Fauci: ‘Put Aside All of These Issues of Concern About Liberties’

White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci said Sunday that unvaccinated Americans need to shift their focus from “concerns about personal liberty” to combat the “common enemy” of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“You have to get the overwhelming proportion of people vaccinated, but you also have to do mitigation, and that gets to the controversial issue of mask wearing, and the mandating of things. Mandating vaccines, for example, for teachers and … personnel in the school,” Fauci said during an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Fauci went on to say that, while vaccinated individuals have become infected with the coronavirus, the unvaccinated are the ones with more severe cases. He also took the stance that personal liberties should be put on the back burner in favor of mitigating the spread of the virus.

“It’s the unvaccinated that are doing that, so we have a lot of tasks,” Fauci said. “We’ve got to do mitigation. Put aside all of these issues of concern about liberties and personal liberties and realize we have a common enemy and that common enemy is the virus. And we really have to go together to get on top of this. Otherwise, we’re going to continue to suffer as we’re seeing right now.

Scratch a Lib-Find a Tyrant #2744

There are some people I know that would actually relish the idea of this happening, just for the ‘opportunities’ it would present. And they are the kinds of opportunities I think all my readers can readily imagine.

Biden Administration May Consider ‘Vaccine Passports’ For Interstate Travel

President Joe Biden really wants Americans to get vaccinated, and after rolling out all the stops, from free beer to free Uber rides to child care, the administration has plans to penalize those that either won’t get the shot or don’t feel obligated to prove to the government or businesses that they’ve gotten the shot.

The administration may consider creating vaccine requirements for interstate travel for citizens within the US.

The AP reports that “…while more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed, the administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.”

“That’s not to say they won’t be implemented in the future,” the AP writes, “as public opinion continues to shift toward requiring vaccinations as a means to restore normalcy.”

The Biden administration has forced many federal employees to vaccinate, and has urged US businesses to force their employees to get vaccinated as well, under penalty of losing their position or persistent COVID testing.

The Biden administration said they would work with businesses to create a vaccine credentialing system, but has repeatedly said that there would be no federal database of vaccine recipients.

Disney, United, and Google issued vaccine mandates for their employees. More than 600 colleges and universities are requiring the vaccine as well, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

“We are essentially saying there are different paths you can take, but the path that you cannot take is doing nothing—that’s the one unacceptable position right now,” said deputy director of strategic communication and engagement for Biden’s COVID-19 response team Ben Wakana.
Georgetown Law took up the question of Americans’ rights to travel freely within the United States under the Trump administration at the start of the pandemic. At the time, Americans in many parts of the country were asked to “lockdown” for two week and to “slow the spread” so that when Americans got sick and ended up in the hospital, they didn’t all end up there at once, overwhelming the medical infrastructure.

Meryl Chertoff, Executive Director, SALPAL writes: “The right of Americans to travel interstate in the United States has never been substantially judicially questioned or limited. In 1941, the Court declared unconstitutional California’s restriction upon the migration of the ‘Okies’—whose travails are famously documented in ‘The Grapes of Wrath.’ Justice Douglas referred to ‘the right of free movement’ as ‘a right of national citizenship,’ and the rights of the migrants were upheld under the Commerce Clause.”

“The Privileges and Immunities Clause protects the rights of US citizens,” Chertoff goes on to say, “who are each also the citizens of a state, against discriminatory treatment under the law of a different state. In a 1985 case, the Court found that the Privileges and Immunities clause prohibited discrimination against a non-resident except where (i) there is a substantial reason for the difference in treatment; and (ii) the discrimination practiced against nonresidents bears a substantial relationship to the State’s objective.

In deciding whether the discrimination bears a close or substantial relationship to the State’s objective, the Court has considered the availability of less restrictive means.”
“The baseline, then, is that freedom of movement within and between states is Constitutionally protected,” Chertoff concluded.
On Thursday, the CDC was asked outright what they would be doing to make sure that counterfeit vaccine cards were not in circulation, and if they’ve reconsidered creating a federalized system to track vaccine recipients and issue identification for the vaccinated to enable them to move freely through society while those who don’t have the credential are shut out from public life.

