn’t part of the “kit,” then there’s no firearm under the latest definition and hence no required background check. Specifically, the rule states that when an unfinished frame or receiver is “distributed or possessed with a compatible jig or template,” it is now automatically considered to be a firearm. Leave out the jig, however, and the” kit” is incomplete and doesn’t fall under the rule.

On its website, Tactical Machining in Orlando, Florida, offers this update to its customers:

As many of you know or heard, ATF’s lawless and corrupt ruling went into effect on August 24, 2022. At the advice of our counsel, Tactical Machining was advised to maintain a holding pattern. Since then, we have some developing updates.

Per ATF, 80% AR-15 lowers are still legal!

In recent testimony during lawsuits against the ATF, they have admitted in open court that the “Final rule” does not restrict the sale of 80% lowers IF they are not sold with a jig/instructions or Templates.

Our local ATF agent tasked with enforcing the new rule changes also confirmed, in writing, that all of Tactical Machining’s 80% products are legal to buy and sell since we stopped offering our jigs.

Jim Jusick, Tactical’s design engineer and manager, quoted this from that letter from the ATF:

As we’ve been instructed, and our understanding here in Orlando, the unfinished receiver, with a jig, instructions, or template is NOT A FIREARM.

The combination of such an item (unfinished receiver) with other parts (excluding the jig) does not reach the standard for Readily Convertible.

In other words, your manufacture and selling of unfinished receivers with a lower parts kit [without the jig] does not meet the [newly defined] firearm threshold.

Just as was the case with radar detectors, developers were always one step ahead of the enforcers. In their zeal to criminalize all gun owners and eventually disarm them, the enforcers continue to play catch-up ball with the developers.

While this reference guide is by no means a comprehensive list of the administration’s entire gun control agenda, there is one thing that is not missing.

Nowhere in any of the Biden-Harris administration’s plans is there a single mention of how they intend to disarm criminals. Only law-abiding citizens are targeted for disarmament, not the bad guys.

That, friends, is all you need to know of their true intent.

A reference guide to Joe Biden’s war on guns
Documenting the administration’s anti-gun agenda.

The Biden-Harris administration’s war on guns is the most comprehensive and multi-faceted gun control scheme ever created.

Former Obama national security advisor Susan Rice, who has admitted meeting with gun control groups regularly at the White House, likely drafted most of the plan.

Under Rice, the administration nimbly exploits any anti-gun gain, while quickly pivoting away from pushback from the media, the public or Congress.

By design, most of their gun control agenda skirts any oversight — legislative or constitutional — and is immune from other normal checks and balances.

With their weaponized foot soldiers in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives willing to carry out any order regardless of its constitutionality, the Biden-Harris administration has become one of the biggest threats to the Second Amendment since the Bill of Rights was first written.

Because it is so vast and comprehensive, simply tracking all of the administration’s gun control initiatives has been difficult, which is why this reference guide was drafted.

What follows is a partial list of the Biden-Harris administration’s gun control agenda. It will be updated as needed.

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OREGON: Vote NO on Ballot Measure 114!

Ballot Measure 114 is the nation’s most extreme gun control Initiative and will be voted on this November! The NRA has launched a website to inform voters why they must VOTE NO on Ballot Measure 114.  It is up to you to stop Oregon from further eroding its law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights! Criminals do not obey the laws. Increasing laws and financial burdens will diminish, if not eliminate, the rights of law-abiding citizens.

If Ballot Measure 114 passes, Oregon will unconstitutionally:

-Ban magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition and most modern shotguns

-Create a government registry of law-abiding gun owners’ personal information

-Require a permit-to-purchase or transfer a firearm (which will require classroom and live-fire training from law enforcement)

Please share this information with your friends, family, and fellow Second Amendment advocates, and vote NO on Ballot Measure 114!

Oregon’s early vote-by-mail system means ballots will be landing in your mailbox soon, so be on the look-out, and be sure to vote NO on Ballot Measure 114 by November 8th, to protect your rights and the rights of future generations.

