Really Big News About the Coronavirus in the United States Just Dropped

The CDC has announced that there is a newly confirmed coronavirus case in northern California, and authorities have no idea how the victim was exposed to the virus.

This particular individual had not traveled to a foreign country lately and also had not had any contact with a known infected patient. In other words, it appears that this individual was infected by someone that the CDC does not know about yet. As soon as this news dropped, financial markets started freaking out and there was an explosion of speculation on social media. Have the efforts to contain the coronavirus in the United States failed? And if people are going this crazy even though not a single American has died from this virus yet, what is going to happen if people start dropping dead in the streets?

The global tipping point we have been waiting for has now arrived. The number of new coronavirus cases outside of China is now surpassing the number of new coronavirus cases being reported inside China each day, and this virus continues to pop up in even more countries. On Wednesday alone, Norway, Greece, Romania, North Macedonia, Pakistan and Brazil all reported their very first cases. In fact, the case in Brazil was the very first to be reported in all of South America.

But most Americans don’t care too much about what is going on in the rest of the world. What they do care about is what is happening within our own borders, and a lot of people are extremely concerned that there is now a confirmed case of “unknown” origin in northern California…