I think a lot of people knew D.C. politics was a .gov gravy train.
I mean, how many CongressCritters don’t wind up as multi millionaires?

Trump’s Greatest Achievement: The president has exposed the rot and corruption of our ruling class.

No matter how the presidential election ends, one of President Donald Trump’s myriad achievements stands above all others: he has exposed the unprecedented degree of rot and corruption that pervades the American system.

More specifically, Trump has exposed the ruling class: the bipartisan political establishment and its adjuncts in Big Tech, the corporate media, Big Business and Woke Capital, the academy, and across the commanding heights of American society.

Trump’s manners engender hatred in the ruling class. Even more significantly, his tenacity in confronting the ruling class’s members with their failures—and the fact he has threatened to rectify those failures—discredits and disempowers those responsible for them. Their response—a perpetual effort to destroy him—has shown the ruling class to be lawless and tyrannical.

Consequently, the ruling class has obliterated the institutions it claimed to be defending, revealing to those Americans not addled by Trump Derangement Syndrome that the emperor has no clothes. Americans willing to look can now see that those institutions which ostensibly exist to serve us have no reservations about launching a full-scale assault on us if it serves their interests.

Consider what we have learned about the leaders of the country in the last four years. Continue reading “”

If so, this new definition justifies animus toward you. It‘s now okay to hate you for “clinging” to beliefs deemed unacceptable.

“Bigot” has been given a new dictionary definition and it TOTALLY isn’t aimed at you ?

Now that we have that out of the way, there’s a new update on the coming Orwellian dystopia. Take a gander:

Yes, the Oxford Dictionary, used by Google in this case (and thus the foremost definition anyone on the interwebs will see) has updated their definition of “bigot.”

The historical definition was someone who was “intolerant toward those holding different opinions.” Even this definition has a bit of post-modern flare, since all people with common sense reject opinions contrary to morality and logic, but it’s still vague enough to encompass the general truth of the meaning.

The term “bigot” dates from the 16th century, and its historical meaning was “sanctimonious person” or “religious hypocrite.” Its meaning expanded outside religious connotation by 1680.

Historically, a bigot would be a hypocrite who refused to listen to or tolerate any viewpoints other than their own. You might also call such a person obtuse and unagreeable. Today, the word is applied to anyone who doesn’t follow the diktats of the Woke mob; hence why a Christian believing in 5,000 years of biblical teaching on marriage is deemed a bigot for opposing a transgender two-spirited furry that wants to marry xi/xer chandelier.

The new definition leaves little doubt that this inference is being taken further by the intelligentsia that want you to know what to believe and think: Continue reading “”

Let’s Be Clear About That Michigan “Computer Glitch”

The computer glitch that was found to have turned 6000 Trump votes into Biden votes in Michigan.  Software that’s used in 47 other Michigan counties, not to mention pretty much all the states with miraculous vote changes for Biden.

That was not a computer glitch. That was a programming decision. Whether that was some sort of programming error, which seems highly unlikely, or if it was deliberate cheating I don’t know, but I highly suspect deliberately bad software.  Let’s face it; adding integers is just about the easiest thing to get a computer to do (and if you’re thinking of adding votes as floating point numbers, go back to school).

Let’s get one thing clear.  Computer “glitches” cause a system to fail, or cause it produce random-looking outputs.  They can even possibly reboot the system.  If it’s good software, it gives some sort of indication that something bad happened.  If it changes the results of a count, or moves it to another candidate that’s something else. Continue reading “”

Mathematical impossibilities may be what trips up Democrat plans

All over the country, Trump’s lawyers are gathering evidence showing that Democrats deliberately interfered with the election outcome. These facts are needed, but one can make a good case that the most powerful evidence of all is mathematical data showing that this election outcome could not possibly have happened. One would think that the Democrats – who “believe in Science” – would be all over this stuff.

The first anomaly is Joe Biden’s missing coattails and Trump’s missing coat.

