How Anti-Gunners Manipulate the Data

Yesterday, researchers from Johns Hopkins said gun-friendly states have the highest rates of gun deaths. The problem with this statement is that ten of the fifteen states with the lowest homicide rates are constitutional carry states.

In a constitutional carry state, you do not need any training or a permit to carry a firearm. The researchers claimed to have used “advanced statistical modeling” to support their claim.

The study looked at 34 states that made it easier to carry a gun between 1980 and 2019 and compared them to “predicted” crime rates using data from “may issue” states.

Professor Cassandra Crifasi said, “If you graph all of the states in the U.S. by their rate of gun death from the highest to the lowest, a very clear pattern emerges.”

Several factors make this study inaccurate, but let’s look at the one that jumped out first. If you sort the data differently, you will get a different result.

The researchers used “advanced statistical modeling,” but @AHistory pointed out on X that ten of the fifteen states with the lowest homicide rates are constitutional carry. These states have some of the least restrictive gun laws since they are constitutional carry states.

Here are fifteen of the safest states based on factual homicide data, not “predicted” crime rates.

constitutional carry safest states

The researchers used the same old talking points that don’t hold up under scrutiny. “When states made it easier for potentially untrained gun owners to carry their weapons in public, assaults with guns increased.”

Part of that can’t be backed up with reliable data because what do they consider assaults?

“While the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision is forcing some states to weaken their concealed carry permitting systems, this study shows that states can reduce the expected increase in gun assault rates by including training requirements.”

This video from @wethepewple tries to explain the confusion since the gun control groups seem to be using fussy math.


Christopher Wray Says FBI Couldn’t Admit Hunter Biden Laptop Was Real Because it Was ‘An Election Season’

Senator John Kennedy grilled FBI Director Christopher Wray in the Senate on Tuesday, demanding to know why the agency did not come out and say that Hunter Biden’s laptop “was real” when it was reported on by the New York Post in October 2020. The FBI had known about the existence of the laptop for nearly a year before the contents were made public. Despite this, the FBI had warned Twitter execs to be on the lookout for potential Russian disinformation, such as a hypothetical Hunter Biden laptop.

“Why didn’t the FBI just say ‘hey, the laptop’s real?’ Why didn’t you just tell everybody ‘the laptop’s for real. We’re not vouching for what’s on it, but it’s real. This isn’t a fiction.'” Kennedy asked Wray.

“Well, I, as you might imagine,” Wray replied, “the FBI cannot, especially in a time like that, be talking about an ongoing investigation. Second, I would tell you that at least my understanding is that both the FBI folks involved in the conversations and the Twitter folks involved in the conversations, both say that the FBI did not direct Twitter to suppress that particular story.”

“But others were in government,” Kennedy said.

“Again, I can’t speak to others in government. That’s part of the point that I was trying to make because the—”

“You’re the FBI,” Kennedy interrupted, “you’re not part of the White House and part of Homeland Security. You’re not supposed to be political. You see all this controversy going on? Why didn’t the FBI say ‘timeout folks, we’re not getting in the middle of this but the laptop is real.'”

“Again, we have to be very careful about what we can say— especially in the middle of an election season— because that’s precisely some of the problems that led to my predecessor’s negative findings from the inspector general,” Wray said.

The laptop was widely derided as having been Russian disinformation. This messaging came from the Biden campaign, was disseminated from there to the intelligence community, and was picked up as fact by mainstream media outlets, many of which had to go on to eat their words as it was proven, again and again, that the contents belonged to Hunter Biden.

In addition to cracked-out photos of the younger Biden, his genitals, and his dates, the laptop contained potential evidence of influence peddling, information about the Biden family business, emails, correspondence, and more. This material has been used as a starting point for Republicans to investigate the Bidens’ relationship to foreign business partners and to insinuate that Joe Biden has been guilty of selling the power of his office during his time as Vice President in Barack Obama’s White House.


If Biden is against antisemitism, why does he continue to fund it?

Late last month, President Joe Biden declared that he was “very” concerned about the rise of antisemitism . If he were sincere, he would direct his administration to stop funding it.

