Serves ’em right for rendering the city nearly uninhabitable. NYC was already on the bubble to lose one congressional district due to reverse migration. (and the district mentioned is the one Occasional-Cortex represents)
It’d be even more poetic if they lost two.

Rich New Yorkers Aren’t Filling Out the Census. Poor New Yorkers May Suffer.
If residents who fled the virus for second homes aren’t counted, the city could lose out on crucial federal money — and congressional seats.

When city officials took on the herculean task of getting every New York City household to fill out the census, an eat-your-vegetables exercise that provides millions in federal aid to low-income residents, they didn’t expect the Upper East Side to pose much of a problem.

But the coronavirus has upended census-takers’ best-laid plans. And that may have serious financial implications for the city.

Only 46 percent of Upper East Side households have filled out their census forms, according to a June 25 report circulated by the Department of City Planning’s chief demographer, Joseph J. Salvo — well below the neighborhood’s final response rate in 2010, and short of the current citywide rate of almost 53 percent.

The reason?

“They’re not here,” said Liz Krueger, a Democratic state senator, referring to her constituents in Midtown and the Upper East Side. “No one’s here.”


Common denominator? demoncrap mayors.
A word to the wise should be sufficient

Shootings Up 76 Percent in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago

NBC News reports not only the surge in shootings but also the fact that “nearly all the bloodshed concentrated in the city’s predominantly Black and brown communities on the South and West Sides.”

They note similar stories around the country.

For example, from January 2020 to May 2020 in Democrat-controlled Louisville, Kentucky, nearly “75 percent of homicide victims were black.”

And in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D) New York City, every shooting victim in the month of July has been a minority.

On July 6, 2020, Breitbart News reported that 97 percent of the NYC’s June shooting victims were minorities.

So if the protests haven’t been a problem, why the preferential treatment?
Of course, that’s a cynical question, as prejudice is the already known answer.

NYC Black Lives Matter marches can continue despite large-event ban, de Blasio says.

Mayor Bill de Blasio is permitting Black Lives Matter protesters to continue marching through city streets while the city is canceling all large events through September.

Speaking on CNN Thursday night, de Blasio said the demonstrators’ calls for social justice were too important to stop after more than a month of demonstrations have not led to an outbreak of coronavirus cases.

“This is a historic moment of change. We have to respect that but also say to people the kinds of gatherings we’re used to, the parades, the fairs — we just can’t have that while we’re focusing on health right now,” de Blasio told host Wolf Blitzer.

The exception came as New York’s rate of infections has remained consistent through the civil unrest over the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd.

NYC cancels large public gatherings through the end of September
A late-June study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found no evidence that coronavirus cases jumped in 315 cities in the weeks after the first protests. Researchers determined that protests may have been offset by an increase in social distancing among those who decided not to march.

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With a still Senate controlled by the opposition party, this is merely more election year grandstanding for the home front. But it does show these anti-civil rights, wanna-be tyrants aren’t ignorant about technology.


Democrats on Capitol Hill have introduced a bill championed by anti-gun advocates to strictly regulate machines designed for the manufacturing of firearm frames or receivers.

The measure, titled the “Stop Home Manufacture of Ghost Guns Act of 2020,’’ would ban ownership of what the bill terms a “firearms manufacturing device” unless the tool is in the hands of a federally licensed firearm maker or of a business that produces such machines for use by FFLs.

Confusingly, the broad new definition to be added to federal code would place the regulation on “a device designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be used primarily to make or convert a product into, a frame or receiver for a firearm, and any combination of parts designed or intended for use in making” such a device.

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North Carolina: Gov. Cooper Vetoes Bipartisan Second Amendment Preservation Act

North Carolina: Second Amendment Preservation Act Up for Veto Override 

The House of Representatives will consider overriding Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of the Second Amendment Preservation Act. Gov. Cooper erroneously claimed that the bill will allow guns in schools and threatens the safety of students and teachers. Instead, it only applies to churches that operate schools and simply allows parishioners to carry when the schools are not in session, if the church wishes to opt-in. Please contact your representative and ask them to override Gov. Cooper’s veto of HB 652.

