For the year 2020:
Population of Philadelphia: 1.6 million
Population of Pennsylvania: 13 million
Homicides in Philadelphia: 499
Homicides in Pennsylvania: 1,009

When gun laws are the same throughout the state, and your city accounts for 12% of the state population but nearly half of all homicides in the state, the problem isn’t guns……

Caryn Sullivan: A societal storm is brewing and we must stop it
We have the power to hold fast to American values and traditions by casting out the politicians who show even an inkling of wanting to move our country away from them.

Early this month, Hurricane Ian blew into Florida, leaving a swath of destruction. In a matter of hours, life changed dramatically for many residents. As I watched from afar, I was reminded of the importance of having a plan.

Nearly 13 years ago, I became a widow and single mom, after my husband suffered a fatal heart attack. Recognizing how hard it is to make decisions in the middle of an emotional storm, I executed a will, set up a trust, and bought a cemetery plot so my kids wouldn’t have to pick up the pieces after I was gone.

When I took those steps, I had a sense of what the future would hold. But that’s no longer true.

These days, I’m watching as a societal storm picks up speed. I’m watching as the metaphorical roof is ripped from homes; as limbs blow off branches; and vehicles submerge in rushing water.

Writing for Alpha News on Saturday, Julie and Allen Quist put my feelings into context. In a comprehensive piece, they walked readers through the way in which critical race theory and neo-Marxism are replacing the pillars upon which our nation was established. They explained how it’s all part of a plan to dramatically alter our country. Bit by bit, our culture is being scuttled, replaced by a wholly undesirable way of life we’ve witnessed in other countries.

Over the past six months, I’ve written about how our language is changing, about how students are asked to identify their pronouns, about how free speech has been undercut — and more. These are some of the elements the Quists highlight in their commentary. I recognized the road markers; I just couldn’t see the destination.

But it’s clearer now. I’ve had a reluctant reckoning, for this is not something I imagined would come to be in my lifetime. But George Orwell’s novel, “1984,” feels more like reality than fiction every day.

COVID provided the perfect cover for a burgeoning neo-Marxist movement. We were told to stay home, mask up, and take a novel vaccine — because it was for the greater good. And most of us did.

Though I never imagined we would live through a pandemic, it’s not hard to envision another crisis in our future. And, if — or when — one comes to pass, it’s not hard to imagine that the draconian measures we endured — and the compliance we experienced — will come to be again.

Which begs the question, how do we prepare for the worst-case scenario — another lockdown; government-run media; or, God forbid, civil war? I don’t have the answers, but we can begin by remembering that the best offense is a good defense, as we saw this past weekend.

Recently, PayPal announced a new policy whereby it would fine customers $2500 for spreading misinformation. Horrified customers quickly cancelled their accounts. And the stock price plummeted.

On Friday, the Florida surgeon general shared that a recent study demonstrated young men who take the mRNA vaccine experience an alarmingly high incidence of cardiac-related deaths. Twitter exercised its muscle by blocking him, stating he was spreading misinformation.

But people pushed back. PayPal reversed course and the surgeon general’s post reappeared on Twitter.

It was an encouraging example of how, though it’s constantly tested, we haven’t lost our power. We need to continue to summon our courage and exercise it boldly.

We still have the power to stop this neo-Marxist movement by voting for politicians who reject that course. We have the power to hold fast to American values and traditions by casting out the politicians who show even an inkling of wanting to move our country away from them.

When we head to the ballot box, we need to be mindful of the impending storm and, in the vein of ‘hope for the best and prepare for the worst,’ we must vote as if our lives and our country’s future depend on it. Because they do.

In response to:
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Representative Madeleine Dean (D-PA), and workers union-owned Amalgamated Bank are pushing payment processors to make a new Merchant Category Code for gun and ammunition sales, allowing for easier tracking of these purchases. MasterCard, Visa, and American Express have so far not given an opinion on the matter. 