Biden administration COVID spokesperson Jeff Zients was asked “Is the administration reconsidering something like a QR code, or a passport, to help verify people’s vaccination status and if not, what are you doing to stop the proliferation of fake vaccine cards?”
“There are a number of ways people can demonstrate their vaccination status,” Zeints said. “Companies and organizations and the federal government are taking different approaches, and we applaud this innovation.”
“Through vaccination requirements, employers have the power to help end the pandemic,” Zients said.

But, Zients said, “There will be no federal vaccination database as with all other vaccines, the information gets held at the state and local level. Any system that is developed in the private sector or elsewhere must meet key standards, including affordability, being available both digitally and on paper, and most importantly protecting people’s privacy and security.”
Biden said on Thursday “I know there are a lot of people out there trying to turn a public safety measure, that is children wearing masks in school so they can be safe, into a political dispute. And this isn’t about politics. It’s about keeping our children safe.”
“I saw a video and reports from Tennessee, protestors threatening doctors and nurses, who before a school board were making the case that to keep kids safe there should be mandatory masks. And as they walked out these doctors were threatened, nurses were threatened. Our health care workers are heroes. They are the heroes when there was no vaccine. They’re doing their best to care for the people who are refusing to get vaccinated,” Biden said.

“And unvaccinated folks are being hospitalized and dying as a result of not being vaccinated,” the president continued, harkening back to his statement that COVID is now a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
“To the mayors, school superintendents, local leaders,” he said, “who are standing up to the governors who are politicizing mask protection for our kids, thank you, thank you as well. Thank God that we have heroes like you. And I stand with you all, and America should as well.”

Bu bu bu but it’s precccious, and I wants it.

Dems should keep their grubby paws off Americans’ retirement savings.

Democrats on Capitol Hill are proving their socialist stripes: They’ve reportedly considered raiding the “super-sized retirement savings accounts” of the wealthy to pay for their $3.5 trillion progressive spending fiasco.

On Tuesday, Politico reported that congressional Democrats are “aghast that hundreds of Americans have IRAs worth more than $25 million, and nearly 30,000 have accounts with balances topping $5 million.” (The nerve of them, no?)

On the other hand, they observe, some folks “have little to no retirement savings” — also surely the fault of those who work hard and save their money over the course of their lives.

Meanwhile, Democrats are desperate to figure out how to pay for all those left-wing agenda goodies — free college tuition, climate-change schemes, universal pre-K — that they’re aiming to stuff into their $3.5 trillion spend-a-palooza. Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) vows to find a way, even if it takes all summer. And what better way than to skim from the savings of “evil” rich folk, those who have been wise stewards of their money, that is?

Please. How would this be even remotely fair to people who’ve worked hard all their lives and saved on the expectation that their money is, well . . . their money? And that it will be there for them when they retire?

Imagine reaching retirement age and suddenly learning that Uncle Sam is going to pull the rug from under you and skim from your nest egg. It would be outright theft. Yet this is how the left, pushed by radical Democratic Socialists like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, thinks these days.

Let’s face it: Dems will never be satisfied until everyone is equally poor, the end game of every socialist system. Yet as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is famous for noting, such regimes “eventually run out of other people’s money.”

New York City Democratic mayoral candidate Eric Adams had it right: America “is not a socialist country . . . [but] a country that believes in giving people the opportunities [so] they will be able to succeed and excel.”

And it’s in large part thanks to the rich — who already pay the lion’s share of taxes — that Americans have many of the opportunities they have. Raiding their retirement funds goes too far.

The Great Reset: The Global Elite’s Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives

The Great Reset is upon us…or at least the powers that be are trying to bring it out. What was once a fringe “conspiracy theory” is now on display plain as day for everyone to see. The economic, political, academic, and media elites around the world are leveraging the chaos, confusion, and restrictions on liberty from the COVID-19 lockdowns and using them to radically alter society around the world.

What will this change look like? The global elites want to create a society of renters who own nothing, while also pushing a social agenda that would be unpopular with the unwashed masses and difficult to implement in a society with a broad, ownership-based middle class. What this means is that you would rent not just your home, but also your phone, computer, car (though you probably will “carshare,” the term for renting a car when you need one for an extended period and summoning one when you need it for a ride), and even the pots and pans you cook with.