Analysis: How 50 Million Defensive Gun Uses Played Out According to a Massive Survey

The largest-ever scientific survey of gun owners found Americans used a gun in self-defense at least 1.67 million times per year. But the poll did a lot more than just count defensive uses; it also detailed how, when, and where they happened.

The National Firearms Survey, conducted by Georgetown University Professor William English, presented a ton of information on key questions surrounding guns in America. It found gun ownership is diversifying and gun carry is broadly popular. It found about a third of gun owners have owned an AR-15 or similar rifle and 50 percent have owned magazines holding more than ten rounds–key information for the legal battles over whether they can be banned.

And, of course, it also found a large number of American gun owners report using their guns to protect themselves. 31.1 percent of gun owners said they’d used a gun in self-defense. That equates to about 25.3 million Americans, according to English.

While a plurality of respondents said they’d only been involved in a single defensive gun use, the majority said they’d used a gun for self-defense more than once. That’s how English determined there were about 50 million reported defensive uses. He found the yearly rate of 1.67 million by dividing that total by the number of adult years the respondents had lived.

English said he did it that way to address one of the critiques of previous survey-based estimates of defense gun uses, which relied on people recounting not only that they used a gun in self-defense but that it happened in the last year.

However, that doesn’t mean it perfectly captures defensive gun uses. Critics have long questioned the validity of survey-based estimates altogether. Often they argue people who self-report using a gun to defend themselves are often misrepresenting what happened and may have even broken the law during the incident. Another common critique is the number of defensive gun uses doesn’t square with the number of justifiable homicides or criminals treated for gunshots.

Similarly, surveys of self-identified crime victims show a lower rate of self-reported gun defensive uses.

English said his estimates square with reported rates of hospital visits for gunshot wounds if you take the most common form of reported defensive gun use into account: incidents where no shots are fired. The more limited estimates, which put self-defense incidents in the tens of thousands rather than millions, do not account for defensive gun uses where nobody is injured. That’s a subset of events that English’s survey found was massive.

“[I]n the vast majority of defensive gun uses (81.9%), the gun was not fired,” he wrote in the preprint paper on the survey. “Rather, displaying a firearm or threatening to use a firearm (through, for example, a verbal threat) was sufficient. This suggests that firearms have a powerful deterrent effect on crime, which, in most cases, does not depend on a gun actually being fired or an aggressor being injured.”

The survey includes stories from a number of respondents who recount their self-defense encounters, including many who did not fire a shot.

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FPC Files for Injunction Against PA Carry Ban for People with Restored Civil Rights

U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced the filing of a motion for summary judgment in its Suarez v. Evanchick lawsuit, which challenges Pennsylvania’s prohibition on carry by individuals who have had their civil rights restored following prohibiting convictions. The motion can be viewed at FPCLegal.org.

Plaintiffs in this action include Julio Suarez and Daniel Binderup, whom the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, sitting en banc, has already held to be persons who retain their Second Amendment rights in a landmark plurality decision in Binderup v. United States Attorney General. Another individual plaintiff, Daniel Miller, previously challenged 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1)’s prohibition as applied to him for a 1998 conviction for the use of an altered PennDOT window tint exemption certificate, for which he was granted relief by a federal trial court.

“Nothing in the Constitution’s text nor the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation supports the categorical ban that the prior and continuing enforcement of Defendant’s regulations impose on Plaintiffs,” argues the motion. “Defendant’s regulations thus unconstitutionally prohibit and criminalize lawful, constitutionally protected conduct that Plaintiffs seek to engage in, including, but not limited to, carrying and transporting firearms for self-defense, including during declarations of emergency, and merely being able to stop for a bathroom break, grab a cup of coffee or bite to eat, or pick up a friend on the way to or from a firearm shooting range.”

“Despite Plaintiffs being peaceable citizens with no history of violent behavior and eligible to exercise the right to keep arms, Pennsylvania law unconstitutionally prohibits them from bearing and transporting firearms,” said FPC Director of Legal Operations Bill Sack. “Today’s Motion is an important step towards the full restoration of these individuals’ rights.”

