You ever wonder why I call them BUREAUCRAPS?

Paul can attest that I brought my UZI submachinegun out to the Shootist Holiday at the NRA Whittington center this past June. I have done this several times in the past 20+ years since the group moved the Holiday there from Colorado.

As required by a perverse reading of the Federal law and bureaucrap regulation, I filled out, sent in, and received back an approved ATF Form 5320.20 for the transportation of a NFA firearm in ‘interstate commerce’ . What simply shooting my own gun, with my own ammo, has to do with ‘commerce’ is best left to the bureaucrapic mind as even I can’t figure that one out.

Well, I just received back forms I had mailed in for the next federal fiscal year (1 October 21 to 30 September 22) as ‘DISSAPPROVED’ as the document examiner (the bureaucrap where the metal meets the meat with NFA forms) proclaimed that she couldn’t find the serial number in my inventory

A statement of incredulity, oft used in the U.S. Army, was uttered sotto voce as I dialed up the ATF’s NFA branch phone in Martinsburg, West By God Virginia and conversed with one of the service representatives.

While she wasn’t sure of the precise reason for the disapproval, as she found the serial number in a few seconds, she had an idea but figured – as I also did – that speaking to the specific examiner might clear things up.

Of course, the call went to her voicemail, so I’m stuck circling the field in a holding pattern until she returns the call……..whenever that will be.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.


One thought on “”

  1. Uhg! Just got notice that our local range license has been renewed, but is still waiting for some bureaucratic tape to be cut and a video conference to be done between the powers that be and the president of the club. At least we have the evidence that we filed in PLENTY of time for the renewal so technically we’re still “good to go”. But it IS irksome that so much depends on the good graces of unelected officialdumb. Hope they get you sorted out pronto.

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