Gun Owners of America Blast John Cornyn

Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of Gun Owners of America sent out an email blast yesterday accusing Texas Senator John Cornyn of attempting to sell out gun owners:

We have an emergency on our hands.

While preparing to fight back against the ATF’s unconstitutional regulation of pistol braces, we learned some disturbing news…

Senator John Cornyn — a Republican who should be pro-2A — is quietly making a deal with the rabid anti-gunner, Chris Murphy, to pass universal background checks.

We need EVERY gun owner in America to take action right now to prevent what would be Armageddon for the Second Amendment.

The language seems overwrought in that direct mail we’re-all-going-to-die-unless-you-donate way. Is there some truth to it? Apparently so:

After years of failed attempts to pass a firearms background check bill, two senators think they have a path to agreement — at least on one key component of a deal.

Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and John Cornyn, R-Texas, have been quietly negotiating a way to bolster background check rules by making a small but consequential tweak to current law, which they say would close an unintended loophole in the system that has led to preventable mass shootings.

House-passed legislation to require background checks on nearly all gun purchases has stalled in the Senate. But Murphy and Cornyn, who have been negotiating behind closed doors with little fanfare, believe they may have a formula that can attract broad support from both parties.

Bipartisan, of course, means that the Stupid Party and the Evil Party get together to do something stupid and evil. Or, in this case, Republicans go squishy in the face of Democrat demands.

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Yet another official hobgoblin to frighten the citizenry

Glenn Greenwald (who famously broke the Snowden revelations about state invasion of citizen privacy) alerts us that a new pattern of government warnings to the American people signals a new politically-inspired war on terror.  This time it’s directed against conservatives and Trump supporters, who are now officially lumped together and derided as “domestic extremists”.  Trouble is, it’s just as false and manipulative as such warnings have been in the past.

The Department of Homeland Security on Friday issued a new warning bulletin, alerting Americans that domestic extremists may well use violence on the 100th Anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre. This was at least the fourth such bulletin issued this year by Homeland Security (DHS) warning of the same danger and, thus far, none of the fears it is trying to instill into the American population has materialized.. . .

Just like the first War on Terror, these threats are issued with virtually no specificity. They are just generalized warnings designed to put people in fear about their fellow citizens and to justify aggressive deployment of military and law enforcement officers in Washington, D.C. and throughout the country.. . .

Fear is crucial for state authority. When the population is filled with it, they will acquiesce to virtually any power the government seeks to acquire in the name of keeping them safe. But when fear is lacking, citizens will crave liberty more than control, and that is when they question official claims and actions. When that starts to happen, when the public feels too secure, institutions of authority will reflexively find new ways to ensure they stay engulfed by fear and thus quiescent.

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Historian Falsely Claims The Second Amendment Was Created To Protect Slavery
The goal isn’t merely to just falsify our history, but to do so in a way that breeds further division within the country.

After spending decades assailing the Second Amendment rights of American citizens, cultural Marxists believe they’ve finally found the perfect line of attack against the constitutional right to keep and bear arms: racism.

Just like every other aspect of the American Founding, the ratification of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is rooted in nothing more than white supremacy. Or at least, that’s what scholar Carol Anderson wants you to believe.

In her latest book, “The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America,” Anderson argues that the “well regulated Militia” inscribed in the Second Amendment was created to provide states with a mechanism to quell potential slave uprisings.

“It was in response to the concerns coming out of the Virginia ratification convention for the Constitution, led by Patrick Henry and George Mason, that a militia that was controlled solely by the federal government would not be there to protect the slave owners from an enslaved uprising,” she told NPR. “And … James Madison crafted that language in order to mollify the concerns coming out of Virginia and the anti-Federalists, that they would still have full control over their state militias — and those militias were used in order to quell slave revolts.”

Anderson claimed the Second Amendment “provided the cover, the assurances that Patrick Henry and George Mason needed, that the militias would not be controlled by the federal government, but that they would be controlled by the states and at the beck and call of the states to be able to put down these uprisings.”

While Anderson argues that her book isn’t “anti-gun,” her statements made to CNN say otherwise. When asked about the recent announcement that the Supreme Court would pick up a gun rights case, Anderson pivoted to gun control, asserting that opposition to such measures is likely based on white Americans’ fear of black Americans.