Individuals who would like to Join the FPC Grassroots Army and support important pro-rights lawsuits and programs can sign up at JoinFPC.org. Individuals and organizations wanting to support charitable efforts in support of the restoration of Second Amendment and other natural rights can also make a tax-deductible donation to the FPC Action Foundation. For more on FPC’s lawsuits and other pro-Second Amendment initiatives, visit FPCLegal.org and follow FPC on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.

Well, not yet as SCOTUS hasn’t decided to grant cert. But if the current court remains ‘righteous’ as they have to 2nd amendment jurisprudence, they will take the case.

Trump banned bump stocks after deadly Las Vegas shooting. Now the issue is in the Supreme Court’s hands

Experts say the Supreme Court may be waiting for additional lower court rulings before wading into the question of whether bump stocks count as machine guns under federal law.

New York is among a half-dozen states that had gun law provisions invalidated by the U.S. Supreme Court that expanded the Second Amendment.

  • A Supreme Court case challenging the bump stock ban has been rescheduled for consideration 20 times.
  • The Biden administration has urged the high court not to hear the challenge to the Trump-era ban.
  • Gun rights groups fear the ban could open the door to other gun regulations.

WASHINGTON – Five years ago, a retired postal worker on the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas hotel carried out the deadliest mass shooting in American history, reopening a debate over a device known as a bump stock that turns a semi-automatic rifle into something closer to a machine gun.

Within a few months then-President Donald Trump moved to ban bump stocks through regulation, asserting the policy would “make it easier for men and women of law enforcement to protect our children and to protect our safety.”

Now two legal challenges to the Trump administration’s prohibition are pending at the Supreme Court – including one that has been rescheduled for consideration 20 times. The lack of a decision about whether or not the court will hear the litigation has led to speculation among experts who follow the issue closely that the court’s 6-3 conservative majority may not agree on how to proceed.

“The six conservatives on the court right now aren’t really on the same page about guns as much as people think they are,” said Dru Stevenson, a professor at South Texas College of Law Houston. Some in the court’s conservative wing, he said, “might be afraid to take the case if they’re not sure that they’re going to get their way.”

In addition to once again raising the issue of guns at the nation’s highest court months after it decided a landmark Second Amendment case, the new litigation also delves into how much power federal agencies have to create regulations when the law those rules are based on is unclear. Conservatives for years have sought to limit that agency discretion and their arguments seem to be gaining traction with the high court.

One of the cases, W. Clark Aposhian v. Attorney General Merrick Garland, was filed a year ago by a gun lobbyist in Utah who purchased a bump stock before the prohibition took effect. Another, Gun Owners of America v. Garland, was filed in March by gun rights groups. The court scheduled both cases for its final conference of the previous term in June, when the justices meet to discuss which cases to hear. Both were rescheduled.

The justices will hold their first post-summer conference on Sept. 28 and both cases are scheduled to be discussed at that meeting.

In a major guns decision in June, the Supreme Court ruled that a New York law that made it harder for state residents to carry handguns in public violated the Second Amendment. The 6-3 majority in that decision also embraced a new legal standard that puts a greater emphasis on historic gun regulations and may make it far harder for gun control advocates to defend gun laws.

Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Chief Justice John Roberts joined the majority, but they wrote separately to stress some gun prohibitions may be permissible.

But the legal fight over bump stocks, a device that uses the recoil of a semi-automatic firearm to mimic automatic firing, isn’t being fought squarely on Second Amendment grounds. Rather, the groups and individuals challenging the ban say Trump’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives erred when it interpreted a 1986 ban on the sale of machine guns to also include bump stock devices.

The 1986 law defines a machine gun as a weapon that fires more than one shot automatically “by a single function of the trigger.” Such weapons have been heavily regulated since the 1930s because of their use by organized crime leaders such as Al Capone.

Gun rights groups note the ATF had previously determined that bump stocks did not amount to machine guns. They point to remarks by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who said in 2018 that “if ATF tries to ban these devices after admitting repeatedly that it lacks the authority to do so, that process could be tied up in court for years.”  The best way to ban the accessories, Feinstein said at the time, was through legislation.

