Bombshell Project Veritas Video Shows Medical Expert Saying the Vaccine Is “Full of S**t”

When registered nurse for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Jodi O’Malley came forward to blow the whistle on the federal government’s knowledge on the vaccine, she was scared but said her faith in God outweighed her fear of man. So Project Veritas sent her with a hidden camera to capture and record all the various things she experiences as a nurse at the Indian Medical Center, a federal government facility, and we can now see that at least one medical expert deems the vaccine as “full of s**t.”

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Former FDA Commissioner: Six Foot Social Distancing Rule Was ‘Arbitrary … Nobody Knows Where It Came From’

Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), admitted during an interview on Face the Nation that the six foot social distancing rule recommended by public health officials for months on end was actually “arbitrary in and of itself,” and he noted that “nobody knows where it came from.”

Speaking with Face the Nation’s Margaret Brennan, Gottlieb discussed the rules and risks early in the pandemic, explaining that the Trump administration shifted its focus to the impact lockdowns and rules would have on the economy and children.

“My view is that they were sold on the idea that you weren’t going to be able to really affect the spread and that anything you did was just going to have so many repercussions in terms of impact on children who might not be in school. Impact on the economy, that the costs were worse than the disease,” he said, explaining that schools were a “perfect example of the lack of effective policymaking.”

“So the single reason why most schools remained shut was because the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) was telling them they had to keep kids six feet apart,” he said. “If- if CDC has said you can only- you have to keep kids three feet apart, then a lot of schools would have been able open.”

“And in fact, when the Biden administration wanted to open schools in the spring, this past spring, they got the CDC to change that guidance from six feet to three feet,” Gottlieb continued, admitting the original guidance was “arbitrary” and had unknown origins.

“The six feet was arbitrary in and of itself, nobody knows where it came from,” he said. “The initial recommendation that the CDC brought to the White House and I talk about this was 10 feet, and a political appointee in the White House said we can’t recommend 10 feet.”

“Nobody can measure 10 feet. It’s inoperable. Society will shut down. So the compromise was around six feet. Now imagine if that detail had leaked out. Everyone would have said this is the White House politically interfering with the CDC’s judgment,” he continued:

 The CDC said 10 feet, it should be 10 feet, but 10 feet was no more right than six feet and ultimately became three feet. But when it became three feet, the basis for the CDC’s decision to ultimately revise it from six to three feet was a study that they had conducted the prior fall. So they changed it in the spring. They had done a study in the fall where they showed that if you have two masked individuals, two people wearing masks, the risk of transmission is reduced 70% with masks if you’re three feet apart. So they said on the basis of that, we can now make a judgment that three feet is an appropriate distance. Which begs the question if they had that study result in the fall? Why didn’t they change the advice in the fall? Why did they wait until the spring?

Those decisions, he added, easily undermine Americans’ confidence in advice from public health officials.

“This is how the whole thing feels arbitrary and not science-based. So we talk about a very careful, science-based process and these anecdotes get exposed, and that’s where Americans start to lose confidence in how the decisions got made,” he added.

The CDC guide for coronavirus prevention in schools, last updated August 5, 2021, now says schools should “maintain at least 3 feet of physical distance between students within classrooms to reduce transmission risk.”

If this is happening in the U.K., why would you think it’s not happening here as well?

Hyping the Covid Burden on Hospitals.

A Doctor Writes: The NHS Is Concealing Important Information from the Public

On Thursdays, the NHS release the weekly summary data in relation to Covid patients. Normally this is a more granular version of the daily summaries – it has some hospital level detail and figures on non-Covid workload for comparison. Usually interesting but not especially informative.

Yesterday was an exception. Placed down at the bottom of the page, almost like a footnote, was a “Primary Diagnosis” Supplement. Graph One shows the information contained in that spreadsheet. I find it astonishing. In essence, it shows that since June 18th, the NHS has known its daily figures in relation to ‘Covid inpatients’ were unreliable at best and deliberately untrue at worst.

The Yellow bars are what the NHS has been informing the nation were Covid inpatients. The Blue bars are the numbers of inpatients actually suffering from Covid symptoms – the difference between the two are patients in hospital who tested positive for Covid but were being treated for something different – where Covid was effectively an incidental finding but not clinically relevant.