Trump’s 70 million voters are people who have a specific vision of America. They see it as a nation with a constitutionally limited government, a color-blind melting pot of people all holding fealty to America, and a place for an honestly run free market. They want low taxes, no unnecessary foreign wars, a secure border, energy independence, and high support for Israel combined with low support for the U.N., to name a few things.

These are not people who would split the ticket, returning Trump to the White House while skimping on the Senate. Instead, Trump voters are the kind who will vote Republican down the ticket, from President of the United States to county dog catcher.

Trump was the kind of candidate who was going to bring long, powerful coattails with him. And we saw those coattails: Republicans had a massive sweep at the state level across America, giving almost 60% of statehouses and governors’ mansions to Republicans. In the same way, at the House, the Republicans not only didn’t lose seats, but they also gained seats.

Elementary logic says if there are coattails, there’s a coat. However, even as the down-ballot races went a bright, rosy red, we’re being asked to believe that those same voters didn’t want Trump. That defies credulity.

What’s much more likely is that those manufacturing fake ballots had limited time in their rush to create thousands of post-election day ballots for Biden. They weren’t going to fill in the dots for every race. They just marked Biden and, maybe, the Democrat Party Senate candidate. And that’s what the data show:

In Michigan, Trump received 2,637,173 votes while the GOP senate candidate received 2,630,042 votes. The difference here is only 7,131 which is not far off from what we see historically. In the same state, Joe Biden received 2,787,544 votes while the Democratic senate candidate received 2,718,451. The difference is 69,093 votes which is much higher than the historical norm.

In Barack Obama’s 2008 victory, he received a total of 2,867,680 votes, while the democratic senate candidate received 3,033,000 votes. Somehow Joe Biden gained over 60,000 ballots with no down-ballot vote.

Continue reading “”

Media ‘Calling’ Elections in a Democracy Is Postmodern Fascism.

More or less unnoticed for decades, the media habit of “calling” elections—presidential or otherwise—is not only a betrayal of the democratic process, it has become a leading factor in a new form of post-modern fascism in which we are apparently living.

Saturday morning at 11:45AM, while President Trump was off playing golf, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, the AP and USA Today, virtually in unison as if operating on some sort of pre-arranged cue, all made the call for Joe Biden with Fox News joining them all of ten minutes later.

It was like Pravda and Izvestia working together for what they assured the Soviet public was their own good.

Moments after that, horns were honking with joy and people dancing in the streets from Los Angeles to New York.

After all, the witch was dead. Which old witch? The orange witch! Ding-dong the wicked witch was dead!

Biden was our 46th president because the media declared it so.

Of course, this was nonsense. The election is still on-going, still undecided, and will be for several weeks of legal challenges, many of them justified.

What occurred at 11:45 was basically a media psy-op (psychological operation), designed to depress and silence the roughly seventy-one million who voted for Trump and rally the seventy-some million, if they indeed exist, who voted for Biden.

The truth is, in a democracy and/or a democratic republic …

No media organization has the right to “call” an election. Period.

It’s a Big Lie squared. Continue reading “”

Trump Campaign to the Media: Here’s Actual Proof of Voter Fraud, Just as You Asked

While the mainstream media was doing a victory lap for former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the Trump campaign held a press conference about voter fraud in Pennsylvania.

“Let me just give you one concrete example, not anecdotal, but concrete example of what we believe to be valid voted fraud in the State of Pennsylvania,” Trump campaign senior adviser Corey Lewandowski said during Saturday’s press conference. “I draw you to the attention of an obituary listed for Denise [inaudible] of Allegheny County. Born 9/10/1946, deceased 10/22/2020. Her application to vote was received on 10/23, the day after she died. It was then mailed by the county back to her on 10/24/2022, two days after she had legally passed away and then the ballot was received back at the county office on November 2nd, 2020 and when you go to the Secretary of State’s website today, it says that she voted in this election, effective November 2nd 2020, a full nine days after … passed away.”

