Biden Vows to Defeat America’s Oldest and Largest Civil Rights Group

U.S.A. -( Joe Biden wants Americans to believe that he will focus on what he calls “the renewal of a politics that’s about solving problems – not stoking the flames of hate and chaos.”

Yet what “problem” is Biden promising to “solve” before he even takes office? Why the “defeat” of the National Rifle Association, a group of over 5 million Americans of all different backgrounds from all different walks of life united in their commitment to the nation’s constitutional freedoms.

Biden issued this “pledge” in a January 8 tweet that falsely tried to suggest the men and women of the NRA were somehow implicated in an infamous crime that was committed a decade ago by a manifestly deranged individual with no clear motivation or political agenda.

Defaming one’s political opponents – and by extension, their supporters – is hardly unheard of in Washington, D.C. But doing so while claiming the mantle of a “unifier” is especially hypocritical, particularly at a time when the nation has real problems to solve, including the economic, psychological, and physical threats posed by the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

If Joe Biden were reading the newspapers – or better yet, NRA-ILA’s own Grassroots Alert – he would know that a viewpoint uniting an especially large and diverse group of Americans in 2020 was the necessity of owning a firearm for personal protection. Last year was the busiest ever for the national background check system used to process retail firearms transactions. Americans, by all accounts, voted in record numbers with their feet and their pocketbooks in favor of their Second Amendment rights as the country struggled through one calamity after another.

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They made a movie about this.
It’s called Schindler’s List.
You’d think the Germans, of all people, would be appalled at this, but I think it was Reagan who said something like freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction, and it’s been 2+ for them.

Germany to hold quarantine breakers in refugee camps and “detention centers.”

Germans who repeatedly refuse to quarantine after being exposed to COVID-19 will be held in detention centers — and even under police guard, according to reports.

Officials in the state of Saxony — which is experiencing one of the worst outbreaks in the European nation — have already approved plans to hold quarantine-breakers in a fenced-off section of a refugee camp, the Telegraph said.

Another state, Brandenburg, also plans to use a section of a refugee camp.

In Schleswig-Holstein, repeat offenders will be kept in a special area in a juvenile detention center, the report said, citing Germany’s Welt newspaper.

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By this standard, even Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous maxim in his “I Have a Dream” speech — asking to be judged by the content of one’s character rather than the color of one’s skin — constitutes some form of “multiracial whiteness.” Even George Orwell would not have predicted this horrifying doublespeak.

NYU Prof Attributes Black Trump Support to ‘Multiracial Whiteness.’

Joe Biden may have won the 2020 election, but President Donald Trump drew impressive numbers of black and Latino voters. Black former Democrats led a #Blexit movement away from the Democratic Party, and many blacks and Latinos are taking prominent roles in the conservative movement. All this gives the lie to Democrats’ tired claims that racism or “white supremacy” is the motivating factor behind conservatism and Trumpism, right?

Not exactly, according to Cristina Beltrán, an associate professor at New York University (NYU) whose words appear in The Washington Post. Using Marxist critical race theory, Beltrán argues that the sneaky ideology of “whiteness” has colonized the minds of many black and Latino Americans. If blacks or Latinos support Republicans or Trump, that just shows the nefarious impact of “multiracial whiteness.”

Most Americans might think, “What kind of new insanity is this? How can ‘whiteness’ be ‘multiracial’?” Yet Beltrán, like many others before her, applies the heinous logic of Marxist critical theory to find a hidden “whiteness” in the minds of black and Latino Americans.

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10 Republican Representatives voted with the Demoncraps. They are:

John Katko (NY)

Liz Cheney (WY)

Adam Kinzinger (IL)

Fred Upton (MI)

Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA)

Dan Newhouse (WA)

Peter Meijer (MI)

Tom Rice (SC)

Anthony Gonzalez (OH)

David Valadao (CA)

They were talking about impeaching him before he was even sworn in, which tells you a lot about the seriousness of this. Whoopdie-Doo

If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell does not attempt to reconvene the Senate, it all but guarantees Trump won’t be tried in the Senate until after 1 p.m. on Jan. 20, an hour after he becomes an ex-president.

House impeaches Trump a second time, but conviction and removal are unlikely.

The House impeached President Trump for the second time Wednesday, charging him for behavior they believe caused the violent Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol that left five dead, dozens injured, and the historic building defaced and damaged.

Ten House Republicans joined all House Democrats to pass a single impeachment article accusing Trump of inciting an insurrection.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, must now decide when to send the article to the Senate, which is not scheduled to be in session until Jan. 19 and is unlikely to consider it until after Trump leaves office.