For example, on July 27th, the total number of beds occupied by Covid patients was reported as 5,021. However, until today, we were not permitted to know that only 3,855 of those were actually admitted with Covid as the primary diagnosis. There has been a fairly consistent overestimate of the true number by about 25% running back to mid June – figures before that date are ‘not available’.

Why does this matter?

Well in one way it doesn’t matter very much. Whether the burden of Covid inpatients is 5% of the available beds or 3.5%, isn’t massively significant – it’s still a relatively small proportion. NHS managers are already arguing that even patients with Covid being treated for another condition still need isolation procedures and present an extra burden on the system. They may argue that the NHS is still under strain from staff absences, stress levels and the waiting list backlog – so it doesn’t really matter if the published figures are somewhat inaccurate.

But it matters hugely.

Firstly, it clearly shows that the NHS has been exaggerating the burden of Covid on hospitals by 25% since at least the June 18th and almost certainly for longer. All the senior NHS leaders and politicians quoting the number of Covid inpatients for the last six weeks have been painting a seriously exaggerated picture, significantly worse than the true position. Were they in ignorance about the true numbers, or were they deliberately misleading the public?

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Toddler-Masking Biden Says Governors Are ‘Playing Politics With the Lives of…Children’
The president bemoans the incivility of politics while accusing Republicans of being “cavalier” about the potential for dead kids.

On September 10, President Joe Biden lamented to a group of Washington, D.C., middle schoolers that political disputes in 2021 have become far too nasty.

“One of the lessons I hope our students can unlearn is that politics doesn’t have to be this way,” Biden said. “Politics doesn’t have to be this way. They’re growing up in an environment where they see it’s…like a war, like a bitter feud….I mean, it’s not how we are. It’s not who we are as a nation. And it’s not how we beat every other crisis in our history. We got to come together.”

When an elected executive complains that politics is too much like war, the prudent thing to do is to do reach for your flak jacket. And sure enough, literally in the preceding paragraph, the president implied that some GOP politicians don’t care overmuch if their constituents die.

“Look, I’m so disappointed that particularly some Republican governors have been so cavalier with the health of these kids, so cavalier with the health of their communities,” Biden said. “We’re playing for real here. This isn’t a game. And I don’t know of any scientist out there in this field that doesn’t think it makes considerable sense to do the six things I’ve suggested” as a path out of the pandemic.

Table that “I don’t know of any scientist” whopper for later, and fast forward to last night. Perhaps because his previous accusations didn’t attract much attention from the nodding-along media, Biden again trained his rhetorical howitzers onto GOP electeds.

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You Have Been Told

You have been told that you, Mr. Unvaccinated American, are by your stubbornness endangering your own life and the lives of others, including the already vaccinated. You have been told that your conduct is unpatriotic, in violation of the “social contract.” You have been told that this is a crisis, the moral equivalent of war. You have been told that by refusing the vaccine, you are failing your duty as an American.

Never mind that the enemy is too small to be seen with the naked eye.
Never mind that the vaccinated are contracting the virus at twice the rate of the unvaccinated.
Never mind that the vaccines have a higher death rate than the virus.
And never mind that you’ve already had and recovered from the disease and are feeling fit as a fiddle.
You are a “science denier” for spurning The Jab.

But soft! What have we here?

House Democrats rejected a plan this week that would have required immigrants to the United States to take one of three available Chinese coronavirus vaccines despite mandates on American citizens from President Joe Biden’s administration.

Last week, Biden ordered that the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) develop a rule requiring all private companies with 100 or more employees to mandate the vaccine or be subjected to weekly coronavirus tests.

Biden also ordered the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to require vaccines for all health care workers who work at facilities receiving federal Medicare or Medicaid funding.

As Breitbart News reported, Biden has seemingly not imposed any such vaccine requirements on border crossers, illegal aliens, legal immigrants, or Afghan refugees who are arriving in the U.S.

During a hearing for the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) proposed an amendment that would require the vaccine for foreign nationals in the U.S. who are seeking to adjust their immigration status to remain in the U.S.

Every Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee opposed the vaccine mandate for immigrants while every Republican supported the measure.

How shall we make sense of this? Are immigrants not capable of contracting or spreading the dreaded Kung Flu? Do they have some sort of superior immunity by virtue of not being American-born? Or is it a mere technicality of their immigrant status that the Usurpers cannot impose on them the mandates they seek to enforce upon the rest of us?

