There is lots of good news from Austin.

Not only were murders up 67% in June, but justifiable homicides had gone up 200%. When you defund the police, some people won’t lie down and die for the thugs.

Austin Voted to Defund the Police, its Murder Rate Rose 67%

The Austin City Council voted unanimously to defund the police.

“We don’t need somebody who’s a sworn officer and a gun in order to be able to accomplish what the community needs done,” Mayor Steve Adler falsely claimed.

Austin’s proposed budget targeted millions in cuts. These included 100 vacant police positions, delaying the next cadet class, delaying the replacement of duty weapons, and there were proposals by some Democrats council members to shut down the police academy, cut the bomb squad budget, and even demolish the city’s downtown police headquarters.

The proposed budget also includes a 3.5% tax increase.

Politicians limited the ability of police officers to use force against criminals and barred them from using pepper spray and tear gas against the violent mobs of Black Lives Matter rioters.

Now Austin is number one with a bullet after its homicide rate increase passed every major city.

Overtaking more violent cities like Chicago, left behind at number two, Philly at number six, and New York at number eight, Austin had the highest percentage homicide rate increase. Continue reading “”

NY AG’s Previous Comments On NRA Betrays Her Motivations

To say the National Rifle Association is less than popular in liberal circles would be putting it far too mildly. The hate-on the left has for the nation’s oldest civil rights organization has been there for ages, but it’s grown over the last few years. In fact, it’s just gotten downright silly.

Take New York Attorney General Letitia James.

In case you missed it, she’s the attorney general who is trying to completely dissolve the NRA. Clearly, this isn’t surprising to anyone, of course. However, she’s basically acting as if she’s concerned about the best interests of the NRA’s members and donors. She’s not. In fact, her campaign comments about the group made that quite clear.

New York Attorney General Letitia James made news when she announced her lawsuit asking the courts to dismantle the National Rifle Association, but there’s nothing new about her views on the pro-Second Amendment group.

During her campaign to become New York’s top cop, she denounced the NRA as a “terrorist organization.”

The NRA fired back late Thursday with a countersuit of its own.

During an October 2018 interview, the incoming attorney general names some of the targets of her wrath: “President Donald Trump and the threat to our democracy and our values,” was one. “And the NRA holds [itself] out as a charitable organization, but in fact, [it] really [is] a terrorist organization.”

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Here are some of the NRA’s alleged big-buck abuses in New York lawsuit

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced a bombshell suit Thursday seeking to disband the National Rifle Association and alleging that top execs diverted millions of dollars in funds and accepted inappropriate gifts to subsidize lavish lifestyles.

Though they are not charged with any crimes, named in the suit along with the NRA are: Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president; former treasurer and chief financial officer Wilson “Woody” Phillips; former chief of staff and head of general operations Joshua Powell; and corporate secretary and general counsel John Frazer.

The NRA has fired back, claiming in a string of tweets that the suit is politically motivated.

These are just some of the inappropriate expenditures, gifts and other wrongdoing alleged in the suit: Continue reading “”

Even people who are against our RKBA are concerned about this.

New York’s attorney general shouldn’t dismantle the NRA

The attorney general of New York has sued to seek the dissolution of the National Rifle Association, alleging fraud and abuse in the way the NRA’s chief executive and other officials ran the operation. Given that the NRA has played such a powerfully destructive role in U.S. politics, fighting against gun regulations that demonstrably save lives, it’s tempting to react with applause.

Yet even liberals who oppose the NRA’s mission should take a deep breath and ask: Do we really want an elected attorney general to try to destroy a prominent nongovernmental organization that is arrayed on the other side of the political spectrum from her? What if this were Alabama and the organization were the NAACP? Or Tennessee and the ACLU?

If an organization has really fallen into a condition of fundamental corruption, a state attorney general can demand that it get new leaders, or replace its board of directors and its management in their entirety. Maybe New York Attorney General Letitia James is prepared to settle the case against the NRA with that sort of an organizational overhaul. Continue reading “”

When even anti-gunner, Dershowitz is concerned…….
I see it as 1/2 concerned about the 1st amendment and 1/2 about
‘Sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander’

The case against the NRA must be politically bulletproof


The announcement that the attorney general of New York has filed suit against the National Rifle Association and looking to shut it down raises potentially serious constitutional concerns. I am no fan of the NRA. Politically, I think it wields too much influence against reasonable gun control, which I support as consistent with the Second Amendment. It is too closely connected with the profitability of gun manufacturers. It advocates positions and supports candidates, even if indirectly, that I believe undercut our safety.