Consider his longtime staffer, Antony Blinken. The secretary of state often speaks about his stepfather Samuel Pisar, who lost his entire family in the Holocaust. Blinken related Pisar’s escape from the Nazis at his confirmation hearing, and he has spoken about Pisar more than a dozen times since, often to establish his bona fides in the fight against antisemitism.

“We live in a time where antisemitism is again on the rise, in America and around the world,” Blinken told the U.S. Holocaust Museum. “When hateful ideology rises, violence is never far behind.” As secretary, he has promised to call out antisemitism and declared the United States would be “resolute in the fight against antisemitism.”

How sad, then, that Blinken pursues policies that reward antisemitism. Consider Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas: Blinken restored funding to Abbas, a man who denies the Holocaust, promotes antisemitic blood libel, and pensions terrorists who kill Jewish children. Blinken’s silence during his visits to Ramallah suggests his rhetoric about Pisar is cynical, meant only for gullible Americans.

Abbas, after all, wrote a doctoral dissertation arguing that Zionists supported the Holocaust. Over subsequent years, he downplayed and denied the Holocaust. In September, he speculated that Hitler targeted the Jews not from antisemitism, but because they were moneylenders. With a 40-year track record of Holocaust denial and diminishment, is there any question that Abbas promotes antisemitism? If so, how does funding him send a message about being “resolute in the fight against anti-Semitism”?

Or consider Yemen : One of the first actions Blinken undertook as secretary was to lift sanctions on the Houthis, a group that goes even beyond Iran’s “death to America, death to Israel” chants to add “damn the Jews” in its motto. Five years ago, a Washington think tank delegation queried Houthi representatives about their slogan. The Houthi spokesman was blunt: “That’s our program.” That Houthis now launch ballistic missiles at the Jewish state should surprise no one. That the United States allowed them a windfall should.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan bases his Iran approach on the idea that money and diplomatic outreach can put Iran’s reformers in the driver’s seat. But it was Mohammed Khatami, Iran’s reformist president famous for his “Dialogue of Civilizations” call, who gave asylum to Wolfgang Frohlick and Jurgen Graf, two of the world’s most vociferous Holocaust deniers.

The same holds true with Lebanon and Turkey . Amos Hochstein, the Biden administration’s unconfirmed energy envoy, has pushed to empower both Turkey and Hezbollah through energy deals and endorsement. By supporting the trans-Turkey energy route over that of democratic Cyprus and Greece, Hochstein has primed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the world’s most antisemitic head of state after Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, to receive tens of billions of dollars, some of which Erdogan now promises to Hamas. Hochstein likewise justified Lebanese maritime claims in a scheme that risks pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into Hezbollah coffers, never mind that Hezbollah’s secretary general once quipped he would be happy if all the Jews returned to Israel, as it would save the trouble of hunting them down in other countries.

Then there is Somalia , a country seldom in the headlines but the recipient of billions of dollars under Biden and Blinken’s watch. Less than six weeks after Blinken met Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, Barre declared Hamas was not a terrorist group and suggested Jews were the “children of pigs and dogs.” The Biden administration’s response? Crickets. The money still flows to Somalia.

Antisemitism is at its highest level worldwide since World War II. Biden is right to be very concerned, and Blinken is right to condemn it. If only the leader of the free world and his top diplomat had some control over whether antisemites overseas would have access to billions of extra dollars.

The Trace interviews less-lethal gun maker by claiming story is for tech magazine

The Trace – former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda factory – has proven once again it is completely devoid of ethics and reliable only as a source of fake news.

The Trace wants the public to believe it’s an actual newsroom comprised of actual journalists. It calls itself “The only newsroom dedicated to covering gun violence.” Staffers refer to themselves as journalists, rather than anti-gun activists who are paid by Bloomberg to create his propaganda. The Trace and Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety even share the same president, John Feinblatt.

A Trace story published Thursday titled “Shoot, Don’t Kill,” extolls the benefits of less-than-lethal technology by examining several weapons made by Byrna Technologies, Inc., which use a 12-gram CO2 cartridge to launch .68 caliber projectiles at approximately 330 feet-per-second.

“Users can also opt for ammo loaded with tear gas or oleoresin capsicum, an extract of hot peppers, which can induce nausea, difficulty breathing, and a terrible burning in the throat, lungs, and eyes,” the story states.