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The single most important domestic issue of our time is not the rising number of new people testing positive for COVID-19. Deaths have hit all-time lows.

The single most important domestic issue of our time is not even the continued economic hardship of a nation that was artificially shut down and sent spiraling into a faux recession. Millions of jobs have been added over the past 60 days and the skyrocketing unemployment has turned around to nearly where it was percent wise in most of the Obama early years (11.1 vs 9.9.)


The single most important issue, affecting some of the largest swaths of populations in America, is the scandal the media ignores even as it explodes in our faces.

In only six weeks, city after city operated by entrenched Democrats have seen a massive expansion in lawlessness, violence, and murder. Stunningly, many news outlets seem gobsmacked and mystified at how or why such an explosion of lawlessness has occurred.

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How to remove “COVID 19 Trace you app” from Cell phones

The Flynn File

The General Flynn case, after years of judicial stalling, may be finally coming to an end, as a Federal appeals court ordered the presiding judge to dismiss the case. The presiding judge could appeal the ruling to the full court or even take it to the Supreme Court, but his chance for success is negligible. Most likely his appeal would be refused, but it would buy some time. He could also refuse to comply with the writ of mandamus or stall for time so his prosecutor can file his claims.

The case has been a microcosm of what is going on with our ruling class. The sheer pettiness of the process reflects a cultural attitude that exists in the ruling managerial elite that is not seen among the commoners. This meanness is all over the current revolutionary spasm. Mel Gibson was just cancelled again for something he may have said 25 years ago. No people hold a grudge like the chosen people and that sensibility is now an identifying feature of the managerial class.

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Santa Cruz ends beach closure because ‘people are not willing to be governed anymore.’

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KGO) — Beaches in Santa Cruz County will reopen starting at midnight Thursday night, even as the county’s coronavirus continue to rise.

“We had hoped to continue the beach closure until after Fourth of July weekend, but it’s become impossible for law enforcement to continue to enforce that closure,” said Santa Cruz County health officer Dr. Gail Newel. “People are not willing to be governed anymore in that regard.”

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News From the Non-Lockdown States: Per-capita Covid fatalities were 75% lower in open states.

GOP governors have faced enormous media pressure to lock down their states in solidarity with Democrats, and some now are getting browbeaten to shut down again amid coronavirus flare-ups. So it’s worth pointing out that states that didn’t lock down this spring kept the virus under control and experienced fewer deaths than most that did.

A new analysis by The Sentinel, a Kansas nonprofit, compares the 42 states that shut down most of their economies with the eight that did not. The latter group includes mostly rural states with some small metropolitan areas: North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Utah. Private employment on average fell by 7.8% between May 2019 and May 2020 in these states while plunging 13.2% in the others.

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Just another point about ‘gate-keeping’; requiring gubbermint permission to exercise a right. Giving them the benefit of the doubt that the problem is real, and you see how technology can kick you in the seat of the pants. The realistic cynic part says that this is merely an easy way for an unethical gubbermint to deny people their rights

Citing a ‘catastrophic hardware failure,’ Maryland State Police report delays in gun background checks and licenses

Maryland State Police warned this week of delays to background checks for those purchasing firearms because of a “catastrophic hardware failure” to a state data system.

The hardware failure of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services has caused an interruption in the state police department’s licensing division’s ability to complete background investigations for regulated firearm purchase applications, handgun qualification license applications and state wear-and-carry permit applications, state police said in an advisory Monday. Continue reading “”

See the source image

Murder Rates Skyrocket as Police Are Pulled Back; the Numbers Are Stunning

Murder rates are skyrocketing across major U.S. cities as protests, statue destruction, and chaos continue. In the almost universally Democrat cities, we are seeing Ferguson/Baltimore in full effect, with police pulling back from fear of reprisal or being kneecapped by politicians. In many cases, the mayors of these cities are disassembling effective policing units, such as the undercover anti-crime units in New York City. Continue reading “”

Welcome to the Summer of Slay, America.

