Everyone knows that the Dutch Farmers are in revolt, but we might miss how far in revolt they are: Protesting Dutch Farmers Refuse to Back Down Despite Police Crackdown. And the entire world knows about Sri Lanka. But here and there other things come through, that indicate trouble in other places: Albania, Italy, Germany.

Everywhere the Farmers are revolting against the revolting Green Agenda that would exterminate mankind and keep the few survivors alive to be play things of the elites, living in sewers and eating bugs to gratify the self-styled “best people.” And they dropped the masks and are talking about their agendas in public, as though they weren’t completely crazy-cakes and repulsive to any not-completely-perverted human being.

And it’s really repulsive and insane. Lately the UN put up an article explaining how world hunger was a good thing because it provided ready serfs. No one could make sense of it, and people maintain it’s satire, but is it the job of the UN to publish satire, particularly when it’s satire about a real situation we’re facing: World hunger? Not the localized world hunger created by kleptocratic (largely socialist) governments, but real world hunger, born of the idiot international kleptocrats f*ck f*ck plots and machinations.

Then there was that idiotocrat of the Junta, who talked about how; of course the gas prices must go through the roof to “preserve the international liberal order.” Not to mention all the idiots at various conferences talking and publishing openly about the Great Reset and how in fifteen years, you’ll own nothing and you’ll love it, as if they could remake the essence of humans, like that with their stupid foot stomping and commands. And as if their completely insane plan for production or trade worked, like their dreams. As if humans — contrary to millennia of history and evolution — would continue to work, to sacrifice, to create for nothing.

Seriously, it’s almost like these crazy people never met a human being, and I understand all too well why ERS wrote his blog about lizard people.
because it seems impossible that humans could misunderstand humans that badly.

But, alas, humans are, in fact, capable of believing the most absurd things, as cults and conspiracies through history have proven. And when it comes to cults, there is none loonier than the one embraced by the Marxist would-be elites.

I never believed in conspiracies, because I didn’t think conspiracies could stay quiet about their intent and all would be discovered.

I wasn’t exactly wrong. What we had here, for the longest time was not a conspiracy, but a prospiracy, or if you prefer ideological cultists that took over the system of education and information of free societies, because Marxism gave intellectuals who really knew nothing the idea they knew everything. Because, again, so long as you stay inside the theory, “everything can be explained.” It just has no contact with reality.

But over-educated idiots who want to feel smart hold onto the cult, because without it they would have to face their irrelevancy. And actually smart people caught up in know that rewards come from speaking the right words and pretending to believe the cult, and keep quiet out of self interest.

Like that, the juggernaut moved forward until it took over all our institutions, and every place that hired university graduates, particularly in the social sciences. Yes, that does mean government bureaucracy.

It was unstoppable. It was ever moving. It couldn’t be stopped.

Until reality intruded. The reality is that the cult precepts — which I want to point out include an extreme hatred of humanity as is, and of western civilization that feeds the world — don’t work. Can’t work. Where they meet reality, they fail.

Real, normal human beings — no, not even the ones brainwashed by colleges. Those just think they’ll be on top and exempt — don’t want to die for the cult’s Gaia worship and hate of humanity. Real, normal human beings, don’t want to be kept as pets: a cross between college students and medieval villagers. Real, normal human beings have had about enough, and not just now.

I’d like to remind you the Tea Parties started as soon as we could realize we were not alone. Yes, they were “defeated” in a way, but in another way that genie can’t be put back in the bottle. At that point people who had participated, and who knew most of the stuff reported about the tea parties was nonsense (including the left’s only explanation for anyone opposing them, which of course is that it’s white males, afraid of losing power, only …. it’s not white. Or males. And we know that. And white males, except for a very few of kleptocrat families like the Bidens and the Clintons and the Pelosis/Newsome Clan, haven’t had any power for a very long time. Certainly no power inheres to being white and male.)

So people didn’t forget. They didn’t forget they were not alone. And that’s enough. That, in my opinion, is what led to the election of Trump, and the election in 2020 when everything they threw at us failed and they had to cheat at the last minute, in front of G-d and everyone, including definitely us.