Aidan Johnston, federal affairs director for Gun Owners of America, dismissed the idea that the accessories are as potent a tool as critics suggest. For one thing, Johnston said, semi-automatic weapons can be “bump fired” through less sophisticated – and impossible to regulate – means, such as by threading a trigger finger into a belt loop on a pair of pants. For another, he said, bump firing makes it hard for the shooter to hit a target.

“It’s completely useless for self-defense, home defense – anything like that,” said Johnston, who said he owned one of the devices before the ATF rule went into effect.

So why fight it? Partly it’s because the plaintiffs fear what regulations may follow if federal courts permit agencies to prohibit bump stocks.

“We have to fight back if the federal government is going to say that any weapon that can be bump fired is a machine gun,” Johnston said. “If you allow that definition to stand then you’re only one rule change away from someone saying every semi-automatic firearm is a machine gun and banning those, too.”

That’s not a far-fetched idea. Stevenson said that another possible reason why the Supreme Court hasn’t decided what to do with the bump stock cases is that some of the justices may want to see how lower federal courts rule on challenges to semi-automatic weapon bans. After the decision in the New York case in June, the high court sent several other Second Amendment challenges back to lower courts for further review. One of those was a lawsuit challenging Maryland’s ban on the AR-15 and other semi-automatic rifles with magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds.

Gun control advocates push back on the argument that bump stocks should be permitted just because gun enthusiasts can jerry-rig an alternative.

“Just because a rule doesn’t completely solve a problem doesn’t mean it’s not a legitimate rule,” said Shira Feldman, litigation counsel with Brady, a gun control group. “There seems to be a lot of interest in circumventing what is a ban on machines – to find some way to use guns that are not supposed to be machine guns as machine guns.”

It’s not clear how many of the devices are in circulation, though the Justice Department had previously pegged the number between 280,000 and 520,000.

Feldman points to another reason why the Supreme Court may have been slow to take up the issue of bump stocks: So far, gun rights groups have been losing in appeals courts. The justices often like to see a disagreement in circuit courts – known as a “circuit split” – before wading in to resolve a dispute and provide guidance to lower courts on a thorny legal question.

“Right now,” Feldman said, “there is no circuit split.”

But that may soon change. In a separate case, the New Orleans-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has scheduled arguments in a challenge to the bump stock ban for Tuesday. Meanwhile, at least one of the justices has signaled a receptivity to the arguments being made by the gun rights groups.

The ATF, Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in 2020, “used to tell everyone that bump stocks don’t qualify as ‘machineguns.’ Now it says the opposite. The law hasn’t changed, only an agency’s interpretation of it.

“Why should courts,” Gorsuch asked, “defer to such bureaucratic pirouetting?”

 STREISAND EFFECT: Angry Harpies Complain About Kids’ Football League’s Fundraiser Featuring an AR-15, Turn a Local Raffle Into a National Event.

North Carolina’s East Henderson Youth Football and Cheerleading League (EHYFC) poked a woke hornet’s next by offering an AR-15 as the grand prize in a fundraiser for kids sports.  Unsurprisingly, some easily-offended types turned their ire on the EHYFC for such an “insensitive” and “deplorable” choice of prizes.

But not only did the youth organization’s leadership not fold, they pushed back and the local raffle has now sold tickets nationwide. Congratulations gun-haters, you’ve discovered the meaning of the Streisand Effect!

It seems that nothing sells tickets quite like a fundraiser featuring America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15. They play well as prizes even in blue states like my Illinois. But in more freedom-loving states like North Carolina? Puh-leeze. Who doesn’t need another AR-15 in their safe? They’re like 10/22…every gun owner should have a few.

The FN-15 Freedom Stick. Courtesy of FN.

The EHYFC further triggered local Karens by having the effrontery to describe the rifle as a “freedom stick.”

From Breitbart . . .

People across the nation rallied for North Carolina’s East Henderson Youth Football and Cheerleading League (EHYFC) after the league faced backlash for raffling an AR-15 rifle to raise money for equipment and supplies.

On September 5 Breitbart News reported that the EHYFC was raffling an FN 15, and that an anonymous parent had criticized the decision to do so.