Welcome to the blood-slicked sidewalks of summer. It’s going to be a long one. And hot.

Shootings in Gotham were running at the rate of one an hour for much of the weekend, with final numbers up in the air. Upstate, 18 people were shot in Albany, two fatally, over three days; 12 hit in Syracuse, including nine at a single party; 10 in Buffalo.

Appalling? Sure. But think of it as the first fruits of criminal-justice “reform.” Continue reading “”

NSSF: West Palm Beach Mayor’s Gun Ban Exposes Flaw in Florida Law

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) says that West Palm Beach Mayor Keith James’ ban on gun and ammo sales prior to the George Floyd protests exposes a flaw in Florida law.

On June 3, 2020, Breitbart News reported that James banned the sales of guns and ammo as part of a State of Local Emergency, issued in anticipation of riots.

James’ emergency declaration put in a place a 72-hour ban on “the sale of, or offer to sell, with or without consideration, any ammunition or gun or other firearm of any size of [sic] description.”

His declaration also prohibited “the intentional display by or in any store or shop of any ammunition or gun or other firearm of any size or description.”

James’ declaration also banned law-abiding citizens from carrying guns in public places for self-defense.

NSSF Public Affairs Director Mark Oliva said, “According to Florida law, if a local mayor declares a state of emergency, they are required to suspend the sale of firearms and ammunition.” The law is Statute Title XLVI, Chapter 870.

Oliva said, “The actions of the West Palm Beach mayor to declare an emergency exposed a flaw in Florida’s statute that violates the Second Amendment and the constitutionally-protected commerce-in-arms. The ability of law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights and legally defend their lives begins with their ability to approach the gun counter and purchase a firearm.”

He added:

The mayor of West Palm Beach signed an emergency declaration that triggered this denial of his citizens to legally obtain firearms and ammunition, while at the same time he acknowledged through his own declaration there was an emergency that put his citizens’ lives and property at risk. This was signed knowing the police in his city would not be able to respond to emergency calls to protect lives. This is unconscionable that a law would tell citizens that rioting, looting and mayhem is running rampant in the streets of their city and at the same time deny those vulnerable citizens the ability to lawfully obtain the resources they need to defend themselves and their loved ones. The National Shooting Sports Foundation will be working with Florida legislators to propose a change in this law when Florida General Assembly returns to Tallahassee.

Any Questions Left Concerning the Cornavirus as Being a Manufactured Crisis

“It is a good thing for government that people never think!”
attributed to Adolph Hitler

Do words such as virus, mask, lockdown, authorized quarantine, coronavirus, for your family’s safety, swab the inside of your mouth with a Q-tip, blood tests, high fever, respiratory distress, tracking and treating, viruses come from China, Chloroquine sound familiar to you today? Of course, they do because Americans have been inundated with them 24-7 with this propaganda for the last 7 weeks. Over and over again, hour after hour, night and day, week after week, the mainstream media are pushing this narrative roughshod and with no holds barred until you either reject or until you accept it…………

This is what this all comes to, these propagandists tee up this manufactured crisis in order to desensitize and to condition the population in order to force them into compliance, only to then accept what it is they bring in as the solution to whatever the crisis is that they have manufactured.

Standard operational demoncrap hypocrisy. Nothing unusual.

Top L.A. Democrat Pushed To Cut LAPD Funding While Having Private LAPD Detail At Her Home Since April

Nury Martinez
Journalist Natalie Brunell / Getty Images: Michael Kovac 

Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez, a Democrat, pushed to make drastic cuts to the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) funding amid a nationwide campaign by the far-left to defund police departments — a move she made while having an LAPD unit stationed outside her private home since April.

