For all the strict gun control laws there, California actually has some of the better use of force in self defense laws and case law.

Mid-City homeowner fires on would-be robbers

Mid-City homeowner said he thought he was going to die after a group of suspects pulled guns on him as he approached his home over the weekend– and the attempted robbery was captured on his home surveillance cameras.

The terrifying incident happened around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 4. The homeowner is seen on camera walking up to his house, drink in hand, taking his keys out of his pocket.

Then, a person dressed in all-black clothing is seen rushing up to him from behind. The homeowner told FOX 11 that he was wearing earbuds at the time “which I never should have done, and I just felt someone run up behind me. Put a gun to me.”

The video shows it all happened within seconds. The homeowner threw his drink at the suspect, who ran off. The homeowner was seen on camera then pulling a gun out of his waistband and opening fire. He said he has a concealed carry permit.

Another camera angle showed there were actually two alleged perpetrators. They jumped the home’s front yard fence as the homeowner was walking from his car to his front door. The shots scared them both off.

The homeowner told FOX 11 that he wasn’t sure if he hit either of them.

The Los Angeles Police Department said the department was investigating the attempted robbery.

The homeowner said he hopes something like what happened to him Saturday doesn’t happen again.

“If anybody else ever tries to come, they’re going to die for trying to come in this house,” he said. “There was one shot to get in, and that was it.”

Whatever else it accomplished, the murderous attacks perpetrated by Hamas tore the mask off the “poor, suffering Palestinians” and revealed the entire operation as the bloodthirsty, anti-civilizational impulse we have long known it to be. For that, at least, we must be grateful for this excruciating moment of clarity.

This Time Israel Will Finish The Job.

There are many reasons for any sane person to regret the existence of Hamas, the savage Sunni Muslim militia that controls the Gaza Strip in Southern Israel. Founded in 1987, the group has specialized in terror attacks against Israelis while maintaining vigorous side-concessions fomenting anti-Western sentiment and keeping their own populace in a state of wretched poverty.

Such are the convoluted workings of providence, however, that the world may eventually find itself grimly grateful for what one percipient observer called “the Sabbath Massacres”: the barbaric slaughter perpetrated by Hamas on October 7, 2023, which left some 1,400 dead, thousands wounded, and more than 200 kidnapped and held hostage in Gaza.

The main reason to be grateful for this horrific carnage follows from the revelation it afforded. In the first place, by acting with such savage and sanguinary abandon—deliberately targeting the young and helpless, the old and infirm, raping, mutilating, beheading—Hamas in effect signed its own death warrant.

We’ve seen all the usual suspects fulminating against Israel, “the Zionists,” “the Jews.” A prominent Hamas spokesman called Ghazi Hamad said in an interview that the Sabbath Massacre of October 7 was only the start, that there would be many more and similar attacks “until Israel is annihilated.”

But that is idle, impotent imprecation, of a piece with King Lear’s aposiopetic rant against his sisters:

– No, you unnatural hags,
I will have such revenges on you both,
That all the world shall – I will do such things, –
What they are, yet I know not; but they shall be
The terrors of the earth.

One of the  most brilliant spokesman for the the Israeli Defense Force, Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, was right when he described Hamad as a “rotten, vile, and cowardly terrorist.” Doubtless Hamad would slit the throat of any Israeli he chanced across. But he is likely to chance across very few, if any. As Conricus has explained in patient if steely detail, the IDF is going to dismantle Hamas piece by piece, tunnel by tunnel, terrorist by terrorist.

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Would-be robber shot, killed inside Frankford pizza shop, other suspect at large

An armed man trying to rob a pizza shop was shot and killed in the Frankford neighborhood of Philadelphia, police said.

The incident happened as two men armed with guns entered George’s Pizza on the 5300 block of Oxford Avenue around 8 p.m. on Saturday night when shots were fired, according to police.

One of the attempted robbers was shot multiple times and killed just before 8:30 p.m., police said. The other suspect fled the scene on foot.

Police recovered two guns from the scene. No other injuries were reported.

Maintenance man, gunman shot after victim fights back during attempted robbery in Waukegan

A maintenance man was shot during an attempted robbery and fought back against the gunman, resulting in the suspect being shot with his own gun, in Waukegan Tuesday.

