Falling Down and Falling Apart

Last night, for the first time in a long time, I watched the 1993 movie Falling Down on YouTube, and was struck by the final line: “I’m the bad guy? How’d that happen? I did everything they told me to.”

William Foster is a guy who believed in the system. He followed the rules, and yet lost everything. His wife divorced him. He lost his job. His wife has a restraining order against him so he’s not even allowed to attend his daughter’s birthday party. The world has ceased to make sense.

Falling Down is a classic — some of the scenes are funny as hell, in a dark way — and what is the message? It’s about incentives.

Why should we play by the rules, if the rules don’t work? What is the incentive to be a good citizen — an honest, hard-working taxpayer — if the system does not reward you for compliance with the rules?

There are two kinds of incentives — the carrots of reward and the sticks of punishment. What has happened to William Foster in Falling Down is that he finds himself being punished (divorce, unemployment and a thousand other tiny humiliations) despite having followed the rules.

We have heard a lot of rhetoric about “social justice” lately, by which liberals mean a redistribution of rewards and punishments in the system, for the benefit of those allegedly suffering oppression. In reality, however, oppression is not neatly distributed according to the identity-politics formulae of the Left. Everybody has their own grievances, and attempts to explain human frustrations by such simplistic labels as “systemic racism” — or “patriarchy” — fail to capture this reality.

The lessons of Falling Down were on my mind as I watched Tucker Carlson’s opening monologue for his Tuesday program:

There are a lot of unprecedented things happening, but not all of them are shocking. For example, it probably shouldn’t surprise you that, once they got their hands on real power, the same lunatics who don’t believe in human biology immediately made a serious mess of our economy. It took them less than six months to do it.

First, they acted like the U.S. dollar had no value. They spent money like they’d just printed it for the occasion, which, needless to say, they had. Predictably, we wound up with frightening levels of inflation, which for the record they still deny exists. But inflation does exist, as you well know if you live here.
Corn prices, to name just one example of a staple commodity that’s now out of control, have risen by 50 percent just since January. But that wasn’t bad enough. The lunatics decided to make it worse.

They paid millions of Americans more than they make at work, to stay home and do nothing. To justify doing this, they used the word “COVID” quite a bit, but it had nothing to do with the pandemic. They just wanted to break the system. And so they did. And the rest of us immediately wound up with a bewildering combination of rising unemployment in the middle of a severe labor shortage.

So, at the very same time, we found ourselves with too many workers, and also too few workers. That doesn’t even make sense, but thanks to their policies, that’s now exactly what we have. And then, finally, in case 2021 didn’t remind you enough of a grimmer version of the 1970s, we now have serious gas shortages, in a country that just recently was energy independent. All along the east coast of the country today, people couldn’t fill up their cars. The footage looks like Venezuela.

And so forth. The real point — why it reminded me of Falling Down — is that ordinary citizens are powerless to fix this manmade disaster. The people in charge don’t give a damn about ordinary citizens, because if they did, they wouldn’t have done what they’ve done. We find ourselves in a broken system, where the incentives have gone haywire, and the world has stopped making sense. We’re all like William Foster, stuck in that L.A. traffic jam with a broken air conditioner. Everything seems to be falling apart, and we find ourselves helplessly falling down.

Things are likely to go from bad to worse, and the only question is just how much worse the situation will get. We cannot expect Joe Biden (or the people who are running the government in his name) to experience a sudden insight as to the cause of their failures. There will be no sudden reversal of their “progressive” agenda, and it is far more likely they will just double-down on the bad policies they’ve embraced.

Probably a lot of people aren’t going to be able to cope. We’re going to see more and more people going berserk — seemingly random massacres, “suicide by cop,” acts of domestic terrorism — because what do you expect people to do when the rules don’t work anymore?

“I’m the bad guy? How’d that happen? I did everything they told me to.”

“I’ll take No Enemies To The Left for $500, Alex”

Republicans push FBI over ‘suicide by cop’ outrage.

