What Nixon taught Barack and President Trump

The shadow of President Richard Milhous Nixon was much longer than his aborted presidency. Nearly a half century after his resignation, he has taught the last 2 presidents very different lessons.

President Donald John Trump learned how to handle the press and the deep state by avoiding the mistakes of President Nixon.

Obama learned that instead of using his campaign people to spy on political opponents, he would just turn the FBI into the KGB and do his evil work. Obama’s thugs lied 17 times to a federal judge to spy on President Trump. Obama did so realizing there would be no penalty, and to date not even a lowly agent has been indicted.

On Fox this morning, President Trump openly admitted he learned from President Nixon’s mistakes.

Our president said, “I study history, and the firing of everybody — I should’ve in one way, but I’m glad I didn’t, because look at the way it turned out. They’re all a bunch of crooks and they got caught.”

Of course he did fire Obama’s No. 1 and No. 2 henchmen at the FBI. Their replacements seem no better. Perhaps General Michael Flynn can be appointed, as a reader suggested.

Our president also said of President Nixon, “Of course there was a difference. No. 1, he may have been guilty. And No. 2, he had tapes all over the place. I wasn’t guilty. I did nothing wrong, and there are no tapes. But I wish there were tapes in my case.”

Notice, the first lesson was not to be guilty.

But President Trump left out his biggest lesson: full disclosure. They said the cover-up was worse than the crime because the crime was penny ante. At every step of the way, he has given his enemies the documents they sought in these attempted frame-ups.

The Ukraine transcript should have ended the impeachment nonsense. Instead a libelous and lying press ignored the facts and bleated the Democrat narrative anyway.

Obama released nothing and covered everything up because he knew he could get away with it.

But maybe not. I am after all an eternal optimist. And Weasel Zippers reported, “Obama’s Getting Nervous, Stages Strategic Leak Of Phone Call Saying ‘Rule Of Law Is At Risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case.”……….

Oh, Obama was so clever. By framing General Flynn with a process crime, Obama thought he would get away with spying on political opponents.

Now he fears retribution.

Suffice it to say, Obama learned the wrong lesson from President Nixon.