Journalism’s New Propaganda Tool: Using “Confirmed” to Mean its Opposite.
Outlets claiming to have “confirmed” Jeffrey Goldberg’s story about Trump’s troops comments are again abusing that vital term

ONE OF THE MOST HUMILIATING journalism debacles of the Trump era played out on December 8, 2017, first on CNN and then on MSNBC. The spectacle kicked off on that Friday morning at 11:00 a.m. when CNN, deploying its most melodramatic music and graphics designed to convey that a real bombshell was about to be dropped, announced that anonymous sources had provided the network with a smoking gun proving the Trump/Russia conspiracy once and for all: during the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump, Jr. had received a September 4 email with a secret encryption key that gave him advanced access to WikiLeaks’ servers………

IT SEEMS THE SAME MISLEADING TACTIC is now driving the supremely dumb but all-consuming news cycle centered on whether President Trump, as first reported by the Atlantic’s editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, made disparaging comments about The Troops. Goldberg claims that “four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day” — whom the magazine refuses to name because they fear “angry tweets” — told him that Trump made these comments. Trump, as well as former aides who were present that day (including Sarah Huckabee Sanders and John Bolton), deny that the report is accurate.

So we have anonymous sources making claims on one side, and Trump and former aides (including Bolton, now a harsh Trump critic) insisting that the story is inaccurate. Beyond deciding whether or not to believe Goldberg’s story based on what best advances one’s political interests, how can one resolve the factual dispute? If other media outlets could confirm the original claims from Goldberg, that would obviously be a significant advancement of the story.

Other media outlets — including Associated Press and Fox News — now claim that they did exactly that: “confirmed” the Atlantic story. But if one looks at what they actually did, at what this “confirmation” consists of, it is the opposite of what that word would mean, or should mean, in any minimally responsible sense. AP, for instance, merely claims that “a senior Defense Department official with firsthand knowledge of events and a senior U.S. Marine Corps officer who was told about Trump’s comments confirmed some of the remarks to The Associated Press,” while Fox merely said “a former senior Trump administration official who was in France traveling with the president in November 2018 did confirm other details surrounding that trip.”

In other words, all that likely happened is that the same sources who claimed to Jeffrey Goldberg, with no evidence, that Trump said this went to other outlets and repeated the same claims — the same tactic that enabled MSNBC and CBS to claim they had “confirmed” the fundamentally false CNN story about Trump Jr. receiving advanced access to the WikiLeaks archive. Or perhaps it was different sources aligned with those original sources and sharing their agenda who repeated these claims. Given that none of the sources making these claims have the courage to identify themselves, due to their fear of mean tweets, it is impossible to know. Continue reading “”

Since I can remember, a standard ploy by demoncraps is to say that the Republicans threaten to cut Social Security, hoping the elderly will be stampeded into voting for them. When even the Washington Post,  an enemy of all things conservative, give their highest – 4 Pinocchios – indictment for lying to their beloved candidate, well………………..

WaPo Fact Checks Biden on Misleading Ad About Trump’s Plans for Social Security

The Washington Post called the Biden campaign’s bluff on a new ad that makes some lofty accusations about President Trump’s plans for Social Security.

Trump recently signed an executive order that would suspend the payment of payroll taxes until the end of the year starting on September 1. The majority of Social Security is financed through the payroll tax. Of course, taxpayers would still be expected to pay at a later date. The deferral was intended to help Americans who are struggling through the coronavirus pandemic, the White House explained. Trump also said that, if re-elected, he would aim to end the payroll tax altogether.

Here’s how the Biden camp spun it in their new ad, “Depleted.”

“The chief actuary of the Social Security Administration just released an analysis of Trump’s planned cuts to Social Security,” the ad claims. “Under Trump’s plan, Social Security would become permanently depleted by the middle of calendar year 2023. If Trump gets his way, Social Security benefits will run out in just three years from now. Don’t let it happen. Joe Biden will protect Social Security.”

The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler is here with the fact check.

Given that few lawmakers supported temporarily suspending the Social Security payroll tax, it’s a stretch to think Trump would win enough support to permanently suspend it — even if that were his policy. But if he wins reelection, it’s fair to think he could win congressional approval to cover the few months of payments owed by the Americans covered by his executive order………….

“The president was referring to making forgiveness of the temporary payroll tax deferral permanent,” said White House spokeswoman Sarah Matthews. “President Trump wants to fully fund and protect Social Security as he has stated numerous times.”