REPUBLICANS PUSH FBI OVER ‘SUICIDE BY COP’ OUTRAGE. Last month some House GOP lawmakers revealed the previously unknown fact that the FBI ruled the June 14, 2017 shooting attack on the House Republican baseball team to be an act of “suicide by cop.” It was stunning news. How could the FBI do such a thing? The shooter, James Hodgkinson, expressed bitter hatred for Republicans, brought guns when he moved to the Washington area, had a hit list of GOP lawmakers in his pocket when he approached the baseball practice, checked to make sure the men on the field were in fact Republicans, and then opened fire. He nearly killed House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, badly wounded a lobbyist, and hurt two others before being shot to death by Scalise’s security detail and Alexandria, Virginia police.

It was absolutely clearly, without any doubt, an act of domestic political terrorism. And yet in November, 2017, when the FBI briefed House lawmakers on the investigation, they announced that they had determined the attack was an episode of “suicide by cop” — that is, despite all the evidence to the contrary, Hodgkinson was trying to kill himself, not Republicans.

Now, GOP lawmakers are pushing FBI Director Christopher Wray to explain how the bureau came to that conclusion. Today, the House members who were present at the baseball field that day are sending a new letter demanding Wray not only re-investigate the shooting itself but also investigate how FBI investigators came to ignore the evidence and reach the “suicide by cop” verdict.

We Don’t Have a President

As I type this, an all-out war on the streets of Israel has broken out. The Mayor of Lod is comparing what’s happening to Kristallnacht, the night Nazis smashed Jewish businesses and destroyed synagogues in the lead up to the Holocaust.

RedState has reported extensively on what’s going on. Earlier, video and pictures were released showing cars burning and what looked to be the ransacked interior of a synagogue.

Meanwhile, on this side of the ocean, a cyberattack has taken down a major pipeline that supplies gasoline to the East Coast. That has led to gas shortages, even further exacerbating the skyrocketing energy costs Americans are already enduring.

Couple those two events with the recent, floundering economic news, the ever-growing crisis at the border (we reached a two-decade high in apprehensions last month), and a COVID vaccine distribution program that’s cratering due to the Johnson and Johnson pause, and you’ve got one of the most chaotic weeks in years on tap for the country.

So where exactly is Joe Biden, the man who is ostensibly the President of the United States?

No one can seem to figure that out. He’s given no public statements about the two major crises of the last 24 hours. His surrogates have sent mixed messages, with Jen Psaki chastising Israel for being attacked by Palestinian terrorists today. In regards to the pipeline, the administration claimed that it was a “private sector” matter in one of the more surreal moments of Biden’s presidency. I guess there weren’t enough fake nooses hung to get the FBI to jump into action?

Regardless, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that we don’t have a president, at least not in any traditional sense. Sure, we have a man who holds the office while his handlers make all the decisions and craft all the narratives, but we don’t have a president who can stand up and provide guidance on the tough issues. Biden is a coward anyway. He won’t stand up to those pulling the strings around him nor will he stand up to despots around the world.

The Palestinians had not fired a rocket at Jerusalem since 2014 until this week. What changed, exactly? Well, Biden’s handlers decided to reinstate “aid” payments to the Palestinians. They are emboldened, knowing that Donald Trump isn’t there to push back anymore while Biden is happy to play into his own weakness, coddling the terrorists who are currently killing Jews in the streets.

And speaking of Trump, could you imagine the gnashing of teeth that would occur if he just disappeared the day Israel basically went to war and hackers shut down gasoline distribution to the Southeast and East Coast? He’d be accused of being derelict in his duty. Yet, no one in the media seems to even be concerned that Biden is MIA during one of the most consequential, complicated weeks the country has seen in quite some time. In fact, they seem to be far more obsessed with fluffing Liz Cheney than the fact that the jobs market is stagnating while inflation remains out of control.