The Waukegan Police Department and Waukegan Fire Department responded around 10:45 a.m. Tuesday to Beechwood at the Preserve Apartments in the 3000 block of 8th Street for a report of a shooting.

Officers arrived and learned two people had sustained gunshot wounds.

A 17-year-old boy was found in an apartment with a gunshot wound to his thigh, according to a police report.

An officer applied a tourniquet to the boy’s leg before paramedics arrived.

The second person, a 20-year-old man working maintenance for the apartment building, was found with a gunshot wound to his thigh, the report said.

He was found on the ground by a dumpster behind the apartment building.

An officer provided first aid to the victim before paramedics arrived.

The 20-year-old man told officers that the 17-year-old boy attempted to rob him with a pistol and he fought back, the report said.

The maintenance man was able to gain control of the gun and shot the suspect.

The report said a witness also told investigators the 17-year-old boy was trying to rob the 20-year-old man and the two struggled over the weapon, resulting in the shooting.

Paramedics transported both male subjects to the hospital for treatment.

Officers recovered a gun from the area where the incident occurred and ammunition.

A second gun was recovered from the apartment where the suspect resides.

The incident remains under investigation by the Waukegan Police Department.

An America Without Gun Rights Would Look Like Mexico, Not Australia

Every mass shooting inevitably leads those on the left to call for a ban on “assault weapons,” and this time is no different. Thus begins the barrage of calls for “sensible gun laws” on social media, from network pundits, and via Vice President Kamala Harris herself, using Australia or New Zealand as the models. These unarmed countries, they tell us, prove you can strip citizens of their ability to own firearms and live in a nonviolent utopia. Is that the likely outcome of such a ban in America?

Thought experiment, leaving aside the issue of a right enshrined in the Constitution: If Americans allow their firearms to be outlawed and then confiscated, would we in fact, become like Australia or New Zealand?

If we gave up AR-15s and then a mass shooting took place where a semi-automatic handgun was used, opponents of gun rights would take those too — the same with a shooter with a hunting rifle, then a shooter with a shotgun, and on and on. We know where this leads. It can’t end with “military style” firearms. A confiscation of AR-15s would eventually lead to a complete ban on almost every gun. How long would that take? Five years, 10 years? It wouldn’t take very long once the ball is rolling and mass shooters move to handguns and shotguns, which would quickly be banned as the public’s demand for “safety” would be too much for politicians to stand against.

Cut to a Republican senator being interviewed on CNN the day after a mass shooting where a 9mm handgun was used: Senator, just a few months ago you voted to ban AR-15s because scores of children were killed in a school shooting. Today, with more dead children, you won’t support the banning of semi-automatic handguns? How can you tell those parents why the shooter was able to legally obtain a Glock 19 that, like the AR-15s that you voted to ban, allowed the shooter to fire many rounds and reload in a matter of seconds? What’s the difference, senator? Do those dead children think it was better to be shot by a handgun rather than a long gun? Senator?

That lawmaker would crumble, and so would others. What would we be left with? A technical right to keep and bear arms that practically renders that right meaningless.

How do we know this? We know this because we have seen this before in Mexico.

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FLPD investigating home invasion; 1 suspect shot, 1 still at large

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (WSVN) – Fort Lauderdale Police are investigating following reports that multiple suspects forcibly entered a home and physically assaulted a man inside.

According to authorities, the incident occurred just before 12:30 p.m. at the Progreso Point Apartments, located at 619 North Andrews Avenue.

Police said once the unknown suspects entered the home, in an act of self-defense, the victim managed to retrieve a firearm and shoot one of the intruders.

Before the police could arrive at the scene, the suspects fled the area in an unknown vehicle. The victim sustained serious injuries during the attack and was transported to Broward Health Medical Center.

Shortly after, the injured suspect, along with another suspect, arrived at BHMC for medical treatment, with the latter driving the vehicle.

FLPD officers on-site took both suspects into custody. The injured suspect is currently receiving treatment for serious injuries.

However, one suspect remains at large, and police are actively working to locate and apprehend them.

Police said the incident was isolated and not related to an active shooter situation at any point.