The New York Post noted that the parent told WLOS, “I was honestly shocked when I received the message that the children were going to be selling an assault rifle because of what’s going on at schools around the country. I thought it was in very bad taste for them to choose a weapon that is being used against children.”

What did the critics suggest the organization do instead to raise funds for the kids? I’m glad you asked! On Facebook, the trolls came out in force, like this guy . . .

Marshall Coleman — Freedom Stick???? WTF! Own up to the Freedom Stick being a killing apparatus. Try a bake sale next time. What a perverted message to send to the very youth you purportedly care so deeply about.

Try a bake sale next time?  Well, here’s the reply from the Youth Football team’s leadership.

EHYFC-Youth Football and Cheerleading Marshall Coleman that’s a great idea! We work, go to school, practice Mon, Tues, church Wed, practice Thurs, game days are from 2-9pm Sat, back to church on Sun. When and where can we meet you to pick up those baked goods? We’re gonna need a lot! Preferably sugar free, low carb, gluten free, dairy free, nut free, keto friendly, vegan, and organic. There’s just so many different allergies, sensitivies, and preferences out there.

EHYFC leadership isn’t bashful about pushing back against the harpies. As they told a reporter, they’re handing everything openly and within the law…

“We aren’t offering an assault rifle. We are offering an FN 15 Patrol Carbine,” a spokesperson for EHYFCL told Fox News Digital. “This is an ArmaLite 15-style rifle, not fully automatic, which by definition excludes it from being classified as an assault rifle. We are following all ATF guidelines. The item is being held at an FFL, the recipient must complete an ATF form 4473 and pass an NICS background check before taking possession of it.”

News of the giveaway — and the resulting outrage — spread the word and as a result, EHYFC is getting  corporate sponsorships and offers for professional help . . .

Keith Raynor — Just printed and sent in a corporate sponsorship form for the year. Please thank the “Karen” parent for me because without her I would not have known you were raising funds for the season. If you all need a pro-bono North Carolina CPA to file anything with the IRS because your gross receipts push you over the reporting limit, I am right here. I have clients in Henderson Co already.

The offended raised enough of a stink that news and story of the EHYFC’s fundraiser went national. Again from Breitbart . . .

The mother said, “We have far surpassed our goals, and now have the ability to pass those blessings on to others in need. We have read every message, transaction note and email that has come our way. The supportive messages are coming from both retired and active military personnel, law enforcement officers, firefighters, fellow youth organization leaders, teachers, lawyers, entrepreneurs and grandparents trying to save our backwards society.”

In other words, they didn’t go woke and now they’re far from broke. Kudos to them. Now, where can I get some of those tickets?

How Hochul’s gun laws will make churches less safe

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has been on an anti-gun tirade pretty much since she took office. Any hopes she’d be a smidge better than her predecessor on the Second Amendment have been well and truly dashed. The only thing she may be better on is not sexually harassing her female subordinates.

Following New York’s epic smackdown by the Supreme Court, Hochul and the legislature rushed through a measure seeking to try and adhere to the letter of the Bruen decision only as much as they felt they had to.

Yet that law includes a prohibition of guns at any place of worship.

As noted at our sister site PJ Media, that’s going to make those places of worship a lot less safe.

For your consideration:

  • On June 17, 2015, a man walked into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., where a prayer meeting was being held. He shot and killed nine people, including the pastor, State Senator Clementa Pinckney. The shooter was charged with a hate crime.
  • November 5, 2017 — a man entered the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church in Texas. He was dressed in black and wearing tactical gear. By the time he finished shooting, 26 were dead and 20 were wounded.
  • On a Sunday morning in December 2019, a man walked through the door of the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, and opened fire during services. Two victims died in the attack. The gunman was killed by two parishioners, one of whom was the security guard.
  • October 27, 2018 — a man came into the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. After shouting “All Jews must die!” he shot and killed 11 people. Six others were wounded. He was known for posting anti-Semitic rants on Gab.
  • One person was killed and three were injured when a man entered Chabad of Poway in California and opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle in April 2019.
  • In January of this year, a man held four people, including the rabbi, hostage at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, for 10 hours before being killed by police. The suspect said that he had hidden bombs in undisclosed locations.
  • In May 2022, the New York Post reported a rise in anti-Semitic activity in the city. This included vandalization of synagogues and attacks on individual people.