According to Lewandowski, the media needs to “do their job” and dig deeper to find additional examples.

Continue reading “”

Who said it was trusted in the first place?

Biggest Loser: Establishment Media; Can It Ever Be Trusted Again?

U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- The mainstream “establishment” media—which has rarely been sympathetic to gun owners or kind to the Second Amendment—lost any semblance of credibility with conservatives and especially gun owners with its coverage of the presidential election, according to social media reactions to a question posed 36 hours after the polls closed Nov. 3.

That loss is likely permanent. Heading into the weekend, media integrity seemed to be sliding even farther as major networks cut away from President Donald Trump’s news conference, leaving many people even more convinced of a strong bias against the president that has existed since his stunning 2016 defeat of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It has been a bad week for Trump supporters, but a worse one for the American press. Even the sarcastic Babylon Bee took a hard poke at the prognosticators.

An inquiry on Facebook simply asked, “After this year, can anyone trust the media or the polls ever again?” Every response was negative, and several were accusatory.

One man wrote, “It wasn’t as if the media miscalled certain issues on the economy or on foreign policy. It wasn’t as if pollsters simply got it wrong. It was purposeful to diminish the successes of the president. The media and pollsters aren’t this incompetent. They’re sinister.”

Another observed, “The media had turned into a propaganda machine for their leftist agendas.”

For weeks, even months, leading up to the election, various media outlets teamed with polling companies to produce poll after poll showing Democrat Joe Biden ahead of incumbent President Donald Trump. It was perhaps best summed up by Joe Concha, media reporter for The Hill, during an appearance on Fox News:

“I saw a poll, I think it was about a month or two ago and that many people are afraid to share their political affiliations with anybody, even if it is just a random person over the phone because they are afraid of some sort of consequences around that and we’ve seen cancel culture actually take these people out,” Concha told “Fox & Friends.”

“Why does this happen,” he continued. “Is it to create an illusion that perhaps that Joe Biden had this huge lead and why bother going out? It’s almost like a psychological suppression of votes in these situations to say, ‘Ok, look Joe Biden is up 17 in Wisconsin, why even bother?’ Right. These are the consequences as a result.”

There are now growing suspicions that various news agencies refused to call key states for Trump when they were willing to call other states for Biden with only a fraction of votes tallied. The prevailing suspicion is that the media, especially cable news channels that have been hostile toward the president since before he took office in January 2017, simply did not want to acknowledge a win during the still-hotly contested election. And there is something else, as pointed out by a prominent gun rights activist and firearms retailer in the Pacific Northwest: Why does it take so long to count presidential votes when they are on the same ballots as other races and election issues that got settled so quickly?

One theory discussed privately by some conservative observers is that the media wanted to create the impression that Biden was winning from the outset and Trump was trying to steal the election. What if it’s been the other way around, by preventing observers to watch in Philadelphia, for example? Those questions will now always linger.

This dilemma reaches well beyond electoral politics, and squarely into the gun rights realm. Continue reading “”

Glitch my Gluteus Maximus. That’s too rich to simply blow off as a ‘glitch’.

Dominion machines are also being used in numerous Wisconsin counties and in Clark County, Nevada. Considering the numerous problems with these machines and the documented “glitch” in Antrim County, Michigan, every county that uses this type of ballot counting machine – no matter the provider – should have a manual recount to ensure that the totals on precinct-level counting tapes match what is recorded.

(P.S. Remember how terrible the rollout of Los Angeles County’s new voting system was in March 2020? Yep, Dominion.)

Election System Responsible for “Glitch” In Antrim County, MI Used in Every Swing State

Officials from the Michigan Republican Party and the Republican National Committee held a press conference Friday morning to confirm that a glitch tabulating software in Antrim County, Michigan, had “caused a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates” and had been rectified after ballots were recounted by hand. (Our Nick Arama covered the original story, in which officials announced that announced vote totals didn’t match the tabulators.)

