It’s not often that you see the arrogant jackass Morgan lost for words…

Salient exchange:

MORGAN: Well, there is, but I don’t think that all of these protesters are pro-Hamas. I think you’re making…

MURRAY: Right, and the difference is whether you have a large artillery behind you.

MORGAN: You don’t honestly think they’re all pro-Hamas, these people.

MURRAY: Well, well, I think that anyone who for instance chants things like From the River to the Sea is, in fact, what I described and is criminally ignorant. Oh, well they are, there were masses of idiots marching past Westminster Abbey last week saying exactly that.

MORGAN: Yeah, but they’re not all doing it (crosstalk) I’ve watched the videos. There are some who are chanting and some who aren’t.

MURRAY: Okay, well here’s a challenge, Piers. If you decided to go on some kind of march and in week one you discovered that you had the BMP calling, for instance, for the murder of all black people, would you not wonder whether or not you should go on week two? Would you not drop out by week three? I would have thought so, I would.

MORGAN: That’s a good question…yes, I would.