President Trump Pets the Unicorn

President Trump has signed a series of Executive Orders to provide coronavirus relief for people in Democrat-occupied America (and elsewhere). Pelosi-Schumer thought they had him boxed in to force bail-outs for Democrat-occupied America to secure government-employee union pensions and pay, to pay for promises to illegal aliens, to make up for tax shortfalls when they shut down productive activity to kill the economy and secure power. But Trump is invoking the “Obama pen” and signing his way to re-election.

Is this a good government and Constitutional rectitude? No, it is not. But President Trump has decided that the Constitution is not a suicide pact; that the Supreme Court (notwithstanding having appointed two justices) is not going to aggressively protect the civil liberties of the people in the age of the Democratic-occupation. And President Trump is trying to manage the Executive with various weights and traps that even is his supposed “allies” in the GOP seem to accept as the cost of doing business in DC.

So President Trump has decided to pet the unicorn. He has set himself up to act in the peoples’ best short-term interest and dared the opposition to sue and stop him (and thus them). He is bringing to life the meme that “They are not really after me. They are after You. I am just in their way.” And that is what voters will come to believe if the Democrats try to stop him.

This is terrible economic policy, it blows a hole in the budget. But in reality, he is only in a bidding contest with other politicians. No one is prepared to engage in fiscal reality. Certainly not at the moment, and likely not ever. President Trump has two goals with this prestidigitation: (1) be re-elected to continue to set national policy, and (2) do his damnedest in the new year to resuscitate the economy to a point that it can service the debt and (maybe, hope over experience) start working on the deficit.

Some may say President Trump is not petting the unicorn, he is riding the dragon. But the Left is already riding a different dragon and just wants to put a foot on top of the debt dragon and ride both. You have your metaphors and I have mine.

What President Trump is doing is not based on good government or fiscal reality. But when “doing the right thing” means being played by the opposition and being complicit in the nation’s destruction, I choose petting the unicorn… At least for the present.