Appeals Court Paves the Way for Illegals to Potentially Steal the Election in Arizona.

It seems like the Democrats’ rule of thumb is: if you can’t win, cheat.

On Thursday, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed itself and will now allow Arizonans to register to vote in federal races without having to prove citizenship.

“It’s another dizzying swerve in the legal battle over a 2022 law that aims ultimately to reverse a portion of the National Voter Registration Act and require all Arizona voters to show proof of citizenship to register to vote,” reports USA Today. “The order reopens a path for potential voters who just two weeks ago were barred from using the state voter registration form to sign up to vote unless they could produce proof of U.S. citizenship. It comes with two months left before the Oct. 7 registration deadline for the high-stakes presidential election.”

The order means people can again use the state-issued voter registration form even if they don’t produce proof of citizenship. Instead, they attest under penalty of perjury that they are citizens, and are limited to voting in federal races only.

In the first 10 days after the July 18 ruling that required the documentary proof, the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office said it had rejected 200 voter applications.

On Thursday, the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office clarified the impact of the ruling.

“Election officials may not reject voter registration applications submitted without DPOC, regardless of which form is used,” communications director Aaron Thacker said. DPOC is shorthand for documentary proof of citizenship.

There is only one reason to allow Arizonans the ability to register to vote without proving citizenship: to let illegals vote. That’s why Joe Biden opened up the border, and that’s why the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed itself.

Senate President Warren Petersen vowed to seek an emergency stay from the U.S. Supreme Court “to make sure only American citizens are voting in our elections.”

Petersen, along with House Speaker Ben Toma, have defended the proof of citizenship law since it passed in 2022 and was almost immediately challenged. The two Republican legislative leaders are joined in the case by the Republican National Committee.

Two weeks ago, Petersen and Toma were celebrating the ruling that blocked registrations without citizenship proof. But late Thursday, Petersen said the reversal is “another example of why the radical 9th Circuit is the most overturned circuit in the country.”

He acknowledged his praise of two weeks ago. “When someone gets it right, they deserve praise. A broken clock is right two times a day.”

We knew that radical leftists were going to play dirty to win this election. They’re not hiding it anymore. Arizona was incredibly close in 2020, and fraud allegations marred that election. Mass mail-in voting had a significant impact on the election, and an audit later revealed that 53,305 ballots had various irregularities, which is more than five times Biden’s state-certified margin of victory. The media, of course, dismissed the audit, and any suggestion that Biden’s victory was illegitimate was a surefire way to get censored and demonetized.