You know the answer, Gentle Reader. Just as you know why sitting officials disdain to mask as ordered by their patron saint Anthony Fauci. Just as you know why Congress has exempted itself from all such rules. Just as you know why no Usurper spokesdroid has even attempted to answer questions such as the ones above.

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Joe Biden Cuts Shipments of Life-Saving COVID Treatment to Florida Without Notice Because He’s Happy to Kill You to Make a Point

As we’ve noted from the very beginning of this pandemic, the measures taken by the federal government and some state governments have nothing to do with public health and everything to do with curtailing civil liberties using the Wuhan virus as a stalking horse. To date, there is scant evidence that lockdowns do anything beyond trashing the economy. There are no systematic trials of the efficacy of “social distancing,’ or why 6 feet is superior to 3 feet. We don’t know why the virus will attack people late at night, at liquor stores, or while walking through restaurants but not while eating. No one knows why and how unvaccinated people can infect vaccinated people if the vaccine is effective. The best mask study shows masks, paper and surgical, marginal best-case efficacy in reducing infection (paper masks could, within the study’s confidence interval, actually increase infection) and no effect upon hospitalization. There has been a rush by pharmaceutical giants with battalions of lobbyists to produce a vaccine, and now booster and boosters of boosters of boosters might be necessary.


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Science is dying; superstition disguised as morality is returning. And we all will soon become poorer, angrier and more divided.

Science,’ They Said.

The scientific method used to govern much of popular American thinking.

In empirical fashion scientists advised us to examine evidence and data, and then by induction come to rational hypotheses. The enemies of “science” were politics, superstition, bias, and deduction.

Yet we are now returning to our version of medieval alchemy and astrology in rejecting a millennium of the scientific method.

Take the superstitions that now surround COVID-19.
We now know from data that a prior case of COVID offers immunity as robust as vaccination—if not better.

Why then are Joe Biden’s various proposed vaccination mandates ignoring that scientific fact? Dr. Anthony Fauci, when asked, seemed at a loss for words.
Is this yet another of the scientific community’s Platonic “noble lies,” as when last year Fauci assured the public there was no need for masks? He later claimed he had lied so that medical professionals would not run out of needed supplies.

Fauci also seemed to throw out all sorts of mythical percentages needed for herd immunity, apparently in an attempt to convince the public that it will never be safe until every American is protected from COVID by vaccination only.
And why was it that hard for the scientific community to postulate a likely origin of COVID-19?

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14 fully vaccinated residents in French nursing home develop COVID-19.

Sept. 13 (UPI) — Fourteen elderly residents of a French nursing home developed COVID-19 during an outbreak at the facility, despite being fully vaccinated against the virus, a study published Monday by JAMA Network Open found.The outbreak affected one in five of the fully vaccinated residents of the facility and also included two who were partially vaccinated — they had received one dose of the two-shot Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine — and one who was not vaccinated, the data showed.Of the 17 total residents infected, eight developed severe illness, two were hospitalized and one — the person who had not been vaccinated — died.

All of the cases involved the Alpha, or “U.K.,” variant, researchers said.

Study: Nearly 69K COVID-19 cases, 17K deaths at nursing homes went uncounted


“The immune response to this vaccination is likely diminished in nursing home residents due to aging and [chronic conditions] that impair immune function,” study co-author Dr. Joël Belmin told UPI in an email.

“Although some studies have shown that the antibody response to [COVID-19] vaccination is quite good, the duration of this response and the cellular immune response are poorly known in this population.,” said Belmin, a professor of cardiovascular and geriatric services at the Sorbonne in Paris.

A study published in April by the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases found that nearly one in three adults age 60 and older who were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 had no detectable antibodies against the virus.

Antibodies are cells produced by the immune system that fight off infections.

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Why Freedom Is in Serious Jeopardy

There are many ways in which to divide humanity — the decent and the indecent, the happy and the unhappy, the cowardly and the courageous, those who lead and those who follow, etc.

Two major divisions that are less often noted but highly consequential are between those who want to control others and those who have little interest in controlling others, and between the related categories of those who are comfortable with being controlled by others and those who detest being controlled by others.

Those who seek to control others and those who seek to be controlled by others would seem to be on opposite ends of the political spectrum. But they are not. Both groups are overwhelmingly populated by individuals on the Left.