The Trace story quotes Byrna’s founder, president and chief executive officer, Bryan Ganz. However, on Friday Ganz told the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project that he had never even heard of the Trace until the story appeared Thursday morning. The freelance writer who wrote the story claimed it would appear in a different publication.

“Originally, he said it was supposed to be published in Wired magazine,” Ganz said Friday. “But once we gave him the quotes, we had no control over where the article was published.”

The story was written by Ted Alcorn, who describes himself in the story as an “independent journalist whose reporting has appeared in numerous publications including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.” Alcorn’s bio also shows he was “the founding research director of Everytown for Gun Safety and a policy analyst in the New York City mayor’s office.”

Until he saw it Thursday morning, Ganz had no idea his story would appear on one of the leading websites of the gun-ban industry.

“Our attitude is that the more people who discuss it, the better, I guess,” Ganz said.

Alcorn used a bit too much editorial license and took things a bit too far, Ganz said, especially when he implied that gun owners would somehow realize that their firearms were “problematic,” and switch to his weapons for their reduced lethality.

“It’s easy to see why gun owners might perceive a less lethal offering as an admission that traditional guns are problematic. But over the last century, the primary use of firearms has changed,” the story states. “Lethality was essential when they were mainly tools for hunting animals or national defense, but now nearly three-quarters of people who own guns say they do so for self-protection against other humans.”

“I never said anything like that,” Ganz said. “I support the Second Amendment, and I’ve carried concealed for years. I’ve been a gun owner my entire life.”

Everything the social justice crowd told us was a lie.

Everything the social justice crowd has said for the past 15 years has been a lie.

The movement gained a foothold in American culture around 2008, riding a wave of popular reexaminations of race relations, political divisions, and systemic disparities. It styled itself as an honorable call to right the wrongs of society, both historical and contemporaneous.

The past three weeks, however, have served as definitive proof that the benevolent emperor is a naked tyrant. The warriors for the oppressed are not so noble and selfless as they claim. Neither are they singularly motivated by the ideals of “inclusivity,” “equity,” and “diversity.” They’re as greedy, vicious, prejudiced, and hateful as the oppressors they accuse.

The “social justice” crowd has only ever cared about acquiring power and influence, creeping toward this goal via emotional blackmail, intimidation campaigns, and even occasional violence. Theirs is not a cause for justice, but for self-enrichment; a relatively bloodless conquest for power and treasure. They simply disguise their self-interest in the language of “justice” and altruism, all the while plotting new ways to seize for themselves the “privilege” and “power” they envy in others.

Nothing has done so fine a job of laying bare this reality as Hamas’s Oct. 7 slaughter of 1,400 Israelis, mostly civilians, including children. Since that day of mass murder, social justice activists have flooded city streets and college campuses across the West, cheering war crimes and calling for the destruction of Israel.

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Only the gullible were fooled.

Mask Off! ‘Bipartisan Gun Safety’ Group 97percent’s Executive Director Joins Gun Control Group Brady

97percent calls itself as “a bipartisan group of gun owners and non-gun owners,” and describes their purported mission as follows:

We are bringing gun owners directly into the conversation about gun safety — creating spaces where both gun owners and non-gun owners can have an honest, civil discussion about ways to reduce gun-related violence, while respecting the 2nd Amendment.

How bipartisan is this group, and how seriously do they take the concerns of gun owners? For starters, their website has several instances of the phrase “gun safety” but not a single mention of “gun control.” 97percent’s research (archived links) led them to support violent misdemeanor laws, universal gun registry (i.e., universal background checks), red flag confiscations, and permit requirements to purchase any gun. They want these laws implemented federally, and where the Constitution bars the federal government from doing so, they want the federal government to “incentivize” the states to do it. They have expressed concern over Bruen (archived links) because of its removal of corrupt discretion from the hands of government apparatchiks.

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Lies, Narratives, and Selling Your Children’s Graves

Transgenderism is an incredibly violent phenomenon.

