I think everyone knows where I stand on the question. If not, look to the left at the categories I put this post in.


In the aftermath of the election, many questions have emerged not just about individual instances of voter fraud or vote suppression, which are legion, but more systematic issues involving software and electronic vote tracking. We know, for example, that thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump in Michigan were improperly shifted to Joe Biden due to an alleged software “glitch.”

I have no opinion on whether the election was stolen by the Biden campaign or not. I don’t think there is any way to know, on the current evidence, whether, if only legal votes were counted, and each voter voted only once, Donald Trump or Joe Biden actually won the election. I do know that if the United States is to avoid banana republic status, we need to institute more secure and reliable election procedures. No more ballot harvesting, no more millions of mail-in votes, and some reasonable attention paid to the machines and software that ultimately count the votes.

Sidney Powell, who became famous and widely respected due to her aggressive defense of Michael Flynn, has joined President Trump’s legal team. This morning she appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News program, where she alleged that the Trump campaign has evidence of massive election fraud involving the Dominion voting system and its SmartMatic software–fraud that swung the election to Biden. Is she right? I have no idea. But Powell has earned the right to be taken seriously. Here she is. Judge for yourself:

One more thing: liberals are quick to dub anything they don’t like a conspiracy theory. But four years ago, I wouldn’t have imagined that top officials of the FBI and the CIA would collaborate with Hillary Clinton’s campaign to propagate lies in order to try to swing the election to her, or failing that, to disable the incoming administration of the candidate that they didn’t favor. That scandal has greatly expanded my, and our, understanding of what may be possible. This isn’t your grandfather’s United States of America.