National Guard May Occupy Washington D.C. Through The Fall

As of Monday, about 6,000 troops remain in Washington D.C. occupying the nation’s capital. According to Fox News, internal government communications show the occupation may last through the fall, as opposed to the currently public March end date.

According to one internal email shared with Fox News, the Pentagon’s assistant secretary of defense, Robert Salesses, wrote:

If it’s not possible to sustain at the current level the [National Guard] personnel, we need to establish the number of [National Guard] personnel ([D.C. National Guard] and out-of-state] we can sustain for an extended period – at least through Fall 2021 – and understand additional options for providing DoD support, to include use of reserve personnel, as well as active component.

The military occupation took its grip on Washington in response to the January riot when a horde of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building. No such show of military force was deployed in the aftermath of the militant Black Lives Matter riots that shook the city for days.

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CBS Declares: You’ll Need a COVID ‘Vaccination Passport’ To Travel by Summer 2021

Without a mention of privacy rights the mainstream media appears to be all in for making you ‘show your papers’.

As the United States prepares to open back up after the unnecessarily long COVID lockdowns, the mainstream media is shaping the narrative that “vaccination passports” will not only be required for travel, but that they will arrive as a necessity by this summer.

CBS News travel editor, Peter Greenberg, almost appeared gleeful when he predicted two things: that travel – both domestic and international – would most likely return this summer, and that there would be a prerequisite to being able to travel.

Greenberg stated bluntly that in order to travel you will most likely need proof that you’ve been vaccinated for COVID. Vaccination passports, he said, will be the new standard in travel.

“It will be required,” Greenberg said. “The real question is what technology will be available to create a universally acceptable and universally readable document that can’t be forged.”

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Sound more and more like a pack of petty tyrants scared to death someone is going to get fed up with them and TCOB.

Biden White House Plan to Keep Occupying Troops in DC Through End of Year

The Biden National Security Council is planning on having National Guard troops continue to occupy the nation’s capital through the end of the year, according to a report by WTTG-TV Fox 5 in Washington, D.C. Additionally, active duty and reserve troops are being considered for deployment.

WTTG excerpt:

The National Security Council is asking the Department of Defense to engage Capitol Police on planning for post-March 12th support, according to the e-mail.

…Robert Salesses who began Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security on January 20, 202, wrote in the e-mail:

“If it’s not possible to sustain at the current level with NG personnel, we need to establish the number of NG personnel (DCNG and out-of-state) we can sustain for an extended period – at least through Fall 2021 – and understand additional options for providing DoD support, to include use of reserve personnel, as well as active component.”

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It’s a long one folks.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Banned From Instagram Days After Outlining Bill Gates’ Global Domination Efforts

Lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of former U.S. president John F. Kennedy, has been banned from Facebook owned Instagram just days after he penned a comprehensive account of Bill Gates’ attempt to monopolise and dominate global food production and public health programs………….

Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill
Bill Gates has quietly made himself the largest owner of farmland in the United States. For a man obsessed with monopoly control, the opportunity to also dominate food production must seem irresistible.

“Gates has a Napoleonic concept of himself, an appetite that derives from power and unalloyed success, with no leavening hard experience, no reverses.” — Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, presiding judge in the Gates/Microsoft antitrust-fraud case

The global lockdowns that Bill Gates helped orchestrate and cheerlead have bankrupted more than 100,000 businesses in the U.S. alone and plunged a billion people into poverty and deadly food insecurity that, among other devastating harms, kill 10,000 African children monthly — while increasing Gates’ wealth by $20 billionHis $133 billion fortune makes him the world’s fourth wealthiest man.

Gates has been using that newfound cash to expand his power over global populations by buying devalued assets at fire-sale prices and maneuvering for monopoly control over public healthprivatizing prisonsonline education and global communications while promoting digital currencieshigh tech surveillancedata harvesting systems and artificial intelligence.

For a man obsessed with monopoly control, the opportunity to also dominate food production must seem irresistible.

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Unite and Heal With Show Trials and Fascist Purges.

Joe Biden has called for “unity” and “healing”. And nobody knows as much about healing as Joe whose wife has a doctorate in education from the university that hosts his Biden Institute and the Beau Biden Foundation which was charging $3K for lessons on preventing online child sex grooming even as Hunter’s laptop with the Foundation’s sticker allegedly showed him doing it.