The flip side of this will be a radical transformation of the world economy. No longer will you have a job in the sense that it has traditionally been understood. Instead, you will work various and sundry “gigs,” all of which place you in a precarious position at any given time. You will receive a fee for services performed, with no benefits, paid time off, healthcare, or anything else that the middle class in the West has become accustomed to.

To facilitate the Great Reset, rural populations will have to be coerced into more concentrated population centers since dispersed populations have too high a “carbon footprint.” The suburbs will be a thing of the past as suburbs and exurbs become more like cities. Mixed-use housing, where you and 500 other people live in a mid-rise condo hive with shops and “workshare” spaces (the new version of an office – on your dime, not your employer’s) in the same area.

The short version is that it’s a total end to the American way of life, specifically the way of life of most of the Western middle class. The specifics, including the why, are a longer story that you’re going to want to read if you want to be ready to fight against the Great Reset.

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A Teacher’s Union is Suing a Mother For Repeated Attempts to Know What Her Kindergartener is Learning

On Monday, Nicole Solas, a Rhode Island mom whose daughter will be going into kindergarten, was sued by chapters of the National Education Association (NEA) for submitting multiple requests to find out what her daughter was learning when it comes to lesson plans on concepts such as transgenderism and Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Psaki Admits They Have ‘Guidelines’ They’ve Given to Private Businesses to ‘Police’ Proof of Vaccination

We’ve been seeing the Democrats bandying about the concept of vaccine passports for a while.

Now, with them pushing fear porn about the Delta variant, we hearing more about that. New York City just announced this week that they would be requiring evidence of vaccination before being allowed into places like restaurants and gyms. Mayor Bill de Blasio said they were specifically doing that to try to force the vaccine-hesitant to get the shot.

Biden has said that he fully endorses such ideas.

That’s how they get around not having a federal mandate, they just go through the backdoor and try to push behind the scenes, shaming everyone into it, hoping to create social pressure to have businesses, schools and organizations make it mandatory.

Today, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said perhaps a little more than she intended to say, revealing that they actually had “guidelines” that they were talking with private businesses in how to “police” requiring vaccine passports/proof.

First, Psaki repeated what Biden said that they supported the concept. Then she went further. “We want to ensure that it’s done in a transparent way, that it’s in an equitable way, that if there are verification requirements — it can be done digitally, there are a range of ways to provide the information — so there are basic guidelines along those lines that we have conveyed and that we will continue to convey.”

So no, we’re not instituting a national mandatory vaccine passport. We’re just encouraging businesses to do it and telling them how we think it should be done. But we’re not really doing it. Meanwhile, as they try to slip this stuff past us and claim that restrictions are for our “own good,” illegal aliens from all over the world are pouring through the Southern border at a record pace, increasing each month that Biden has been in office, and Psaki also had to admit that some of those folks are positive for the Wuhan coronavirus.

They’re being overwhelmed in McAllen.

According to the city of McAllen, since mid-February of 2021, there have been over 7,000 confirmed COVID-19 positive immigrants released into the City of McAllen by CBP, including over 1,500 new cases in the past seven days. [….]

Cortez also told ValleyCentral the infection rate for migrants rose to a shocking 16%, doubling the numbers from last time. Sister Norma Pimentel of the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley also says the federal government needs to step in.

Both Cortez and McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos said they have not heard “a single word” from the federal government.

The federal government is too busy trying to pushing restrictions on Americans.

DOJ has okayed “local communities” to mandate vaccinations?
That also sounds like SloJoe is looking at mandating vaccines and would do so if he could.
Just because the DOJ says something does not make it legal, and no city can mandate vaccinations anymore than the federal government can.

We’re Not Exporting Our Values to China — We’re Importing Theirs.

Lawn Order, Chinese Style

California is home to nearly 40 million people and the supply of water does not always meet demand, particularly in times of drought. A recent newspaper article offered the solution of snitching on one’s neighbors.

On July 9, the Sacramento Bee published an article headlined, “Is your neighbor wasting water? Snitching on them may ease California drought, study says.” According to the report, “ratting out one’s neighbors could help relieve some of the pressure from California’s current drought.”