Trump’s term ends on Jan. 20 at 12 p.m.

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Missouri Media Blaming Gun Laws For Violence

Everywhere you go, you tend to find violence exploding in this country, The violence surge isn’t isolated to one or two places; just about every major city has seen an increase. Almost no one is reporting a reduction in violence over the year, and that’s despite months of people being locked down in their homes. That suggests that when they got out, they made up for lost time.

In Missouri, they’re having the same problem as most everywhere else. That’s not surprising. St. Louis, for example, is a city that’s been plagued by violence in recent years.

Yet, it seems that once again, the media has to trip over themselves to lay at least some of the blame on gun rights.

To understand the full scope of gun violence across the state, The Kansas City Star interviewed experts, gathered information about dozens of shooting victims from families and obituaries, and analyzed data from police and the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit that tracks gun incidents across the country. Because no complete official record exists, the numbers are preliminary, sourced from thousands of media outlets and public agencies.

The effort was undertaken as part of the Missouri Gun Violence Project, a two-year, statewide solutions journalism collaboration supported by the nonprofits Report for America and the Missouri Foundation for Health. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has also been a part of the collaboration.

In an extraordinary year, the people across the state grappling with violence — criminologists, health care professionals, violence interrupters, law enforcement officials — say the coronavirus pandemic’s disruptions aggravated gun violence, putting individuals more at risk and hampering prevention efforts.

But even before the pandemic, Missouri was primed to see worse violence after more than a decade of rolling back gun restrictions and a longstanding lack of trust between police and the most at-risk communities in the state’s largest cities.

Yet the publication acknowledges that the violence in Missouri is primarily driven by St. Louis and Kansas City, their two largest municipalities.

The problem I have is that if gun laws were the problem, then why wasn’t the problem more spread out? Why wasn’t it a problem for much smaller communities? These towns were under the authority of the exact same gun laws, after all. If the gun laws were responsible, then you’d think you’d see an uptick in violence across the board.

Before 2020, you didn’t.

In 2020, most people did acknowledge that the pandemic played some kind of role in the increased violence. It would be impossible not to acknowledge that fact simply because it’s right in front of our eyes.

But elsewhere, we didn’t see the problems being associated with gun laws anywhere else until the pandemic. If lax gun laws are the culprit, then we should see an increase across the board, and we simply don’t.

What that tells me is that it’s not the gun laws that are the problem. Again, if they were, the problems would be everywhere and they’re simply not. No, the problems reside somewhere in the cities themselves.

Yet the media prefers to scapegoat gun rights and gun ownership because it’s convenient and their readers lap it up. Heaven forbid they ever try to look a little deeper at the issue.

The Lib-Fascist Purge

The Lib-Fascist Purge

I’m not sure which is my favorite aspect of this disgraceful and dangerous festival of bans, gagging, and silencing that the Establishment embarked upon last week after it finally discovered one kind of riot it didn’t approve of. Maybe it was the journalists cheering censorship. Maybe it was True Conservatives™ like that geek from National Review giving censorship a soft, girlish thumbs-up – perhaps if the libs shut down the competition then people will sign up for NR’s cruises again. Ahoy! Or maybe it was the ACLU trying to balance the realization that having corporations not totally control what people say is bad with the imperative that Orange Man Bad.

So many beclownings to choose from.

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Pentagon Moves Forward With Renaming of Bases Named After Confederate Leaders

The Pentagon announced Friday it is moving forward with plans to rename military bases named after Confederate leaders by appointing four members to lead the effort.

Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller has appointed Sean McLean, a White House associate director, Joshua Whitehouse, a White House liaison to the Defense Department, Ann Johnston, acting assistant secretary of defense for Legislative Affairs, and Earl Matthews, who is principal deputy general counsel for the Army.

The four will serve on the ponderously-named Commission on the Naming of Items of the Department of Defense that Commemorate the Confederate States of America or Any Person Who Served Voluntarily with the Confederate States of America.

The commission is mandated under a $740 billion defense policy bill that went into effect when Congress voted on New Year’s Day to override Trump’s veto.

President Trump has argued in the past that stripping Confederate names from military bases means washing away history. Meanwhile, President-elect Biden supports removing the names.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” —Sun Tzu

Here’s another presentation of the anti-gun/anti-civil rights (except for their pet rights) academics infesting our colleges and universities. Knowing the direction of attack by these over educated morons are coming from, is simply due diligence.

The professor’s idea is to have the FDA regulate guns and ammunition. If you take the time to read through his paper, you’ll find he makes the same error, purposefully or not, that the Bill of Rights gives rights to the people, as opposed to restricting goobermint.


