Suspect shot during west Houston gas station robbery

A would-be robber was shot during a gas station robbery Friday morning in west Houston, according to police.

The suspect walked into the Shell station in the 11400 block of Richmond Avenue around 7 a.m., pulled a pistol and demanded money from the cashier, according to police. The clerk complied with the suspect and started cleaning out the register, at which point the suspect became distracted with a set of lottery tickets behind the counter, police said.

With the suspect’s attention away from him, the clerk pulled a pistol of his own and started shooting at the gunman, police said. The robbery suspect was struck at least once, police said.

2 Men Injured After Gunfire Erupts Outside Feltonville Bar

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – The holiday is off to a violent start after two people were shot in Philadelphia’s Feltonville section overnight. Gunfire erupted outside Cooper’s Bar on the 100 block of West Wyoming Avenue, just after two 2 a.m. Thursday.

Police say a security guard and a 33-year-old man were standing outside when a car pulled up and started firing at them.

The man was struck once in the arm.

The security guard returned fire, shooting the 27-year-old passenger in the hand.

Both victims are in stable condition.

Police are treating the men inside the car as suspects.


Burglar shot by resident after breaking into Hummelstown apartment

DAUPHIN COUNTY — Swatara Township Police say a burglar was shot after breaking into a Hummesltown apartment by a resident early Wednesday morning.

Officers responded to reports of an active disturbance in building 9 at the Waterford & Summit View Apartments located at 8301 Presidents Drive around 1:33 a.m. this morning.

Once on the scene, police learned that 35-year-old Keith Wilson had broken into the apartment and assaulted a resident.

Police say Wilson was then shot by a resident of the apartment, but is expected to survive his injuries.

Wilson was transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Authorities have charged him with burglary, simple assault and terroristic threats.

Police say the case is still active and being investigated.

Former Felon With Restored Gun Rights Saved Trooper In Arizona Ambush

And in Alabama:

Florida Man Accused of Trying to Recruit ISIS to Attack College Deans

A Florida man was arrested after allegedly trying to recruit ISIS to attack the deans of colleges he formerly attended.

Salman Rashid, 23, was arrested on charges of soliciting another person to commit a violent crime, according to a Monday release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida. Rashid allegedly attempted to call on ISIS members to target two deans from Miami-Dade College and Broward College.

The FBI began tracking Rashid in April 2018 after his public Facebook posts indicated support for a “violent overthrow of democracy” and institution of Islamic law, according to court documents cited in the release.

Shots fired at Detroit cellphone store, attempted robber shot twice

DETROIT – Police are investigating a shooting that occurred at a T-Mobile store Tuesday on Detroit’s west side.

It happened at about 11 a.m. in the T-Mobile store located near the intersection of West Outer Drive and the Southfield Freeway, just north of West McNichols Road.

According to authorities, a man attempted to rob the store but was shot twice by a security guard.

Police said the attempted robber fled the scene through the parking lot and into a nearby neighborhood.

He was arrested shortly after and was taken to a hospital for surgery.

The investigation is ongoing.

All Secure: A Special Operations Soldier’s Fight to Survive on the Battlefield and the Homefront

One of the most highly regarded Tier One Delta Force operators in American military history shares his war stories and personal battle with PTSD.
As a senior non-commissioned officer of Delta Force, the most elite and secretive special operations unit in the U.S. military, Command Sergeant Major Tom Satterly fought some of this country’s most fearsome enemies. Over the course of twenty years and thousands of missions, he’s fought desperately for his life, rescued hostages, killed and captured terrorist leaders, and seen his friends maimed and killed around him.

All Secure is in part Tom’s journey into a world so dark and dangerous that most Americans can’t contemplate its existence. It recounts what it is like to be on the front lines with one of America’s most highly trained warriors. As action-packed as any fiction thriller, All Secure is an insider’s view of “The Unit.”
Tom is a legend even among other Tier One special operators. Yet the enemy that cost him three marriages, and ruined his health physically and psychologically, existed in his brain. It nearly led him to kill himself in 2014; but for the lifeline thrown to him by an extraordinary woman it might have ended there. Instead, they took on Satterly’s most important mission-saving the lives of his brothers and sisters in arms who are killing themselves at a rate of more than twenty a day.
Told through Satterly’s firsthand experiences, it also weaves in the reasons-the bloodshed, the deaths, the intense moments of sheer terror, the survivor’s guilt, depression, and substance abuse-for his career-long battle against the most insidious enemy of all: Post Traumatic Stress. With the help of his wife, he learned that by admitting his weaknesses and faults he sets an example for other combat veterans struggling to come home.