The ad asserts that if “Trump gets his way,” benefits will run out. But actually the letter says if transfers are made from general funds, no benefits would run out. That, at least at the moment, is what Trump says he would do.

That adds up to Four Pinocchios.

Worth pointing out
The Atlantic is owned by a Biden megadonor.

Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs, is the majority stakeholder in the publication. Powell Jobs was named by The New York Times among those who financed at least $500,000 of then-presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign in the 2nd quarter this year.

with no appy polly loggies to Mr Simon:
Flip Flopping Away.
Flip Flopping Awaaaay.
The nearer the election the more you’re
Flip Flopping Away.

The – forever- internet is a bad place to change your position and then try and say you never did change your position.
Biden’s handlers apparently saw the real poll numbers and decided he would have to Flip-Flop. Which means Biden and his handlers are merely doing what most politicians do; Stick their wet finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and adjust the lies accordingly.

Just to make clear:
Transcript: Night 2 of the second Democratic debate

July 31, 2019

BASH: Thank you, Mr. Vice President. Just to clarify, would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden administration?

BIDEN: No, we would — we would work it out. We would make sure it’s eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those, either — any fossil fuel.

U.S. presidential hopeful Biden says he would not ban fracking

PITTSBURGH (Reuters) – Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said on Monday he would not ban hydraulic fracturing, a controversial method of drilling for crude oil and natural gas, if elected and called Republican assertions that he supports such a ban a lie. Continue reading “”

The Lincoln Project fabricates racist Trump supporter

In a since-deleted tweet, Project Lincoln posted a video of President Donald Trump’s re-nomination speech on the first day of the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Trump stated that the Democrats are trying to steal the presidential election again, but this time with universal mail-in voting which the GOP claims is a liability for voter fraud. The Left’s vote-by-mail campaign was preceded by spying in the 2016 race. Trump noted that Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden were among those caught red-handed by Republicans.

That’s when a pro-Trump advocate supposedly shouted, “Monkey!” in reference to the former black president. The Lincoln Project added that “the president relished in it.”

“Disgusting,” Project Lincoln’s account signed off before they rescinded the fake story.

What’s truly disgusting: the alleged incident is yet another lie fabricated and circulated by the Never-Trump group.

In actuality, the audience member shouted, “Spygate!”

Even Trump told his fan: “Let’s be nice.” And the crowd revered.


Planned Parenthood Quietly Cancels Their ‘Margaret Sanger Award’ Named After Racist Founder

While continuing to point fingers at conservatives – and, of course, President Trump – for failing to care for poor and minority communities, it appears Planned Parenthood has quietly tried to scrub their own blood-covered hands clean of their racist history – and without anyone noticing.

For instance, it seems as though the taxpayer-funded abortion giant has quietly stopped handing out the Margaret Sanger Award, a prize named for after their founder who was a known eugenicist who targeted black children for extermination. The National Catholic Register has noted that while Planned Parenthood’s own website continues to claim the award is given out “annually,” there hasn’t actually been a recipient since 2015, when it was given to abortionist Willie Parker (who was later accused of sexual assault).

The year before that, it was given to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Continue reading “”


“If they don’t want you to know what they’re doing, it’s because they’re up to no good.”

If Your School District Pulls What One Tennessee District Has, Know Your Rights.

Distance learning for children in K-12 has caused some significant changes for parents, children, and teachers during the pandemic. For many parents, it has also raised some concerns over classroom content. This story from a school district in Tennessee should set alarm bells ringing.

The social justice movement has been pretty successful in pushing its curriculum down to the lowest grades. A startling example of this was shared by one of the founders of the news website After his daughter’s first day of 2nd grade, he announced she would not be returning to her school on Twitter.

He then provided context for his comments using pictures from the material used to teach. The blatant messages in this lesson are hard to miss.

Continue reading “”

Yep, she a fraudulent, deceitful,  hypocrite.
Nothing new about demoncraps

Remember That Moment Kamala Skewered Biden in the Debate? Watch What She Told Stephen Colbert About It Now

In other words, how could you have possibly taken what she said seriously then, Stephen? She said what she thought would hurt him and help herself at the time. Nothing personal that she accused Biden of something terrible, hahaha, it’s just a debate. Now she’s still saying what she thinks will help herself once again. So just forget that she said all that. And watch for the cackling tell. Hillary had that too. Whenever they don’t want to answer the question/gloss over the subject, they’ll start laughing inappropriately to deflect.