Woke demoncrap-for-brains end the opening prayer for the new congress with  “Amen” and “Awoman”

“Amen” is not a gendered term, you moron.

I’m not a lawyer, but I see a grand opportunity for big payouts for lawsuits.

DC Passes Bill to Vaccinate Children Without Parental Consent or Knowledge

Lawmakers in the District of Columbia (D.C.) have passed a bill allowing children to be vaccinated without parental consent or even their parents’ knowledge.

The “Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act,” B23-017, was passed in D.C. last month.

The bill that permits a child aged 11 years or older “to consent to receive a vaccine where the vaccination is recommended by the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

“It also establishes that if a minor is able to comprehend the need for, the nature of, and any significant risks inherent in the medical care then informed consent is established.”

The bill not only permits children of this age to provide consent to doctors and other vaccine administrators without a parent’s knowledge or consent, but also requires school administrators, insurance companies, and medical personnel to conceal a child’s vaccination from their parents.

In lines 37–38, the legislation mandates that “[p]roviders who administer immunizations under the authority of this subsection shall seek reimbursement, without parental consent, directly from the insurer” rather than involving a parent in this process.

Secondly, it mandates that insurance companies are not to notify parents of such payouts in the standard way, according to LifeSite News.

“Insurers shall not send an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) [to the child’s parents] for services provided,” the bill states (line 40).

Finally, B23-017 requires a health care provider to leave part of the immunization record “blank” in order to conceal from parents that their own child has been vaccinated (lines 48–52).

In addition to this being a violation of fundamental and natural parental rights, critics say it may also lead to situations where children could be double-vaccinated.

Following such a “confidential” vaccination of the child in school, a parent may take him to the doctor at a later occasion, where he may be vaccinated again.

More fundamentally, if this bill becomes law, The Vaccine Reaction (V.R.) warns, “it is clear that minor children will be at risk of being pressured and coerced into getting a COVID-19 vaccine behind their parents’ back.”

V.R. also demonstrates how B23-0171 violates the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA), which requires health care providers to supply parents or guardians with vaccine information from the CDC prior to administering the vaccine to their minor child.

The CDC itself affirms this to be a legal requirement on its website.

According to an “FAQ” question, “Is there a requirement to verify that parents/legal representatives have actually received and reviewed the VIS (Vaccine information Statement)?,” the answer is “Yes.” Continue reading “”

This is ‘hubris’. The arrogance of excessive self confidence. It’s often seen in the ultra-ultra wealthy because they believe their success is due to their total genius. It’s seen in Bloomberg’s, Gates’, and other gazillionaire’s gun control mania . They think that because they’ve been super successful in one venue that they certainly should be in anything else and they should be a greater voice in how society is ‘managed’. If asked, their standard reply is a variation on the theme; ‘If my idea is so stupid, why am I so rich?’
Well, just because they got rich marketing computer software, or financial dealing doesn’t mean they have answers to all the worlds problems. It merely means the ones who think they do, have had a major character flaw exposed.

Bill Gates Had a Plan to Stop Global Warming—Until Science Got in the Way

For some reason, the corporate media and global foundations believe Bill Gates has the answer for everything. They listen to him talk about epidemiology and vaccines. I am not sure becoming a billionaire by stealing someone else’s operating system and requiring outside help to build it makes you an expert in either of these areas, especially after you’ve put out a product as bad as Windows Vista.

But that is not all. In addition to yammering about COVID-19 and how we need to change the world as a result of a pandemic that was less than the Chinese Communist Party would have us believe, now Gates believes he can block out the sun—to save the world from global warming, of course. Is there nothing he can’t do? According  to Reuters:

Harvard University scientists plan to fly a test balloon above Sweden next year to help advance research into dimming sunlight to cool the Earth, alarming environmentalists opposed to solar geoengineering.

Open-air research into spraying tiny, sun-reflecting particles into the stratosphere, to offset global warming, has been stalled for years by controversies – including that it could discourage needed cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

In a small step, the Swedish Space Corporation agreed this week to help Harvard researchers launch a balloon near the Arctic town of Kiruna next June. It would carry a gondola with 600 kg of scientific equipment 20 km (12 miles) high.

The Harvard Project is called the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPex). To most of us, it sounds like a project that will severely tick off the stratosphere. And opponents of the project fear it will. They fear these projects will lead to attempts to engineer climate with artificial sunshade. The sunshade would essentially consist of blowing a bunch of dust into the stratosphere.

No one knows what this could do to life on earth because it is an insane proposition. We could end up living in a world that looks like the set of Dune. Or causing unknown changes to weather patterns. Dust is a well know respiratory irritant. What if it floats back down to earth?