“After Sandy Hook, nothing happened,” she said. “How could that be? That could be because of this underlying fear that if there are real gun safety laws then whites will be left defenseless against these black people.”

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There is simply no comparison between the Tulsa race massacre and the Capitol riot, or between Jim Crow and modern election integrity efforts. Biden resorts to these dangerous and deceptive comparisons in order to divide the electorate along racial lines and to justify his radical agenda. Using critical race theory, Biden and his defenders can demonize any dissent from his agenda as motivated by hidden racism.

Biden’s Tulsa Massacre Speech Should Set Off Alarm Bells

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden commemorated the Tulsa race massacre, a horrendous white mob attack on the Black Wall Street in the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Okla. White mobs attacked black citizens, burned their businesses, and even dropped bombs from planes overhead. The massacre killed at least 39 people (26 black and 13 white) and hospitalized more than 800 between May 31 and June 1, 1921.

Biden took the opportunity to compare this heinous attack to… the Capitol Riot on January 6 and Republican election integrity efforts. The president tried to connect the Tulsa massacre to the Charlottesville riot in 2017 and then the Capitol riot.

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So, propaganda, right?

USA Today Prepares Fact-Challenged Hit Piece On Gun Industry Ahead Of ATF Director Nomination Hearing.

A USA Today reporter who has worked directly with a Bloomberg-funded anti-gun group is preparing an attack on a major gun industry trade group ahead of hearings for Biden’s ATF nominee.

USA Today is working with an anti-gun group funded by failed Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg to attack a major gun industry trade group ahead of a Wednesday Senate hearing for President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), The Federalist has learned.

Nick Penzenstadler, a USA Today reporter who has partnered with Bloomberg’s anti-gun publication The Trace, has peppered the National Shooting Sports Foundation with loaded questions and factually inaccurate assumptions about NSSF’s work, according to correspondence reviewed by The Federalist. NSSF is a Connecticut-based gun industry trade group that helps members navigate and comply with federal firearms laws and ATF rules and regulations.

The apparent premise of the still-in-progress USA Today attack is that NSSF, which works directly with ATF to advise federal firearms licensees (FFLs) on how to comply with the agency’s regulations, has never worked to help the ATF obtain the resources it needs to ensure compliance from gun manufacturers or dealers.

To support its narrative, USA Today interviewed Richard Marianos, a former ATF official who allegedly claimed NSSF had never sought additional resources for ATF.

“[Marianos] says, in short: The NSSF is like the [National Rifle Association], [NSSF] never once has said the ATF needs more money, help support, or resources,” Penzenstadler claimed in correspondence reviewed by The Federalist.

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‘Replication’ means that with the same data provided by the original research, the same experiment will produce the same result, within a calculated variance. A problem is that a lot of that doesn’t happen, and the real problem is that this means a lot the money spent on research grants has been wasted and a lot of people know that, and it’s been ignored since that would otherwise mean the money would likely dry up and these ‘scientists’ would have to find another way to fund the lifestyle they’ve grown accustomed to.
In other words; “Can you say ‘Fraud‘? ……I knew you could!”

The ‘Replication Crisis’ Could Be Worse Than We Thought, New Analysis Reveals.

The science replication crisis might be worse than we thought: new research reveals that studies with replicated results tend to be cited less often than studies which have failed to replicate.

That’s not to say that these more widely cited studies with unreplicated experiments are necessarily wrong or misleading – but it does mean that, for one reason or another, follow-up research has failed to deliver the same result as the original study, yet it still gets loads of citations.

Thus, based on the new analysis, research that is more interesting and different appears to garner more citations than research with a lot of corroborating evidence.

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California: Imam Says Jews Use ‘Religious Texts to Justify Criminal Activities,’ in Islam ‘We Don’t Have This

Does the imam Salim Ammar Mohamed think his Muslim audience is stupid? Does he think that none of them have actually read the Qur’an?

He says Jews use their scriptures to justify criminal acts, but in Islam “we don’t have any of this.”


“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies…” (8:60)

“When your Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers; so strike the necks, and strike every finger of them!” (Qur’an 8:12)

“We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.” (Qur’an 3:151)

“And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out; persecution is worse than slaughter. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if they fight you, kill them — such is the recompense of unbelievers, but if they give over, surely Allah is all-forgiving, all-compassionate. Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is Allah’s; then if they give over, there shall be no enmity save for evildoers.” (Qur’an 2:191-193)

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If it were, Europe would be a crime free paradise.