They currently dominate four of the five English-speaking countries (the United Kingdom may be the one exception). The ease with which Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders have accepted the loss of liberty in their respective countries has been the saddest and most frightening development since the rise of totalitarianism in the early 20th century.

Even sadder and more frightening has been the acceptance of authoritarianism by half of the American people. America has been the beacon of liberty in the world. America was the country to which France gave the Statue of Liberty. America has been, as President Abraham Lincoln characterized it, “the last best hope of Earth.” America’s self-image has been that of a “sweet land of liberty” and of “the land of the free and home of the brave.”

Then came a new virus (one with a survival rate in the 99% range for nearly all age groups except older adults who are also very sick), and suddenly, in the name of “public health,” no amount of suppression of liberty, no matter how irrational, has been resisted by the majority of Americans or almost any citizens of the other English-speaking countries.

The citizens of Australia’s biggest states are not allowed to leave their homes for more than a few hours a day, not allowed to congregate with other citizens even outdoors, not allowed even to speak with one another outdoors. For more than a year and a half, Australians have not been allowed to leave their country without the express permission of their government, which will decide whether they have a good enough reason. And, of course, church services are forbidden. Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders, most of whom are thoroughly secular, have only contempt for their compatriots who wish to attend religious services.

In many arenas of life, most Australians have fewer rights than most Soviet citizens did. Like Australians, Soviet citizens could not leave their country without permission, but they were allowed to leave their homes, to speak with people in the street and to visit dying relatives in hospitals.

Meanwhile, a large percentage of Americans support a president of the United States who offers government and an enormous number of private-entity workers a choice between getting vaccinated — no matter how young they are, and whether they already had COVID-19 — or losing their job. In other words, many Americans support firing any unvaccinated fellow citizens who work for the government, the medical professions or privately owned companies with 100 or more employees.

Half of America supports a president who portrays the other half of America as an enemy, their fellow Americans as people for whom they should have hatred. No American president has ever given as divisive a speech as the one in which President Joe Biden announced his vaccine mandates (something he denied wanting to impose only nine months ago, in December of 2020). Lincoln, despite the Civil War, a war in which more Americans were killed than in all other American wars combined, called on Americans to have “malice toward none.” Biden, as mean-spirited a president as this country has ever had, has called for malice toward 100 million Americans, declaring, “our patience is wearing thin.”

There is a three-pronged left-wing assault on liberty: in the name of public health (COVID-19); in the name of “anti-racism”; and in the name of saving the planet (climate change). By ratcheting up fear and hysteria, the Left is using each to end individual liberty, including freedom of speech, for the first time in American history.

Will the Left succeed?

Unless Americans fight the Left as hard as the Union fought the slave states, the answer is yes.

The Vaccine Stasi

What’s odd about this debate is that it’s not new. It’s nothing new at all, really. Vaccinations have always been a touchy subject. It’s Big Government. It’s history. It leeches into parenting. It’s a toxic cocktail, one where things can go off the hinges quickly. And it has here. After promising not to issue a nationwide vaccine mandate, Joe Biden put on his crown and issued that all private businesses of 100 or more employees must have a COVID vaccine mandate. New York City did a test balloon regarding the COVID passport protocols on certain public spaces. You must show an ID and your vaccination card. Also, all city employees must be vaccinated, with no exceptions. OSHA is now Biden’s medical SS.

This agency was never meant to be an infectious diseases enforcement arm. OSHA can’t even do its job right now, which is ensuring workplace safety. What tickles me even more is how all these so-called medical experts are stunned that support for vaccinations increased only slightly after the FDA approved it. That wasn’t the issue. Scores of Americans still have lingering questions about the vaccine that the Biden administration has not answered. They opted to bribe people with $100 instead.

“Shut up, get your shot, and here’s your money,” was the line. Yeah, unsurprisingly, it didn’t work. In the meantime, the experts have done more to undercut their pro-vaccine narrative daily. Get the shot, but don’t go anywhere. Also, get your shot to protect yourself…from the unvaccinated. That makes no sense. It’s ass-backward.

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The Disposable Children of the Pandemic

The rhetoric about and treatment of children over the past 18 months has flung open a window into the soul of America’s ruling class. As Nelson Mandela warned us, “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way it treats its children.” To those constructing the new health tyranny, children pose no threat and can be treated as things, not people.