When the discrepancy was first revealed Wednesday, it was believed that 32 other counties in Michigan used the same software that was used in Antrim County. According to the Michigan GOP chair, a total of 47 counties in Michigan use that same software.

Curious as to what this software was, I investigated and found that Dominion Systems was the provider for Antrim County. According to their website, they actually service 65 of 83 counties in Michigan.

Where else are they?

Interesting. It turns out that Dominion has the contract for the entire state of Georgia – and the statewide rollout was in 2020.

Continue reading “”


The presidential election seems to be going South and a Joe Biden administration may be in the offing. It is a bitter pill to swallow and I am profoundly depressed. Nevertheless, here are a few mostly-optimistic observations on the current scene.

* My guess is that in a perfect world, where only legal voters vote, and everyone votes only once, President Trump won the election. The problem is that, while there is ample evidence of many instances of voter fraud as well as innocent mistakes, there is no time to investigate them thoroughly and “prove”–as the press keeps demanding–that fraud or error swayed the election in a particular state. This is an inherent problem that can be solved only by better electoral procedures, which the Democrats will fight to the bitter end.

* Investigative journalism no longer exists, so the press outlets demanding that President Trump prove the prevalence of voter fraud will themselves do absolutely nothing to investigate whether the election was honestly decided.

* Trump is right to play his hand to the end. Lawsuits are pending in several states, and it may or may not prove possible to overturn the result in any state. In all likelihood, it won’t. But the Democrats shouldn’t be allowed to get away, unchallenged, with what in some cases was blatant fraud and abuse of the election process. It is outrageous, to cite just one example, that in some jurisdictions, Republican election judges and ballot counters were physically barred from the premises by Democrats. Trump will do a signal service if he shines a light on such abuses.

* Liberals are again indulging their fantasy that President Trump will refuse to acknowledge Biden’s victory and have to be dragged out of the White House. This is just one more sign that progressives are crazy. Of course no such thing will happen. But the Electoral College decides the outcome of the election, the New York Times does not.

* Other than the presidential race, the election went well for Republicans, contrary to most predictions. The GOP gained quite a few seats in the House, the exact number still undetermined. But it is clear that Nancy Pelosi will begin 2021 with one of the smallest House majorities in a long time. At the State level, Republicans did well. The Democrats failed to flip a single state legislative chamber, and Republicans will be in charge of redistricting in most states, including most swing states. Which could be one of the most important long-term consequences of this year’s election.

* Which leaves the Senate. Control will depend on the outcome of two runoff races in Georgia. If Democrats win both, the Senate will be tied 50-50, with Kamala Harris wielding the deciding vote. But I am confident that won’t happen. It is true that Democrats will pour unfathomable amounts of money into Georgia to try to flip those seats, but this year’s results remind us that money, beyond a certain level, is more or less irrelevant, especially when it is spent on television advertising. Witness the fact that Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham won re-election easily. Republicans still represent the largest voting bloc in Georgia, which is why David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler won pluralities in their races. Beyond that is the fact that many Americans prefer divided government. If the question posed to Georgians is whether they want the Democrats to control the presidency, the House and the Senate, the answer will be No.

* For Republicans, the future is bright. 2022 shapes up as a great year. Beyond the advantage that the out-party always enjoys in a new president’s first midterms, the Democrats will have to come to grips with the fact that they nominated and elected a man who is not able, either physically or mentally, to discharge the duties of his office. What will Biden’s White House calendar look like? 8:00 breakfast, 9:00 lid? By November 2022, Biden may not even be president. Republicans should be able to take the House and expand their lead in the Senate, where the landscape will be much more favorable.

* If you feel disappointed in this month’s election, check out what the “progressives” are saying. They are in despair over their failure to do better, and as usual they blame their party’s saner wing. (The Democrats are so far gone that their sane wing consists of those who recognize that socialism, rioting, looting and arson, if not necessarily wrong, are politically inconvenient.) The Democratic Party will be in a state of civil war for the next two years, with its bitterly opposed factions vying for influence in an administration ostensibly run by a man who has little idea what is going on.