There are consequences to electing a senile old man to a job that requires at least some level of coherence. The country is receiving those consequences good and hard right now. Voters should take note because this isn’t going to get better. The only way to turn this around is to stop voting with your emotions and start paying attention to the things that really matter.

Virginia parents group launches PAC to unseat school board members over reopening, race controversies.

A political action committee (PAC) launched Tuesday with the intent of unseating multiple school board members in one of Virginia’s most populous counties because of an ongoing feud over critical race theory.

The Loudoun County school board members showed a complete “misunderstanding of their duties and responsibility as elected officials,” reads a press release from Fight for Schools PAC.

It specifically names Beth Barts, Brenda Sheridan, Ian Serotkin, Denise Corbo, Leslee King and Atoosa Reaser. Each were reportedly part of a secret Facebook group where members compiled a list of parents who opposed critical race theory in the school district, according to the Daily Wire.

Tuesday’s announcement comes amid division and turmoil within one of the nation’s top counties for public education.


Colorado Democrats shelve effort to impose a gun-purchase waiting period this year

Democratic state lawmakers have shelved efforts to pass a bill imposing a gun-purchase waiting period this year, as they had planned before the 2021 lawmaking term began.

State Rep. Steve Woodrow, a Denver Democrat, was slated to be the prime sponsor of the measure. He said the massacre at a Boulder King Soopers reshaped lawmakers’ gun-control plans this year and they decided to focus on other policies.

“After the shooting we worked diligently to craft a package of bills that will have the most impact and that’s the package we’re moving forward with this session,” he said in a written statement.

State Rep. Tom Sullivan, a Centennial Democrat whose son was murdered in the 2012 Aurora theater shooting, said the waiting-period bill could be introduced at the Capitol next year.

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China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons – including coronavirus – SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People’s Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered by the US State Department

  • Beijing has considered the military potential of SARS coronaviruses since 2015
  • The bombshell document was accessed by US State Department investigators
  • Scientists examined manipulation of diseases ‘in a way never seen before’
  • Foreign affairs committee’s Tom Tugendhat says evidence is a ‘major concern’

Chinese scientists have been preparing for a Third World War fought with biological and genetic weapons including coronavirus for the last six years, according to a document obtained by US investigators.

The bombshell paper, accessed by the US State Department, insists they will be ‘the core weapon for victory’ in such a conflict, even outlining the perfect conditions to release a bioweapon, and documenting the impact it would have on ‘the enemy’s medical system’.

This latest evidence that Beijing considered the military potential of SARS coronaviruses from as early as 2015 has also raised fresh fears over the cause of Covid-19, with some officials still believing the virus could have escaped from a Chinese lab.

The dossier by People’s Liberation Army scientists and health officials, details of which were reported in The Australian, examined the manipulation of diseases to make weapons ‘in a way never seen before’.

Senior government figures say it ‘raises major concerns’ over the intentions of those close to Chinese President Xi Jinping amid growing fears about the country’s lack of regulation over its activity in laboratories.

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I’d take him at his word. If the state of the economy isn’t really improving that is the direction the demoncraps want it to be moving.

Joe Biden Defiant in Face of Grim Economic Report: ‘Our Economy is Moving in the Right Direction’

President Joe Biden was defiant in reaction to the grim jobs and unemployment report released Friday.

“Today there is more evidence that our economy is moving in the right direction, but it’s clear we have a long way to go,” he said.

The president dismissed media commentary pointing out the disparity between the estimated job creation numbers and the jobs actually created in April.

“Listening to commentators today as I was getting dressed, you might think that we should be disappointed,” Biden said with a chuckle.

Unemployment rose to 6.1 percent in April, the report noted, the first time unemployment increased since April 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic began. Although analysts had expected up to a million jobs created in April, only 266,000 jobs were actually reported.

Biden stressed that the report was actually good news.

“Quite frankly, we’re moving more rapidly than I thought we would,” he said, arguing he always felt the recovery would be a “marathon” not a “sprint.”