This is what being phony and having no principles looks like. This is why people despise unscrupulous politicians, because it really isn’t about principle but about doing whatever they can to get into power.

She’s learned well during her short time as a stunnedtator in D.C. as most demoncrap politicians are liars.

Kamala Harris Lies Repeatedly in First Speech as Biden’s Running Mate

In her first speech since Joe Biden selected her as his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris told multiple lies. To wit:

“The president’s mismanagement of the pandemic has plunged us into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression,” Harris said.

False. The pandemic and its associated lockdowns, not the president, are responsible for the economic contraction. Donald Trump is not the president of the euro zone, which suffered through an even more dire economic contraction in the second quarter: minus 40.3 percent, on an annualized basis, as against minus 32.9 percent in the US. The U.K. suffered a contraction of 59.8 percent, also on an annualized basis. Donald Trump is not the prime minister of the United Kingdom. The U.S. economy did slightly better than Germany’s in the second quarter. And it’s questionable to compare the current crisis to the Great Depression, which was not only deep but lasted more than a decade. The U.S. added 1.8 million jobs in July and Goldman Sachs predicts 25 percent (annualized) GDP growth in the current third quarter, which would mark an end to the U.S. recession after two quarters.

“Just look where [Trump and Mike Pence] have gotten us. . . . Millions of kids who cannot go back to school,” Harris said.

Wrong. It is not Donald Trump’s decision whether kids go back to school, because the federal government does not run schools, but he has urged the schools to reopen. The primary reason kids cannot go back to school is opposition from teachers’ unions. The second-largest teachers’ union is threatening to strike if schools reopen.

“Six years ago, in fact, we had a different health crisis,” Harris said. “It was called Ebola. We all remember that pandemic.”

Incorrect. Ebola was an outbreak, not a pandemic, according to the World Health Organization.

“This virus has impacted almost every country,” Harris said. “But there’s a reason it has hit America worse than any other advanced nation. It’s because of Trump’s failure to take it seriously.”

Wrong. Several advanced nations have suffered more fatalities per million population than the U.S.: Belgium, the U.K., Spain, Italy, Sweden. Donald Trump is not in charge of any of these countries.

Joe Biden, Susan Rice, and Seal Team 6

Benghazi liar and former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice has seemingly risen to the top of Joe Biden’s VP list, which would make a unique pairing of someone who can’t tell the truth and someone who can’t remember the truth.

One of the chief unmaskers of Trump officials caught up in deep state surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign and an architect of the attempted coup against Trump, Rice recently lied again by pushing the false claim that Trump ignored reports of Russian bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and was doing Putin’s bidding by callously letting American soldiers get killed. As reported by Axios:

Former national security adviser Susan Rice says President Trump sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin following news that Russia allegedly offered bounties for those who targeted American soldiers in Afghanistan.

Rice said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday:

“And now we learn that even when it comes to the blood of American service members, this president picks Putin over our troops.”

This was, as Trump says, fake news. The Russians have little money to throw around and the Taliban is trying to kill our troops anyway, for free, troops Trump is bringing home. Yet the woman who went on five talk shows to spread the lie that an Internet video got four Americans killed, including a U.S. Ambassador, at a Benghazi compound that Obama/Biden/Rice left unprotected, has the chutzpah to express concern about the safety of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Of course, she has said that she wants to see Joe Biden elected and would willingly be his VP. She would be Biden’s Rasputin, pulling his strings, completing the fundamental transformation of America begun by Obama. So she ignores Biden’s culpability for Benghazi, as she ignores her own, and ignores Biden’s key role in getting Navy Seal Team 6, the unit that killed Bin Laden, slaughtered in a revenge ambush in Afghanistan. Continue reading “”

No Doubt About It: Democrats Are Part Of The Riot Problem

Qui tacet consentire videtur is the Latin phrase that means he who remains silent appears to consent. The Democrats’ silence when asked to condemn Antifa violence is coming through louder than a deranged Joe Biden outburst on the campaign trail.

New York Democrat Jerry Nadler didn’t hit the mute button when he absurdly claimed Antifa was “imaginary,” then later said its role in the Portland riots was a “myth that’s being spread only in Washington D.C.”

But the congressman set the tone for his party.

During Tuesday’s Senate hearing – titled The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble: Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence – Democrats had a wide open opportunity to state their position. Instead, they went quiet.