That caught the attention of California Globe editor Katy Grimes.

“While California politicians and water officials have long supported water snitches,” Grimes wrote on July 12, “this is the first time we’ve seen a study supporting the idea, and curiously, an out-of-state university study.” That study turned out to be “Public Water Waste Reporting: Contextual Correlates and Conservation Outcomes,” by University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Manny Teodoro, a self-described “environmental justice” warrior.

According to the study’s summary, “The success of water conservation restrictions depends in part on governments’ capacity to monitor water use. Inviting the general public to report instances of water waste is one means of expanding government capacity to monitor and enforce water use.”

For Grimes, “the study was all about monitoring neighbors and ratting them out when their sprinklers run too long or on the wrong allowable water day.” In this case, Teodoro leaned on strategic assistance.

The study supports the idea of “participatory surveillance” and cites the Chinese research article “Social ties and citizen-initiated contacts: the case of China’s local one-stop government,” written by Youlang Zhang, assistant professor in public administration at China’s Renmin University, and Xufeng Zhu, professor of public policy and management at China’s Tsinghua University. The article examines why some citizens are “more likely to initiate contact with the government than others.”

As the abstract explains, “We find that citizens with strong political ties are significantly likely to initiate contact with local one-stop governments.” For Grimes, “strong political ties” means that “these citizens have some sort of political tie to the Chinese Communist Party and/or the Chinese government because China is a one-party state.”

As it turns out, the research for “Social ties and citizen-initiated contacts” was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), established in 1986 under the jurisdiction of the State Council and since 2018 managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The State Council of the People’s Republic of China, in turn, is “the Central People’s Government of the PRC” and “the highest organ of state administration.”

The English-language link for the State Council shows a photo of Xi Jinping participating in the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) centenary celebrations. In China, all science is political science, and everything traces back to the CCP. Meanwhile, the push for what Grimes calls “water snitching” is hardly the only Chinese influence in California.

For the new span of the Bay Bridge from San Francisco to Oakland, California rejected federal funding that would have required the use of American steel. Instead California contracted with China’s state-owned Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., which at the time had no experience building bridges. California politicians claimed Chinese steel, engineering, and labor would save money and render a quality product. They were wrong. The span came in 10 years late, $5 billion over budget, and riddled with safety issues that remain to this day.

One of the biggest boosters of the new span was Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a former mayor of San Francisco. In March 2020, Gov. Newsom declared a state of emergency and during an April 7, 2020 MSNBC appearance, announced a $1 billion deal for “upwards of 200 million masks” with “a manufacturer here in the state of California.” That turned out to be Build Your Dreams (BYD), a Chinese company with no experience manufacturing masks, and at the time the efficacy of masks was still in question.

The $1 billion deal was 30 percent more than the state budget allotted for infectious diseases for the entire fiscal year. Newsom hid details of the deal, even from fellow Democrats. The governor quickly sent the first installment of $495 million to BYD, and the Chinese company referred reporters’ questions back to his office.

Newsom’s dealings with BYD have made the recall election something of a referendum on China. The vote will take place on Sept. 14.

Jefferson County parks & rec district to take up concealed carry ban as gun rights fight goes local.

LITTLETON — A large special district in Jefferson County may be among the first entities in Colorado to test the limits of a new law allowing local governments to enact gun control laws within their jurisdiction.

The ink from Gov. Jared Polis’ pen on a new bill allowing the Foothills Parks and Recreation District (FPRD) to ban all firearms, including concealed carry by lawfully permitted citizens, from its facilities had only been dry for three days when FRPD staff brought up the idea at its board of directors meeting on June 22.

According to those at the meeting, it appeared at first that the board was ready to vote on the ban that night, until it was suggested that they wait for public comment at the next meeting, which is scheduled for 6 p.m. on July 27.

FPRD Executive Director Ronald Hopp confirmed to Complete Colorado that the board has asked its staff to bring forward a concealed carry ban to a future meeting, but was not sure when that would be.