One Dead After Pre-Teens Allegedly Attempted To Carjack Off-Duty Cop Waiting For Shift In DC

A 12-year-old child was arrested and charged in connection with an attempted carjacking that led to the death of a 13-year-old boy.

The incident took place around 10 p.m. last Saturday in the 600 block of D Street, NW, according to the news release by Metropolitan Police in Washington, D.C. The young perpetrators, aged 12 and 13, came face to face with an off-duty federal security officer, per Fox News. As the unsuspecting security officer awaited the start of his shift from his vehicle, the pair approached him with alleged ill intentions.


The duo demanded that he exit his car. The situation escalated immediately, as one of the assailants placed his hand within his front waistband pocket, simulating the presence of a firearm. Fearing for his safety, the security officer decided to step out of his vehicle.

The officer then drew his weapon to defend himself. The shots that followed wounded the 13-year-old Vernard Toney, Jr. was critically injured. The teen was rushed to a nearby hospital, but despite all efforts, he died, the outlet further added.

The other suspect fled from the scene. However, law enforcement officers caught him with the help of security cameras. Surveillance footage was released by the police department, which played a pivotal part in tracking down the 12-year-old suspect. The alleged pre-teen carjacker was arrested and taken into custody on Tuesday.

Coffee County homeowner shoots lone intruder, suspect in custody

MANCHESTER, Tenn. (WSMV) – The Coffee County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a home invasion in the Beechgrove area Monday morning.

The sheriff’s office said the lone intruder was shot by the homeowner during the home invasion, and the suspect is in custody. Initially, the CCSO said it was possible there were other suspects but have since clarified the one suspect is responsible for the home invasion.

The intruder remains at a local hospital. At last check, he was about to go into surgery.

The CCSO warned residents to be cautious Monday morning. The investigation remains ongoing.

Well, if the goobermint would have secured the border…….

‘A Time for Vigilance’: FBI Dir. Christopher Wray Warns of Heightened Threats to the Homeland

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on Tuesday morning. The hearing was titled “Threats to the Homeland.”

In conjunction with his appearance, Wray submitted a 15-page statement covering the following topics:

  • Key Threats and Challenges
  • National Security
    • Terrorism Threats
    • Cyber
    • Foreign Intelligence Threats
    • National Counterintelligence Task Force
    • Transnational Repression and Other Counterintelligence Threats
  • Criminal Threats
    • Violent Crime
    • Transnational Organized Crime
    • Crimes Against Children and Human Trafficking
  • Reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

But it was Wray’s testimony regarding the heightened risk of attacks here in the U.S. that really caught the attention. This exchange between Wray and Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) highlights the danger of the times.

WRAY: What has now increased is the greater possibility of one of these foreign terrorist organizations directing an attack in the United States. We haven’t seen evidence that it’s actually happening yet, but what we have seen is — and I listed them off in my opening remarks — one terrorist organization after another calling for attacks.

SCOTT: We should wake up.

WRAY: It is a time to be concerned. We are in a dangerous period.

SCOTT: So, is the FBI able to track all threats and prevent these individuals from conducting an attack on U.S. soil?

WRAY: I couldn’t say that we’re able to detect all individuals. The people that we know about — as Secretary Rumsfeld used to say, ‘the known-known’ — we’re quite good at, together with our partners. But it is the unknown-unknown that I worry about quite a bit.

SCOTT: So, Director Wray, can you say that we do not have either individual foreign terrorists or terror cells affiliated with foreign groups currently operating in the United States?

WRAY: Well, we’re not — we’re not tracking that, but again, I come back to what it is: The gaps in our intelligence are real, and it’s something that we have concerns about.

SCOTT: So, Director Wray, so…what would you say right now to the American public — because, like, in my state, I’ve got a significant Jewish population. They’re scared to go to synagogue, Chabad. They’re scared to send their kids to day schools. So — but it’s not just them. It’s other individuals, like my daughters called me and said: Should they be sending their kids to school? What would you tell Americans right now about the threat today as compared to before?

WRAY: This is not a time for panic, but it is a time for vigilance. We shouldn’t stop conducting our daily lives, going to schools, houses of worship, and so forth. But we should be vigilant. You often hear the expression “If you see something, say something.”  That’s never been more true than now. And that’s probably partly why the American people are reporting more tips and leads to us and we’re pursuing those threats and leads as vigorously and responsibly as we can.