* By 2024, Biden will be out of the picture and the Republicans will field a stable of formidable presidential candidates. Marco Rubio reminded us what a terrific politician he is with his work on behalf of President Trump, and, speaking Spanish like a native, he should be able to build on Donald Trump’s success in drawing Hispanic voters into the GOP tent. Tom Cotton is one of the smartest people in Washington, respected by all and beloved by the party’s conservative wing. Kristi Noem, almost unknown outside her home state a year ago, was one of the most popular Trump surrogates on the campaign trail and has vaulted into the presidential preference polls. Mike Pence is solidly boring and acceptable to all elements of the party, and his low-maintenance style could be welcome after what promises to be four bizarre years under some combination of Biden and Harris. And others will emerge.

In short, we conservatives should be of good cheer. The battle for freedom is never won. It must always be renewed. We will dust ourselves off and get back into the fight.

PAUL ASKS: What if Trump decides to run in 2024?

Can you say: “That’s not a bug, but a feature?”
I thought you could.

The ‘glitch’ was that the demoncraps got caught.


I normally don’t link to posts with massive amounts of foul language, but this time I will. Larry Correa – of Monster Hunter Nation

I am more offended by how ham fisted, clumsy, and audacious the fraud to elect him is than the idea of Joe Biden being president. I think Joe Biden is a corrupt idiot, however, I think America would survive him like we’ve survived previous idiot administrations. However, what is potentially fatal for America is half the populace believing that their elections are hopelessly rigged Continue reading “”

“The handling of the votes stinks to high heaven this time and there will be no sanitizing this to the satisfaction of Trump’s electorate. Trump will, I think, pursue this to its legal end. So, let’s suppose that Trump is declared the loser. Trump will then leave the White House without assistance: the left will be denied their imagined scene. But, does he show up on January 20 to bless the transition? After all this? Why? For the sake of the Republic…and dignity?

I would argue that he shouldn’t. This will produce an apoplectic fit among his enemies, and sadly among too many Republicans. So what? The transition will still occur. The Republic, such as it is, will still stand. Yet, it should in this event be shamed and the event itself seen to be shameful. It would be that.

Certainly. The very fact that Biden now claims that he will govern as a president of “America” after serial slanders of more 60 million people is hideously laughable. The transition should not take place as if this was anything like the past. Even in the lead up to the Civil War we could at least manage an election with dignity surpassing the present and without the obvious taint of nationwide fraud. What has taken place over the last four years, and more, which has led to this denouement, was allowed to happen: allowed by Democrats and the left surely, but also by many GOP members of Congress and their supporters outside all of whom fled the field too often. They, most of all, should be denied any sense of dignity, and the fiction that the past can now be simply set aside. Too late. Much too late.

We’ve come a very long way from ages past when honor mattered. Affairs of honor are no more, and not solely for being outlawed. Even “fighting words” are now a distant memory. Many think this an improvement. Yet, I wonder whether our society would stand improved if fighting words regained their meaning and more than few, now confident in their slander, instead walked around with loosened teeth and broken noses” —-Stephen Clark

I’m not the only one that that thinks that dueling went out of style too soon.  It made people understand that there can be consequences to their BS

The Disastrous 2020 Election Will Never Be Resolved.

It all began with mail-in voting—that scandal-ready procedure that was the electoral equivalent of flying over American states in B-52s as if they were behind enemy lines and dropping ballots at random.

If one were to design a system by which a democracy could be subverted, even destroyed, universal mail-in voting (not, of course, normal absentee voting that requires the citizen to request a ballot) would be at or near the top of a list.

What could go wrong?

