Why Does Rejecting Collectivism Make Me an ‘-ist’ or a ‘-phobe?’

I don’t believe:

All women simply because they’re women, nor will I vote for a woman merely because she’s a woman.
Why does that make me sexist?

Skin pigmentation makes all white people oppressors or all people of color oppressed.
Why does that make me racist?

All Muslims want peaceful coexistence.
Why does that make me an Islamophobe?

All corporations are evil.
Why does that make me a corporatist?

All rich people stole or inherited their wealth, nor do I believe that all poor people were exploited.
Why does that make me an elitist?

Why does treating people as individuals rather than as if they are nothing more than cookie-cutter representatives of some socio-economic group make me an “-ist” or a “-phobe?”