I will never contribute to the NRA and I will generally vote against candidates it supports. But to paraphrase Voltaire, I will strongly defend its right to be wrong. The NRA is entitled under the First Amendment, to advocate these views and to petition the government for what it regards as a redress of grievances under the Second Amendment. Continue reading “”

Not A Peep from Gun Control Lobby About ‘CHOP’ Zone Hardware, Murder

The King County, WA prosecutor has filed a first-degree murder charge against a teen who is not in custody and whose whereabouts are unknown, in the June 20 slaying in Seattle’s so-called “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” zone, and there are details in this case that ought to raise a fury with the gun ban lobby, but so far there hasn’t been a peep.

The suspect is identified as Marcel Levon Long, 18—born on Sept. 30, 2001, according to court documents obtained by Liberty Park Press—and he apparently has fled the state. He is wanted for the murder of Lorenzo Anderson, 19, the first of two black teens killed in the CHOP Zone, where, according to a document, “On order of Seattle government officials, this became a police free zone.”

The CHOP Zone is described in court documents as an area that “included food, supplies, medics, and individuals who put up tents and maintained a presence 24 hours a day. There was also a security force of heavily armed individuals who were not affiliated with law enforcement.”

If he is the triggerman, Long would not be old enough to be legally carrying a concealed .40-caliber handgun, which he allegedly drew from a pocket and chased Anderson before shooting him fatally. Long and Anderson apparently had a dispute in 2019 that included a fight. Continue reading “”

NY Attorney General Sues to Dissolve NRA over Alleged Self-Dealing

New York attorney general Letitia James sued to dissolve the National Rifle Association on Wednesday, accusing senior members of the organization of fraud stretching over a period of decades.

The lawsuit alleges that four senior current and former officials at the organization, including Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, engaged in “a culture of self-dealing, mismanagement and negligent oversight.” James accuses the officials of using NRA funds for private expenses including meals, flights, and vacations.

“The NRA’s influence has been so powerful that the organization went unchecked for decades while top executives funneled millions into their own pockets,” James said in a statement. “The NRA is fraught with fraud and abuse, which is why, today, we seek to dissolve the NRA, because no organization is above the law.”

The NRA slammed the lawsuit, with the organization’s president, Carolyn Meadows, saying “we will confront it and prevail.”

“This was a baseless, premeditated attack on our organization and the Second Amendment freedoms it fights to defend,” Meadows said in a statement. “You could have set your watch by it: the investigation was going to reach its crescendo as we move into the 2020 election cycle. It’s a transparent attempt to score political points and attack the leading voice in opposition to the leftist agenda.” Continue reading “”

Murder Increases in 36 of 50 Cities — And This City Surprisingly Leads the Way

Rarely do we witness cause and effect so clearly.

Mayors and city councils everywhere are lurching to the far-left fringe, dismissing the majority’s concerns over crime, defunding and demoralizing police, and empowering violent criminals. That’s the cause. The effect is the rising murder rates in Democrat-run cities all over the country. Americans are dying.

Thanks to “defund the police” and the Democrat cities going along with it, violent crime including homicide is surging in most of America’s largest cities. While the raw numbers are terrible for Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and other very large cities, it’s Austin, Texas, that’s leading by percentage-increase year over year.

Analysis conducted by the Wall Street Journal found that homicides have spiked in 36 of the nation’s 50 largest cities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to WSJ’s data, Austin leads the country in percentage increase of total homicides compared to the previous year, ahead of Chicago, New York and Los Angeles.


Austin’s homicide rate has increased about 64%.

Take a bow, Mayor Steve Adler, Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza, and city council members Natasha Harper-Madison, Sabino Renteria, Greg Casar, Ann Kitchen, Jimmy Flanagan, Leslie Pool, Paige Ellis, Kathy Tovo, and Alison Alter.

You did this.

Give yourselves a pat on the back for taking Austin all the way to the top…of the nation’s most murderous cities. Well done

Portland Recorded More Homicides In July Than Any Month Over Last 30 Years

Chicago homicides increase 50 percent in 2020, 139 percent in July alone

New York City has already had more shootings in 2020 than in the whole of 2019 — with another seven attacks on Sunday morning alone.

Meltdown: Minneapolis violence nearing annual records — in July.

Minneapolis police tell residents to obey criminals and ‘be prepared’ to be robbed. (this is not a satirical BabylonBee article!!)

Need I point out again which party is in control of these city’s administrations?

Okay. Can you say: demoncrap?

I thought you could.

Ohio Abandons Its Hydroxychloroquine Ban After Public Outrage

The state of Ohio has reversed its ban on the anti-malarial drug Hydroxychloroquine for Coronavirus just hours after announcing the move. Outraged citizens pressured Republican Governor Mike DeWine to intervene and successfully shut down the ban. The Ohio Board of Pharmacy announced the ban to go into effect on July 30, but DeWine stepped in and snuffed out the ban Thursday.