Lack Of Gun Control Is NOT Reason For Rise In Crime

Not enough gun control. That, according to the vaunted “experts” in the Biden basement dwelling White House, is the reason for the rise in crime we are seeing all over the United States.

Yes indeed, you heard it here first from good ole Jen ‘circle back’ Psaki.

Oh REALLY? Let’s review the past fourteen months shall we? What has happened during all that time? Well, yes. The idiotic lockdown, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

How about all those riots? How about all the looting and destruction in cities all over the United States that has caused billions in damage? How about the fact that many of those looting rioting THUGS walked out of jail scot-free thanks to Kamala and her ilk who ponied up millions for bail funds across the country.

What about Democrats and their asinine defund the police movement? Crime has skyrocketed because of that as well. Seattle is a cesspool. San Francisco is a pit of feces, discarded syringes, blatant daylight robberies, and homelessness run rampant. Chicago and St. Louis crime rates are out of control, while the mayors bloviate about how fewer police are needed. New York has de Blasio contributing to the crime rate with his grandiosely stupid ideas.

“When de Blasio and his police commissioner, Dermot Shea, dismantled the city’s hugely successful anti-gun street crime units, when the City Council embraced the defund rhetoric, and when Gov. Cuomo and the Legislature bought into the anti-cop zeitgeist and obnoxiously did away with most bail, the message to law-abiding New Yorkers became clear: You’re on your own, chumps.

What has happened since then? Crime is up, WAY up, and the anti-Semitism hate crimes have risen exponentially. 

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Biden’s Exploitation of Religion
For him it’s only useful if turned into liberal propaganda.

The Declaration of Independence says “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” On the campaign trail in 2020, Joe Biden botched that line, saying, “All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.” His omission of God was telling. Unlike the Founding Fathers who spoke openly and often of God, Biden hesitates before mentioning him. In early May, he managed to issue an obligatory proclamation on the National Day of Prayer without referencing God once. He put a political spin on prayer, saying it had “powered moral movements — including essential fights against racial injustice, child labor, and infringement on the rights of disabled Americans.”

For Biden, religion is only useful insofar as it serves as a tribune of liberal propaganda. His secularism seeks to remove religion from politics while inserting politics into religion. Whether talking about prayer or pontiffs, Biden has politics, not religion, on his mind. He often gushes about Pope Francis, but his alliance with him rests not on Catholicism but political liberalism. In a grim irony, the party of John F. Kennedy, who promised never to take political cues from a pope, now slavishly follows one.

Taking religion out of religion and putting politics into it is one of the most corrupting projects of modern liberalism.

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Biden Administration Is Flying Illegal Aliens to American Cities in the Middle of the Night

As the illegal immigration crisis on the U.S. southern border with Mexico continues, the Biden Administration is flying unaccompanied minors and family units to cities around the country in the middle of the night. From local WRCBtv in Tennessee:

Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center is receiving planes carrying migrant children who are being bused to multiple southeastern cities during overnight hours.

Channel 3 obtained video of one of those planes arriving Friday, May 14 shortly before 1:30 a.m.

A second video, shared with Channel 3, shows more children arriving late Saturday night. According to the source who provided the video, a third plane carrying children arrived Friday afternoon. Flight records confirm that a fourth plane arrived early Wednesday morning, May 19.

The video obtained by Channel 3, shows children who appear to be in their early teens carrying matching bags. The children then boarded buses, which were staged on the runway. Two of the four buses seen in the video are owned by Coast to Coast Tours of East Point, Georgia.

The flights are prompting questions from lawmakers on Capitol Hill as the Department of Homeland Security continues to hide how they are dealing with a historic influx of illegal immigration.

Report: John Cornyn Seeking ‘Compromise Language’ for Democrat Gun Control

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) is still seeking “compromise language” for Democrat gun control, the Washington Post reported.

On April 20, 2021, Breitbart News pointed to Politico’s claim that Cornyn was talking gun control behind the scenes with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT).

Cornyn was having “quiet conversations” with Murphy for the purposes of “[finding] common ground,” Politico indicated.

On May 16, 2021, the Post observed that Cornyn’s talks with Murphy are ongoing, saying, “Some Republicans, including Cornyn, have said they generally favor background checks and have been actively talking with Murphy about compromise language that would not go as far as the House versions but could close some loopholes.”