Wray acknowledged the very real threat of terrorist groups like Hamas conducting attacks on U.S. soil.

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California Democrats Disarm Synagogues

Here’s a story I missed from September that takes on an even more sinister cast in retrospect.

Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced the filing of a new Second Amendment lawsuit challenging multiple parts of California SB2, which unilaterally declares numerous locations as “sensitive places” where California will now ban the carry of firearms by licensed, law-abiding Californians. The complaint in Carralero v. Bonta can be viewed at

“SB2 restricts where persons with licenses to carry a concealed weapon may legally exercise their constitutional right to wear, carry, or transport firearms. And it does so in ways that are fundamentally inconsistent with the Second Amendment and the Supreme Court’s decision in Bruen,” argues the complaint. “The Second Amendment does not tolerate these restrictions. This Court should enter judgment enjoining their enforcement and declaring them unconstitutional.”

“With Gov. Newsom’s signing of SB2 today, California continues to exhibit its disdain for the rights of Californians, the U.S. Constitution, and the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision,” said Cody J. Wisniewski, FPC Action Foundation’s General Counsel and Vice President of Legal, and FPC’s counsel. “Unfortunately for California, and contrary to Governor Newsom’s misguided statements, the state does not have the power to unilaterally overrule individual rights and constitutional protections. Fortunately, courts across the nation have already struck down laws just like SB2, and we expect the same result here.”

FPC is joined in this lawsuit by three individuals, Orange County Gun Owners, San Diego County Gun Owners, and California Gun Rights Foundation.

If Democrats actually revered the Supreme Court as much as they claim to, Bruen would have ended their attempts to pass Second Amendment infringing legislation. But the goal of disarming the civilian population is only slightly less sacred a Democratic Party cause than taxpayer-funded abortions. So they soldier on trying to thwart the Constitution.

Here is the relevant text of SB2.

This bill would remove those exemptions, except as specified. The bill would make it a crime to bring an unloaded firearm into, or upon the grounds of, any residence of the Governor, any other constitutional officer, or Member of the Legislature. The bill would also prohibit a licensee from carrying a firearm to specified locations, including, among other places, a building designated for a court proceeding and a place of worship, as defined, with specific exceptions. By expanding the scope of an existing crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

Well, it’s not like any particular houses of worship are under particular threats from particular terrorist organizations, now is it?

Just four years ago on the last day of Passover, a man armed with a rifle burst into a synagogue in Poway, near San Diego, fatally shot one woman and injured three other congregants, including the synagogue’s rabbi.

A year before, an even more horrific attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue left 11 dead.

In the aftermath of the attack on Israel, many American Jews are arming themselves. But in California, not only will Jews and worshippers in other faiths be banned from protecting themselves in their houses of worship, but would-be killers will know that potential victims in “sensitive” areas will be unarmed.

Everywhere in the west, the radical left is protesting to support Hamas, despite (or perhaps because) of the latter’s calls to completely destroy the Jews. Meanwhile, Gavin Newsom and California Democrats are disarming law-abiding Jewish American citizens in their synagogues.

What are the odds?

The Bloody Failed Experiment of Gun-Free “Death” Zones

After watching senseless killings in Gun Free Zones time and time again, logical-thinking people start to consider the fact that deaths occur in these locations because people can’t defend themselves when under attack. Mainstream media, in coordination with the Democrat party, is highly tuned in to this awareness and works effortlessly to counteract that thought process through an endless stream of propaganda, rhetoric, and gun-blaming.

They know that logical-thinking people are aware of their anti-gun fear campaign. Still, they also know that there is a good portion of Americans who can be easily manipulated into believing the anti-gun lies.

We wonder how, if they know that they are putting good people in danger with their false narrative, Gun Free Zones, and dangerous gun restrictions, they can continue this experiment in unnecessary loss of human life?

The biggest culprit of unnecessary and preventable death is the Gun Free Zone. It is also becoming quite apparent that the Gun Free Zone is a valuable tool for gun restrictions. At a certain point, the gun-grabbers start to look foolish for continuing dangerous policies with no remorse, but the Gun Free Zone brings with it death, and an excuse to blame guns for human violence. This is the main driver for gun-restriction support.