“The Greatest Failure is the Failure to Try.” Tom Satterly CSM(Ret)

September 2004 Yusufiyah, Iraq

The Blackhawk helicopter hovered in the dark above the house on the outskirts of Baghdad while eighteen Unit operators slid down ropes forty feet to the roof. The small arms fire my troop and helos had been taking since our arrival a few minutes earlier intensified as the last man landed and joined the others.

Directing the assault from a field thirty meters north of the target house, I watched through my night vision goggles as the aircraft began to pull up and away. At that moment, above the fierce barking of assault rifles and machine guns, I heard the all-too-familiar whoosh and saw the red trail of an RPG as it was launched skyward.

The grenade struck the Blackhawk on its rotor blades and exploded. The elite Night Stalker pilots had been through it before and knew they wouldn’t make it to back to base. They aimed for a field five hundred meters from the house to put the injured bird down.

The Blackhawk hit hard but remained upright, intact, and didn’t burst into flames. But the pilot and crew immediately came under heavy fire from the enemy who were running in all directions from the house.

I thought, “here we go again.” Just thinking of the words, I was about to radio over the command station sent a chill through me. “We have a Blackhawk down!”


Miami Man In Van Guns Down AK-47 Wielding Robber Because He Didn’t Want ‘To Go Out Like A Punk’

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – A 60-Year-old Miami man said he was forced to shoot and kill a gunman who had broken in to his van early Monday morning in an attempt to rob him of his jewelry.

“The guy I killed last night, he put an AK-47 to my damn face,” said Donovan Stewart.

Stewart told CBS4’S Peter D’Oench that he had to act quickly because he was worried about the safety of his 11-year-old son and girlfriend who were in the van with him.

“I am from Kingstontown in Jamaica,” he said, “and I am not going to go out like a punk. So I emptied my Glock in his chest. This man tried to get in my van while I was sleeping and he was surprised to see what I did.”

He demonstrated what he did for CBS4.

“Well, he opened the door like this and pointed his AK-47 and I reached around like this and got my gun. That is how I did this to him,” he said.

Man fires gunshots at robbers in South Nashville

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A man robbed of his phone and wallet in South Nashville Monday morning pulled out a gun and fired multiple shots at the people who robbed him, Metro police say.

Officers responded around 2:30 a.m. to an armed robbery on Eckhart Drive near Antioch Pike.

When police arrived, the victim told them he was getting out of his vehicle, when two people drove up, called out his name and pointed a weapon at him. The victim handed over his wallet and phone, officers said.

The victim then pulled out a gun and fired several gunshots at the robbers, police explained. The robbers reportedly fled in a smaller, black SUV, but it was not clear if either of them were shot.

In Virginia, and elsewhere, gun supporters prepare to defy new laws

AMELIA COURTHOUSE, Va. —Families, church groups, hunt clubs and neighbors began arriving two hours early, with hundreds spilling out of the little courthouse and down the hill to the street in the chilly night air.

They were here to demand that the Board of Supervisors declare Amelia County a “Second Amendment sanctuary” where officials will refuse to enforce any new restrictions on gun ownership.

A resistance movement is boiling up in Virginia, where Democrats rode a platform on gun control to historic victories in state elections earlier this month. The uprising is fueled by a deep cultural gulf between rural red areas that had long wielded power in Virginia and the urban and suburban communities that now dominate. Guns are the focus. Behind that, there is a sense that a way of life is being cast aside.

In the past two weeks, county governments from the central Piedmont to the Appalachian Southwest — Charlotte, Campbell, Carroll, Appomattox, Patrick, Dinwiddie, Pittsylvania, Lee and Giles — have approved resolutions that defy Richmond to come take their guns.

It mirrors a trend that began last year in western parts of the United States, where some law enforcement officials vowed to go to jail rather than enforce firearm restrictions, and has spread eastward. In New Mexico, 25 of 33 counties declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries after the state expanded background checks. In Illinois, nearly two-thirds of its counties have done the same.

“My oath of office is to uphold the Constitution of the United States,” Amelia Sheriff Ricky L. Walker said Wednesday night as he waited for the supervisors to meet in this rural county west of Richmond.

If a judge ordered him to seize someone’s guns under a law he viewed as unconstitutional, Walker said, he wouldn’t do it. “That’s what I hang my hat on,” he said.