The budding tyranny we face was best described by C. S. Lewis:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

One of the first things learned about the Chinese Coronavirus in the spring of 2020 was that the younger population was at extremely low risk of either being hospitalized or succumbing to the virus. A published study from Stanford University revealed that the Infection Fatality Rate (the percentage of people who have been infected by a disease and die as a direct or indirect result) for the 0-19 age group is 0.0027% or less than 3 out of 100,000. The typical IFR for the annual flu for this same age group is 2 out of 100,000.

Yet, the ruling elites, manipulating the populace by striking unfounded fear throughout all of society, demanded that schools shut down and children be masked and forced to stay indoors. Thus we, as a society, deprived the youngest citizens — who constitute nearly one-third of the U.S. population — of educational, emotional, and social development.

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Why would the ‘vaccinated’ need protection?
We were told the jab would protect you from the bug. Were we lied to about how effective the ‘vaccines’ really are, or is there another agenda working here?

Kamala Harris Claims ‘Protecting the Vaccinated’ Needed to Stop Pandemic

Vice President Kamala Harris was criticized after tweeting that “protecting the vaccinated” would be pivotal in stopping the COVID-19 pandemic.

Harris’ Sunday night post on Twitter seemed to add to the widespread confusion over vaccines coming from the Biden administration.

“By vaccinating the unvaccinated, increasing our testing and masking, and protecting the vaccinated, we can end this pandemic. That’s exactly what we are committed to doing,” Harris tweeted.

COVID-19 vaccines are providing strong protection for recipients, medical experts have said.

“Why do you need to protect the vaccinated? Doesn’t the vax do that?” former Trump administration staffer Kyle Hooten tweeted in response to Harris post.

“Wouldn’t the vaccine protect the vaccinated? I for one am voluntarily vaccinated, however mandating Americans to receive a vaccine in order to earn a living, but not requiring it to get into our country is bass akwards,” tweeted Just Tag.

“Protecting the vaccinated”???? What do you mean? Are you saying that the vaccine alone doesn’t do its job???” tweeted Marina, a Brazilian journalist.

“Protecting the vaccinated?? Are you suggesting that the vaccine isn’t the protection that it’s being presented as?  If it’s not a protection, then what is it?” Stephen Kirk tweeted.

“So wait, does the vaccine work or not? If so, why do we need to ‘protect the vaccinated’? I’m not sure how people cannot see the hypocrisy. #thinkfolks,” Dan Pulgine tweeted.

Unvaccinated people face a far greater chance of death from the COVID-19 delta variant, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control.

“Breakthrough” cases among vaccinated people are bound to occur but most such cases are mild and those leading to hospitalization are exceedingly rare, the CDC said.

The CDC found that as of Aug. 30, there have been 12,908 cases of COVID-19 resulting in hospitalization or death among vaccinated Americans, CNN reported.

Considering that more than 173 million Americans had been vaccinated by Aug. 30, that works out to a one in 13,000 chance of a vaccinated person getting a case so severe that hospitalization is required, the news outlet said.

President Joe Biden last week took aim at vaccine resistance in America, announcing policies requiring most federal employees to get COVID-19 vaccines and pushing large employers to have their workers vaccinated or tested weekly.

Comment O’ The Day

Some things that stand out about the new vaxx mandate.

If it were genuinely vital that everyone be vaccinated, then everyone should be required to get it.
Why, then, are postal workers exempted?
Why, then, are illegal aliens exempted?
Why, then, are companies having fewer than 100 employees exempted?
Why do the exemptions seem to all be attached to union labor who support the party in power?
If it was truly vital, then they wouldn’t be letting anyone out.

If you’re vaccinated but are vulnerable to infection from the unvaccinated; you’re not actually vaccinated.  Having the CDC change their definitions doesn’t change what a vaccination means and has meant for more than 200 years.

Of course, most people probably don’t know why it’s “vaccinate” in the first place.  Hint: cows.

Completely ignoring natural immunity is the epitome of unscientific.  Many of us are immune from simply catching it and surviving.

I think it will eventually be proven, and those at fault forced to admit it, that it is an escapee from a Chinese lab, and its development was funded by US tax money.

When that happens, one more reason to never trust politicians and their lackeys.  Because without Kissinger and Nixon, China would be Cuba with a lot of land.  Half of it would probably be Russian now if we hadn’t opened up to them.

Be advised, this is a monster size post.