“It hasn’t been confirmed that it will be at the July meeting or not, but at a future meeting the board has asked to add an agenda item to consider adding a concealed carry ban to our existing policy which bans open carry from our parks, trails and facilities,” Hopp said. “Given the new legislation that was approved by the governor and the legislature … they asked to have an agenda item to consider adding concealed carry to that prohibition.”

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The Rise Of a Secret Unaccountable Police Force in America

Our founders knew that concentrating too much power in any one federal agency – especially a law enforcement agency – could lead to a tyrannical police state. It was one of their greatest fears. After all, they knew a thing or two about tyranny, and it was something they wanted to avoid at all costs.

As a result, today’s federal law enforcement agencies have very limited authority and very specific missions: Border Patrol patrols the borders, of course; DEA investigates narcotics; and the ATF enforces archaic alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives laws. The FBI has by far the broadest powers, but it too is constrained by a very specific set of rules and guidelines from the U.S. Attorney General – a process called predication. Contrary to what’s depicted on television, before FBI special agents can swoop in and take over a case, they must first have a federal predicate – they must believe that a federal crime or national security threat exists before they can investigate.

All of these federal agencies are transparent and accountable to the public, although some more so than others. They’re all subject to the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which was signed into law in 1966, and they routinely publish annual reports as well as internal investigations by their inspectors general.

All federal law enforcement agencies keep the public informed of their activities – all except one.

If you want to create a secret police force, the U.S. Capitol Police would be a good choice, since they’re already halfway there. The agency has scant oversight. It’s shrouded in secrecy and refuses to change.

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is part of the legislative branch, which is exempt from FOIA requirements. Because they report to Congress, the USCP believes they too are exempt from FOIA. I should point out by way of comparison that even the CIA is subject to FOIA. Additionally, the USCP publishes no annual reports, and even the findings of its own inspector general are kept secret and not made public.

The mission of the USCP is to “Protect the Congress – its members, employees, visitors, and facilities – so it can fulfill its constitutional and legislative responsibilities in a safe, secure and open environment,” so you would think that the agency would focus its enforcement efforts in Washington, D.C., but that is no longer the case.

Congress is now seeking to nationalize the USCP by creating “field offices” in different states. Two field offices are planned for now, but more are coming.

“The new USCP field offices will be in the Tampa and San Francisco areas. At this time, Florida and California are where the majority of our potential threats are,” the agency announced in an email last week.

These new field offices will be used to “investigate threats” made against members of Congress, Acting USCP Chief Yogananda Pittman announced last week.

Clearly, Pittman and the agency she heads are reeling from the events of Jan. 6th 2021. In her press release titled: “After the Attack: The Future of the U.S. Capitol Police,” Pittman spells out some of the changes that have already taken place. While the chief announced the acquisition of two new “wellness support dogs” – Lila and Filip – a “pivot towards an intelligence-based protective agency,” the purchase of new riot helmets, shields, and less-than-lethal munitions. Note that she did not identify the types of threats her officers will investigate in their newly created regional offices.

The one thing that is clear, given the USCP’s penchant for secrecy, the public will never know what they’re up to.

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The Amazon driver’s attack on an older woman is an important warning

On Friday, a very disturbing video emerged and instantly went viral. It showed a young Amazon driver viciously punch an older woman who had been unhappy with a slow delivery. While the video is shocking on its own, it’s also a loudly clanging warning about the dangers of Critical Race Theory (“CRT”), especially when allied with other leftist doctrines commonly taught to the young, including the claim that words are violence. As CRT expands throughout America, expect more attacks like this one.

You can see the whole episode in this video. Please note that the older woman had finished speaking and was walking away from the driver, Itzel Ramirez, when Ramirez suddenly went berserk – and, as the tweet notes, Ramirez still claimed self-defense:

Here are a few more facts:

Doug Smith, the owner of the apartment complex, told NBC Bay Area that the resident asked Ramirez about the package after she received an alert that it had arrived. Ramirez reportedly told her to be patient. After 15 minutes went by, Ramirez was approached by the resident again.

According to the sheriff’s office, Ramirez said something about “white privilege” and the resident in return called her a “[expletive].” Deputies say Ramirez then hit the older woman 10 times in the face. The woman sustained injuries to her face and head and likely suffered a broken nose, officials said.

