In response to:
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Representative Madeleine Dean (D-PA), and workers union-owned Amalgamated Bank are pushing payment processors to make a new Merchant Category Code for gun and ammunition sales, allowing for easier tracking of these purchases. MasterCard, Visa, and American Express have so far not given an opinion on the matter. 

Brandon Soderman comment on Facebook

They’re going this route because they’re losing in court. This is an act of desperation.
I’ve read a lot of good analysis on it and you will increasingly see the gun prohibitionists now attempt to utilize the private sector to chill the Second Amendment since they can’t use governmental power to do so.
Over the next year when magazine bans and AWBs are struck down in the courts under the THT test you will witness a push to shame gun manufactures (we’ve seen a taste of that in congress), push shippers to refuse to ship firearms and accessories that democrats want to ban but can’t, and push the banking system to make gun purchases are difficult as possible.

The battle will now be shifting from the court system to the court of public opinion, it’s all they have left. We’re on the offensive now and they know it. Don’t take this as a sign of weakness on our side, but as a sign of their desperation as they get pushed back into the hole they crawled out of for another generation.
They don’t have the broad buy in from the public to reinterpret the Second Amendment, and the AWB would be overturned by the next Republican administration and congress just as it was in 2004 (assuming the court didn’t stop them). Eliminating the filibuster to narrow the votes to pass it would only make it easier to undo it later. Similarly, conservative justices would no doubt restore any attempt to overturn Heller the moment its viable.

They’re desperate, take this sign for what it is and hold on tight. You’re about to witness a lash out like you’ve never seen. I think the next national push should not be neutrality (like how republicans allowed blue states to pass their own local bans), but instead push to make it illegal federally to ban commonly-owned weapons, regardless of what the court does (forcing the supremacy clause against blue states). It needs to be total war if they push the filibuster issue to pass a partisan ban, which is the only way they could ever achieve it.