Don’t believe me? Ask yourself why it is that left-wing media and politicians will start blaming firearms, with total disregard to the suffering families and loss of life before the victims are even removed from the scene.

There are several reasons for this immoral behavior, including the fact that a good portion of our Country values politics over morality.

This could be a result of the demonization of Judaism and Christian values in our society. It could also be the fact that there is a concerted effort to teach people to devalue human life if it doesn’t benefit them.

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Philly store worker shoots, kills robber stuffing pockets with cash,

A worker in a corner store shot and killed an armed robber late Wednesday night, Philadelphia police said.

The robber had cash stuffed in one of his pockets when police officers arrived to the Happy Day Food Market at South 58th Street and Whitby Avenue in the Kingsessing neighborhood just after 10:30 p.m., Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small said.

The man — believed to be in his late 20s — was found on the floor behind the counter bleeding from multiple gunshot wounds to his chest and torso, Small said.

Medics pronounced the man dead on the scene minutes later.

The man had entered the store partially masked and holding a gun.

“He pointed it at one of the employees, then went behind the counter and point-of-gun started taking money from the cash register,” Small said.

“That’s when the store employee who was also behind the counter pulled his weapon and fired several shots.”

You could “clearly see that at least one of the 28-year-old’s pockets is stuffed with money,” Small said. Investigators believe that cash and other money seen on the ground was stolen from the cash register by the gunshot victim.

“Preliminary information it appears to be self-defense,” since the robber was armed with a gun, Small said.

Investigators recovered the guns of both the dead robber and store worker, Small said.

The store worker remained on the scene and cooperated with investigators, police said. Others also cooperated with the investigation.

Police looked over interior store surveillance cameras to corroborate witness testimonies, investigators said.

The store had been robbed in the past, Small said.

Georgia Lieutenant Gov Wants To Pay Teachers $10,000 Annually To Carry Guns On Campuses

Georgia Republican Lieutenant Gov. Burt Jones unveiled legislation on Wednesday that would annually pay school teachers $10,000 to carry a gun at school in an effort to increase safety on campuses.

“One of the most critical duties we have as public servants is to protect those who are most vulnerable – including all of Georgia’s children,” Jones said in a news release.

Jones said the legislation would use state funding to ensure Georgia’s school systems and teachers have the option to receive proper firearms training and certification. The plan also calls for stricter guidelines for existing school safety plans and to distribute more money to schools that hire school resource officers with police certification, The Associated Press reported.

“We feel like this is the best way to prepare faculty, but also prepare law enforcement and the system however we can,” Jones reportedly said at Austin Road Elementary School in Winder on Wednesday, adding the state should take more “proactive” measures to prevent school shootings.

Republican State Sens Max Burns and Clint Dixon joined the Lt. Gov. in crafting the 2024 legislative priority to increase school safety, contending that protecting children and their classrooms is their first responsibility.

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Livermore gun store owner fatally shoots suspect during attempted robbery

LIVERMORE, Calif. – A Livermore gun shop owner fatally shot a suspect armed with a hammer during an attempted robbery, police said.

The incident happened at East Bay Firearms, located at 4049 First Street, on Sunday around 2:30 p.m, according to the Livermore Police Department.

Alameda store clerk arrested in deadly shooting of alleged thief
The suspect, wearing a mask, gloves, and a hooded sweatshirt pulled over his head, entered the store acting suspiciously, said police.

Witnesses reported that the suspect, armed with a hammer, attempted to take a firearm. In response, the gun store owner fired two rounds, killing the man.

Authorities have identified the suspect as a 28-year-old man from Redwood City, but have not released his name.

The gun store owner is cooperating with the investigation, and police do not consider him a suspect, as it appears he acted in self-defense, officials said.

At the time of the attempted robbery, there were five customers inside the store. None of them was injured.


Armed man scares off North Carolina supermarket shooter

A gunman was chased away by an armed bystander after he opened fire outside a supermarket in North Carolina, police said.

Mirza Zukanovic, 35, is accused of shooting at two people Saturday night following a domestic dispute at the Lowes Foods parking lot in Wake Forest Crossing, WRAL News reports.