Cornyn admitted the talks were taking place, but suggested no middle ground has yet to be found. “There’s nothing right now to say other than we are still talking,” he said.

Murphy is currently pushing universal background check legislation in the Senate.

Colorado has universal background checks, but they did not prevent the March 22, 2021, Boulder, Colorado, attack.

New York has universal background checks as well, but they did not prevent 11 people from being shot in New York City during an 8-hour window of time on Saturday.

California adopted universal background checks in the early 1990s, but they did not prevent the April 2, 2012, Oikos University Attack/Oakland, California (7 killed); the May 23, 2014, Santa Barbara attack (6 killed); the December 2, 2015, San Bernardino attack (14 killed); the June 14, 2017, San Francisco UPS shooting (3 killed); and the November 7, 2018, Thousand Oaks attack (12 killed), among other attacks.

Quote O’ The Day:
It’s a very simple thing that people seem to go to Washington to forget:
If you’re going to take a party leadership position, then the party comes before your personal ambitions.

Why Liz Cheney Had to Go.

“It Is Clear That Cheney Cares More About Earning Praise From Nancy Pelosi And The Corporate Press More Than She Cares About Fighting To Save Our Country From The Democrat’s Socialist Agenda.”


“I’ll take No Enemies To The Left for $500, Alex”

Republicans push FBI over ‘suicide by cop’ outrage.

REPUBLICANS PUSH FBI OVER ‘SUICIDE BY COP’ OUTRAGE. Last month some House GOP lawmakers revealed the previously unknown fact that the FBI ruled the June 14, 2017 shooting attack on the House Republican baseball team to be an act of “suicide by cop.” It was stunning news. How could the FBI do such a thing? The shooter, James Hodgkinson, expressed bitter hatred for Republicans, brought guns when he moved to the Washington area, had a hit list of GOP lawmakers in his pocket when he approached the baseball practice, checked to make sure the men on the field were in fact Republicans, and then opened fire. He nearly killed House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, badly wounded a lobbyist, and hurt two others before being shot to death by Scalise’s security detail and Alexandria, Virginia police.

It was absolutely clearly, without any doubt, an act of domestic political terrorism. And yet in November, 2017, when the FBI briefed House lawmakers on the investigation, they announced that they had determined the attack was an episode of “suicide by cop” — that is, despite all the evidence to the contrary, Hodgkinson was trying to kill himself, not Republicans.

Now, GOP lawmakers are pushing FBI Director Christopher Wray to explain how the bureau came to that conclusion. Today, the House members who were present at the baseball field that day are sending a new letter demanding Wray not only re-investigate the shooting itself but also investigate how FBI investigators came to ignore the evidence and reach the “suicide by cop” verdict.

China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons – including coronavirus – SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People’s Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered by the US State Department

  • Beijing has considered the military potential of SARS coronaviruses since 2015
  • The bombshell document was accessed by US State Department investigators
  • Scientists examined manipulation of diseases ‘in a way never seen before’
  • Foreign affairs committee’s Tom Tugendhat says evidence is a ‘major concern’

Chinese scientists have been preparing for a Third World War fought with biological and genetic weapons including coronavirus for the last six years, according to a document obtained by US investigators.

The bombshell paper, accessed by the US State Department, insists they will be ‘the core weapon for victory’ in such a conflict, even outlining the perfect conditions to release a bioweapon, and documenting the impact it would have on ‘the enemy’s medical system’.

This latest evidence that Beijing considered the military potential of SARS coronaviruses from as early as 2015 has also raised fresh fears over the cause of Covid-19, with some officials still believing the virus could have escaped from a Chinese lab.

The dossier by People’s Liberation Army scientists and health officials, details of which were reported in The Australian, examined the manipulation of diseases to make weapons ‘in a way never seen before’.

Senior government figures say it ‘raises major concerns’ over the intentions of those close to Chinese President Xi Jinping amid growing fears about the country’s lack of regulation over its activity in laboratories.

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These aren’t ‘gaffes’,  he’s suffering from dementia. He can’t even read off his TelePrompTer.


President Biden Gaffes Several Times During Tuesday Press Conference

President Joe Biden slipped up several times during a Tuesday afternoon press conference on his administration’s ongoing response to the coronavirus pandemic.