The ‘X17’ particle: Scientists may have discovered the fifth force of nature
A new paper suggests that the mysterious X17 subatomic particle is indicative of a fifth force of nature.

As strange as it may seem, sub atomic particle physics have been of great interest to me.

In 2016, observations from Hungarian researchers suggested the existence of an unknown type of subatomic particle.
Subsequent analyses suggested that this particle was a new type of boson, the existence of which could help explain dark matter and other phenomena in the universe.
A new paper from the same team of researchers is currently awaiting peer review.

Physicists have long known of four fundamental forces of nature: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force.

Now, they might have evidence of a fifth force.

The discovery of a fifth force of nature could help explain the mystery of dark matter, which is proposed to make up around 85 percent of the universe’s mass. It could also pave the way for a unified fifth force theory, one that joins together electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear forces as “manifestations of one grander, more fundamental force,” as theoretical physicist Jonathan Feng put it in 2016.

The new findings build upon a study published in 2016 that offered the first hint of a fifth force……………

The discovery of a fifth force of nature would provide a glimpse into the “dark sector”, which in general describes yet-unobservable forces that can’t readily be described by the Standard Model. Strangely, the subatomic particles in this hidden layer of our universe hardly interact with the more observable particles of the Standard Model.

A fifth force could scientists better understand how these two layers coexist.

“If true, it’s revolutionary,” Weng said in 2016. “For decades, we’ve known of four fundamental forces: gravitation, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. If confirmed by further experiments, this discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe, with consequences for the unification of forces and dark matter.”


A Harvest festival observed by the Pilgrims at Plymouth
The most prominent historic thanksgiving event in American popular culture is the 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation, where the settlers held a harvest feast after a successful growing season. Autumn or early winter feasts continued sporadically in later years, first as an impromptu religious observance and later as a civil tradition.

The Plymouth settlers had settled in land abandoned by the Patuxet tribe when all but one had died in a plague. After a harsh winter killed half of the Plymouth settlers, the last surviving Patuxet, Squanto came in at the request of the Abenaki, Samoset, the first native American to encounter the Pilgrims. Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to catch eel and grow corn and served as an interpreter for them until he too succumbed to plague a year later. The Wampanoag Chief Massasoit also gave food to the colonists during the first winter when supplies brought from England were insufficient.

The Pilgrims celebrated at Plymouth for three days after their first harvest in 1621. It included 50 people who were on the Mayflower  and 90 Native Americans.

Two colonists gave personal accounts of the 1621 feast in Plymouth.

Plymouth Plantation Governor William Bradford:

They began now to gather in the small harvest they had, and to fit up their houses and dwellings against winter, being all well recovered in health and strength and had all things in good plenty. For as some were thus employed in affairs abroad, others were exercised in fishing, about cod and bass and other fish, of which they took good store, of which every family had their portion. All the summer there was no want; and now began to come in store of fowl, as winter approached, of which this place did abound when they can be used (but afterward decreased by degrees). And besides waterfowl there was great store of wild turkeys, of which they took many, besides venison, etc. Besides, they had about a peck a meal a week to a person, or now since harvest, Indian corn to the proportion. Which made many afterwards write so largely of their plenty here to their friends in England, which were not feigned but true reports.

Assistant Governor, Edward Winslow:

Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might after a special manner rejoice together after we had gathered the fruits of our labor. They four in one day killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week. At which time, amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest king Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer, which we brought to the plantation and bestowed on our governor, and upon the captain and others. And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty.

The Pilgrims held a true Thanksgiving celebration in 1623 following a fast, and a rain which had broken a drought.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Attempted home robbery leads to shooting in Miami Beach

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – Police are investigating after a man was shot Friday in Miami Beach.

The shooting occurred near the area of Second Street and Meridian Avenue. Police believe the shooting victim, a man in his 60s, was attempting a burglary at 208 Meridian Ave.

The person inside the home shot the would-be intruder.

The shooting happened about 5 p.m. The resident is with Miami Beach police being interviewed while crime scene technicians investigate the scene.

Florida state Rep. Michael Grieco lives nearby and told Local 10 News that people in the area said they heard only one shot.

“Everyone that I’ve spoken to, they heard one shot,” Grieco said. “It must have been a pretty good shot.”

The investigation continues.