Genital mutilation is labeled “gender-affirming care,” while the mainstream media constantly reminds attempts to frame anti-trans legislation as a matter of “survival.” From self-harm to self-deception, the transgender community is plagued by depravity and violence. Yet every step of the way, the Biden administration has sought to hamper any laws that would curb this violence.1 For the federal government, downplaying the violence of transgenderism is just as crucial as skewing statistics on firearm deaths. Creating the illusion that transgenderism and violence are separate issues is a task that never ends, resulting in confusion and false impressions. After all, without mountains of rhetoric and manufactured evidence, the average person would be inclined to assume transgenderism is a “red flag” for gun ownership.

As it is, sifting through these statistics on transgenderism is a bit of a challenge. Selective data collection has plagued transgender crime statistics for quite some time.2 Some studies believe that transgender people are being misgendered at death and that they are actually four times more likely to be a victim of violence.3 Further complicating the matter, the FBI crime statistics currently list almost 10% of murder offenders as “unknown gender.”

Statistic: Number of murder offenders in the United States in 2021, by gender  | Statista

Despite our limited studies, the information we do have indicates the transgender community has an intense predisposition to violence.

  • Transgender individuals consider and attempt suicide at extremely high rates.4
  • Sexual minorities are 3x more likely to be incarcerated5
  • Transgender individuals experience a “dramatically higher” prevalence of intimate partner violence.6
  • Gay and Transgender Youth are 2x more likely to be in the juvenile justice system7

Even though the studies are scarce, the association between transgenderism and violent offenses is inescapable. To those who have already made this connection, the shooting at Covenant School was a tragedy, not a surprise.

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Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots

Early in 2023, genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery. While running an experiment in his Boston lab, McKernan used some vials of mRNA Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines as controls. He was ‘shocked’ to find that they were allegedly contaminated with tiny fragments of plasmid DNA.

McKernan, who has 25 years’ experience in his field, ran the experiment again, confirming that the vials contained up to, in his opinion, 18-70 times more DNA contamination than the legal limits allowed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In particular, McKernan was alarmed to find the presence of an SV40 promoter in the Pfizer vaccine vials. This is a sequence that is, ‘…used to drive DNA into the nucleus, especially in gene therapies,’ McKernan explains. This is something that regulatory agencies around the world have specifically said is not possible with the mRNA vaccines.

Knowing that the contamination had not been disclosed by the manufacturers during the regulatory process, McKernan raised the alarm, posting his findings to Twitter (now X) and Substack with a call-out to other scientists to see if they could replicate his findings.

Other scientists soon confirmed McKernan’s findings, though the amount of DNA contamination was variable, suggesting inconsistency of vial contents depending on batch lots. One of these scientists was cancer genomics expert Dr Phillip Buckhaults, who is a proponent of the mRNA platform and has received the Pfizer Covid vaccine himself.

In September of this year, Dr Buckhaults shared his findings in South Carolina Senate hearing. ‘I’m kind of alarmed about this DNA being in the vaccine – it’s different from RNA, because it can be permanent,’ he told those present.

‘There is a very real hazard,’ he said, that the contaminant DNA fragments will integrate with a person’s genome and become a ‘permanent fixture of the cell’ leading to autoimmune problems and cancers in some people who have had the vaccinations. He also noted that these genome changes can ‘last for generations’.

Dr Buckhaults alleges that the presence of high levels of contaminant DNA in the mRNA vaccines ‘may be causing some of the rare but serious side effects, like death from cardiac arrest’. He added, ‘I think this is a real serious regulatory oversight that happened at the federal level.’

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Wants to appear ‘tough on crime’

Newsom Announces $267 Million Program to Combat Organized Retail Theft.

In another effort to be perceived as “doing something about the problem,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a $267 million initiative to combat organized retail crime.

“Enough with these brazen smash-and-grabs,” Newsom said. “With an unprecedented $267 million investment, Californians will soon see more takedowns, more police, more arrests, and more felony prosecutions. When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they’ll walk straight into jail cells.”

To put it delicately, that’s a load of crap.

First of all, police have to catch the criminals. While they apprehend some of them, most get away. And even when arrests are made, good luck seeing many of these criminals at trial when their bail is a joke or even non-existent.

As far as prosecutions are concerned, you have to have state’s attorneys willing to enforce the law and put these people in prison. But we know that’s not going to happen. So even if they’re convicted, the chances of the thieves going to prison are small. Instead, the criminals will be back on the streets preparing for their next payday.