It’s not just the obvious—dead people voting, people who left the state voting, illegal aliens voting, signatures no one could possibly recognize being authenticated, signatures with no record, envelopes being back-dated, ballots found in gullies, ballots dumped in gullies, ballot harvesting, foreign agents voting surreptitiously en masse, deadlines that keep moving like the proverbial goal posts, and who knows what.

It’s an actual guarantee of chaos—and that’s what we had and have.

No one will ever really know what happened.

The pandemic was the excuse, but I strongly suspect it was more than that. I suspect, in fact I’m sure, that the intention of some was to utilize the pandemic to institute mail-in voting because they knew it would create this chaos, almost like an Antifa for the electoral system.

How do we know it was in some ways intentional?

There was plenty of warning. Just this June, 223,000 ballots in Nevada’s Clark County—17 percent of that county’s electorate that includes Las Vegas—were sent willy-nilly to the wrong addresses for their primary, according to the Public Interest Legal Foundation.

No evidence has been forthcoming that this was corrected. PILF president and general legal counsel J. Christian Adams calls mail-in voting “chaos that lends itself to fraud.”

PILF has posted a rather droll video—if it weren’t so depressing—of their investigators going to some of these registration addresses that turn out to be commercial businesses, not homes, where the putative voter may or may not have once been employed (in some cases no one seems to have heard of them). These include an abandoned mine, of all things.

It’s no surprise Nevada GOP lawyers just sent a criminal referral to Attorney General Barr for—as of now but growing—3062 instances of voter fraud.

Outlets from the New York Times—who insisted in a recent tweet that declaring victors in presidential elections is the province of news media—to Fox News—that has been looking more and more of late like a false flag operation—have been complaining there was no evidence of voter fraud…. Well, there you go.

And Nevada is doubtless only the beginning. Continue reading “”

On an acquaintance’s blog

Dead people voting in Michigan

Via daughter Jaime:

1,300 confirmed: https://pastebin.com/XEi5Uy6t
13k being checked https://pastebin.com/zjz6nm6Q

Michigan registration website: https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/Voter/Index

The confirmed list is people who have been supposedly confirmed to be voted and/or registered to vote in this election via the Michigan Voter Information Center website (the third link above).

The second link above is a list of 14,549 names of people who were born 100 or more years ago. Of possible interest is this warning by Paste Bin for this list:

Warning – Potentially offensive content ahead!

Pastebin’s SMART filters have detected potentially offensive or questionable content ahead.

The content you are about to view has been deemed potentially offensive or questionable by our filters, because of this, you’re receiving this warning.

You can continue ahead at your own risk or go back.

Yeah, it’s offensive to the criminals committing fraud.

I sorted the confirmed list by date of birth and selected the oldest people to confirm via the Michigan registration website. Here are my results:


TERRY MATHIS  1/1900  48207 Ballot Received: 11/2/2020
JAMES BRADLEY  1/1900  48234 Ballot Received: 11/2/2020
THEODORE WILLIAMS  1/1900  48219 Registered but no absentee ballot was requested.
ROBERT BROCK  1/1900  48203 Ballot sent but not received.
JAMES JENTZ  1/1900  48224 Registered but no absentee ballot was requested.

I find it highly unlikely that people coming up on their 121st birthday actually voted. I claim fraud.

This must stop. The people committing this fraud must be sent to prison and never be allowed to vote again.

Some observations made by Jaime when she called me to discuss:

  • Maybe this is the best possible outcome. It’s so obvious that people are going to insist something be done about it.
  • Trump is not a Republican. A Republican would concede. Trump is a fighter.
  • If the lawsuits can’t be resolved by the time the electoral college votes in December then it goes to the House where a delegation, with each state equally represented, votes on the president. Republicans would have a majority in this scenario.
  • 2020 does not disappoint.

Stealing Pennsylvania

Regardless of the outcome, Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Tom Wolf, the Pennsylvania state courts and the Democrat State Party have pulled every dirty trick in the books.

They have changed the rules mid-game, using COVID scare as a cover, but their chicanery is so overt, the curtain has been pulled back on their thug tactics.

