Judge Barrett is the Answer to Ginsburg’s Legacy of Death

By any objective assessment, a big part of her legacy was continuing abortion on demand, which has now taken 60 million unborn lives since the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. “RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws,” said Rep. Doug Collins, who is also a military chaplain.

But only three Republican Senators voted to oppose the confirmation of this pro-abortion radical back in 1993. The three Senators, in that 96-3 vote, were Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC), Don Nickles (R-OK), and Bob Smith (R-NH).

Helms called her “a pleasant, intellectual liberal” but denounced her “outrageously simplistic and callous position” in favor of abortion and against the sanctity of human life. He said she spoke of “no qualification whatsoever” in support of abortion, saying it was a matter of “personal autonomy” and “the right to be let alone and to make basic decisions about one’s life’s course.”Helms went on, “Why…in the name of God did someone not ask, ‘But Mrs. Ginsburg, what about the unborn innocent and helpless child’s right to be left alone, that child who is about to be destroyed because of specious reasoning by people like Ruth Bader Ginsburg?’“…

The late Phyllis Schlafly noted that Ginsburg was so extreme that she even wanted to write taxpayer funding of abortion into the Constitution.

Ginsburg also found another “right” that was in reality nowhere in the Constitution — gay marriage. Helms saw this coming, too, when he said that Ginsburg during her confirmation hearing that she was “likely to uphold the homosexual agenda.”

But it was mostly left to conservative leaders like Howard Phillips and Phyllis Schlafly — not Senate Republicans — to raise these concerns…….