No charges filed against Polk man in fatal shooting during child custody exchange

Just to make an observation for people to keep in mind if they ever come to the point they use a gun to defend themselves. That deadhead was shot FIVE – (5) times dead center in the chest and he still had the power in him to run several yards before he collapsed. Yes, he was dead, but he didn’t know it yet. The point being that it’s not over just because you’ve successfully pulled your gun and perforated a bad guy. Quite often a motivated thug will have more than enough strength left to take you along with him if he’s of a mind to, so keep you wits about you and your eyes open.
A word to the wise should be sufficient.

LAKELAND — No charges are expected to be filed against a man who fatally shot the father of his girlfriend’s son Thursday during a child custody exchange, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said.

The dead man, 39-year-old Brian Ingram of Gainesville, had driven to pick up his son at the boyfriend’s home on Ewell Road, Judd said at a news conference Friday.

Ingram’s mother, Patricia Ingram, joined him for the exchange because Ingram is prohibited under a court injunction from approaching within 500 feet of the child’s mother, Judd said.

The boyfriend, who was not identified, told Patricia Ingram the child’s mother was at the grocery store and would be home soon. He said he did not feel comfortable handing over the boy, 2, until the mother returned.

Patricia Ingram relayed the information to her son and he called 911 to report that he was being denied access to his son, Judd said. Ingram was told to wait until deputies arrived.

Instead, as surveillance video from the home shows, Ingram ran up to the house, banged on the door, rang the doorbell repeatedly and covered the peephole. The boyfriend opened the door slightly, enabling Ingram to wedge his foot in and push, at one point slamming it into the boyfriend’s head.

“He’s screaming at him to leave,” Judd said. “’If you come in here, I’ll shoot you.’”

Ingram didn’t “follow directions very well, or rules very well,” Judd said.

At that point, the boyfriend opened fire, shooting Ingram five times with a handgun. Ingram turned and ran but collapsed in the yard.

The boyfriend had a right to protect himself in his home and is not expected to face charges, Judd said.

“That there was a forcible burglary and battery,” Judd said, “when the guy banged the door off of his head, broke the door and was trying to get into his house.”

Former CIA Officer Sentenced to 19 Years for Conspiring With Chinese Spies

“Chinese spies are being found out, abroad and in the United States, in surprising numbers. That means there are even more of them out and about, of course. But for the Chinese, it raises the question of how many we knew about before, and how many we fed bogus information to.”

A former CIA case officer was sentenced Friday to 19 years in prison for conspiring to provide American intelligence secrets to the Chinese government, in an espionage case that some current and former officials say dealt a devastating blow to U.S. intelligence operations.

Jerry Chun Shing Lee, 55, served 13 years as a Central Intelligence Agency case officer in several locations overseas, including China, where prosecutors said he had firsthand knowledge of some of the agency’s most sensitive secrets, including the names of covert CIA officers and clandestine human sources in China.

Robbery suspect shot dead with own gun by homeowner

Oh, the ignominy.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — A robbery suspect was shot dead by a homeowner in a neighborhood in southwest Houston, police say.

It happened shortly before 3 p.m. Tuesday at 5822 Ludington Dr., near Hillcroft and W. Bellfort Avenue.

Police say the homeowner was in his garage when the suspect approached him and said it was a robbery. That’s when police say the homeowner managed to get the suspect’s gun and shot him.

The suspect died at a nearby hospital, according to police.

The suspect’s identity has not yet been released. Officials say the case will go before a grand jury.

Intruder shot, killed in Berrien Co.; 2nd suspect sought

The second suspect hasn’t been found because he probably hit light speed running away and left the local space/time continuum

BENTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WOOD) — An intruder was shot and killed during a home invasion in Berrien County late Wednesday night.

It happened around 11:30 p.m. at the Briarwood Apartments located in the 1900 block of Union Avenue in Benton Township, near Benton Harbor.

The Benton Township Police Department said when officers arrived on scene, residents of apartment said two masked gunmen forced their way into the apartment and ordered the people in the living room to “get down.”

A person inside a bedroom heard the commotion, got a rifle and left the room. The resident saw one of the suspects who was armed with handgun, at which time gunfire was exchanged, according to the BTPD.

The suspects ran from the apartment building. One of the suspects was found laying on the pavement outside of the apartment building with a gunshot wound to the chest. He was pronounced dead at the scene, the police department said.

His was identified later Thursday as Dante Long Jr., 23, of Benton Harbor.

The second suspect was not found. Authorities do not have any further information about the second suspect.