After being mocked Monday for saying that “anybody making less than $400,000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes” under his infrastructure plan, Biden was again forced to correct himself several times after misspeaking while answering questions from the media.

The first gaffe came when Biden said his administration is “going to slip vaccines directly to pediatricians” while talking about vaccine distribution. He quickly corrected himself to “ship.”

Biden slipped up again while encouraging Americans to continue following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines on coronavirus, catching himself after calling it the “CCD.”

“I’m asking people to continue to follow the CCD guidelines — the CDC guidelines,” Biden said.

Biden also announced a new website designed to make it convenient for Americans to find vaccine locations near them, but had to again correct himself after saying “vaccines.gum.” He also stumbled while explaining the text alert that can be used for the same purpose.

“We’re going to make it easier than ever to get vaccinated. Visit vaccines.gum — .gov — vaccines.gum — or text to, text your zip code to 438829.”

There have been several moments during the Biden administration where he has come under criticism for his longtime tendency to gaffe, which some of his political opponents cited as the reason that he waited longer to have a press conference than any American president since World War II.

Biden’s TV ratings are low. And it’s just the way his handlers want it. He and his vice president rarely talk to reporters, rarely hold press conferences, rarely tweet anything controversial. From a visibility perspective, it is the polar opposite of the bombastic, unfiltered Trump years.

While words matter, deeds matter much, much more. And if this stealth presidency gets its way, Biden will do more to transform this country into a far-left utopia than any other Democratic president in history. 

Biden’s poor TV ratings against Trump is exactly what this administration wants

The 45th president was fairly obsessed with ratings. Given Donald Trump’s experience as a TV reality-show star, that is not terribly surprising.

Between Feb. 20, 2020, and Dec. 6, 2020, Trump tweeted 44 times about TV ratings, according to Fast Company, or four times more often than about wearing a mask during that same span.

Trump also quote-tweeted this from The New York Times on Mar. 29, 2020, a time when the country was shut down and when confusion and fear about the novel coronavirus dominated the minds of many Americans: “President Trump is a ratings hit. Since reviving the daily White House briefing Mr. Trump and his coronavirus updates have attracted an average audience of 8.5 million on cable news … .”

Understandably, this created tremendous and deserved backlash against the president at the time, as COVID-19 cases and deaths soared. But this was simply Trump’s reflexive DNA dating back to before he was president, which carried over to after he started calling the White House home, literally on Day 1. “It was the most-watched inauguration in history, period!!” White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters the day after Inauguration Day on Jan. 22, 2017, in a statement from the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room.

In April 2019, Trump focused on ratings again to attack MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, declaring: “Morning Psycho (Joe), who helped get me elected in 2016 by having me on (free) all the time, has nosedived, too Angry Dumb and Sick. A really bad show with low ratings – and will only get worse.”

You get the point. Trump saw big ratings as a sign of big love.

Truth was (and still is) that the former “Apprentice” star and real estate mogul was a modern version of the late Howard Cosell, who in a 1970s TV Guide poll was voted as simultaneously the most liked and disliked man in America. That sums up the ratings explosion during the Trump presidency, in which a rising tide (OK, a tsunami) lifted all media boats in terms of ratings and clicks, to heights we may never see again.

So, it was no surprise to see President Biden‘s ratings fall far short of Trump’s in the viewership department after he finally gave an address to a joint session of Congress. The differential was staggering: For Trump’s 2017 address to a Joint session, 48 million people tuned in. For Biden’s address, just 27 million tuned in.

For a guy who received more votes than any other presidential candidate in U.S. history, it would seem on the surface that this would be seen internally as bad news for Team Biden.

But this seems to be exactly what they want: a stealth presidency.

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If Biden is a centrist, why do leftists love him now?

Look for Biden to keep citing “crises.” He has already gotten Congress to pass $1.9 trillion in what was called “COVID relief” but what was in addition a massive social welfare program. He is now pushing another $4 trillion in spending — the numbers Biden proposes are truly astronomical and unprecedented. Why would Americans support such wild moves? Because there’s a crisis! That’s what Biden hopes he can convince the public to believe.

Joe Biden, Crisis Monger.