If the problem was all of those ‘out of state guns’ you have to wonder why those states aren’t as violent as Chicago is (and they aren’t).
As Bill Whittle said 5 years ago. “Maybe it’s the people holding the guns” and …’because the place has been a poorly run criminal mecca for decades.’

The Chicago Gun Myth

Politicians blame out-of-state sellers, but the real problem lies at home.
The tragically incompetent mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, appeared on CNN’s State of the Union this weekend to deflect attention from the horror show unfolding in her city by blaming interlopers for its spiking murder rate: “We are being inundated with guns from states that have virtually no gun control, no background checks, no ban on assault weapons — that is hurting cities like Chicago.”

Although these accusations have leveled by Chicago politicians for decades now, they are a myth.

For one thing, there is no state in the nation with “virtually no gun control” or “no background checks.” Every time anyone in the United States purchases a gun from a federal firearms licensee (FFL) — a gun store, a gun show, it doesn’t matter — the seller runs a background check on the buyer through the NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) database. In some cases, the FFL checks to see if the buyer has passed a background check via a state-issued concealed-carry permit. In states that allow individual private sales, it is illegal to knowingly sell to anyone who you believe is obtaining a firearm for criminal purposes.

Those who cross state lines to buy guns undergo the same background check, and the sale is processed by an FFL in the buyer’s home state. The exact same laws apply to all online sales.

Studies of those imprisoned on firearms charges show that most often they obtain their weapons by stealing them or buying them in black markets. A smaller percentage get them from family members or friends. Continue reading “”

Murders Continue to Surge in Demoncrap Controlled Cities

Murders continue to surge in Houston, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, and other Democrat-controlled cities around the country.

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson tweeted a collection of reports on July 27, which included snippets from media outlets, police departments, and city governments. The message communicated was clear–murder is surging in Houston, Denver, Atlanta, and St. Louis.

Berenson noted that murders are also up in Los Angeles, Boston, and Miami.

The violence is raging in Chicago and New York City as well. Breitbart News reported nearly 60 shot and 3 killed over the weekend in Chicago.

The Chicago Tribune reported that 373 people were shot to death in Chicago between January 1 and July 11. That figure represents 97 more people than were killed in Chicago during the same period in 2019.

Thirty-four people were shot and 10 killed over the weekend in NYC. The Minneapolis Start Tribune reported that more people have been killed in Minneapolis at this point in 2020 than were killed in all of 2019.

The mayor of NYC is Bill de Blasio (D) and the mayor of Minneapolis is Jacob Frey (D).

On June 29, Breitbart News reported a Washington Post column which noted that 17 of the 20 most violent cities in America have Democrat mayors. Among the top 20 cities for incidents of violent crime per 10,000 residents, 19 of them have Democrat mayors.

Unfit to Govern.

We are fortunate indeed to have real world results that we can look at for how well or how poorly governing philosophies and agendas work. America’s major cities have been dominated by the Democratic Party for decades, and the results are in.

All but 3 of America’s largest cities are run by Democratic mayors. The 3 largest cities – New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, are losing population every year.

Several of the most violent cities in America, including Albuquerque, Memphis, Detroit, Chicago and Washington, DC are run by Democrats.

States that are bleeding population every year due to high taxation, over-regulation, decaying cities and failing public services including New York, Connecticut, California and others are all run by Democrats.

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Remember the ‘auto defensas’ in Minneapolis? They’re still up and running.

In Minneapolis, Armed Residents Set Up Patrols Amid Calls to Defund the Police
The city council approves its first permanent cuts to the police budget; crime has surged in the past two months

Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime in the wake of the George Floyd killing in May. At least one neighborhood has put up barricades to keep away outsiders.
The moves come as the city council on Friday approved its first permanent cuts to the police budget, amid calls to defund the department and generally lower tax revenue due to the economic strain caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The $193 million police budget will be cut by $10 million, including making permanent some temporary spending measures—including a hiring freeze—put in place in June. Around $1 million from the police budget is being shifted to a program called Cure Violence that tries to prevent things such as retaliatory shootings through community engagement.

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John MacArthur’s Calif. Church Will Defy Newsom’s Church Ban: ‘Christ, not Caesar, Is Head of the Church’

Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif., announced on Friday that it would continue to hold in-person services despite a new edict by Gov. Gavin Newsom shuttering churches, restaurants, bars, fitness centers, hair salons, and barbershops in dozens of counties “indefinitely.”

“We cannot and will not acquiesce to a government-imposed moratorium on our weekly congregational worship or other regular corporate gatherings,” the church, led for the last half-century by Pastor John MacArthur, explained in a statement on its website. “Compliance would be disobedience to our Lord’s clear commands” to meet together for worship. “The church by definition is an assembly,” the pastors and elders of the church explained. “That is the literal meaning of the Greek word for ‘church’—ekklesia—the assembly of the called-out ones.” As a result, “no earthly state has a right to restrict, limit, or forbid the assembling of believers.”

