Remember the affirmative action hire Biden nominated for a judge and she couldn’t answer basic, and I mean basic questions about the Constitution?

Biden’s nominee to lead the FAA can’t answer a SINGLE question from Sen Ted Budd about aviation policy

Joe Biden’s nominee to run the FAA couldn’t answer a single question this morning from Senator Ted Budd on aviation policy.

Budd tweeted: “I asked Biden’s nominee for FAA Administrator 7 basic questions about aviation policy. He went 0 for 7. We can’t have an FAA Administrator who needs on the job training.”

I watched it and I don’t have the expertise to know if these questions were appropriate or not for Mr. Phil Washington. So I called a friend of mine with military experience who would know and he said these are definitely questions Washington should know. He said they are pretty basic.

But what makes this even more embarrassing for Washington is that he’s had 8 months to bone up on aviation policy and he clearly hasn’t.

I looked him up and it turns out Washington is currently the CEO of Denver International Airport, a position he’s held since 2021. After this line of questioning I wonder if the airport board might want to find someone else to be CEO.