Republicans questioned Biden’s decision to send expanded $300 a week checks to unemployed Americans until September 2021, arguing it was keeping workers on the sidelines during the pandemic.

But Biden said the economic news only proved the checks were necessary

“This is progress,” Biden continued. “And it’s a testament to our new strategy of growing this economy from the bottom up and the middle out.”

Biden also defended his call for $6 trillion in spending and dramatic tax hikes on businesses and the wealthy to boost the economy.

“The American people are counting on us. So, let’s get it done,” he said.

“The disappointing jobs report makes it clear that paying people not to work is dampening what should be a stronger jobs market,” said Neil Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “One step policymakers should take now is ending the $300 weekly supplemental unemployment benefit. Based on the Chamber’s analysis, the $300 benefit results in approximately one in four recipients taking home more in unemployment than they earned working.”

Well, this may actually simply be a sort of ‘unintended consequences’, but to accept that, one must also accept the notion that the leftists controlling goobermint right now don’t want the economic destruction of our country so they can raise their Marxist idealistic Utopia from the ashes.

New Jobs Report Shows the Government Gets the Unemployment It’s Paying For
High unemployment benefits are getting the blame for disappointing job growth in the midst of a worker shortage

A disappointing new jobs report shows that hiring is down and the unemployment is rate is up, even as wages climb and employers complain about a shortage of workers. That apparent paradox has some policy wonks pinning the blame on expanded jobless benefits that pay workers more than what they could expect to earn working.

The economy added 266,000 jobs in April according to today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), while the unemployment rate ticked up slightly to 6.1 percent, from 6 percent.

These numbers are well below forecasts from economists who predicted that April would see the addition of around 1 million jobs, and the unemployment rate falling to 5.8 percent. The BLS report notes that we’re still far away from a pre-pandemic labor market, when the jobless rate sat at 3.5 percent.

Despite persistent levels of high joblessness, other metrics show signs of a labor market that’s increasingly tight.

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Biden Wants Strict Rules For Gun Owners, But Not Illegal Immigrants

President Biden has made no secret that he believes there should be universal, extended background checks for every single gun sale in the United States. But when it comes to releasing unaccompanied migrant children to sponsors, President Biden and his administration are all too happy to skip background checks and hand over the kids to whomever claims them.

Here’s what the Wall Street Journal reported last month, “The government is planning to begin … releasing children before sponsors’ background checks have been completed. … [C]hild welfare officials will conduct welfare checks after a minor is placed with a sponsor—typically a parent, relative or family friend.”

The fact that the Biden Administration would turn children over to adults without verifying their identity or criminal backgrounds is incredibly alarming. “Background checks for thee, but not for me,” seems to be President Biden’s refrain.

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Mr Heller would like to comment about the Supreme Court ruling that mandatory storage laws are unconstitutional.

Oregon Passes Insane Mandatory Storage Law

Mandatory storage is an idea that looks good on paper but isn’t in practice. It requires people to lock up their guns when “not in use,” which is kind of an issue. You see, their definition of “in use” and mine are often quite different. A firearm sitting in the nightstand may be in use by someone who is concerned about a home invasion, for example, but the law doesn’t see it that way.

Luckily, these laws aren’t overly common. A handful of places have them, unfortunately, but most don’t.

However, one more joins the unfortunate list.

Years of halting efforts by gun-control advocates paid off Wednesday, as the Oregon Legislature gave final approval to a bill to require gun owners to securely store their weapons when not in use, or face potential consequences.

The “safe-storage” bill — a key policy aim for groups like Moms Demand Action and State of Safety since 2018 — passed the state Senate on a vote of 17-7 after a brief debate. It passed the House of Representatives last week on a similarly fraught vote.

If signed by Democratic Gov. Kate Brown, Oregon will join 11 other states with laws requiring locking devices on stored firearms. Oregon’s bill also opens up gun owners to civil litigation if their unsecured weapon is used to inflict injury.

