I’m not the first to think that a lot of SloJoe’s ‘gaffes’ during speeches are actually his staff making purposeful mistakes in his TelePrompTer feed.
Why is a good question with a multitude of possible answers.

We could make Joe Biden’s latest gaffe a daily feature, although to be fair, what is most alarming is not so much Biden’s constant factual errors as the demeanor and frailness that suggest he is ready for a nursing home. In today’s blunder, Biden says (twice) that over 350 million Americans have been vaccinated against covid:

What makes this appalling, given that Biden is alleged to be the President of the United States, is that there are nowhere near 350 million Americans. It isn’t just that Biden can’t read his note card properly. Does he really not know how many people live in the country he purports to govern?

Apparently not. Biden’s lack of mental capacity is frightening, and we can only hope that he gets through his term without facing a crisis of any sort.