Or we could freeze our tails off since we are in what is called a solar minimum, projected to last from now until 2053. The last time this happened, in the Middle Ages, we went through what is known as the Little Ice Age. But the geniuses in the climate cabal want to assure you that means nothing; we will still see global warming. Never mind that science can’t accurately predict the weather, and none of them were around in the Middle Ages. They just know, so shut up.

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Either he is that stupid and believes his BS,
or he believes we are that stupid and believe his BS.

Doom and Gloom Biden Warns Our ‘Very Existence’ Is Threatened

Let’s face it.

Joe Biden is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I don’t say that to be mean, but rather just a statement of fact. He was always known as a gaffe machine and wrong on everything for 47 years. Now, with encroaching cognitive decline on top of all that, not a lot of what he says makes sense.

But he’s already making clear that if he gets in, we can expect a very dark time of it all. He would ‘govern’ by fear-mongering.

Biden was talking about how we needed to address carbon emissions to combat climate change.

He says a bunch of words that don’t really mean anything. Then he gets into trouble when he tries to ad lib away from the teleprompter. Carbon emissions threaten “the very existence of our planet,” he claims.

The planet is going to blow up from carbon emissions? Does Joe even science? Does he know that carbon emissions actually help plant growth? So is that going to happen within Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 12 year deadline for the end of it all because of climate change?

But did you notice something else that Joe Biden admitted? He’s not very good at this.

He admitted that the U.S. was only responsible for about 15% of carbon emissions and we’ve actually continued to cut back our emissions.

Guess who emits more than us and who old Joe isn’t about to try to hold to account?

You got it, his friend, China. They emit almost twice as much as them.

So Joe would destroy our economy to achieve even more than we’ve already done, while China will continue on and not restricting their economy in any way. What’s wrong in this scenario?

But just remember? If we don’t do it, we’re threatening the existence of the world!

No, but for sure we would face very real and existential threats from Biden himself.

Swalwell’s Chinese Spy Linked To Feinstein’s Chinese Spy, Check Out These Photos

(Tea Party 247) – If it sounded familiar to you that an elected official from California who served in Congress was colluding with a Chinese spy when Rep. Eric Swalwell got busted for his past relationships with one Fang Fang, that’s probably because it’s not even the first time.

A few years ago, it was revealed that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) had a Chinese spy for a driver and staffer for twenty years.

She had a very suspiciously cozy relationship with the Chinese that would concern anyone who is aware of the communist nation’s intelligence efforts in our country. Continue reading “”

Yes, it belongs to Virginia goobermint, but it’s the height of pandering politicians virtue signaling.

Statue of Robert E. Lee removed from U.S. capitol overnight

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WJHL) – Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced Monday that the Commonwealth’s statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee was removed from the U.S. capitol overnight.

Lee’s statue had stood in the hall for 111 years as one of Virginia’s statues. Virginia’s other statue is a depiction of George Washington. Both statues were added to the hall in 1909.

Each state may display two statues in the National Statuary Hall Collection.

U.S. Senator Tim Kaine and Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton were present at the removal of the statue, as well as a representative from Northam’s office. Continue reading “”

LA DA George Gascon slams victim’s family as they protest sentencing plan.

Los Angeles’ controversial new district attorney told the family of a murder victim they should “keep their mouth shut” — unwittingly, he later said — as they protested his office’s kid-gloves handling of the accused killers.

“It’s unfortunate that some people do not have enough education to keep their mouth shut for a moment so we can talk,” George Gascon said in a video obtained by FOX 11 Los Angeles.

“My son can never speak again because he was murdered,” shouts a woman identified as the mother of Joshua Rodriguez, who was kidnapped and killed in 2015.

“My son matters!” she screamed as Gascon walked away. “And you’re going to do nothing about it!”

Gascon — who was elected last month promising a sweeping left-wing overhaul of the criminal justice system — was speaking to the press in front of a Pomona courthouse Friday when he was confronted by the family about his intention to drop the punishment sought against Rodriguez’s killers, eliminating the chance they could receive no-parole life sentences…………

I did Nazi that coming

Andrew Yang Calls for Bar Codes to Identify People Who Have Been Vaccinated

Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang has called for people to be required to prove they’ve been vaccinated before entering venues by showing a bar code on their phones.

“Is there a way for someone to easily show that they have been vaccinated — like a bar code they can download to their phone? There ought to be,” tweeted Yang.

Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang has called for people to be required to prove they’ve been vaccinated before entering venues by showing a bar code on their phones.