Except maybe Joe’s brother who took out $650,000 in personal loans from a company that bankrupted local hospitals while trading on his brother’s name and connections to his campaign.

“I think it has to happen,” Biden said, mandating the show impeachment trial of his predecessor.

Once upon a time, impeachments were rare things. These days, Democrats aren’t considered truly progressive if they don’t impeach a Republican president twice in one term. President Trump is back in Florida, but that won’t stop the Democrats from impeaching him anyway before they move on to impeaching the presidents like Washington and Lincoln whose statues their insurrectionist mobs were toppling all summer and fall back when insurrection was still cool.

When asked how he defines unity, Joe Biden, with the help of three teleprompters and a small staff communicating with him through his earpiece and a series of frantic signals and hoots, explained that, “If you pass a piece of legislation that breaks down on party lines but it get passed, it doesn’t means there wasn’t unity — it just means it wasn’t bipartisan.”

Like most ideas that travel the circuitous route between his handlers, his brain, and his mouth, it may be impossible to understand what Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. said, but it’s pretty clear what the senile hack ruling a city under the shadow of military occupation and political terror meant.

Unity is when Democrats get their way. Unity is when no one opposes them. Unity is when they terrorize their political opposition into submitting and keeping their mouths shut.

Or as Speaker Pelosi put it, “I don’t think it’s very unifying to say, ‘Oh, let’s just forget it and move on.’ That’s not how you unify.”

How do you unify? The same way every great democratic people’s regime did from France to Russia to China to San Francisco — with show trials and purges of the enemies of the people.

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Well, scratch any lib/proggie/leftist…… So, cue the meme:

Democrats Want Biden To Be The Dictator They Said Trump Was

Donald Trump was treated by the opposition party and media (we repeat ourselves) like no other president in our memory. He was called a dictator, a tyrant, an authoritarian, and a fascist, to name a few childish invectives hurled his way. Of course his adversaries were projecting. It’s the Democrats and their media collaborators who yearn for absolute power.

Trump was accused of being a dictator at the same time he was trying to weaken the federal government through tax cuts and deregulation. The agitators – the elected, unelected, functionaries, and self-appointed – who made the allegations were never required to explain why a dictator would undermine his power base by downsizing the government under his charge; how a tyrant could be impeached twice; how an authoritarian failed to expand his authority during a pandemic; how a fascist brokered peace deals in the Middle East; how someone routinely called “Hitler” willingly walked away from his “dictatorship” after losing an election; how screaming heads could insult him and his family without fear of punishment.

Yet Trump was a dictator just because they said he was. Questioning the proposition is not allowed.

Meanwhile, Charles Schumer, the New York Democrat and Senate majority leader, said Monday “it might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency” because there are “many, many things under the emergency powers of the president” that “he could do without legislation.”

Even without declaring a climate emergency, Biden is already moving in the direction Schumer laid out for him, signing 33 executive orders within his first week. This is only months after Biden said “you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.”

So now we know what could be reasonably assumed: He’s just another pen-and-phone president who doesn’t need the hassle of the legislative process to rush through his party’s agenda.

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“This is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should be extremely concerned about, especially because we don’t have to guess about where this goes or how this ends. What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians, what is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? [The proposed legislation could create] a very dangerous undermining of our civil liberties, our freedoms in our Constitution, and a targeting of almost half of the country.”—Tulsi Gabbard, former Congresswoman

This is how it begins.

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Biden DHS Issues Domestic Terror Alert Warning of ‘Objections’ to ‘Governmental Authority.’

As President Joe Biden set a new record for executive orders in his first few days in office, and as former CIA Director John Brennan compared libertarians to ISIS-style “insurgencies,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a domestic terrorism bulletin warning about “ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority.”

It stands to reason that federal law-enforcement agencies may be on edge after the breach of the Capitol on January 6, but Biden’s inauguration went off without a hitch. Threats may indeed exist, but the DHS domestic terrorism bulletin is chilling, considering recent moves that suggest Democrats are planning a new domestic “War on Terror” targeting conservatives.

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Reminds me of all those 3rd world tyrannical dictatorships where the boss has to have 24/7 military surrounding him because… reasons.