But the bill does far more, too. Democrats last month combined the safe-storage proposal with a bill that will ban guns in the state Capitol and large airport terminals, and allow public school districts, community colleges and universities to pass their own rules outlawing guns on their grounds.

So yes, there’s mandatory storage for Oregon now, and some additional stupid stuff.

In truth, the banning of guns in the state Capitol isn’t surprising. This was a knee-jerk reaction to armed protests last year and we had to kind of know this was coming. That doesn’t excuse it, mind you, but it’s not exactly a shock that it happened.

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Firearms and ammo taxes do nothing but generate revenue and don’t stop crime or violence.

Firearm and Ammunition Taxes

Summary: Taxation has been a standard policy lever used to limit the harms associated with potentially dangerous goods (e.g., cigarettes, alcohol, and soda or sugary beverages). It has rarely been used to manage risks associated with gun violence, however. Although several states and localities have imposed special taxes on firearms and ammunition, these have typically been used to generate revenue, not as a strategy for reducing access to firearms or limiting gun crimes. Given limited variation in state and local firearm and ammunition taxes in recent history, as well as the absence of consistent data on firearm and ammunition prices over time and across geographies, there is little empirical evidence to indicate how taxation would influence firearm-related outcomes, such as violent crime, suicide, self-defense, or sales of firearms.

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Biden Is Using the Pandemic as an Excuse for Permanent Expansions of Government Power.

President Joe Biden isn’t letting a crisis go to waste.

His administration is using the pandemic as an excuse to push a list of preexisting Democratic policy priorities, few of which have much to do with COVID-19, and some of which were initially pitched as temporary measures.

But in last night’s address to a joint Congress, Biden made clear that he wants to extend some these policies, turning COVID-era emergency measures into permanent expansions of federal power, using the virus as an excuse. For Biden, the pandemic has become a catchall justification for a wide array of big-government programs that he and the Democratic Party already wanted to pursue.

Take, for example, Biden’s push to expand subsidies for health insurance purchased via the Affordable Care Act, the health law commonly known as Obamacare.

Biden’s American Rescue Plan—the $1.9 trillion aid bill passed in March—included $34 billion to temporarily boost subsidies for health coverage purchased through Obamacare’s marketplaces. The subsidy boost was set to last for two years.

One could perhaps argue that a pandemic that left millions out of work would justify a temporary program to make health insurance premiums less directly costly for struggling low-income individuals.

But Biden’s subsidy expansion was structured in a way that would expand subsidy availability to families with quite high incomes. The expanded subsidy is tied to local premiums, and so it varies geographically. In some parts of the country, however, it could make tens of thousands of dollars in annual subsidies available to households earning $350,000 a year.

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None Dare Call It Socialism?

Stephen Collinson is well-known among conservatives as the most hackneyed of the hacks at CNN. The CNN Politics Twitter account promoted his latest online essay with the words “President Biden to showcase his moderate radicalism in his big congressional address.”

“Moderate radicalism”? Doesn’t that make about as much sense as “quiet loudness”?

Collinson argued “Biden’s quiet radicalism is expressed through a huge pandemic rescue bill, a larger proposal that redefines the concept of infrastructure, and a massive health and child care blueprint.” In other words, a socialist blueprint

Politico gushed with this headline “Biden Just Gave the Most Ideologically Ambitious Speech of Any Democratic President in Generations.” Our socialist media won’t use the S-word. They use words like “bold” and “ambitious” and repeat phrases like “go big or go home.” As if you couldn’t say a Soviet five-year plan was “go big or go home.”

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DHS Begins Internal Investigation to Identify Dangerous Employees with Patriotic Perspectives, aka “Domestic Extremists”

The internal investigation by JoeBama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) serves two purposes.  [Memo Link Here]  First, it will identify anyone with nationalist outlooks and/or ‘America First’ ideology; in essence it will identify JoeBama’s political enemies (those that didn’t vote for Biden).

