That Loudmouth Troublemaker Is An FBI Snitch
Back in the day, the meetings of the Communist Party and the KKK were distinguished by two things – first, how similar what was being said was to today’s Democrat Party dogma, and second, that half the people in the audience (and on-stage) were working for the FBI. But chasing commies and hood-wearing Dems is out of fashion, and things like figuring out the motive behind a guy who drools over Maddow and comes to a softball diamond with a rifle and a list of Republicans is too hard. Today, you are the target because you oppose the regime, and you are a target because you are law-abiding, and honest, and at some level you still cannot imagine your own government has you in its sights merely for trying to work for political change.
But it does.
Today, it’s open season on the *dministration’s political opponents instead of on actual criminals, so there’s about a 100% chance that the foam-mouthed idiot who just showed up to your conservative meeting or online in your chat thread talking about doing some damn fool thing has a junior G-man – actually, today it’s probably a junior G-nonbinary – on his speed dial.