Reflecting the Authoritarian Climate, Washington Will Remain Militarized Until At Least March
The idea of troops in U.S. streets for an extended period of time — an extreme measure even when temporary — has now become close to a sacred consensus.

Washington, DC has been continuously militarized beginning the week leading up to Joe Biden’s inauguration, when 20,000 National Guard troops were deployed onto the streets of the nation’s capital. The original justification was that this show of massive force was necessary to secure the inauguration in light of the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

But with the inauguration over and done, those troops remain and are not going anywhere any time soon. Working with federal law enforcement agencies, the National Guard Bureau announced on Monday that between 5,000 and 7,000 troops will remain in Washington until at least mid-March.

The rationale for this extraordinary, sustained domestic military presence has shifted several times, typically from anonymous U.S. law enforcement officials. The original justification — the need to secure the inaugural festivities — is obviously no longer operative.

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Well, gun control has always had racism as its major component, so……..

Gun Control Group Has a Racist Take on Black and Brown Gun Owners

The Violence Policy Center (VPC) on Monday released a 39-page report about the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the gun industry as a whole. The gun control group takes issue with the NSSF and NRA “targeting” blacks and Latinos as first-time gun owners.

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Brennan is defining “insurgency” as anyone who “has an ideology other than neoliberalism—in other words, other than the ruling class.” The elites in the ruling class, he warned, are about to “congeal and merge with the power of the state.”

It’s a chilling notion, one that is by no means unimaginable.

Gird Your Loins, Libertarians. The Biden Admin Is Going to Be Keeping an Eye on You.

Former CIA Director John Brennan let the cat out of the bag during an MSNBC appearance Wednesday, saying that the Biden administration is laser-focused on rooting out “insurgency movements” in the U.S., cracking down on pernicious malefactors like (gasp!) libertarians. No, really.

“Members of the Biden team who have been nominated or appointed are now moving in laser-like fashion to uncover as much as they can about what looks similar to insurgency movements that we see overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country,” Brennan warned. “They gain strength and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians.” [Emphasis added]

.@JohnBrennan: Biden intel community “are moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about” the pro-Trump “insurgency” that harbors “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians”

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 20, 2021

Pay no attention to the antifa and BLM nutters who were torching American cities all summer, it’s people like Justin Amash and Rand Paul we need to worry about.

I’m sure our astute readers will recall that Brennan, as director of the CIA, was a libertarian’s worst nightmare. Scott Shackford wrote at Reason in 2018:

As director of the CIA, Brennan defended terrible practices such as torture and extrajudicial drone assassinations. Under him, the CIA secretly snooped on Senate Intelligence Committee staff who were researching and producing a report critical of the CIA’s use of torture in interrogations of terrorism suspects during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then Brennan played dumb about it. And then nothing happened. Brennan is neither the hero of this story nor a victim, and he is probably still going to do just fine as a talking head on the news.

Such critiques might explain why Brennan, who was nominated to the post of CIA director by Barack Obama, has it in for libertarians. The question is whether Biden (or whoever’s calling the shots in the Oval Office tonight) also has libertarians in his sights. In his inaugural address, Biden vowed to wage war on “political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”

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Scratch a lib and find a tyrant too.

The Morning Rant

The Democrat party, once the party of slavery, and when that ended the party of segregation and overtly racist policies, has morphed into the party of the rich and well connected, and even worse, the party of corporatism. That is not to say that they have abandoned their roots; scratch a progressive and find a racist.

Any successful challenge to their current superiority must include consistent and loud denunciations of their elitist supporters and their elitist behavior. Pound the message night and day,

The Democrat Party is the party of wealth and privilege.
They have walls to keep you out, but let into our country the people who are taking your jobs.
They drive fancy cars but want you to pay $5/gallon for gasoline.
They want men to compete with your daughters in athletics.
They hate the police, but want to disarm you.
And on and on. Make the distinction. Freedom vs. tyranny. Liberty vs. the boot of government on our necks.

But, that will obviously come from a new party, because the Republican party as currently constituted is incapable of any significant challenge to the Democrats. In fact, they need to be destroyed as quickly as possible.

And here is step one! Sign up for every mailing list you can, and when the solicitations arrive, send them back in the prepaid envelope, hopefully pushing the weight into the next higher cost level. Engage them at every opportunity. When they call, chat amiably for as long as possible. Waste their time and money.