Spectrum News 1 journalist Natalie Brunell reported that the unit, which guards Martinez’s home, usually includes two police officers and has been in place for the last two months.

“The private security detail infuriated some members of the force when Martinez became one of the council members to spearhead a motion to cut $150 million in funding to the LAPD’s budget,” Brunell reported Monday. “Multiple LAPD sources confirmed the units were directed to provide 24/7 security beginning April 4 at Martinez’s home, almost always staffed by two officers. As of May 6, we’re told the detail decreased to 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. with roving patrol checks overnight.”


With Little Social Distancing, Whitmer Marches With Protesters

Highland Park — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who’s voiced concerns about other demonstrations potentially spreading COVID-19 in recent weeks, participated Thursday in a civil rights march in Highland Park with hundreds of people who did not follow social distancing rules.

Whitmer drew criticism after she stood shoulder to shoulder with some march participants, who included Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan. From the front line to last, the marchers started at Highland Park city hall and were a rolling quarter-mile of humanity traveling southbound on Woodward, with the skyline of downtown Detroit in the distance ahead, as a caravan of Detroit and Highland Park police vehicles escorted them while a helicopter buzzed overhead.

“Social distancing is critical to stop the spread of COVID-19 — unless you have a great photo op,” state Rep. Lynn Afenoudlis, R-Grand Rapids Township, tweeted.

All 57 Members of Buffalo Police Department’s Emergency Response Team Resign

Every member of the Buffalo Police Departments Emergency Response Team, tasked with responding to riots and other peace keeping situations, resigned Friday. Ever.single.member.

According to The Buffalo News, the law enforcement officers have not resigned from the police force, only the special tactical unit responsible for crowd control.

The mass resignation comes after two officers were suspended without pay after video captured a 75-year-old man being pushed to the crowd after he confronted officers attempting to clear an area. The man approached officers and appeared to swat at one, who then pushed him out of the way. After the two officers were suspended, the union notified “rank and file members Friday that the union would no longer pay for legal fees to defend police officers related to the protests which began Saturday in downtown Buffalo and have continued on and off, according to one source.”

The notification upset the union, ultimately promptly the mass resignation.

More from The Buffalo News:

The union representing Buffalo police officers told its rank and file members Friday that the union would no longer pay for legal fees to defend police officers related to the protests which began Saturday in downtown Buffalo and have continued on and off, according to one source. The union is upset with the treatment of the two officers who were suspended Thursday.

“Our position is these officers were simply following orders from Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia to clear the square,” said Buffalo Police Benevolent Association President John Evans. “It doesn’t specify clear the square of men, 50 and under or 15 to 40. They were simply doing their job. I don’t know how much contact was made. He did slip in my estimation. He fell backwards.”

A video posted by WBFO late Thursday night showed the officers pushing the man before he fell backward and hit his head on the sidewalk. He was taken to Erie County Medical Center, where he was in stable but serious condition early Friday morning.

It was not clear how the Buffalo Police Department will deal with the manpower issue. State police, Erie County Sheriff’s Office, as well as other local law enforcement agencies have been helping with the response to protests and unrest.

“I don’t know what the city is going to do,” Evans said. “They have not called me.”

Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement: “The City of Buffalo is aware of developments related to the work assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force.  At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community. The Buffalo police continue  to actively work with the New York State Police and other cooperating agencies.”

Evans said: “We stand behind those officers 100%.”

The PBA will pay for any defense costs for the two officers, Evans said, but not for any members of the Emergency Response Team or SWAT in regards to the protesting.

Evans said the two officers, whose names have circulated widely social media, have been harassed.

The actions of the officers drew swift condemnation from people across the nation, including Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo.

“It’s just fundamentally offensive and frightening,” Cuomo said Friday morning.

Watch the video here. WARNING: Graphic content.