Know the Opposition: Everytown for Gun Safety

New York City/United States – -(
The one group at the forefront of trying to take away our right to keep and bear arms today is perhaps the best-funded such group in history. Despite the attempt to have a grass-roots name, this is a group largely funded by Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor currently running for president.

The Everytown group, which counts Moms Demand Action as its force of grass-roots activists, is proving to be very potent. It’s not hard. Bloomberg’s money has been able to provide a sustained grassroots force that past groups like the Brady Campaign and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence haven’t been able to really build.

Backed by Bloomberg’s billions, Everytown simply will flood a state with wall-to-wall TV advertising. In addition, Bloomberg’s group has a director of “cultural engagement.” In short, if you want to know why the social stigmatization of gun ownership and support for the Second Amendment has taken off, this is the group to thank for it. The fact of the matter is that Bloomberg’s gun-control empire is re-shaping the political landscape – and not in favor of those who support liberty.

Bloomberg’s resources have been a huge game-changer. For the longest time, the biggest strength that pro-Second Amendment groups had was the NRA’s ability to mobilize thousands of grass-roots supporters in a Congressional district to do all of the little things – really, Democracy 101 stuff – that either supported candidates or who helped educate the public in the legislative and political arenas.

The fight is now a full-spectrum fight. Bloomberg has managed to fuse an offensive on not just the political and legislative fronts, but he also leverages Hollywood, and he leverages “research” into gun violence as a public health problem. While the Violence Policy Center long pushed that, Bloomberg has again packaged it in a form that is delivered by Moms Demand Action.

It should be noted that this full-spectrum fight is also being waged with a long-term plan in mind. He is not only an incredibly wealthy anti-Second Amendment extremist, he also is very strategically and tactically astute – far more so than we’ve seen from other anti-Second Amendment groups in the past. Just how good is Everytown’s strategic acuity?

Well, let’s put it this way, the Brady Campaign was dangerous because it used emotional stories well, and it sought to separate gun owners from the NRA – it passed legislation, it made gains, but it was primarily media-driven. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence had more of a religious fervor, but it wasn’t as effective, given its past push for outright gun bans. The Violence Policy Center was too extreme, even as it provided the intellectual underpinnings for the “public health” push for gun control. None had real grassroots strength.

Everytown doesn’t just unite those three “legs” of the stool, it has also shown a cold ruthlessness not seen from other groups. Bloomberg’s group has set in motion a chain of events that poses an existential threat to all pro-Second Amendment groups.

According to court filings, Everytown was involved in pushing Andrew Cuomo’s regime to engage in the politically-motivated abuse of financial regulations to financially blacklist the NRA. The resulting legal battle has since crippled the organization, touching off the infighting that we see today, and the needs of the NRA to fight the lawsuit ended up destroying the NRA/Ackerman-McQueen partnership in a very ugly way. Meanwhile, Bloomberg and Cuomo have taken advantage of the infighting they stirred up to win elections.

How can Everytown be beaten? The first step is unity. The infighting has to stop – and the NRA and other pro-Second Amendment groups need to get their act together. Second Amendment supporters must hang together, or Bloomberg will pick off pro-Second Amendment groups one by one and leave us isolated. Once isolated, our rights will be gone.

The second step is to hit Bloomberg – and his group – where it is vulnerable. There are three areas: One is Bloomberg’s nanny-state tendencies in general, ranging from the size of one’s soda to his environmental agenda. The other is the fact that he is an out-of-touch billionaire who is more than little hypocritical on some of these issues. The third is that his group peddles phony caricatures about gun owners – and those who support the Second Amendment.

The third step is to begin a long-term effort of our own. The fact is, we must build a pro-Second Amendment culture in this country, to make the thought of punishing millions of Americans for crimes and acts of madness they did not commit repulsive. We must work every day to prove Bloomberg is a liar about us, through how we address Americans we are trying to persuade to support our battle for freedom, through the approach we take in defending our rights, and being mindful about how we come across.

If we fail, Bloomberg may well succeed where Sarah Brady, Pete Shields, and others have failed.

Muslim AK-47s and Bombings Turn Sweden Into War Zone.

And some people with crap-for-brains still want the U.S. to allow more moslem refugees and immigrants to enter the U.S.
Sweden is learning this lesson the hard way, and their experience should inform our gubbermint’s decisions
As I repeat my first squad leader’s advice:
“Experience is the best teacher and other people’s experience is often the best. It’s cheaper and less painful.”