Any other suggestions? These are actions we can take to try to reclaim our country and some sort of political representation that honestly reflects our desires and goals for our country

Collaboration Between Government and Big Tech Giving Rise to Totalitarianism, Experts Warn

The formation of a totalitarian state is just about complete in America as the most powerful public and private sector actors unify behind the idea that actions to stamp out dissent can be justified, according to several experts on modern totalitarian ideologies.

While many have warned about the rise of fascism or socialism in “the land of the free,” the ideas have largely been vague or fragmented, focusing on individual events or actors. Recent events, however, indicate that seemingly unconnected pieces of the oppression puzzle are fitting together to form a comprehensive system, according to Michael Rectenwald, a retired liberal arts professor at New York University.

But many Americans, it appears, have been caught off guard or aren’t even aware of the newly forming regime, as the idea of elected officials, government bureaucrats, large corporations, the establishment academia, think tanks and nonprofits, the legacy media, and even seemingly grassroot movements all working in concert toward some evil purpose seems preposterous. Is a large portion of the country in on a conspiracy?

The reality now emerges that no massive conspiracy was in fact needed—merely an ideological alignment and some informal coordination, Rectenwald argues.

Despite the lack of formal overarching organization, the American socialist regime is indeed totalitarian, as the root of its ideology requires politically motivated coercion, he told The Epoch Times. The power of the regime is not yet absolute but it’s becoming increasingly effective as it erodes the values, checks, and balances against tyranny established by traditional beliefs and enshrined in the American founding.

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An empty Biden inauguration for a false victory

For those who still think Joe Biden won his election legitimately and with popular support, you need only look at the two screen captures  comparing the crowds at the previous presidential inauguration (at the top) and the crowd today at Biden’s inauguration.

Comparing crowds at presidential inaugurations

It is also important to note that the Trump crowd in 2017 was totally normal, comparable to every past public inauguration since such events became occasions of grand splendor.

For Democrat Joe Biden, however, the lack of a crowd is essentially unprecedented. While past inaugurations were greeted with large enthusiastic crowds of citizens coming to celebrate the democratic and peaceful transition of power, today’s event was heralded by wartime security, barbed wire fences, military checkpoints, and a military police guard of 25,000 troops. Biden officials claimed this tight security was necessary because of the threat of violence.

I ask however: If 80 million voters swarmed the polls on November 3rd to elect Joe Biden, why does his new administration feel so afraid of the American people? No president in the past was this terrified of taking his oath of office in front of a gigantic crowd. Even Abraham Lincoln did so before a huge crowd in 1865, even as the Civil War still raged, as the photo below shows most emphatically.

Abraham Lincoln surrounded by crowds at 2nd inauguration

Abraham Lincoln surrounded by crowds at 2nd inauguration
The red arrow points at Lincoln speaking.

No, the inauguration of Joe Biden is something quite different than any past American transition of power. It comes surrounded by numerous allegations of election tampering and vote count fraud. A vast part of the population — quite likely the majority of the country — strongly believes the election was stolen, a belief that has been reinforced by the aggressive resistance of election boards and Democrats to investigate those allegations. That resistance has been so strong that the Democrats and their supporters have even made it their goal to blacklist and destroy anyone who even dares raise the question.

The tight security imposed on Biden’s election acts as proof that those allegations might very well carry weight. If Biden was truly elected legitimately, he would not feel the need to be surrounded by barbed wire and tens of thousands of soldiers, like any tinpot dictator. No, like Lincoln he would be able to nonchalantly walk through a crowd of fellow citizens, with everyone confident that the person the American people actually chose was now in office.

The military nature of Biden’s inauguration signals the end of American democracy in other ways. It is clearly a sign that the Washington swamp, having finally gotten rid of outsider Trump, is now telling us they will no longer tolerate further resistance to their power. That corrupt ruling class of bureaucrats can now wield the military against you if you dare oppose them, and today’s occupation of Washington was their way of proving this fact to everyone.

You will accept their rule, or you will face blacklisting, censorship, and even the sound of storm-troopers banging at your door, there to arrest you for wrong-think.

And if you doubt me, just give it time. The downward path to dictatorship by this Washington crowd has been steady and continuous since President Bill Clinton got away with perjury in the late 1990s. They will go there, mark my words.