“Therefore, in response to the recent state order requiring churches in California to limit or suspend all meetings indefinitely, we, the pastors and elders of Grace Community Church, respectfully inform our civic leaders that they have exceeded their legitimate jurisdiction, and faithfulness to Christ prohibits us from observing the restrictions they want to impose on our corporate worship services,” they wrote.

“History is full of painful reminders that government power is easily and frequently abused for evil purposes,” the church argued. “Politicians may manipulate statistics and the media can cover up or camouflage inconvenient truths. So a discerning church cannot passively or automatically comply if the government orders a shutdown of congregational meetings—even if the reason given is a concern for public health and safety.” Continue reading “”

Charges filed against St. Louis couple who brandished guns at protesters
Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said in an interview over the weekend he’d consider a pardon for the couple if they were convicted of charges over the incident.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey were each charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon by St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, according to a statement and documents from her office.

Missouri AG moves to dismiss ‘political’ charges against St. Louis couple who pointed guns at BLM protesters in ‘self-defense’

Missouri’s Attorney General is seeking to dismiss felony gun charges brought against a husband and wife who aimed firearms at protesters outside their St. Louis mansion, insisting the couple had a right to defend their home.
State AG Eric Schmitt took to Twitter on Monday night with a video statement and a lengthy series of posts, arguing the case against Mark and Patricia McCloskey – which included a felony firearms charge as well as misdemeanor assault – “threatens to intimidate and deter law-abiding citizens from exercising their constitutional right of self defense.”

“The right to defend one’s person, family, home and property has deep roots in Missouri law. Self-defense is the central component of the right to keep and bear arms, which receives the highest protection from the MO Constitution,” wrote Schmitt, adding that he’d filed a pair of briefs to dismiss the charge

Heller Weighing Another D.C. Gun Suit
DC police blame ‘unprecedented demand’ for months-long waits on handgun transfers

The man at the center of a landmark Supreme Court ruling that struck down major gun-control laws may be back in court to challenge Washington, D.C.’s handling of Second Amendment rights.

Dick Heller, whose lawsuit led the Supreme Court to declare blanket handgun bans unconstitutional, told the Washington Free Beacon that he may sue the city for hindering his right to bear arms in the face of long wait times for purchases.

Heller has been waiting since mid-April for police to process a transfer for a .32 caliber handgun he purchased in Pennsylvania. He accused city authorities of dragging their feet.

“It’s a bureaucracy and they’re understaffed,” Heller told the Free Beacon. “They couldn’t care less. They are noticeably not in a hurry.”

Residents who wish to purchase guns must go through the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), the only federally licensed gun dealer in the city—an arrangement unique to the nation’s capital. In neighboring Virginia, as with many states across the country, handgun transfers and the background checks that accompany them generally take minutes instead of months. The department told the Free Beacon that record demand was to blame for the delays.

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‘Move Oregon’s Border’ Petitioner Files Federal Lawsuit in Hopes of Moving 17 Counties to ‘Greater Idaho’

Move Oregon’s Border Chief Petitioner Mike McCarter has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Eugene in hopes of getting the grassroots movement’s proposal onto the ballot in 17 counties this November.

He wants to know if citizens in those counties, including Douglas, would like to divorce Oregon and get hitched to Idaho instead.

And his case may have just received a boost from the same court’s favorable decision this week in a similar case brought by People Not Politicians over a different ballot measure. Continue reading “”

Senator Hawley claims Kim Gardner is targeting McCloskey family, calls for civil rights investigation

ST. LOUIS, Mo. – Senator Josh Hawley is calling for a federal civil rights investigation into St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner after claiming she is “targeting the McCloskey family for using firearms to defend themselves and their property against a mob of protesters.”

Hawley sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr Thursday morning accusing Gardner of abusing her power in handling the investigation.

“This is an unacceptable abuse of power and threat to the Second Amendment, and I urge you to consider a federal civil rights investigation into the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office to determine whether this investigation and impending prosecution violates this family’s constitutional rights,” Hawley wrote.

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Second Amendment advocates on Monday slammed prominent anti-gun groups for reportedly taking federal Paycheck Protection Program loans.

PPP loans are intended to helps businesses keep their workforce employed during the COVID-19 crisis. The Brady Campaign received between $350,000 and $1 million on April 10 while in the same month the Giffords Law Center reportedly accepted a loan worth between $150,000 and $350,000, according to reports by the Washington Free Beacon. Both groups have long stumped for strict gun control measures and have pledged millions to anti-gun candidates for office that have voiced support for such restrictions.

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