In fact, the older woman did not call Ramirez a “bitch.” According to the sheriff, it was a bit less direct than that. She merely said that Ramirez was “acting like a bitch.”

So, what we’ve got is a situation in which a woman waited 15 minutes for her package and, apparently, complained. Ramirez’s response came straight out of CRT. Rather than apologizing for the delay, she accused the woman of having White privilege. That’s the moment at which Ramirez showed that she viewed herself as a victim of a predatory and evil person.

The next thing that happened is that the woman, having been accused of something patently ridiculous, muttered that Ramirez was “acting like a bitch.” Again, pay attention to the fact that we see that the woman has already turned away when she says this and has quickly put distance between herself and Ramirez. Yet Ramirez claimed “self defense.”

Ramirez’s claim is not as ridiculous as it sounds. Young people today are repeatedly told that, if they’re a member of a victim class – and Ramirez has already established that she believes this – words from the victimizer are violence. They’re not justifications for violence. They’re not things that hurt your feelings. They are violence. They are equal in weight and pain to a physical attack. The days of “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me” are gone.

If you’ve been attacked physically, you are reasonable to respond in kind. And that’s what Ramirez did.

Ramirez is being held on $100,000 bail and will be charged with elder abuse and battery. That’s as it should be because she is ultimately responsible for her conduct. But let’s be honest here: Ramirez did what she did because our culture has taught her to view herself as a threatened victim and to believe anything a White person says or does is violence.

Given that Ramirez is part of a generation trained to think this way, you can expect that there will be other, similar attacks. This is where CRT inevitably leads, and societal degradation will happen fast. Just think of the speed with which Hitler perverted German culture. He assumed power in 1933 with less than 30% of the popular vote, at which time he ended all future fair elections. Within two years, his Brownshirts and Hitler Youth were routinely attacking Jews. (My Dad escaped from Berlin in 1935 after a brutal beating from some Hitler Youths.)

CRT needs to stop yesterday. Otherwise, culturally, we’re heading into a dark alley from which there is no escape.

leftist tyrants gotta tyrant.

Biden Supports Suppressing Online “Misinformation” Press Secretary Says

President Joe Biden supports efforts to crack down on “misinformation” on Big Tech platforms, the White House said.

“The president’s view is that the major platforms have a responsibility related to the health and safety of all Americans to stop amplifying untrustworthy content, disinformation, and misinformation, especially related to COVID-19, vaccinations, and elections. And we’ve seen that over the past several months, broadly speaking. I’m not placing any blame on any individual or group; we’ve seen it from a number of sources,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters in Washington……..

Senator Klobuchar Says Facebook’s Trump Ban Doesn’t Go Far Enough

The recent decision by the Oversight Board to uphold Facebook’s decision to indefinitely suspend President Trump reignited calls for antitrust laws against Big Tech companies. But Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), who is leading a team that could reshape the country’s antitrust laws, says the ban was not punishment enough.

In an interview with Yahoo Finance, Klobuchar called her political opponent the “ultimate conveyor of misinformation,” adding he should be permanently banned from social media platforms…….

I like “What about ‘shall not be infringed.’ do you not understand?”
If they come back with ‘well regulated’, ask them who has the right (the people) and what should be ‘well-regulated’ (Militia).

Eight Lovely AR-15 Facts (#7 Is the Best) You Need to Argue With a Lib

Show progressives your AR-15 and it’s like flashing a crucifix at a vampire. They recoil, hiss, and occasionally soil themselves. They will tell you all day that ARs are the devil’s kazoo. A weapon of war that has no place in your gun safe.

You can’t have real AR-15 conversations with liberal komrades. It’s like discussing an iPhone with the Amish. They know too little about the weapon to discuss it responsibly. They just know what Don Lemon tells them. The weapon has an evil mind of its own. More importantly, YOU don’t need one.

Liberal Fact-O-Rama: If you gaze into a mirror and say ”Bloody AR” 10 times, a redneck will shoot up a Denny’s. 

