Senator Rand Paul Questions Dr. Fauci, Drops a Bomb in Senate Hearing

Senator Rand Paul had the best five minutes in the first two hours of the hearing in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today. It is clear he has been abiding by shelter in place orders because his hair and beard look dangerously close to qualifying him to join the cast of Duck Dynasty. However, his questions could not have been more on point.

Really the history of this when we look back will be wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction starting with Ferguson in England. I think we ought to have a little humility in the belief we know what’s best for the economy.

As much as I respect you Dr. Fauci, I don’t think you are the end all. I don’t think you are the one person that gets to make a decision. We can listen to your advice, but there are people on the other side saying there is not going to be a surge and we can safely open the economy. The facts will bear this out.

But if we keep kids out of school for another year, what’s going to happen is that the poor and underprivileged kids who don’t have a parent that can teach them at home are not going to learn for a year. I think we ought to look at the Swedish model. It’s a huge mistake if we don’t open schools in the fall.