Karl Marx and Kamala Harris…
Slightly different words, same message.

Karl Marx was the father of modern-day communism, a philosophy and form of government responsible for the despair, deprivation, and deaths of countless millions of people since the Russian Revolution in 1917.

One of Karl Marx’s many aphorisms addresses the social, educational, and fiscal disparities of classes; he believed the root of all evil was capitalism. Marx argued that the only solution was equity, a social construct that ensures equal outcomes, however low the common denominator must be set to achieve them. Only by abandoning capitalism and embracing equity can a society and its people, according to Karl Marx, “move forward into a future unburdened by what has been.

Does that quote sound familiar? Surely you’ve heard the modernized version, one that avoids any attribution to Karl Marx: “What can be… unburdened by what has been.” Who’s adopted those words as her wide a-Woke progressive mantra and spreads it at every opportunity?

That’s right… Kamala Harris, America’s very own Karl Marx.

Whoa! Is it possible Kamala Harris isn’t as vapid and intellectually shallow as she lets-on, could she be cloaking her Marxist message in words many people don’t understand? Her supporters clearly don’t, they’re unable to focus on anything beyond their overwhelming obsession with her gender and race, or… perhaps, they just don’t care. It’s very possible the prospect of a socialist… or its ugly stepchild, communist America sounds great to Kamala Harris voters.

That distinct possibility aside, the rest of America mustn’t be fooled by Kamala Harris; like Barack Obama’s promise to “fundamentally change America,” she could be hiding some very insidious intentions in her word-salad message. And unless we understand what Karl Marx meant when he said, “Move forward into a future unburdened by what has been” and what Kamala Harris means when she fantasizes about “What can be… unburdened by what has been,” she’ll continue to feed that message to the American public… until we choke. And when it comes to getting rid of communism… once it blocks our collective airway and starves us of freedom…

No Heimlich Maneuver ever invented will be able to remove it.