What will Americans do in response? For myself, I tell them to go to hell. I will be a free American until the day I die, and if that means they come at me with guns because they don’t like what I write, so be it. It will only prove that I stand for freedom, and they for oppression.

Which side are you on?

Just like every other tyrant dictator that requires ‘loyalty tests’.

After deadly Capitol riot, Army looking at which troops require security screening ahead of Biden inauguration

The Army is working to determine which National Guard troops assisting the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration require additional security checks, and is also offering more training on threat detection for those Guardsmen arriving to Washington, D.C., in the coming days, according to the service.

The measures come in the wake of the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot and after Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., spoke with Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy this weekend and expressed “grave concerns about reports that active-duty and reserve military members were involved in the insurrection” at the Capitol.

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Facebook bans ads for gun accessories in run-up to inauguration

Facebook bans ads for gun accessories in run-up to inauguration
Edward Moyer 23 hrs ago

Facebook is temporarily prohibiting ads for military gear and gun accessories in the US until after the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration, the company said Saturday.

“We are banning ads that promote weapon accessories and protective equipment in the US at least through January 22, out of an abundance of caution,” the company said in an update to a Monday blog post about the social network’s preparations leading up to the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

“We already prohibit ads for weapons, ammunition and weapon enhancements like silencers,” the company said. “But we will now also prohibit ads for accessories such as gun safes, vests and gun holsters in the US.”

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Throughout history, censorship has occurred whenever government or private groups attempt to impose their political or moral values on others. One would imagine that this could never happen in the most free and prosperous country in the history of the world. This type of activity clearly seems incongruous with the founding principles – not to mention the Constitution.  In fact, our nation, our national ideals and our very democracy thrives on vigorous debate of strongly-held beliefs. The key element in this process is the debate. We, as Americans have always valued a spirited debate, whereafter the best ideas come to the fore, are refined, and people can support them because they are confident that they have had input into that process.

We, the members of the firearm industry, are certainly no stranger to the vigorous debate needed to defend our constitutionally-protected freedoms. Our industry is perennially targeted for encroachments to limit and chip away at Second Amendment rights. Those attacks come from all directions, including politicians, activists and even sitting and retired U.S. Supreme Court justices. This is familiar ground for us.

But, what’s happening now is different. De-platforming, canceling and outright censoring of speech by some in big tech is something entirely different. It’s Orwellian. It’s un-American, and it’s a dark omen for where we are headed as a nation.

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Amazon Bans Parler for “Violence” But Allows Kill Trump Merchandise

Always Remember: The Left is projecting on you what they are doing in spades.

Last week the tech giants colluded together in an attempt to destroy social media alternative Parler.
The final straw came when far left Amazon banned Parler from using its cloud service.

This shut down the popular app after millions of conservatives flocked to Parler after Twitter began purging top conservative thought leaders including the President of the United States.

Amazon said it was due to “violence” on the app which is an excuse and a lie.

Ryan Fournier later pointed out that Amazon is selling “Kill all Republicans” on its website.

Amazon has since taken this product down.

And as Newsbusters reported earlier this week they found 204 examples of products promoting violence against conservatives and President Trump.

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Email marketing service cuts ties with pro-2nd Amendment nonprofit in latest tech censorship
MailChimp cut off Virginia Citizens Defense League from its newsletter service

Mailchimp, the email marketing firm, has dropped a pro-Second Amendment nonprofit from using its platform to reach members, in a move critics see as another attempt in the tech industry to stifle conservative speech.

The Virginia Citizens Defense League has been using the Mailchimp service to send updates to its members.

The nonprofit’s president, Philip Van Cleave, told Fox Business on Friday that Mailchimp ended the service without warning.

“It just came out of the blue,” he said. “They said we just think it’s too big of a risk, and we’re just canceling your account. The timing was suspicious too, just a few days before our lobby day.”

VCDL’s annual Lobby Day calls on Second Amendment supporters to rally against gun control legislation at the state’s capital. Van Cleave said it has gone on peacefully for the past 25 years. This year, because of COVID-19, the group plans to drive through the city in separate caravans from different parts of the state, rather than gather together at the Capitol Square. And Van Cleave said they were coordinating to spread the drives out to try not to cause any traffic jams.

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