The reported rate of problems with this drug are in quite smaller number than many other drugs that have been in use for decades, and are accepted as ‘safe and effective’ by the goobermint health agencies. Yet, they’re stopping use ‘…out of an abundance of caution‘?
Sorry, something stinks and we’re not in Denmark.
Could their actually be many ‘adverse events’ to the J&J injection?
Could it be that the bureaucraps are scared to death that if that info gets out that more questions will be raised about the other ‘vaccines’?

It’s a shame the investigative media that have the time and resources to do that real investigation into this seem to be taking a cue from Kamala Harris’ noted past, and performing something different to this administration

COVID Vaccination Program in Disarray as CDC and FDA Order a Halt to Using the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Earlier [yesterday] the Food and Drug Administration, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, announced that they were temporarily halting the use of the one-and-done Johnson & Johnson vaccine for the dreaded Wuhan virus.

The official announcement claims this suspension from use was the result of 6 blood clots out of nearly 7 million doses, but this explanation comes after several states had suspended the use of that vaccine over unspecified adverse events.