It should be noted that if you want to go further back, you can find still more places of worship being targeted.

What’s more, many churches and synagogues can’t afford to hire professional armed security, yet there’s no provision in state law for volunteers to step in if the church so desires.

Look, one area where I tend to infuriate my fellow Second Amendment supporters is that I think a property owner has the right to ban guns on their property. I’m fine with laws that give signs the force of law, even. I want to know where I’m not welcome, after all.

But the flip side of that is that I cannot tolerate laws that tell property owners that they can’t make that determination for themselves. That’s precisely what Hochul’s law does since the churches and synagogues are, in fact, property owners in most cases.

Looking at this list, it’s easy to see that places of worship get targeted by maniacs looking to kill as many people as possible.

Hochul and folks like her probably think this law will stop that, but it won’t. I mean, if a law would stop such a thing, then wouldn’t the laws against murder do the trick on their own?

They don’t, though.

Instead, these places of worship cannot allow their congregations to be lawfully armed as a defensive measure. That means these very places become better targets for the deranged.

And when it happens in New York, remember that it was Hochul and her buddies who made that target so attractive.

Gun advocates fight for bump stocks in latest court hearing

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A federal appeals court was told Tuesday that there is no basis in federal law for a Trump administration ban on bump stocks — devices that enable a shooter to fire multiple rounds from semi-automatic weapons with a single trigger pull.

The ban was instituted after a sniper using bump stock-equipped weapons massacred dozens in Las Vegas in 2017. Gun rights advocates are challenging it in multiple federal courts.

At issue is not the Second Amendment but whether bump stocks qualify as illegal “machine guns” under federal law. The rule banning the devices issued by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said that they — a reversal, attorneys said, of a position held prior to the Las Vegas killings.

Opponents of the ban say the ATF’s rule doesn’t comply with federal law, and that it would take an act of Congress to ban bump stocks nationally.

So far, the ban, now being defended by the Biden administration, has survived challenges at the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the Denver-based 10th Circuit. Decisions on whether the Supreme Court will hear appeals in those cases are pending. It has also survived a challenge at the federal circuit court in Washington.

A panel of three judges at the 5th Circuit in New Orleans also issued a ruling in favor of the ban, but the full New Orleans-based court, currently with 16 active members, opted to hear new arguments. It’s unclear how quickly the full court will issue a ruling. Some judges raised the possibility in questions that they could await Supreme Court action in the other cases.

According to the ATF, bump stocks harness the recoil energy of a semiautomatic firearm so that a trigger “resets and continues firing without additional physical manipulation of the trigger by the shooter.” The shooter must maintain constant forward pressure on the weapon with the non-shooting hand, and constant pressure on the trigger with the trigger finger, according to Tuesday’s arguments.

But, opponents of the ATF rule argue that the trigger itself functions multiple times when a bump stock is used, so therefore bump stock weapons do not qualify as machine guns under federal law. They site language in the law that defines a machine gun as one that fires multiple times with a “single function of the trigger.”

“The trigger is going to function multiple times,” Richard Samp, arguing for a Texas gun owner, told the judges.

U.S. Department of Justice lawyer Mark Stern said the key is the action of the shooter.

“You only have to do one thing,” Stern told the judges. “Your trigger finger isn’t doing anything other than sitting still.”

Concern over gun rights malign law-abiding citizens

With the Bruen decision, a whole lot of people think the days of oppressive gun control are all but over. After all, the decision made some things very clear, particularly with regard to the text and history standard laid out.

Yet a Supreme Court decision doesn’t change people. Those who wanted gun control before still do, and that’s a huge issue. Especially since, as John Lott notes in a recent column, they treat law-abiding gun owners are mass murderers in the making.

In celebration of New York’s new gun control law that took effect Sept. 1, Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul claimed: “This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun, it doesn’t hold up. And the data bears this out, so that theory is over.”