“Is there a way for someone to easily show that they have been vaccinated – like a bar code they can download to their phone? There ought to be,” tweeted Yang. Continue reading “”

This is not, I repeat, not an article from the satirical Babylon Bee.  An award dedicated to a man who was fired for being a liar. For manufacturing false documents and publicizing them on national news in an effort to smear President Bush during his 2004 reelection campaign

Disgraced fake newsman Dan Rather gets journalism awards named in his honor.

No one does more harm to journalism than people in journalism.

The Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin unveiled this week two awards honoring disgraced former CBS News anchor Dan Rather.

“The Dan Rather Medals for News and Guts honor the process of journalism as much as the end product,” the organization announced Wednesday. “They will be awarded to professional and collegiate journalists who go the extra yard — overcoming obstacles like stonewalling and harassment — to get the story that tells truth to power.”

A spokesperson for the Moody College of Communication confirmed in a response to the Washington Examiner that the awards are, in fact, real and that they are not part of an elaborate joke. Continue reading “”

Just to indicate the moron level intellect of one of the demoncrap candidates for Georgia Senator.

Democrat Georgia Senate Candidate, Jon Ossoff, believes that Federal ICE agents should verify good wages and working conditions for illegal immigrants. Although most of his positions are the typical of a white, liberal, trust fund Socialist, this one truly out there. Ossoff is not famous for his positions as much as for losing every time he runs.

I know this Georgia Senate race provides a real stumper for Republican voters in the Peach State. Vote for the Republican candidates (Loeffler and Perdue) and hope to stop the Democrats from totally destroying our country. Or, don’t show up and let Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock aid the enemy in finishing off our move towards Socialism. I can argue it both ways. By the way, Trump won, no matter what the Courts, Electoral College and Democrat Media Industrial Complex say, in my humble opinion.

Let us take a look at Ossoff’s position that ICE agents should not detain illegal immigrant workers, but should ensure that they have good wages and working conditions. From the Washington Free Beacon:

A resident asked Ossoff how he would deal with people who were illegally brought to the United States as minors. The Democrat went on to chastise the “brutal conditions” facing workers on Georgia farms, arguing that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents should be used not to detain illegal immigrants but rather to verify that such workers are treated well.

“When federal agents arrive at one of these farms, it should be to make sure people are being paid the minimum wage, working in humane conditions,” Ossoff said at the Sunday event, adding that the U.S. should “show humanity and compassion for those who are part of our society but living in the shadows.”

Jon Ossoff totally whiffed there. Instead of tackling a valid question on the problem of minors brought into this country, he went into a diatribe on working conditions and pay for adults who willingly come into our country in contravention of our laws. That makes them criminals and criminals, in order to not get caught, necessarily live in the shadows.

Why didn’t Ossoff want to comment on the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) kids? Possibly because he has not been told what to think about that subject yet. Or, maybe he is hoping that the approximately 425,000 illegal immigrants living and working in Georgia will vote for him and guarantee a Senate victory. He seems more of an open borders guy, even though he claims to want policies that allow for more immigration AND strengthen our borders, whatever that means. More of that amorphous, liberal talk.

Look folks, I have got to be totally honest here. Jon Ossoff makes me think of someone who was in Student Government starting in third grade. I watched a video interview between Katie Couric and Ossoff. My biggest take away is that Ossoff has an epically punchable face. You can watch the video here. He told Couric that one of his greatest strengths was his youth. I kid you not. This guy has no depth whatsoever. I’ll tell you more about that later.

Jon Ossoff bought an existing documentary film firm and Katie Couric called him an award-winning investigative journalist. That’s kind of like Andrew Cuomo winning an Emmy for his masterful handling of Covid.

In the Student Government type arena, Ossoff claimed to have read a biography of the now late John Lewis and asked him for a job as an intern in his Atlanta office. Jon Ossoff’s greatest claim to fame, beside losing elections, is that he worked for Representative Hank Johnson, as a national security aide for five years from 2007-2012.

Why is this important? Remember I told you that Jon Ossoff had no depth? Well, his job was to brief Representative Johnson on economic policy, defense, intelligence and foreign affairs. It was in 2010, with Ossoff as his advisor that Hank Johnson worried that Guam would tip over. Remember?

Poor Admiral Willard. Jon Ossoff advised Hank John on defense, intelligence and foreign affairs for five years! You have to be dumber than a box of rocks to stay on the job for more than a day. There is a tree stump in Okefenokee Swamp with a higher I.Q. than Ossoff.

So go vote for David Perdue Georgia. Even on the train to Socialism, we cannot let a nimrod like Ossoff anywhere near the levers of power.

Loser and stupid is not a good look.