The Snake-Oil Salesmen and the COVID-Zero Con: A Classic Bait-And-Switch for a Lifetime of Booster Shots (Immunity as a Service)

If a plumber with a lifetime of experience were to tell you that water runs uphill, you would know he is lying and that the lie is not accidental. It is a lie with a purpose. If you can also demonstrate that the plumber knows in advance that the product he is promoting with that lie is snake oil, you have evidence for a deliberate con. And once you understand what’s really inside that bottle of snake oil, you will begin to understand the purpose of the con.

One of the most common reasons given for mass COVID vaccinations is the idea that if we reach herd immunity through vaccination, we can starve the virus out of existence and get our lives back. It’s the COVID-Zero strategy or some variant of it.

By now it is abundantly clear from the epidemiological data that the vaccinated are able to both catch and spread the disease. Clearly vaccination isn’t going to make this virus disappear. Only a mind that has lost its grasp on reality can fail to see how ridiculous all this has become.

But a tour through pre-COVID science demonstrates that, from day one, long before you and I had even heard of this virus, it was 100% inevitable and 100% predictable that these vaccines would never be capable of eradicating this coronavirus and would never lead to any kind of lasting herd immunity. Even worse, lockdowns and mass vaccination have created a dangerous set of circumstances that interferes with our immune system’s ability to protect us against other respiratory viruses. They also risk driving the evolution of this virus towards mutations that are more dangerous to both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated alike. Lockdowns, mass vaccinations, and mass booster shots were never capable of delivering on any of the promises that were made to the public.

And yet, vaccination has been successfully used to control measles and even to eradicate smallpox. So, why not COVID? Immunity is immunity, and a virus is a virus is a virus, right? Wrong! Reality is far more complicated… and more interesting.

This Deep Dive exposes why, from day one, the promise of COVID-Zero can only ever have been a deliberately dishonest shell game designed to prey on a lack of public understanding of how our immune systems work and on how most respiratory viruses differ from other viruses that we routinely vaccinate against. We have been sold a fantasy designed to rope us into a pharmaceutical dependency as a deceitful trade-off for access to our lives. Variant by variant. For as long as the public is willing to go along for the ride.

Exposing this story does not require incriminating emails or whistleblower testimony. The story tells itself by diving into the long-established science that every single virologist, immunologist, evolutionary biologist, vaccine developer, and public health official had access to long before COVID began. As is so often the case, the devil is hidden in the details. As this story unfolds it will become clear that the one-two punch of lockdowns and the promise of vaccines as an exit strategy began as a cynical marketing ploy to coerce us into a never-ending regimen of annual booster shots intentionally designed to replace the natural “antivirus security updates” against respiratory viruses that come from hugs and handshakes and from children laughing together at school. We are being played for fools.

This is not to say that there aren’t plenty of other opportunists taking advantage of this crisis to pursue other agendas and to tip society into a full-blown police state. One thing quickly morphs into another. But this essay demonstrates that never-ending boosters were the initial motive for this global social-engineering shell game ― the subscription-based business model, adapted for the pharmaceutical industry. “Immunity as a service”.

So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of immune systems, viruses, and vaccines, layer by layer, to dispel the myths and false expectations that have been created by deceitful public health officials, pharmaceutical lobbyists, and media manipulators. What emerges as the lies are peeled apart is both surprising and more than a little alarming.

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” – Sherlock Homes” ― Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Table of Contents:

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Joe Biden Has Mandated a Vaccine for 80 Million Employees. Now Let Him Enforce It.

Joe Biden has decided to order a vaccine mandate and compel obedience to government policy after saying for months that he’d do no such thing.

But it’s difficult to resist the siren song of authoritarianism if you’re president — all that power and no one to command. So forcing people to get poked in the arm and receive the magic elixir is about all Biden can do to exercise authority

The problem is that someone forgot to tell Old Joe that he doesn’t have the power to force private-sector businesses to comply with his mandate. This is completely understandable. If you worked in the White House, would you have the guts to tell the guy you work for, “Sorry Mr. President, but the Constitution doesn’t give you the authority to boss around people who don’t directly work for you”?

I didn’t think so.

Sadly, it’s not likely the federal courts will put the kibosh on Biden’s delusions of power either. Most federal circuit courts have pretty much given up on the notion of restraining executive power and will gladly give Biden the legal cover he needs to compel vaccinations.