The Messenger:

Individual sheriffs offices and police department will be awarded over $23 million each in funding to be used for creating “fully staffed retail theft investigative units, increase arrests, install advanced surveillance technology, train loss prevention officers, create new task forces, increase cooperation with businesses and the community, target criminals in blitz operations, as well as crack down on vehicle and catalytic converter theft.”

The Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program will partner with law enforcement agencies in seven counties and 34 cities across the Golden State.

Is organized retail theft — or shoplifting — really that much of a problem? Popular Information doesn’t think it is.

2023 data from most major California cities, however, does not reflect a significant increase in shoplifting or organized retail crime. In San Francisco, larceny-theft, which includes shoplifting, is down 5.6% year-to-date. Burglary in San Francisco is down 6.8% year-to-date. In San Jose, burglary and larceny are both down nearly 20% year-to-date. In Los Angeles, burglary has decreased 2.7% year-to-date, but theft has increased 14.1% year-to-date.

Taken as a whole, the available data suggests organized retail crime does not appear to be a growing problem in the nation or California. So is combating organized retail crime the best use of $267 million in taxpayer dollars?

What matters far more than dollars and cents on this issue is the perception that retail smash-and-grab thefts are out of control and something needs to be done.

The videos of these robberies are terrifying. Shoppers are thinking twice about going into a brick-and-mortar retail store. Hence, Newsom’s totally useless program that looks good on the nightly news but doesn’t do a darn thing to change the situation.

Robberies won’t stop until store owners make it too difficult for the thugs to steal from them. Whether its armed guards or putting merchandise under lock and key, store owners will figure it out eventually.

CIA Whistleblower Exposes Agency’s Cover-Up of COVID Origins

A CIA whistleblower has spoken out to drop bombshell allegations about the intelligence agency’s efforts to cover up the origins of COVID-19.

According to the agency insider, the CIA has been manipulating investigations into the origins of Covid.

The whistleblower has given testimony to congressional committees to detail the allegations.

According to the whistleblower’s statements, the CIA has been making a coordinated effort to shift investigators away from the theory that Covid originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

House committee leaders are now demanding answers from CIA Director William Burns and the intelligence community regarding the allegations.

The whistleblower’s allegations were revealed in letters from House Coronavirus Subcommittee Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH)

According to the letters, the CIA offered “significant monetary incentives” to officials to shift their findings away from allegations against Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Wuhan lab.

In a separate letter to CIA Director William Burns and former CIA Chief Operating Officer Andrew Makridis, the top House Republicans shed new light on the agency’s actions regarding Covid’s origins.

In the Tuesday letter to CIA Director William Burns, Wenstrup and Turner wrote:

“The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (Select Subcommittee) and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) (together ‘the Committees’) have received new and concerning whistleblower testimony regarding the Agency’s investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

“A multi-decade, senior-level, current Agency officer has come forward to provide information to the Committees regarding the Agency’s analysis into the origins of COVID-19.”

According to the whistleblower, described as a high-ranking CIA official, the agency assigned seven officers to a specialized Covid Discovery Team to investigate the origins of the coronavirus.

The whistleblower, whose identity hasn’t been revealed, says the agency offered “significant monetary incentives” to officials on a COVID-19 investigative team.

FDA, CDC Hid Data on Spike in COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated: Documents

COVID-19 cases among vaccinated seniors soared in 2021, according to newly disclosed data that was acquired by U.S. health agencies but not presented to the public.

Humetrix Cloud Services was contracted by the U.S. military to analyze vaccine data. The company performed a fresh analysis as authorities considered in 2021 whether COVID-19 vaccine boosters were necessary amid studies finding waning vaccine effectiveness.

Humetrix researchers found that the proportion of total COVID-19 cases among the seniors was increasingly comprised of vaccinated people, according to the newly disclosed documents.

For the week ending on July 31, 2021, post-vaccination COVID-19 cases represented 73 percent of the cases among people 65 and older, the company found. The elderly were 80 percent fully vaccinated at the time.

Breakthrough infection rates were higher among those who were vaccinated early, the researchers found. They estimated that the rates were twice as high in those who had been vaccinated five to six months prior, when compared to people vaccinated three to four months before.

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