First, months out, they claimed they would need three extra days to count the votes.  Then, against all extant state laws, they said they would accept illegible or ballots with no security envelope postmark.  Then, incredibly they said a voter’s signature on the mail-in ballot didn’t have to match the voter’s signature in the voter registration books.  Banana Republic, anyone?

But that’s just the everchanging rules of the game.  On the ground, it got worse and worse.

Certified poll watchers were not allowed into many Philadelphia polling stations.  This is an old Philly trick.  Why is it important? Because without a poll watcher from the opposite side, numbers at the poll can be jiggered.  But even that wasn’t enough.

Montgomery County, where this author resides and works as a Republican committeeperson, is the third largest county in Pennsylvania.  Historically solid Republican, over more recent decades, the balance of power has gradually eroded to majority Democrat, with some pockets of resistance.  However, in this election cycle, Republicans outpaced Democrats in new voter registrations significantly.  They didn’t outstrip the Democrats, but the trend was pro-Republican.

So, what happened on the ground in Pennsylvania yesterday?  Dirty tricks, and lots of them.

During the day in Montgomery County, Republican poll workers, and committee people received an alert.  The Democrats had sent an army of spies into Montgomery County, wearing badges reading iterations of ‘Voter Protection.’ They were posing as poll watchers.  In Pennsylvania, certified poll watchers can only work in the county of their residence.  When these spies were asked for credentials, all they could produce were Philadelphia poll watcher certificates.  They were all then barred from the polls.  But they could not be barred from any area outside of the poll.

My poll was visited by one such spy.  He sat outside the poll all day long with a laptop.  It was obvious what he was doing:  counting in-person voters.  Why? To divine how many mail-in ballots would be required to beat the in-person votes for President Trump that would be tallied first.

But even that was not the only ‘quiver’ in their bag of tricks, as Nancy Pelosi loves to warn.  Unsolicited, the Democrat-controlled Board of Elections sent unsolicited mail-in-ballots to many known Republicans, or at least claimed they did.  Imagine my surprise, as a Republican committeeperson, when I went to vote to discover that I was listed as having received a mail-in ballot in the voter registration book.  I had received no such ballot.  Which meant I had no mail-in packet to return.  Which meant under Governor Wolf’s new election rules, my vote had to be cast provisionally, and was thrown into a box, instead of being processed in the voting machine.  Will that vote be counted with all the other provisional ballots?

I wouldn’t bet my life on it. In another part of Montgomery County, another trick was being played.  Republican voters who for years had voted in the same location, were told their names were not in the voter registration book and, consequently, they could not vote.  Not even provisionally.

Pre-election, most pundits agreed President Trump would not likely prevail over the Pennsylvania fraud.  Who knows what’s cooking in the other Democrat-led states who have not yet posted numbers.

This is how voter confidence erodes.

It’s like if they can brush Trump aside, they can get back to the business of feeding at the free lunch counter on the .gov gravy train.

If Biden wins, we should assume that in late January 2021, these same forces will regroup to frame a new post-election narrative.

Expect our Big Brothers to instruct Americans that the COVID-19 pandemic is mutating into little more than a bad flu.

The “Biden vaccine” and miraculous “Biden recovery” will have ended the need for Trump-era lockdowns.

And the rioting, looting, and arson?

They will all have miraculously disappeared because the disuniter and inciter Donald Trump is now gone.

The Disinformationists

A republic is not just a nation of laws. It also relies on its good-faith watchdogs, such as honest pollsters, the media, and bipartisan institutions.

We still didn’t know the final result of Tuesday’s presidential election as of Wednesday night. But there are lots of reasons to worry that something in America has gone terribly wrong.

Many of the mainstream pre-election polls predicted that Donald Trump would lose in a landslide. He did not — to the shock of a host of propagandists.