This isn’t terrorism. It’s a war. And it’s going on every day in Sweden.

Sweden is reeling from a wave of shootings and bombings with 268 shootings just this year so far. And that’s in a country of 10 million people which has crime numbers on par with some American cities.

“Sweden may have the answer to America’s gun problem,” Vox declared in 2016. Or maybe not.

These shootings aren’t being carried out with handguns, but with AK-47s. The weapon so often used as a boogeyman by gun control advocates, but rarely featured in everyday gun violence, is a staple of Sweden’s gang war scene. Along with hand grenades and other explosives rarely seen in America.

A call by the police last year asking gang members to turn in their grenades worked as well as expected.

There have been 187 bomb attacks this year. In just 1 week in August, there were three major bombings. Much of the violence is concentrated in Malmo which experienced 58 bombings in 2017.

Malmo has a sizable immigrant and Muslim population. And it’s a center of gang violence…………

But Muslim gang violence in Sweden isn’t just its problem anymore.

Bombings took off in Copenhagen with explosions outside a police station and a tax office over the summer. The targets were political and the bombs weren’t fireworks or hand grenades, but commercial explosives used for demolitions. The suspects turned out to be criminals who had entered from Sweden.

The violence was probably related to gang wars involving the Brothas, Loyal to Familia and other splinter gangs. Despite the gang names, the actual gang members have names like Osman and Omar.

While Muslim gangs operating out of Malmo appear to be pushing into Copenhagen, likely fronts and splinter groups of the Hells Angels, Muslim gangs out of Copenhagen, like the Black Cobras, are pushing into Malmo. To the Muslim gangs, Sweden and Denmark are just territories to seize and control.

That’s the same attitude that has brought Muslim gang members into ISIS.

Omar El-Hussein, a “Palestinian” Jordanian migrant criminal, who attempted to murder Mohammed cartoonist Lars Vilks before attacking a bar mitzvah at the Great Synagogue, had come through the ranks of the Brothas, building up a long criminal record, before finally joining ISIS.

After the attack, a journalist interviewed fellow Brothas gang members, Ahmed and Abdur Ramadan. “Those who depict our prophet, we’ll blow them up,” they declared.

The reference to bombings isn’t accidental.

Muslim gang leaders have reportedly taken the lead in joining ISIS. And their interest in explosives isn’t purely about gang violence. The bombing attacks on a police station and tax office weren’t gang rivalries. Despite the denials by the authorities, they have all the classic hallmarks of terrorism.

Denmark has reacted to the terror traffic from Sweden by imposing border controls on bridge crossings.

And while that might help slow the rate at which weapons flow into the country and bodies pile up, the real problem isn’t coming in from Sweden, but from Morocco, Turkey, Pakistan, Jordan, and Somalia.

Europe’s open infrastructure, its rejection of national and regional borders, has worsened the problem. From the mass flow of migrants from Muslim countries to the ease with which Muslim gang members move between European countries, the lack of border security has made the conquest of Europe easy.

The growing linkages between Muslim gangs across national borders is a warning of worse to come.

The main components of Islamic militias, like the ones that tore apart Syria and Libya, were gangs. Islamist forces like these are often made up of gangs with grandiose names. The Copenhagen gangs are still associated with international gangs and use their names, but eventually they will go Islamic.

And then it won’t be the Hells Angels anymore. It’ll be the Islamic State of something or other………….

Whether or not the Swedish authorities can successfully keep feeding their population the same lies about the magic of integration, Denmark and Norway don’t want Sweden’s problems coming home.

But while Sweden’s insistence that it is a “humanitarian superpower” because of the volume of migrants it has taken in has obviously worsened the problem, no European country is immune from the threat.

The gangs in Sweden and Denmark disregard national borders and governments. They’ve bombed police cars and police stations because they believe that they are the law. They don’t care which government is in power or what its policies might be. They are the only authorities in their particular no-go zones.

And while it’s fashionable to deny that no-go zones exist, the bombings amply testify otherwise.

While the debate goes on about the thin line between terrorism and gang violence, the authorities are deploying the familiar toolkit of counterterrorism measures, including eavesdropping, to fight the war.

And when bombs go off and AK-47 fire is heard in broad daylight, does it matter what kind of war it is?

Bernie Sanders would like us to be more like Sweden. That means a frightened citizenry, bullets and bombs going off in the streets, while our taxes go to fund social welfare programs for our killers.