Brandon Soderman comment on Facebook

They’re going this route because they’re losing in court. This is an act of desperation.
I’ve read a lot of good analysis on it and you will increasingly see the gun prohibitionists now attempt to utilize the private sector to chill the Second Amendment since they can’t use governmental power to do so.
Over the next year when magazine bans and AWBs are struck down in the courts under the THT test you will witness a push to shame gun manufactures (we’ve seen a taste of that in congress), push shippers to refuse to ship firearms and accessories that democrats want to ban but can’t, and push the banking system to make gun purchases are difficult as possible.

The battle will now be shifting from the court system to the court of public opinion, it’s all they have left. We’re on the offensive now and they know it. Don’t take this as a sign of weakness on our side, but as a sign of their desperation as they get pushed back into the hole they crawled out of for another generation.
They don’t have the broad buy in from the public to reinterpret the Second Amendment, and the AWB would be overturned by the next Republican administration and congress just as it was in 2004 (assuming the court didn’t stop them). Eliminating the filibuster to narrow the votes to pass it would only make it easier to undo it later. Similarly, conservative justices would no doubt restore any attempt to overturn Heller the moment its viable.

They’re desperate, take this sign for what it is and hold on tight. You’re about to witness a lash out like you’ve never seen. I think the next national push should not be neutrality (like how republicans allowed blue states to pass their own local bans), but instead push to make it illegal federally to ban commonly-owned weapons, regardless of what the court does (forcing the supremacy clause against blue states). It needs to be total war if they push the filibuster issue to pass a partisan ban, which is the only way they could ever achieve it.

Comment O’ The Day

When a sitting President calls for a prime-time television address to speak to the nation as a whole, and then spends the entire address calling me an enemy of the state — I listen and I believe him.

When he later tries to “walk back” or “ameliorate” or “explain” that he meant something else, I do not believe him.-alien


  1. Canada socializes healthcare.
  2. Canada legalizes euthanasia.
  3. The Canadian government-controlled health care establishment realizes, “Hey, wait a minute, it’s cheaper if these people die, let’s pressure them into it.”
  4. “Euthanasia” is now Canada’s sixth-leading cause of death.

Comment O’ The Day

At no point does it seem to have occurred to anyone that giving the government strong financial incentive to want you dead was a bad idea.

Comment O’ The Day
I mean no disrespect to federal magistrate judges – who are not Article III judges and are appointed to 8-year terms – but were I the FBI, I probably would have made the effort to try to get a full-on federal judge with a life term to sign off on a unprecedented search warrant for the former (and maybe future?) President’s house. The point of such life terms is to insulate such judges from political influence, and getting a warrant from someone not so insulated, on something as hot as this, is not a great look.
(I am ignoring the angle here that he had also represented employees of Jeffrey Epstein – it’s usually not fair to smear lawyers with their clients – but that’s not the best optics you could hope for either.)

Judge who approved FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago once linked to Jeffrey Epstein

The Florida federal magistrate judge who signed off on a search warrant authorizing the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort left the local US Attorney’s office more than a decade ago to rep employees of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had received immunity in the long-running sex-trafficking investigation of the financier.

Sources tell The Post that Judge Bruce Reinhart approved the warrant that enabled federal agents to converge on the palatial South Florida estate on Monday in what Trump called an “unannounced raid on my home.”

Reinhart was elevated to magistrate judge in March 2018 after 10 years in private practice. That November, the Miami Herald reported that he had represented several of Epstein’s employees — including, by Reinhart’s own admission to the outlet, Epstein’s pilots; his scheduler, Sarah Kellen; and Nadia Marcinkova, who Epstein once reportedly described as his “Yugoslavian sex slave.”

Kellen and Marcinkova were among Epstein’s lieutenants who were granted immunity as part of a controversial 2007 deal with federal prosecutors that allowed the pervert to plead guilty to state charges rather than federal crimes. Epstein wound up serving just 13 months in county jail and was granted work release.