Second, it will send a chill through the ranks within all DHS agencies to quiet any dissent to the approved leftist approach (the DHS political agenda).  This is essentially putting DHS through the same process previously deployed against the FBI during Robert Mueller and James Comey’s terms. Eliminate any and all opposition to the JoeBama agenda.

(Memo Link – DHS Announcement and Notification)

As the notification from DHS explains, the investigation is already underway (See Here)  “At the direction of the Secretary, a cross-Departmental working group comprised of senior officials will immediately begin a comprehensive review of how to best prevent, detect, and respond to threats related to domestic violent extremism within DHS. This internal team, which will be led by the Department’s Chief Security Officer, will produce a report with recommendations for the Secretary on how best to identify and respond to threats.

It doesn’t take a deep political thinker to understand exactly what DHS is attempting to do.  They need to cement as many leftists, communists and radical left-wing perspectives as quickly as possible.  To accomplish this they need to remove any internal opposition to the plan.

Remember, DHS runs just about everything you encounter now with federal law enforcement, including Transportation Safety Administration.  This internal purge is needed in order to support a fully weaponized police state.  [Insert COVID passport here]

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When Bill Gates says “you can get used to the taste” of beef substitutes, the proper reply is, “No, you can get used to the taste.”

Does Biden’s Climate Agenda Mean ‘Red Meat Passports’ Are Coming?

Joe Biden’s climate agenda, which he announced this week, is such a violation of everything it means to live in a free country that it actually is hard to understand how he thinks he can get away with it.

The plan, announced during a two-day climate summit that began on Earth Day, calls for the slashing of carbon emissions by over half in less than ten years, and the United States becoming a zero-emissions economy by 2050.

While Biden hasn’t released the details of this plan yet, experts say that it will take huge changes to accomplish Biden’s climate objectives. While electric cars currently only make up about 2 percent of new passenger vehicle sales, Biden’s insane objectives would require electric vehicles to make up 65 percent of new cars and SUVs, along with 10 percent of new truck sales.

If your home is heated by oil  or natural gas, you’ll have to get an electric heat pump installed.

Experts say the economic shifts of Biden’s plan will cost Americans trillions of dollars.

But, worse yet, in addition to changing the kind of cars we drive and how we heat our homes, Biden’s plan may force Americans to limit our consumption of red meat.

That’s right, in Biden’s version of America, you might have to cut your consumption of red by a whopping 90 percent. According to a study from Michigan University’s Center for Sustainable Systems, to meet the changes proposed by Joe Biden, Americans would only be allowed to consume four pounds of red meat annually.

To put that in perspective, your red meat consumption would be limited to one typical hamburger per month.

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Kansas Governor Laura Kelly Vetoes Pair of Pro-Gun Measures

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Governor Laura Kelly has vetoed two pro-gun bills that were previously passed with an overwhelming majority from both chambers of the Kansas Legislature.  Both measures will head back to the legislature where your lawmakers will vote to OVERRIDE Governor Kelly’s veto.  It is imperative that you contact your Lawmakers and ask them to OVERRIDE Governor Laura Kelly’s Veto of House Bill 2058 and House Bill 2089.


Proposed by Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt, House Bill 2058 does the following:

  • Recognizes all out-of-state concealed carry permits, and allows those who have been licensed to carry a firearm for self-defense, to do so lawfully in Kansas.  This legislation recognizes that visitors to Kansas should not be left defenseless simply by crossing a state line.
  • Allows individuals who are 18 to 20 years of age to apply for a Kansas concealed carry permit.
  • Authorizes the Attorney General to issue an alternative license to carry a concealed handgun to qualified applicants during a declared state of disaster emergency.
  • Creates a Restoration of Rights process for individuals to reestablish the Second Amendment right to possess a firearm upon expungement of certain convictions.