America can’t be more like Sweden. Not even Sweden is going to be able to be like Sweden anymore.


General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems Canada Valleyfield, Inc (GD-OTS), has determined a potential defect relating to certain lots of Accurate 2495, 4064 and 4350 propellants manufactured for Western Powders Inc. prior to October 1, 2016 and packaged under the Accurate brand name in 1 lb and 8 lb. canisters, may be defective. The use or storage of this product may result in combustion, fire damage and/or possible serious injury or property damage. Some signs of degradation include, but are not limited to, container lid deformation, discoloration of the  containers in the lid area, presence of red fumes when the container lid is opened, or the presence of a strong acidic odor.

GD-OTS and Western Powders Inc. are recalling the following powders packaged under the Accurate brand in 1 lb. and 8 lb. containers.

The Lot Number is located either in a box on the back of the label or as a sticker on the bottom of the container.

What You Should Do

1) Immediately fill the container with water which will render the product inert and safe for disposal.
2) Notify Western Powders Inc. at 406-234-0422, or
We will provide you with a instructions to photograph the bottle showing the lot number and provide refund information.
3) DO NOT load ammunition with affected powder.

NOTE: This recall does not extend to loaded ammunition. Performance of ammunition with propellant showing no signs of degradation will not be altered provided recommended storage conditions are followed. It is recommended that loaded ammunition be checked regularly for deterioration.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but safety is our first concern. Contact us at 406-234-0422 if you have any questions regarding this recall.

Accurate Powders Recall Notice


Meridian homeowner shoots burglary suspect

A Meridian Mississippi homeowner shot a man suspected of burglary Tuesday night, according to police.

MPD Capt. John Griffith said the shooting happened off Grand Avenue around 11:15 p.m.

According to Griffith, the homeowner said he heard someone in his poolhouse, fired a gun through the door and struck a man in the stomach.

Kolbie Wayne Sheffield, 22, of Grenada, is in police custody at a hospital and is expected to be charged with burglary of an occupied dwelling, Griffith said.

Store manager, two robbers exchange gunfire

Texas Avenue, Texas City, Texas. realllly.
Surprisingly there is no Texas County in Texas.


A store manager and a pair of would-be robbers exchanged gunfire Saturday at a store on Texas Avenue, police said.

No was injured in the gunfight and police Sunday still were searching for the two men involved in the aggravated robbery.

The robbery happened about 9:12 p.m. at Texas Avenue Food Store, 1130 Texas Ave., department spokesman Cpl. Allen Bjerke said.

Two men, at least one in his early 20s, tried to rob the store, Bjerke said. Bjerke did not have immediate information on the age of the second man.

The store manager fired a weapon at one of the men and the two men fired four shots, Bjerke said.

Both men were last seen running west on Texas Avenue, Bjerke said.

Feast or Famine around here.

Beauty store clerk shoots, kills masked suspect during attempted armed robbery

AKRON, Ohio — A pair of masked men tried to rob a beauty shop but were met with gunfire, according to WJW.

Friday evening, officers responded to Royal Beauty Supply Store on the 900 block of South Arlington Street in Akron, Ohio.

Police say two masked men, armed with guns, came into the store to rob it.

Two employees were working at the time, and a 26-year-old clerk drew his gun and fired. The shot killed one of the suspects, according to WJW.

Officers say the second attempted robber ran from the scene.

Two intruders shot by homeowner in Graves County

MAYFIELD, Ky. (WDKY) – Two people were shot during a reported home invasion in Graves County.

The Graves County Sheriff’s Office said deputies responded to Tom Drive around 12:05 a.m. on Tuesday.

Deputies responded and found one person who had been shot multiple times. Minutes later, another shooting victim was found in the city limits. Deputies say the victim was shot during the same incident on Tom Drive.

One shooting victim was taken to a hospital in Paducah. The other victim was flown to a hospital in Nashville.

A third suspect remains on the run. However, deputies think that suspect is no longer in the area.

Shots exchanged between homeowner, burglary suspects in Lauderdale County

Lauderdale County deputies are searching for three men suspected of two car burglaries Saturday night.

A homeowner on Hillview Drive called 911 around 10 p.m. to report the men, whom he believed were trying to steal his car, according to Chief Deputy Ward Calhoun.

The homeowner later determined the men stole three guns from the car before leaving his property, Calhoun said.

After a sheriff’s deputy responded, he heard several gunshots up the road and headed to a nearby home.