According to the outlet, Reinhart resigned from the South Florida US Attorney’s Office effective on New Year’s Day 2008 and went to work for Epstein’s cohorts the following day. Epstein, who was found dead in August 2019 of an apparent suicide in the Manhattan Correctional Center while awaiting trial on federal sex-trafficking charges, had hired a stable of high-powered lawyers, including former independent counsel Kenneth Starr.

Reinhart was later named in a civil lawsuit that accused him of violating Justice Department policies by switching sides in the middle of the Epstein investigation, suggesting he had used inside information about the probe to build favor with the notorious defendant, the Herald reported in 2018.

In a 2011 affidavit, Reinhart denied he had done anything improper and insisted that since he was not involved in the federal investigation of Epstein, he was not privy to inside information about the case.

However, in a 2013 court filing, Reinhart’s former colleagues contradicted him, saying that he had “learned confidential, non-public information about the Epstein matter.” Reinhart noted to the Herald in response that a complaint filed against him by a lawyer for Epstein’s victims had been dismissed by the Justice Department.

In his 12 years as a federal prosecutor, according to his official biography, Reinhart “managed a docket that covered the full spectrum of federal crimes, including narcotics, violent crimes, public corruption, financial frauds, child pornography and immigration.”

Reinhart is one of three federal magistrate judges in the West Palm Beach offices of the US District Court for the Southern District Court of Florida, along with William Matthewman and Ryon McCabe.

Two recent warrant applications were assigned to Reinhart and entered into the court system on Monday, the Miami Herald reported, but those warrants and information about who they targeted remain sealed. Records show another warrant was issued by Reinhart on Friday, but its contents were also sealed.

Trump confirmed media reports of a raid at his Florida resort on Monday evening, saying Mar-a-Lago was “under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.”

The agents were reportedly searching the seaside property for boxes of classified documents Trump allegedly brought to the ritzy resort after he left the White House in January 2021, which would be a violation of federal record-keeping laws.

The National Archives and Records Administration said in February that it found classified documents in 15 boxes at Mar-a-Lago and alerted the FBI.

The removal of classified documents to unauthorized locations is banned under federal law, although Trump had wide powers when he was president to declassify documents.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago comes amid the House select committee’s continuing investigation into Trump’s role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol as Congress met to certify the 2020 presidential election results.

A federal grand jury is also investigating the riot and Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election

“Hey, why not let us search your house? If you complied with laws, you have nothing to worry about.”
“Lawyer? If you didn’t do anything, why you need a lawyer?”

So basically, if you in any way praise or uphold the mentality that founded the American nation, federal law enforcement considers that a red flag?

On their list of “extremist phrases” is “All enemies foreign & domestic” That same phrase is in the US MILITARY ENLISTMENT OATH

The Betsy Ross flag? Seriously?

It’s weird I don’t see an antifa flag anywhere on there, they must work for the Feds

Not a single symbol or flag representing the groups that burned cities.


Andrew Klavan:
What I like about Kamala Harris is that every time she opens her mouth, she reveals the level of intellect required to believe in leftist ideas. Impressive!

Matt Walsh:
The idea that congress can pass legislation that would stop the rain from falling is absolute insane nonsense and should be mocked as such. She might as well break out into a rain dance live on stage. Pure paganism.

There are millions of Dickens and Rittenhouses across America and they’re the reason why the left, media and government hate the right to bear arms.

American society doesn’t allow enforcement, or even encouragement of any standards anymore. Parents who try to modify the behavior of a troubled child are at risk of government intervention up to including criminal charges.

The same parents dare not try to get involved with the school education indoctrination program and anyone with any sort of unusual urges is encouraged to “celebrate” them, while everyone else is bullied into accepting it and often forced into celebrating with them.

Any individual shortcoming is somebody else’s fault.
Any punishment is racist or misogynist or  – insert here – shaming.