Substitute House Bill 2089 directs the state Board of Education to establish grade-appropriate curricula guidelines to teach firearm safety to K-12 students, based on NRA’s Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program, and/or the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism’s existing Hunter Education In Our Schools. Individual school district boards are to have the choice whether they wish to provide gun safety education under these standards. This gives the flexibility to school boards and parents to decide what gun safety education is appropriate for their communities and school children. Developing these standards by drawing from proven, existing programs results in cost savings for the taxpayers.

Again, please contact your State Senator and State Representative and ask them to OVERRIDE Governor Kelly’s Veto of House Bill 2058 and House Bill 2089.

Harris Calls On Congress To Pass Gun Control

If there’s one person who probably wants to take away your gun rights more than President Joe Biden, it’s Vice President Kamala Harris. Gun control was a major point for both of their campaigns during the primary. While they downplayed it during the general election, it was always there. They just didn’t make a big thing of it until after the general election.

While Biden is trying to do what he can, the fact remains that Harris wants to see gun control pass.

Now, she’s demanding it.

Vice President Kamala Harris is urging lawmakers to pass what she says are “reasonable gun safety laws.”

During an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash that aired on Sunday, Harris was asked why President Joe Biden is not focusing more on the issue of gun violence after it was reported that there were at least 45 mass shootings in March 2021.

She responded by noting that last month Biden took six executive actions aimed at curbing gun violence. She said, “There is only so much, however, that a president can do through executive action. This president, Joe Biden, has a long-standing history of speaking very clearly and unambiguously about the need for smart gun safety laws.”

“Congress has to act because we have to codify… make permanent, make the law. That we agree we should have background checks, that’s just reasonable safety laws. We should have an assault weapons ban. Assault weapons have been designed to kill a lot of people quickly. They are weapons of war,” she added.

When asked if she believed Congress would take action on gun control legislation, Harris responded, “It has to happen.”

Nah, it really doesn’t.

You see, we have background checks. The vast majority of firearm sales go through a background check process already. The media and anti-gun politicians like to pretend they don’t, but that’s simply not the case. Further, it’s already illegal to sell a gun to anyone you have reason to believe may not be eligible to have a firearm.

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The go-for-broke approach of the Biden administration to upend bulwarks of the American constitutional republic, from Supreme Court-packing to open borders to emptying the public treasury to ensuring federal control of elections, reveals the true agenda: the consolidation of power. And nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in its drive to replace history, reading, and writing with noxious doctrine designed to replace both parental control and constitutional rule of law.

The End of Basic Education: Biden Issues Public School Critical Race Theory Order

The Biden Department of Education has quietly proposed a new rule prioritizing the use of federal tax dollars for K-12 schools that replace traditional education with “culturally responsive teaching and learning” – more commonly referred to as critical race theory. This is the most significant move by the federal government to redefine the nature of state-funded public schools in U.S. history.

Although the current effort to push public schools receiving federal funding to adopt a detailed indoctrination agenda may feel new and overwhelming for parents, the truth is that the Biden attempt is simply the last phase in a decades-long effort to control local schools and press the progressive agenda on our children. With the power of taxpayer-funded purse strings, the federal government sends a message to public schools that if they want financial aid they must “teach” critical race theory and prioritize its ideologically anti-American, anti-traditional agenda over traditional education.

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Virginia Gun Groups Sue City Of Winchester Over Gun Control Ordinance

Four gun rights groups led by the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) have filed a lawsuit against the City of Winchester and Police Chief John Piper, in his official capacity, challenging the city’s adoption of an ordinance banning firearms in certain locations, alleging the ban “violates no fewer than four provisions of the Virginia Constitution. Winchester Virginia gun ordinance

Joining VCDL are the Gun Owners of America, Gun Owners Foundation, U.S. Law Shield of Virginia Stonewall Arms, and four private citizens. They are represented by attorneys Gilbert Ambler of Winchester, Robert J. Olson, William J. Olson, Winchester, and David G. Browne, Richmond. The 42-page lawsuit was filed in the Circuit Court for the City of Winchester, which is located in northeast Virginia, a few miles northwest of Washington, D.C.

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