Quote O’ The Day.

They wanted a coup all along.

“I am not surprised by the news that the head of the Pentagon, Generalissimo ‘White Rage’ Milley conspired with Red China and fellow officers to block President Donald John Trump. Appalled, yes. Disgusted, yes. Hoping for a sentence of 20 years of hard labor, yes. But surprised? Nope because this is what Washington wanted all along. The American press called for a military coup months before President Trump was elected!”


You have to wonder: if Milley was willing to overstep his authority in January, what’s stopping him from believing that an 80-year-old Joe Biden might be incapacitated to the point of not being able to make clear headed decisions regarding actions in, say, Afghanistan?

Media pundits and Milley defenders aren’t looking at the long game. But they should. Milley does not become a patriot by suddenly aligning with the wild fantasies of #Resistance Twitter. If he’s willing to overstep his authority with imagined scenarios in the Trump era, how far would he be willing to go in the real world? 

How much authority was Milley granted on President Biden’s catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal? How much say did Milley have in a drone strike that reportedly targeted and killed a US-aligned aide worker and seven children in Kabul?