“It is unbelievable the Democrats will not come out and say violence is wrong, breaking the law is wrong,” Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn told Fox News. Continue reading “”

The humiliation of Western history.
Those who zealously seek to pollute the past are very much devoted to gaining total cultural hegemony in the present.

The most important issue at stake in the culture war is who controls the narrative through which society understands itself. At present, those controlling the narrative appear to be committed to reorganising society’s historical memory, and disputing and delegitimising its ideals, from liberty to equality. Take Netflix, for example. It is dominated by programmes, like Dear White People and Explained: The Racial Wealth Gap, that recast the Western way of life and Western history as irredeemably malevolent……….

Unlike previous initiatives designed to encourage people to look critically at uncomfortable truths about their past, the 1619 Project offers a ‘take it or leave it’ version of history. Its aim is not to criticise existing historical narratives about the US. It is to negate and even morally annihilate the very foundation on which the US was built. As the NYT put it: ‘Our founding ideals of liberty and equality were false when they were written. Black Americans fought to make them true. Without this struggle, America would have no democracy at all.’

In rejecting the founding ideals of liberty and equality as false, the 1619 Project strips America’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence, of every shred of moral authority. It also erases the profound contribution the American Revolution made to the development of the Western ideal of freedom.

The 1619 Project does not offer any new insights into the past. Rather, it seeks to contaminate the past and render it toxic. Indeed, one of the main contributors to the project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, admits that its principal objective is not to shed light on the past, but to undermine the moral authority of the present. ‘I’ve always said that the 1619 Project is not history’, she writes. ‘It is a work of journalism that explicitly seeks to challenge the national narrative and

If you believe it was ‘accidentally’, I’ve got a bridge in New York to sell you.

Google accidentally enables Home smart speakers to listen in to everyday house sounds

Google accidentally enabled a feature for Google Home users which let the smart speaker listen to the sounds of objects in your house.

A user on Reddit spotted a notification on his phone from his smart speaker which alerted him to the fact his smoke alarm was going off while he was cooking.

Usually, Google Home devices only respond to its active ‘wake words’ – such as “Ok, Google” or “Hey, Google” – but in this instance the speaker was listening out to a passive sound and make “my dumb smoke detectors smart,” the Reddit user wrote.

Other users reported getting alerts for the sound of glass breaking, popped bubble wrap, an air compressor tank, and other high-pitched noises that sound like alarms.

In a statement to Protocol, a Google spokesperson said that the feature was accidentally enabled through a recent software update which has now been reversed.

Suuuuure it has.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” – Santayana

They have an agenda, a narrative to support it, and want to destroy the competition. What’s amazing is that they’re so open about it.

Chicago-Area Leaders Call for Illinois to Eliminate History Classes

At a news conference, State Rep. LaShawn K. Ford said current history teachings lead to a racist society and overlook the contributions of women and minorities.

Ford and other leaders have asked the ISBOE and school districts to immediately remove history books that “unfairly communicate” history.

“It costs us as a society in the long run forever when we don’t understand our brothers and sisters that we live, work and play with,” Ford said.

The state representative is sponsoring a bill that would require elementary schools to teach students about the civil rights movement

Dems Fear Release of Durham’s Findings Before the Election

Attorney General William Barr reiterated this week that he wouldn’t wait until after the election to release the report of U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is investigating the origins of the Russia collusion story. This has Democrats nervous and preemptively saying that anything Durham finds will be the result of a political witch hunt.

Democrats have a lot invested in the Russian collusion narrative and to have it officially debunked would be very damaging to their election prospects.

Washington Post:

“There’s a real danger, in fact an urgent threat, that anything the Department of Justice does will be timed to aid the president,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D- Conn.) said in an interview, adding, “Barr has proven ready, willing and able to distort, distract and deceive.”

At a hearing Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee, Barr was quizzed briefly by both sides on the matter but offered little to satisfy his questioners.

An “urgent threat”? Well, there’s certainly a threat to the narrative that damaged the Trump presidency, but beyond that, Blumenthal is emitting gas.

Continue reading “”

Everytown for Gun Safety’s Stunning Hypocrisy

Evergreen State gun rights activists are stunned at what appears to be hypocrisy of anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, which sent out a pair of emails in recent days, one complaining about the National Rifle Association’s ability to raise $1 million in June, and the other reminding recipients about the $60 million it plans to spend to help elect “gun sense candidates.” Continue reading “”