The president plans to enlist several federal agencies to help him in his power play. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is expected to issue rules that would force employers with more than 100 workers to compel employees to be vaccinated. There’s also the power of the federal purse, as Biden can easily withhold federal payments and federal contracts to companies that dare defy the mandate.

The only realistic way that the federal government will be able to compel citizens to take the vaccine is by segregating American society into those who have been vaccinated and those who choose not to be vaccinated. The easy way to do that is by giving everyone “papers” — or a “vaccine passport,” if you prefer.

Just to tickle the left, let’s call it the “Jim Crow Memorial Vaccine Passport.”

Whatever we call it, the people pushing it are deadly serious.

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 Oh Noes, Don’t Throw Me in The Briar Patch Mr. Biden.

Perhaps it’s because we have been discussing this moment for over a decade; or perhaps it’s because we’ve already chosen our tribe amid this league of crazy; or perhaps it’s just because we don’t like ‘them’ in the first place; but whatever it is, this announcement today by the White House to cleave society into vaxxed -vs- non-vaxxed status is actually a little funny.  Good luck with it.

Eyes of a mouse. Ears of an elephant. Heart of a lion, and the mindset of an insurgent.

This ain’t new.  Or as we say amid my social circle: “We done knew.”

The White House claims that 80 million Americans are unvaccinated, and we are now the enemy of the state.  OK, whatever.   When you get all done with the teeth gnashing part, I’m still unvaxxed.   And if I’m no longer permitted to engage in a social construct that I have been studiously avoiding for the past few decades, well, meh…. a’right then, punish me by barring me from living life amid the Federal Moonbats.   The federal compliance and enforcement part of the mandated worker vaccination will be fun to watch.

I have serious doubts that only 80 million Americans are unvaccinated, but fair enough; if that’s your number, okay then.  However, consider this….  Assuming we are the minority group, the non-vaxxed crew breaks down into two broad segments: (1) The extremely well-educated who carry commonsense and are in a social strata where they remain quiet about it; and (2) The skeptical productive class of similarly disposed commonsense blue-collar workers who are the backbone of American productivity.

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This speech proved once and for all just how malevolent Biden and his fellow Marxists actually are, how determined they are to transform America into a version of communist China, social credit system and all.  They do not see any of us as individual human beings but as part of a mass of humanity to be dehumanized and controlled according to their oligarchical whims.  Unless masses of us rise up and refuse to comply with this administration’s scheme of mandated vaccination, testing, lockdowns, economic destruction and all which that entails, we are over as a free republic.

Biden’s vaccine mandate speech!

Thursday, President Biden delivered the most insulting, contemptuous and divisive speech by a president in US history.

We all know by now that Joe Biden does not care one iota about the American people.  His life’s work has been dedicated to enriching his own family, no more, no less.  And like the rest of the left, he has contempt for any and all who dare to disagree with him.

His is the most destructive administration in history.  He set out to undo the many successes of President Trump and he has done exactly that: opened the border to all comers, ended our energy independence, destroyed the economy and job market and instigated the worst inflation since the Carter administration.

His catastrophically idiotic withdrawal from Afghanistan has awakened previously unengaged citizens to the depth and breadth of Biden’s malicious incompetence.  He wanted to brag about ending the war in Afghanistan on the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, so he ordered American troops to cut and run in the middle of the night, leaving $90b worth of US materiel to the Taliban terrorists.  Afghanistan is now the best-armed terrorist state on the planet.

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The juvenile ‘It’s horse paste!’ critique of ivermectin.

The Nobel Prize in medicine in 2015 went to two scientists whose experiments on a type of bacteria and subsequent modifications produced a compound that led to “a new class of drugs with extraordinary efficacy against parasitic diseases,” in the words of the Nobel Prize committee.

That compound is ivermectin, which “turned out to be highly effective in both animals and humans against a variety of parasites, including those that cause River Blindness and Lymphatic Filariasis.” The FDA approved the drug in 1996.

That’s why U.S. doctors wrote more than 100,000 prescriptions a year for ivermectin, which comes in tablets but also in a lotion. In 2020, the FDA approved one ivermectin lotion as an over-the-counter lice treatment.

So why does the major media want you to believe that ivermectin is simply a “horse paste”?

The answer is probably because the media are more interested in scoring cheap points in the game of culture-wars by mocking rednecks and conservatives than they are in informing their readers.

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