A CNN poll had Trump down 12 percentage points nationally entering the final week before the election. An ABC News/Washington Post poll in late October claimed Biden was leading in Wisconsin by 17 points. That state’s voting ended up nearly even. YouGov’s election model showed Biden prevailing with a landslide win in the Electoral College. Progressive statistics guru Nate Silver had for weeks issued pseudo-scientific analyses of a Trump wipeout.

Pollsters were widely wrong in 2016. Yet they learned nothing about their flawed methodologies. So how do they remain credible after 2020, when most were wildly off again?

A cynic might answer that polling no longer aims to offer scientific assessments of voter intentions.

Pollsters, the vast majority of them progressives, have become political operatives. They see their task as ginning up political support for their candidates and demoralizing the opposition. Some are profiteering as internal pollsters for political campaigns and special interests.

Never again will Americans believe these “mainstream” pollsters’ predictions because they have been exposed as rank propagandists.

That bleak assessment won’t make much difference to pollsters. They privately understand what their real mission has become and why they are no longer scientific prognosticators.

Big liberal donors sent cash infusions totaling some $500 million into Senate races across the country to destroy Republican incumbents and take back the Senate. In the end, they may have failed to change many of the outcomes.

But did they really fail? Continue reading “”

Michigan, Wisconsin Elections Officials Refuse To Explain Sudden Biden Vote Influx.

Elections officials in Michigan and Wisconsin refused to explain Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s sudden and dramatic vote tally increase that occurred in both states Wednesday morning.

Michigan and Wisconsin state officials warned against misinformation being shared online, but wouldn’t comment on specific vote tranches that appeared to show former Vice President Joe Biden suddenly receiving more votes than President Donald Trump. The two battleground states remained tightly contested as of Wednesday afternoon, according to The New York Times.

Voter tallies from both states spiked at around 6 a.m. in favor of Biden, according to graphs of live tallies posted by FiveThirtyEight. Trump tweeted multiple times Wednesday morning claiming that officials are finding votes for Biden “all over the place.”

Continue reading “”

Analysis: Seven Milwaukee wards report more 2020 presidential votes than registered voters; Biden nets 146K votes in city

Seven City of Milwaukee voting wards reported more 2020 U.S. Presidential election votes than they had registered voters, according to an analysis of results and Secretary of State files.

Five of them are in the city’s eleventh aldermanic ward, on the city’s far Southwest Side.

Vice President Joe Biden carried the five in 2020 with 3,768 votes to President Donald Trump’s 2,883— a margin of 885, or eight times what it was in 2016, when Trump earned 1,904 votes to Hillary Clinton’s 2,012.

The City of Milwaukee reported record turnout of 84 percent Tuesday; 243,144 of 288,833 registered city voters cast a ballot.

Biden defeated Trump in Milwaukee 195,034 to 48,110, a margin of 145,916. He won 80 percent of the city’s total vote.

Of the city’s 327 voting wards, 90 reported turnout of greater than 90 percent; 201 reported turnout higher than 80 percent.

In 2016, city voter turnout was 75 percent.

588 to 10

Biden ran up gaudy margins in many Milwaukee voting wards.

He won 588 votes to Trump’s 10 in the 107th voting ward, located in the city’s Franklin Heights neighborhood. It’s other two voting wards voted 411 to 14 and 968 to 33 for Biden– a grand total of 1,967 to 57.

In the 114th voting district in Lindsay Heights, on the city’s near Northwest Side, Biden defeated Trump 334-6. In the 117th, in Borchert Field, Biden won 465-9.

Trump received 15 or fewer votes in 16 Milwaukee voting wards including a total 7,389 registered voters. Biden defeated him 5,217 to 151 in them.

Trump won nine of 327 Milwaukee voting wards  in his inaugural presidential run. Clinton won the other 318.

Trump won only four Milwaukee voting wards in 2020 to Biden’s 323.

Wisconsin is one of 21 states that allow same-day voter registration at the polls.

The city’s Democratic Party Chair is Chris Walton.

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