JOE BIDEN, CRISIS MONGER. Just last week, this newsletter noted that the Biden White House has a tendency to over-use the word “crisis.” Senior staff routinely portray President Joe Biden as facing one crisis after another. Indeed, the administration came into office declaring that the nation faced four simultaneous crises — the COVID pandemic crisis, the related economic crisis, the climate crisis, and the racial equity crisis. Declaring so many crises allowed the White House to portray Biden as a president heroically battling enormous odds, even as it tended to exaggerate the problems facing the United States.

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Miami Imam: If You Love Jesus, Islam Is the Religion for You

Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi, imam at the Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah in north Miami, struck a blow for interfaith harmony recently when he preached a sermon in which declared: “If you truly love Jesus, this [Islam] is the religion for you.” Kablawi’s sermon was an excellent illustration of why Muslim persecution of Christians continues unabated in Nigeria and elsewhere.

After declaring that Palestine is “the land of Islam – and we will take it back,” Kablawi began a lengthy expatiation on Islamic martyrdom. “Every true Muslim,” Kablawi asserted, “should talk to himself about dying as a martyr for the sake of Allah. The Prophet said whoever does not do that is a hypocrite. Can you imagine? There is nothing higher than to die for what you believe.”

Kablawi then struck the victimhood pose that is so very much in fashion nowadays among Islamic advocacy groups in the U.S.: “But they make people heroes because they die for what they believe. Only when it comes to Islam, our martyrs become terrorists. They come to talk to you about Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela didn’t die for that, but he fought his whole life, and he was imprisoned for years for his cause, for whatever he believed in… Even thought I have some reservations about what he believed… Gandhi, same story, [was considered] a hero because he died for what he believed in. The guy from Mexico [sic], Guevara, [Che] Guevara, or whatever, a big guy. Even Bob Marley died for his… You know what? [He is] a hero. Why do you praise these people? Because they died for what they believe in. So why is it forbidden for us, when we say that the greatest level that you can attain is to die for what you believe in – for Allah? Why? You have double standards, hypocrites, why?”

The biggest example of this hypocrisy, as far as Kablawi was concerned, was Christians’ reverence for Jesus: “All day long you are bugging us that Jesus died for us… We don’t believe that Jesus died for us, we don’t even believe that Jesus died, period. Yet. But here, you are praising Jesus because he died for what he believed in, to save you from your sins. Why is it forbidden for us to die for our belief, why has it become a big deal?”

Well, one reason is because Jesus didn’t take anyone with him. By contrast, the Qur’an states: “Surely Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their belongings and in return has promised that they shall have Paradise. They fight in the way of Allah, and kill and are killed” (9:111).

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Saul Cornell has always been a elitist political hack when it comes to gun control.

Preamble he says?

He’s trying to make people believe ‘A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state’ somehow overridesthe right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed‘ and thus only the military & the national guard – the elistist/anti-civil rights, wanna-be gun controller’s current definition of ‘militia’ – have a right to have guns.

Of course common English sentence diagraming, taught in grade school, confirms he’s lying.

But – again – Preamble he says?

Well, I’ve got one for him. One that I think he believes he can evade through general ignorance due to the lack of civics education:


THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its (the Constitution’s) powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

Bold & parenthesis are mine.

That preamble clearly states that the amendments are to declare certain things that are restricted from the government exerting its powers on them. The Bill of Rights is a list of restrictions on government, not the people, and Mr Saul Cornell knows this.

Cornell: Originalism Means Gorsuch and Barrett Should Rule in Favor of Strict Gun Control

In another of Heller’s odd intellectual moves, Scalia read the Second Amendment backwards, and in the process effectively erased the text’s preamble. To justify this unusual reading strategy, an interpretive approach that Stevens reminded his colleagues on the bench had never been done in the court’s history, Scalia cited legal treatises written decades after the adoption of the Second Amendment. Once again, to obtain his preferred result Scalia rummaged among sources written a half a century after the adoption of the Second Amendment to find evidence of the text’s original meaning.

Such a move only makes sense if one believes that nothing significant happened in American legal history between the adoption of the Second Amendment and the Civil War, a view most historians would find bizarre and erroneous. Curiously, Justice Scalia did not turn to a legal source more readily available that was written at the same time as the Second Amendment. John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and co-author of The Federalist, had ruled on this issue in 1790s.

Jay wrote: “A preamble cannot annul enacting clauses; but when it evinces the intention of the legislature and the design of the act, it enables us, in cases of two constructions, to adopt the one most consonant to their intention and design.”

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