If you find yourself in an online blowout with a Facebook Trotskyite about “America’s Rifle,” you’ll need to know a few things to shut him down. Here are some AR fun-fill facts in convenient (.223) bullet format;

  1. The AR stands for Armalite Rifle (not assault rifle) because the gun was developed by a company called “Armalite.”
  2. It is not an “assault rifle.”
  3. It’s not a machine gun either. It’s semi-automatic. One trigger squeeze gets you one commie stopper.
  4. They are not used in a majority of mass shootings.
  5. The Assault Weapons ban of 1994 didn’t keep ONE rifle from being made. It just called for certain gun modifications, like no lug for a bayonet (you know, to curb all the mass bayonet murders), no high-cap mags, flash suppressors, collapsible stocks, and no pistol grips.
  6. Big, scary AR-15s actually come in many pretty colors. Great Lakes Fire Arms makes one in black cherry. You can find them in camo pink.
  7. More people are murdered every year by edged weapons (knives, swords, Ginsus, etc.) than by ALL rifles combined (ARs, hunting, Civil War reenactors, etc.).
  8. More people are murdered every year by feet and fists (Kung Fu, Krav Maga, punches) than by ALL rifles combined.
What IS an assault rifle?

An assault rifle is a gun that fires in automatic mode (machine gun) and semi-automatic. Today’s assault rifles may also have a “burst” mode, which fires three rounds with every trigger pull.

Germany created the first assault rifle during WWII, the “Sturmgewehr 44” or StG 44. Brad Pitt uses one in the movie “Fury.” You can buy an StG 44 knock-off in 22LR (semi-auto only).

Your AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle, nor is it a “weapon of war.” Even if it was, you can’t find ammo these days. Without ammo, your rifle is just a club.

I should have stated this first, but when it comes to the AR-15 nothing you say will change the minds of bolshevik-Amerikans. Don’t waste your time. They will never agree the that Constitution allows you to have one. You’re better off going to the range with your weapon and posting some photos. They’ll see the pics and go nuts. You get some gun practice AND the thrill of triggering a lib. Bonus points if they get so mad they call you a racist, redneck Trump-loving yahoo.

Lefties ARE correct when they say that “No one hunts with an AR-15!” This is true. Few people hunt with them. The AR-15 is for defending the republic against commie pinkos, both foreign and domestic.

Yeah, this is ‘just an idea’

Antifa Assaults Small Child, Seattle Police During May Day Riot

Police in Seattle declared an Antifa May Day protest to be a riot after marchers reportedly assaulted cops and a small child. The rioters continued, marching into the streets committing crimes.

Antifa began a May Day demonstration in Cal Anderson Park in Seattle on Saturday evening, according to a tweet from the Seattle Police Department. The protest became violent as Antifa began throwing flares, bottles, eggs, paint, and a bag filled with an unidentified liquid.

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Tyranny is the inevitable consequence of liberalism
The past, we’re so often told, is a dystopia — a cauldron of backwardness and bigotry

Are citizens of liberal societies permitted to question liberalism? In theory, the answer is yes, given liberalism’s commitment to ‘free thought’ and ‘the marketplace of ideas’. Such tolerance is rarely in evidence in practice, however — a reality illustrated in hilarious fashion by a writer for a Washington magazine who recently decried ‘cancel culture’ even as he insisted that: ‘It’s absolutely necessary to de-platform public intellectuals who object to liberal democracy.’

To the liberal mind, to question liberalism risks opening portals to the past, a place populated by tyrannical kings, Catholic inquisitors, Spanish conquistadores, religious warriors, zealous apparatchiks, ‘collectivists’, fascists and sundry other ghastlies. Over the past few years, as voters registered discontent with the global liberal consensus, an entire cottage industry of books, essays and charities has sprung up to warn against revivifying the past.

The past, we’re so often told, is a dystopia — a cauldron of backwardness and bigotry. One that must be repressed at all costs.

Liberals disagree over where exactly lies the line dividing the enlightened time and the dark time. ‘Classical’ liberals tend to mark 1789, whereas ‘progressive’ liberals — noting that much of reality since that watershed year has failed to conform to their own liberal ideal — are uncomfortable with anything not from the present or the future. Hence they now issue fatwas against even the avatars of liberalism’s own recent past (Cher, Dr Seuss, J.K. Rowling, etc).

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