“For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” was a warning not a game plan

Comment O’ The Day
The gun-buying spree was a RESULT of the murder spike and a reaction to the demonstrated knowledge that if mostly peaceful pink-haired Antifa Zombies came crawling through your window, the police would not only be unable to help, but would refuse to do so if the opportunity arose.

The New York Times Uses a CDC Report on Homicides As an Excuse To Attack Private Gun Ownership

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) yesterday issued a report on the recent surge in the U.S. gun homicide rate, which rose by a third between 2019 and 2020, from 4.6 to 6.1 per 100,000 residents. The article, which was published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, notes that “several explanations have been proposed,” including “increased stressors (e.g., economic, social, and psychological) and disruptions in health, social, and emergency services during the COVID-19 pandemic; strains in law enforcement-community relations reflected in protests over law enforcement use of lethal force; increases in firearm purchases; and intimate partner violence.”

The New York Times predictably plays up that passing reference to “increases in firearm purchases.” The rise in gun homicides, the Times says, “corresponded to accelerated sales of firearms as the pandemic spread and lockdowns became the norm.” The Times explains that “Americans went on a gun-buying spree in 2020 that continued into 2021,” although sales have since returned to their usual level. It cites an estimate by gun violence researcher Garen Wintemute that “there remain roughly 15 million more guns in circulation than there would be without the pandemic.”

In 2017, according to the Small Arms Survey, American civilians owned more than 393 million firearms. Purchases in 2018 and 2019 added an estimated 27 million guns to that stock of weapons. If sales in 2020 had been similar to sales in the two previous years, they would have added another 13 million or so. Assuming Wintemute’s estimate is in the right ballpark, the “gun-buying spree” that worries the Times amounted to a further increase of about 3.5 percent. Although Times reporters Roni Caryn Rabin and  seem to think that’s a plausible explanation for a 33 percent increase in the gun homicide rate, it’s not clear why.

It is demonstrably not true that more guns in circulation automatically results in more homicides. The number of guns owned by Americans rose steadily throughout the period, beginning in the early 1990s, when the U.S. homicide rate fell precipitously, a downward trend that has only recently abated. As the CDC notes, the reasons for the 2020 jump are unclear, although it is widely assumed that the massive disruptions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic had something to do with it.

Continue reading “”

Comment O’ The Day

The goal is not to save our planet from climate change, it’s to create a crisis which will give goobermint more control over the people.
It’s the perfect catastrophe hoax to coerce the population into being submissive and obedient to ‘authority’.
There’s no end to climate change, therefore there’s no end to the goobermint’s use of it for propaganda purposes.
Hungry, fearful, and destitute people don’t worry about rights or freedoms, but simply surviving, thus they can be more easily controlled to do the goobermint’s bidding.

Comment O’ The Day
I used to feel sorry for him, but not anymore. He has no idea what country he is in much less to lead the people. We are the laughing stock of the entire planet
–Steve H

Biden Was Just Asked About Ending Title 42 For Illegal Immigrants And Instead He Rambled About Masks On Planes.

Observation O’ The Day
So you can see where his demented mind went; Title 42 is a COVID policy. It was instituted by Trump to prevent illegals from bringing COVID in across the border. He put that COVID policy together with the most likely thing he’d been briefed to handle – the mask mandate suspension  – and voila!, you have this incoherent mingling of parts of both. 

Comment O’ The Day

“As a mother of seven, I am used to distractions and sometimes even outbursts,” 

Biden is clueless about inflation ‘FIFY

Comment O’ The Day

We now have the answer to how quickly can electing (installing) the wrong person (and party) as President destroy a country.
The answer: About one day.
Biden started his destructive policies on day one by issuing several executive orders and everything he has done since then has just added to the problem.

Comment O’ The Day

The Left are suspicious of the government on defense and law & order.
The Right are suspicious of the government on welfare and education.
Both are correct.

Alice Smith; great-great-great-granddaughter of Adam Smith.