At the same press conference, New York City Mayor Eric Adams warned that more concealed carry permits might lead to an increase in violence at Times Square, even though Times Square remains a gun-free zone for permit holders.

This is a typical response from Democrats. After each mass public shooting, Democratic elected officials push for more gun control. They ignore examples, even those that generated significant public attention, in which armed bystanders saved many lives. They also disregard a grim aspect of such crimes: Most mass shooters want to commit suicide in a way that will gain the most media coverage. The more people they kill, the more coverage they will get.…

Given how infrequently the news media covers defensive gun uses, it isn’t surprising that Hochul believes that defensive gun uses are rare. But survey estimates show on average that Americans use guns defensively about 2 million times a year. According to academic estimates, defensive gun uses – including instances when guns are simply shown to deter a crime – are four to five times more common than gun crimes.

Of course, Lott is absolutely correct here.

However, more than that, their calls for gun control essentially say that they think the average law-abiding gun owner is a potential mass shooter. Their calls for restrictions in places like Times Square aren’t calls that will keep killers from carrying. Those inclined to murder people in job lots aren’t exactly the kind of folks who are going to worry about a weapons charge.

Restricting the law-abiding does nothing to stop these crazed individuals. Anyone with any sense should be able to see the flaw in the plan here, yet that doesn’t seem to come up. Why?

The answer seems to be that they cannot discern us from the villains. They can’t tell the difference between a law-abiding gun owner who wants to lawfully carry his firearm for self-defense and those who want to slaughter the innocent.

We are not those people. We will never become those people.

Unfortunately, with every restriction on what law-abiding people can do with a firearm, lawmakers make it clear that they cannot tell the difference.

Inclusive advertising for AR-15s

Lawyers are seeking to circumvent the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act with what I view as junk lawsuits against gun manufacturers whose products are sold lawfully but later misused by violent criminals.

Attorneys were however successful in circumventing the PLCAA with a lawsuit against Remington for Adam Lanza’s use of a stolen AR-15 to commit a mass shooting at Sandy Hook.

The lawsuit relied on advertisements for the AR-15 that said, “Consider your man card reissued.” While I do not care for the gender-specific nature of this ad, I also doubt that any reasonable juror who was not in the pocket of the anti-Second Amendment camp would be receptive to the idea that a “man card” is a license to use a weapon for purposes other than lawful self-defense or on inanimate objects in a safe environment.

If we go back a couple of generations to the time when men but not women were expected to put themselves at risk to stop unlawful violence, your “man card” is your right and even possibly your moral duty to use your firearm to stop individuals like Adam Lanza, Luke Woodham, Dylann Roof, Nikolas Cruz, Matthew MurrayJacob RobertsKeith Thomas Kinnunen, and Salvador Ramos before they can complete their crimes. The hyperlinked individuals were in fact stopped in this manner and there was nothing wrong with Lanza, Roof, Cruz, Ramos and (allegedly unless and until proven guilty) Tree of Life synagogue shooter Robert Bowers that would not have been fixed by well-aimed bullets.

Jurors Must Reject Junk Lawsuits

If you are called for jury duty in a junk liability case against a gun manufacturer, remember that there are lawyers who have tried to use repressed memories as evidence in other forms of litigation and even criminal cases.

From where I sit, “repressed memory” is simply a designer label for “perjury” or “subornation of perjury,” whether initiated by the witness or somebody coaching or even brainwashing the witness respectively, because one is then free to “suddenly remember” anything he, she, or an ambitious prosecutor or personal injury lawyer finds convenient. These kinds of attorneys would, if given the chance, initiate litigation for harm incurred during past lives if they could get away with it. “Bad karma? Have you been harmed in a past life? The law firm of Dewey Cheatham & Howe will assign a team of memory regression experts to find the current incarnation of the person who wronged you long ago, and ensure that he or she has very deep pockets from which you can rake in cash and give us our cut.

We are sure we can find six people who are too stupid to get out of jury duty to buy this argument.” While this proposition does not appear on the web site of this fictitious law firm, equally humorous material does but you may have to add .html to some of the links to get them to load.