In a way without the Tea Parties there would be no Trump. And without the extremes they went to to control the election failing, they wouldn’t be in a panic.

And being in a panic, they conspired to steal the election and did it obviously and blatantly. And when their stomping down on any rumors of its being stolen didn’t work, their productions of show trials didn’t enthrall us, they went unhinged.

It is a conspiracy now, and as I said, conspirators can’t help but talking about it. And they do. Oh they do.

It’s all twenty four seven, stomp stomp “We know better, let us rule.” While they are in fact making it worse, much worse for everyone.

If they could, we’d still be locked up and wearing masks — did I or did I not tell you at the time that when governments lock their people up it’s because they’re afraid of the people?

They’re terrified. We didn’t go along with their plan of lockdowns forever. We didn’t go along with mandatory jabs, and vaccine passports, and aps that track our every movement, and we didn’t believe the gas was Putin’s fault or the gas stations (!) fault.

They are using mechanisms that worked before — such as when the media convinced everyone that a communist killing JFK was a right wing conspiracy — but it’s not working.

It’s not working, I think, all over the world.

In the US we haven’t gone critical, yet — I THINK — because I think we’d have heard of it. There are too many phone cameras, too many blogs, too many people who talk to other people. But note the “I think” because there’s still the possibility for sweeping minor incidents under the rug, and sometimes I do wonder.

If we haven’t gone critical, it is because we have more “give”. Not just more give in terms of more wealth — we do have that. Michael Yon says we too will be taken by the pan famine, but honestly, I doubt it. Parts of the country, sure, like the big cities. Even there, I wouldn’t be surprised to see serious fight back. If even the Europeans who are older (I mean that, on average age), and not nearly as well armed as us are fighting back before the famine comes to them, I suspect we will too.

Besides the wealth, we have a vast country and the ability to move around in it. In the last year more of my friends have taken flight from blue to red states than I care to mention. Sometimes it seems all of us have moved. It’s not quite that, but it’s close. Telework unleashed us, sure, but there’s more than that.

That took some of the pressure off. Some of the most motivated people, in the areas already feeling the pressure, have moved to places not critical and closer to food supplies. So I don’t think there’s outbreaks of fighting, yet.

I don’t know how wide the fighting is in Europe. I plain can’t tell, just like I can’t tell how scarce things are getting in the markets. I can’t tell, because the rest of the world (with the exception of the anglosphere, and even there not as much) never took to blogging like we did. They just didn’t. And their news are way, way, way more biased than ours and more under government control.

I think if we’re seeing leaks of revolts, it is why more widespread, kind of like the people who comment on a blog are maybe 1/100th of those who read.

This thing is in motion, because humanity won’t surrender without a fight. We’re not going to go down for the long sleep to please crazy people who want to believe they’re intelligent.

Where hunger meets human true change happens. There is a great reset coming, just not what they wanted.

Everything they do, to try to stop the “top down, center out, would be global order from falling, just makes it fall harder and more painfully.

I do believe the next three to four years will be… difficult. I don’t believe like Michael Yon that famine or foreign invasion will take down the US. I believe the Junta will try, yes, I just don’t think it will succeed. Because they don’t have much sense of reality.

Until then… I’m wondering if I should buy a generator. And perhaps propane heaters that work inside without poisoning us. We can survive (if not like) hot summers, but not freezing winters. I’ve hesitated to make that kind of expense, but I believe it’s getting serious. And perhaps all of us need to take stock of our freedom seeds and invest in them (It’s not like stocks are going to do better, guys.)

But we are a clever ape. And the US is exceptionally good at adapting, improvising, overcoming. I thin we will find ways over around and through.

And the bad cultures in our midst, brought over by the Junta, are going to find out really quick that it’s bad to get in the middle of a family quarrel.

What emerges on the other end, I don’t know. But I’m going to fight really hard to re-create a republic that helps us retain our natural rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The fire has already started. It’s just not come to our shores yet.

It’s time to spit our our hands and grab hold of the rope. The boat is about to hit choppy waters.

Be not afraid.

It is our duty, our glory and our very great honor to preserve/revive the republic for generations still unborn.

What greater destiny could fate have dished out to us?

Now go prepare.