As Zukanovic fired at the duo, a bystander who has a license to carry a weapon drew his own pistol and fired at the gunman.

Zukanovic then fled, but was impaired while driving and crashed his car just minutes later along nearby Stadium Drive.

Zukanovic was taken into custody without further incident and charged with two counts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, discharging a firearm in the city limits, driving while impaired, no operator’s license, failure to wear a seatbelt and failure to maintain lane control.

No one was injured in the shootout, and no property was reported damaged, Wake Forest police said.

Zukanovic was booked at the Wake County Detention Center and is being held without bail.

A representative for Zukanovic was not immediately available for comment.

Mirza Zukanovic, 35, is accused of shooting at two people at a Lowes Foods parking lot.
Mirza Zukanovic, 35, is accused of shooting at two people at a Lowes Foods parking lot.
Wake Forest Police Department
The shooting at the supermarket was caused by a domestic dispute between Zukanovic and two others.
Although rare, armed bystanders have been credited with taking down dangerous armed criminals in the past.

Last month, a customer at the Zaxby’s restaurant in Alpharetta, Georgia, shot a 57-year-old gunman attempting to rob the establishment.

The local hero, who was not publicly identified, shot the would-be robber in the leg, twice, leading the suspect to flee into the woods, where he was arrested by police.

Concealed Carry Holder Attacked by Pro-Palestinian Protestors Won’t Face Charges For Firing Shot

A rally to support Israel in Skokie, Illinois over the weekend turned chaotic and violent when about 200 pro-Palestinian protestors showed up outside the banquet hall where the rally was taking place.

Though police were on hand to keep the two sides apart, at one point a smaller group of protestors broke away from the crowd, with one of them apparently yanking an Israeli flag off of a motorist’s car. When the man got out of the car to get his flag back, he was quickly surrounded by the mob, and ended up firing a shot into the air to get them to back away.

The man was quickly taken into custody by Lincolnwood police, but was released on Monday after Cook County prosecutors determined the man was acting in self-defense.

The 39-year-old man, who prosecutors declined to name, was released from police custody. In a statement issued Monday, prosecutors said the man, a Firearm Owner Identification Card and Concealed Carry License holder, had “no criminal history.”

“After reviewing the evidence, which includes surveillance video and witness statements, we have determined the individual … acted in self-defense upon being surrounded by a crowd and attacked by some of those individuals,” according to the statement.…

Hatem Abuddayeh, the national chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, said the state’s attorney’s office was “absolutely wrong” in releasing the man, who he said “endangered hundreds.”

He blamed America’s political leaders, specifically President Joe Biden and some elected officials in Illinois who have voiced support for Israel, for stoking the attacks.

“Our leaders are responsible for the attacks,” Abuddayeh said. “The state’s attorney’s office has a responsibility of keeping people safe … These are the things that put us in danger.”

C’mon now. First of all, this wasn’t an attack, at least not on the part of the concealed carry holder. He was defending himself against an attack from an angry mob, and honestly showed remarkable restraint (if not the smartest gun handling) by firing a warning shot into the air rather than taking aim at any of the individuals who were attacking him.

The pro-Palestinian protesters had a First Amendment right to be there, but no one had the right to take his property off his car, and they certainly didn’t have the right to attack him when he tried to get his flag back.

“I don’t think [pro-Palestinian protesters] are gonna be dissuaded from wanting to do more and being public in their support for their people and their demands of our government,” Abuddayeh said. “But it’s a message to our community that the people in charge don’t care that we’re being attacked.”

Alison Pure-Slovin, the Midwest regional director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which organized the Israeli solidarity event, said prosecutors likely decided not to press charges because the man “didn’t feel safe.”

“He was afraid because he was accosted by other people,” Pure-Slovin said. “The United States of America guarantees free speech. You should not be accosted because of your beliefs.”

Pure-Slotkin is absolutely right, and it’s true for both sides. If the concealed carry holder had been driving by and decided to accost the people protesting the pro-Israel event by threatening them with a gun, he should and would have faced charges. But that’s not what happened here, and it sounds like Abuddayeh is grossly twisting the facts to suit his own cause.