Let’s Make Gun Ads Inclusive of Women

Let’s return however to the gender-specific “Consider your man card reissued.” It’s the twenty-first century, folks, and not the nineteenth. Women as well as men now protect our society as police officers and members of our Armed Forces. Women often use lawfully-owned firearms to protect their families as well. Here’s audio of a 911 call in which a woman in Georgia shot a home invader who followed her and her children into a hiding place. A Chinese immigrant shot at three home invaders, and was lauded by the communist Chinese media which is ironic, because communist China does not allow its subjects to own firearms.

The AR-15 is in fact an ideal self-defense firearm for women due to its relatively light weight, ease of handling, and low recoil.

I have accordingly composed an ad that combines material from Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown (warning, profanity), Edge of Tomorrow, and Colonel Jeff Cooper’s depiction of violent criminals as goblins. (Cooper referred to soldiers of repressive regimes as “orcs,” which people now apply to Vladimir Putin’s minions, and East Germany as “Mordor.”) Here we go: “AR-15, the very best there is. When you absolutely, positively, have to go full metal bitch on every goblin who has invaded your home and put your family at risk, accept no substitute.” Note that, while the B word is normally a socially unacceptable pejorative for a woman, it was the nom de guerre of Rita Vrataski, also known as the Angel of Verdun, in Edge of Tomorrow where she was defending the human species from alien invaders, and this is the intended context here.

If we return to reality, the likelihood is well upward of 99.99% that you will never, regardless of your gender, have to menace anything other than a paper target with your AR-15. It’s better to have it and not need it, though, rather than to need it and not have it.

SAF Files Federal Lawsuit Challenging New NY Gun Control Law

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit challenging a new gun control law hastily adopted in New York State following the Supreme Court’s nullification of its previous concealed carry statute that required “proper cause,” alleging the state’s new statute is just as unconstitutional as the previous law.

The court ruled 6-3 in June that the requirement was unconstitutional under the Second Amendment.

Joining SAF is the Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., and two private citizens, Brett Christian and John Boron. Defendants are Kevin Bruen, superintendent of the New York State Police, and John J. Flynn, Erie County District Attorney, in their official capacities. The case is known as Boron v. Bruen. It was filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York.

Plaintiffs are represented by attorneys David H. Thompson, Peter A. Patterson and John W. Tienken with Cooper & Kirk, PLLC, and Nicolas J. Rotsko with Phillips Lytle, LLP in Buffalo, NY.

According to SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, passage of Senate Bill S 51001 by state lawmakers in Albany “replaced one unconstitutional licensing scheme with another.”

The new measure bans the lawful, licensed carry of firearms in so-called “sensitive places,” and presumptively most property in the state, creating a de facto ban on firearms carry for personal protection. As a result, SAF and its partners are asking for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief from the court.

“The New York Legislature and Gov. Kathy Hochul are making a mockery of the Supreme Court’s ruling in June, which struck down the state’s onerous ‘proper cause’ requirement in June,” Gottlieb said. “While they’re playing politics, the rights of law-abiding New York citizens are being cavalierly trampled. We cannot allow that to happen just so anti-gunners in Albany can play games with the constitution, just to see whether they can get away with it.

“The fact that New York’s new regulatory scheme essentially prohibits lawful carry in most public places is outrageous,” he continued. “The state is being too clever by half, and we’re confident that the federal courts, with the recent guidance from the Supreme Court on Second Amendment jurisprudence, will bring a quick end to this nonsense.”

Tactical gear for women to carry arms

Vicky Johnston, the owner and designer of Her Tactical, joined the show today to talk about her business.

Johnston encourages women to be prepared, be aware, and be ready for anything they may encounter. She shares her self defense skills with others through her company, offering a workshop to help build confidence.

Johnston tells of her story finding items to conceal a gun that work well for women. In her experience, every store she went to only had products for men, so she started her own company specifically tailored for women.

Her Tactical is putting on a workshop in February, and is offering a 15% discount on any concealed carry product purchased using the coupon code “ABC4” on her website.

Concealed Carry Products: https://hertactical.com/

Workshop Registration: https://hertactical.com/workshop/