There, a different homeowner who said he saw two men in his car and another man nearby, came out with his shotgun and exchanged gunfire with one of the suspects, according to Calhoun.

Calhoun said the homeowner believed he had struck one of the men and deputies later learned from a local hospital that someone arrived with a gunshot wound.

The investigation is ongoing and no one has been charged.


One man is reported injured and the alleged armed intruder is dead. According to the KJ, an armed suspect forced his way into an apartment at Tedford Housing’s family shelter, Federal Street, Brunswick around 11:45 pm last night.

During the break in, the intruder and another man, who also wasn’t supposed to be there, struggled for the weapon resulting in the suspect being shot by the other man. Maine State Police report that the suspect then fled the scene and died outside.

Long Beach police release surveillance video of September police shooting at 7-Eleven

Long Beach police have released video depicting a police shooting that killed an 18-year-old armed robbery suspect inside a convenience store in September.

Three surveillance cameras captured the incident, which shows a suspect, later identified as Jordan Michael Griffin of Long Beach, wearing a mask and all dark clothing. He rushes inside a 7-Eleven store about 11:30 p.m., Sept. 19, and points a firearm at the clerk while wedging himself between two customers at the counter.

Detectives follow shortly after and after a brief exchange, shoot the suspect, causing him to drop his weapon and fall to the floor.

The other two customers scurry toward the back of the store while the clerk ducks behind the counter.

The firearm was determined to be a BB-gun…….

Detectives had been tracking a dark Nissan Maxima believed to have been involved in other recent robberies when it pulled up behind the 7-Eleven in the 5100 block of Pacific Coast Highway. Griffin got out of the passenger seat and went inside the store, followed by detectives.

Man who had his Porsche stolen holds suspect at gunpoint

ST. LOUIS – Andre Tunstall is part owner of Luxe Menswear on Washington Avenue in St. Louis’s Downtown West neighborhood.

Tunstall said he’s worked hard for his money. When he realized someone stole his Porsche on Wednesday, he was desperate to find it. He posted a message on Facebook and within a few hours, a tipster sent a message indicating the vehicle was in an alley in the Baden neighborhood.

Tunstall called St. Louis police, filed a report, and then the officers left the scene. He waited with his car because it had a flat tire and needed a tow. He believes that’s when a man who was the thief returned. Tunstall said the man went to a dumpster as if he knew something was there. He said the man pulled the car’s key fob out of the dumpster and then tried to take the car.

Tunstall said he pulled out his own gun and ordered the man to the ground until the police returned.

“He had his life spared and that’s not anything to brag about,” Tunstall told KTVI. “It’s just for him to move forward and be a good father to his kids.”

Police charged Samuel Jamar Harris with first-degree tampering with a motor vehicle. Tunstall hopes the man held at gunpoint learns a lesson and turns his life around.

“Hopefully, this will be a new beginning for you and your family,” Tunstall said.

He also hopes anyone involved in a life of crime will learn something.

“I think they really need to understand that people out here work hard,” Tunstall said.

Court documents indicate Harris has a prior conviction for first-degree tampering.

Burlington homeowner confronts axe-wielding man with shotgun

BURLINGTON, N.C. — No one was injured Sunday morning when a man showed up at another man’s doorstep with an axe, according to Burlington police.

Around 9 a.m., officers with the Burlington Police Department responded to a home in the 700 block of Edinburgh Court.

According to investigators, the suspect used an axe he found in the yard to try to break in the back door of the home, which was occupied. The homeowner confronted the suspect with a shotgun and pointed it at him, according to police.

The suspect, identified as William Lawrence Cowan, 29, of W. Front Street, fled the scene on foot.

Cowan was arrested and charged with breaking or entering a building with the intent to commit felony/larceny. He was being held at the Alamance County Detention Center under a $5,000 bond.

Suspected burglar shot after breaking into Gulfport house

GULFPORT, Miss. (WLOX) – Gulfport Police are investigating a shooting after a man was shot at a home on West Virginia Avenue Saturday morning.

Authorities say the man who was shot reportedly broke into the home. After being spotted by the tenant who lives there, police said a struggle ensued and a gun was fired.

The suspect who broke into the home was shot but was able to run away from the house, said authorities. He made it about two blocks before falling. He was taken by AMR to Memorial Hospital. His current condition is unknown.

Police say the suspect may be linked to other break-ins around north Gulfport. They also believe this is the second time he forced his way into this particular home.